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adam_f 08-25-2008 05:48 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...
Just to start out, I only saw her for five minutes today and didn't think it wise to be like "Oh, hey, how was Santa Fe? Ah, that's sweet. Yeah, by the way, I kinda want to fuck you really bad." We just talked for a minute and went to class, and I want to clear up I think I'll be subtler than the whole fuck you bad thing.


Originally posted by ToucanSpam
...or not, you know. You could just go for it and have it blow up in your face. Your call.
Confidence, I like that. More than likely you're right, so more than likely that sucks a whole lot for me.


Originally posted by monkey
put your arm around her waist and start holding a hug a little extra long
I actually did hug her today and she seemed happy to see me since I haven't seen her in three weeks, so that was nice.


Originally posted by Bob
you're afraid of girls? what are you gay or something?
Not gay, just curious.


Originally posted by Bjork
Don't drop a bomb on her, if she felt the same you would already know.
Here's the thing...I have no idea how she feels. Sometimes I think she might have feelings, sometimes I'm not sure, sometimes I post on message boards and debate out loud if she has feelings. It's crazy.

RobMoney$ 08-25-2008 05:49 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...
You made the right choice.

Trust me, when you get to be an old fuck like me you'll regret not trying.

Everyone has crushes in their life. Most of us are too chicken-shit to do anything about it and years later when you look back on things you'll realize that she was probably as much into you as you were into her.

Dude, she likes you. trust.
That story about that other dude could have been her testing you to see what your reaction would be at the idea of her being with another guy.

Make her a mix CD.

adam_f 08-25-2008 05:50 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...

Originally posted by RobMoney$
The way I see it, you have two choices.

1. You can go for it

2. You can follow Toucan's advice.

What would you suggest, sir?

RobMoney$ 08-25-2008 05:59 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...
Yeah, you posted the same time I did so I just edited.

ToucanSpam 08-25-2008 06:06 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...
I'm not just being negative to be a prick, but based solely on the evidence presented in the thread I think it's a bad idea to put yourself out there. While I think it's cute everyone believes 'you miss all of the shots you don't take', I'm playing devil's advocate here and giving you a rational answer. If she wanted you, she would have let you know by now. Since she didn't, I think you should let this go.

Alternatively, if she's waiting for you to make a move, she's probably into playing games. IMO women who like games are long-term bad dating options. Just a thought.

Also, in this case, I'd be very happy to be wrong and have this work out for you if you decide to go for it. And I won't say 'I told you so either'. I'm simply trying to give you the best advice I can offer, given my knowledge of the situation.

ericlee 08-25-2008 06:23 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...

Originally Posted by Randetica (Post 1609100)
i love shy guys


Bob 08-25-2008 06:24 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...

Originally Posted by ericlee (Post 1609321)


RobMoney$ 08-25-2008 07:20 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...

Timmy Lupus: Mr. Buttermaker...I don't know about you, but I want to don't send me in.

Buttermaker: Listen, Lupus, you didn't come into this life just to sit around
on a dugout bench, did you?

Get your ass out there and do the best you can.

Bad News Bears=Life.

adam_f 08-25-2008 07:51 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...

Originally posted by RobMoney$
Make her a mix CD.
Ironically enough, there's this Nouveau Riche song she likes I have on my iPod and she couldn't find it for download so I put it on a mix. This was like, a week ago.

Anyway, thanks for the advice, man. I really appreciate it. Bad New Bears does equal life.

funk63 08-25-2008 08:21 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...
Go up to her and grab her right on the ass and just go at it.

russhie 08-26-2008 03:30 AM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...
Having been the recipient of I-like-you-more-than-a-friend on wayyyy too many occasions, I can say more often than not it's not reciprocated. Just because a girl likes to hang out with you, you have similar tastes in stuff, or she looks pleased to see you - doesn't always mean she likes you more than a friend. It always, always freaks me out to have someone say flat out "I like you. Really like you" unless I'm already sorta in some kind of relationshippy thing with them, seeing them casually or something like that.

On the same note though, it's really awesome when a guy you kinda sorta like kinda sorta likes you back...and sometimes all it takes is the small stuff like how you pay her extra attention, remember small stuff she's mentioned or are usually the person who notices when she's unhappy and tries to make her smile, to make the transition from friend to something more. I wouldn't have gotten with my ex if we hadn't been friends first, and even though we aren't together anymore we still have a great relationship, one I wouldn't give up for the world.

