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i_love_adrock 08-17-2004 01:24 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
this cd got me hooked on the beastie boys, i bought and loved it and bought ALL there other cds...TT5B is good but i like the older stuff better...its all good. ILL COMMUNICATION is there best cd

adrock_rocks 08-17-2004 01:43 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
i love the new album...........its their best yet! I don't care how old they r or if they have grey hair.......its the music that counts.

beastie-girl 09-08-2004 08:23 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by Brother McDuff
I'd rather hear them preach about politics than hear you preach about your lame opinion.

But that's just me.


MCAsGirl 09-12-2004 05:14 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
Feh. Personally, I loved every track when I first heard them. I think this CD is just as awesome as the other ones. People always get tight-assed when politics are brought up, so I've been hearing a lot of people bitch about not liking the CD for political reasons, which sounds so incredibly stupid to me that hearing it lowers my I.Q. a few points.

themikedee 09-16-2004 06:02 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
I couldn't disagree more. I think this album is a lot more raw and goes back to the old school rap style. Something the beastie boys helped pioneer. The beats are really put together well, and their ryming is really on time and tight.
I'm from NYC and love the fact that its a tribute album.
I also love the way they still joke around a lot, with funny samples and shit.
Its a real throwback.
Def one of their best. (y)

yetti_n_wa 09-16-2004 06:56 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
See...I love when people speak their minds and share their viewpoints on something important. I don't like politics either! However, if someone feels so strongly about something they should express it if they so chose. Though, I do not like when people express themselves in a way where they force or try to persuade others to think like them.

I like the fact that TT5B, is an album about expressing yourself in an open and (freedom of choice) manner. I may agree with how the Beasties go about expressing themselves and using unnecessary examples.

I am just happy with the fact they are sending more stimulating rap in the world! Though, I do and don't like hearing the politics. See it may not offend much what their views are on some things because I may agree. However, they are things I may not agree with and is put off by! So, I can see how this may come into play because I can look at it from both angles.

Honestly, I rather hear beasties talk about real life matters and issues. Then, bit$&%& and hoe$ like SNoop Dogg. He has to be the most stupid, ignorant, whorish, backwards, low on vocab ba$tard I have seen in my life.

His so pathetic, that I don't think he can even stand himself. That is why he is an anoexric bitc^. Afterall, even he calls himself a dog and a ni@@er.

hotchedder 09-16-2004 08:25 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Johanna 09-16-2004 08:27 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
no one cares, plus there are already 100 threads about the exactsame thing...

prof. booty 09-16-2004 08:30 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
I think tt5b boroughs is a very solid album. But I thinnk what all of us hardcore beasties fans are missing is the mix of styles that were on their last 3 albums. Lets face it ,the boys are not the best MC ' s or musicians but when all those styles came together on one album it made them unquie and epic. But in all due respect TT5b is probably their more focused album and it's just like the beasties to switch it up when everyone was expected an album with hip hop and instrutments to do an all rap record.

yetti_n_wa 09-16-2004 09:35 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
I think it is important to speak your mind as long as you are not greatly offensive and inappropriate. Regardless, if they are republican, democrats, or independents, pro-this, pro-that!!! In this world you have to stand for something! Though, sometimes I get confuse as to what it is the Beasties stand for. Sometimes.....I question do they pratice what they preach?

BeastieBoy4 09-16-2004 09:43 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

makeascene 09-16-2004 10:40 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
i think its funny how people are quoting tt5b to dis who ever started this..
its .. well its silly really.
but who else would be quoted here. its cute. .. its sweet..

okay yeah. enough of that. i like the new album. .. its nice. if i were to quote it as a dis.. id use.. "dont mean to bring static" except i would change "dont mean" to "no need" .. see what i did there? "no need to bring static" yeah.. okay...

and i agree that people need to stop posting the same thing over and over again.. "i hate blah blah blah" or "i think blah blah blah is hot" or "they're too political...blah blah blah" ..

and to all the people who get overly worked up about it.. big deal.. its not like ur gonna die if someone doesnt like every word on a beastie cd... lighten up. its just the interent.. its not like you're gonna throw down in a dark and dank alley way...

but who knows i could be wrong..

johnny_ryall 09-16-2004 10:45 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
One love.

yetti_n_wa 09-17-2004 01:34 AM

I meant in my original post that I do not like Beasties need for using unneccessary examples. I think this tactic hurts them greatly. All these dogs, sasquashes. There touching on dangerous territory...which is causing them to do what they are doing right now. Flip flop back and forth like pre=schoolers on different subject matter.

They are way to cool for that....they say that themselves!

The beasties have stayed gone too long and its seems they are using what I consider to be too many gimmicks and irrationally lame jokes to prove a point. Which most may not get. However, since living in crazyville, wa I get.

Afterall, I am starting to Hate the beasties though I was never a fan in the first place. I am just pretending to be a fan! Until this summer I couldnt have told you who they were.


Canabian 09-17-2004 08:16 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
Why would you post this here?

Go join a Metallica board or something, twat :p

bgirl_jess 09-17-2004 01:55 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
I love TT5B

over :)

RaZoRbLaDe KiSs 09-17-2004 09:21 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
honestley, who gives a fuck if you dont like the album? i sure as hell dont give a flying fuck. i never will either. listen to music you like, and buy those CD' leave us alone and continue listening to your avril lavigne CD's you little punk.
im getting to old for this chances of going to hell for tormenting little children are steadily increasing... (y)

fingerlickngirl 09-17-2004 11:21 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
one of my fave things about the bboys is their insane ability to rhyme about absolutely nothing and produce ridiculous innovative music ever single albumn out. BUT, I've go to say I've matured with them and I'm ready for their meaningful lyrics. Times...they are a changin' This album is solid with the message and the rhyme.

Apollo Creed 09-18-2004 11:09 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by vcurtains
Well I was listening to music on my ipod in my car and one of the new beastie's tracks came on, I changed the track immediately and realized why I dislike the new album. I like "check it out" and one other track that was released before the album, I forget it's name, but as for the rest of the album I can't stand it.

The boys have insane rhyming skills, but what I can't stand is them trying to be touchier and preachy. It just doesn't fit, the boys are close to 40, all gray haired, and looking like chemo victims. This tough guy attitude might work for younger, new audiences but I can't stand it.

Alright, let's see here. Judging by your first paragraph, you're obviously the kind of mindless tool that goes out and buys an entire album because you heard one or two singles on the radio and a small amount of hype, and then found you can't handle the rest of the music.

Also, are you saying older