That's what it takes to get with me proper, anyway. Hah. Probably not worth much to you, then.

Dorothy Wood 08-26-2008 03:47 AM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...
lol @ toucan's sage advice.

I don't really have any surefire advice, just pay attention to her a lot, give her little dumb presents or something. not anything big, just like, if she's all, "I love elephants", find some kind of elephant thing and give it to her and be like "oh yeah, I found this thing and I thought you'd like it since you love elephants so much".

ease into it I guess. ask her to hang out just the two of you. see if there are any sparks. casually make physical contact, but don't grope her. yet.

if she seems unresponsive, or still talks about other guys after you give some of these things a shot, she's probably not into you romantically.

I dunno, I think I just realized that the friend I like has no clue I like him, even though I've been flirting for months. the other night, we were talking about stuff that people who are interested in each other probably wouldn't talk about. he was telling me about some chick he was hanging out with and how it wasn't working out, and then proceeded to tell me about how his balls ache, and he got an ultra sound and nothing seems to be wrong. but he still has ball pain. then we talked about death and souls for a long time. then we found some frozen brown bananas in the freezer and I said, "frozen poop dildos!" and he laughed a lot. the more I think about it, maybe we were flirting. :/

oh man, men and women are so crazy!!!!!!!!!! :o(!)(lb)

ToucanSpam 08-26-2008 09:40 AM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...
Why are you all edging him towards pursuing this? The evidence he has given to us indicates it's a bad idea for him to make a move. You're all pushing him to do something potentially bad because subconsciously you've all been in this scenario and done precisely what I said he should do and regretted it. If you look at this reasonably you would tell him it's a bad idea and just let things play out without him having to put himself out there to get hurt.

Dorothy Wood 08-26-2008 01:28 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...
well, I think it's a little silly to tell him to avoid girls until he's out of school and making money. frankly, on behalf of womankind, I find that offensive. but you know, keep holding on to your dreams. :rolleyes: maybe you'll be so rich and smart and powerful that sexy ladies won't think you're a weirdo anymore and line up to date you.

adam, don't be scared to take a chance.

ToucanSpam 08-26-2008 01:58 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1609493)
well, I think it's a little silly to tell him to avoid girls until he's out of school and making money. frankly, on behalf of womankind, I find that offensive. but you know, keep holding on to your dreams. :rolleyes: maybe you'll be so rich and smart and powerful that sexy ladies won't think you're a weirdo anymore and line up to date you.

adam, don't be scared to take a chance.


You are a god damned idiot if you take personal offense to that. And nowhere in any of my posts is there any indication that he should avoid women until he's done school. What I said was based on the evidence he should avoid putting himself out there.

Seriously, do you even read your posts before you hit 'Submit Reply'? I'm embarrassed for you.:rolleyes:

And with that, here comes the trolling.

adam_f 08-26-2008 02:11 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...
So, funny story, I was talking to her online and I had no intention to tell her on there, but I said we should hang out soon and I was going to tell her then.

Well, she said 'probably not' and went on to say she was really busy and I said maybe we could watch a movie at her apartment and still 'probably not' and she was kind of a bitch on there, and finally I decided it's really not worth my fucking hassle and if she wants to talk to me, she can call me. I'm done worrying about it if she apparently doesn't even care if we're just friends right now, then you know she doesn't care if we're together like that.

And for the record, I kept my cool talking to her so I didn't say anything to provoke her. I was rather proud of myself.

So thanks, Toucan, I guess you were right.

Dorothy Wood 08-26-2008 02:20 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...

Originally Posted by ToucanSpam (Post 1609117)
Take it from me, when you can cash in on a successful career, all of those sexy ladies who had their fill of college athletes will want something more substantial that includes financial security and intelligence.

uh, hello? ^
I'm not trolling, dumb ass. you just constantly say stupid shit. you're gonna have to make a lot of money to compensate for your terrible personality.

and adam, that sucks. good thing you didn't out and out tell her you liked her I guess. that's strange behavior on her part, she doesn't seem very nice, even for a friend. sorry :(

ToucanSpam 08-26-2008 02:20 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...

Originally Posted by adam_f (Post 1609507)
So, funny story, I was talking to her online and I had no intention to tell her on there, but I said we should hang out soon and I was going to tell her then.

Well, she said 'probably not' and went on to say she was really busy and I said maybe we could watch a movie at her apartment and still 'probably not' and she was kind of a bitch on there, and finally I decided it's really not worth my fucking hassle and if she wants to talk to me, she can call me. I'm done worrying about it if she apparently doesn't even care if we're just friends right now, then you know she doesn't care if we're together like that.

And for the record, I kept my cool talking to her so I didn't say anything to provoke her. I was rather proud of myself.

So thanks, Toucan, I guess you were right.

I wish I wasn't, but I'm glad this is resolved. You're a good guy and you deserve better than this.

ToucanSpam 08-26-2008 02:22 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1609509)
uh, hello? ^
I'm not trolling, dumb ass. you just constantly say stupid shit. you're gonna have to make a lot of money to compensate for your terrible personality.

You need to learn how to not take the internet so seriously, kid. This is bordering on pathetic.

Bob 08-26-2008 02:24 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1609509)
good thing you didn't out and out tell her you liked her I guess.

imagine how dumb he'd have looked if he'd followed everyone else's advice in this thread and told her how he felt

that's gonna fuck with your head, isn't it adam? it would surely fuck with mine

Bob 08-26-2008 02:24 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...

Originally Posted by ToucanSpam (Post 1609511)
You need to learn how to not take the internet so seriously, kid. This is bordering on pathetic.


Dorothy Wood 08-26-2008 02:35 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...

Originally Posted by Bob (Post 1609512)
imagine how dumb he'd have looked if he'd followed everyone else's advice in this thread and told her how he felt

that's gonna fuck with your head, isn't it adam? it would surely fuck with mine

I didn't say he should tell her, just try to put some moves on and back off if it didn't get a response. and he did put the moves on, albeit via IM, but they were still moves and she reacted like a bitch. so now he can either wait and try again some other time or just let it go.

I dated someone a while back who kept pursuing me even though I was kind of a bitch at first. for some reason it just didn't register that he was interested in me. we ended up dating for about 7 months, he wasn't right for me, but we are still friends and love each other.

toucan, go put on some chapstick.

Bjork 08-26-2008 02:44 PM


I told you not to do it as well.

Like I said, you'll know when someone has mutual feelings. It usually isn't a puzzle.

Sorry to hear it didn't work out, at least you didn't make an ass out of yourself telling her how you feel.

cookiepuss 08-26-2008 02:50 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...
shit man, I don't see why he'd be making an ass out of himself by telling her how he feels regardless of how she reacted to the news. but I guess honesty is overrated.

when guy friends of mine have expressed interest as more than a friend I never thought they were an ass, I didn't laugh in their face. I was flattered and said oh no I'm sorry that's not going to work out buddy.

what did he have to lose by telling her really? he didn't have her before he expressed interest, and well he still doesn't have her. nothing gained, nothing lost. yeah the friendship part can be awkward after such an admission...but ti doesn't usually end the friendship unless you just weren't that good of friends to begin with.

I think what he did was fine, and all the advice given was fine too...except mine. love letters are dumb. lol.

and toucan you're chickenshit. bawk bawk!:p

ToucanSpam 08-26-2008 02:59 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...
Your idealistic, naive approaches to romance are so cute.

Bjork 08-26-2008 03:04 PM

Well, I am just expressing to him my experience.

Every situation is different.

Something to think about Adam. 5 years ago I didn't want to date my best friend Nick, and now that I lost him because I rejected him and his ego was shot. if I was given a second oppurtunity today to be more than friends with him, my answer would be yes.

Maybe you should just hold off for a little bit, I mean what's the rush anyway?

cookiepuss 08-26-2008 03:04 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...

Originally Posted by ToucanSpam (Post 1609527)
Your idealistic, naive approaches to romance are so cute.

yeah...probably why I'm single again....I am idealistic. it's true.:o

ToucanSpam 08-26-2008 03:14 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...

Originally Posted by cookiepuss (Post 1609533)
yeah...probably why I'm single again....I am idealistic. it's true.:o

I didn't mean to insult you in particular. Sorry.

cookiepuss 08-26-2008 03:17 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...

Originally Posted by ToucanSpam (Post 1609538)
I didn't mean to insult you in particular. Sorry.

you didn't. I was poking fun at myself...*poke* :cool:

Dorothy Wood 08-26-2008 03:20 PM

Re: So I may wind up killing myself later...
tell us how it's done then, toucan, if you're the expert? after years and years of successful healthy relationships, now you're married and have a full life of wisdom to impart on us lowly idealists, right?

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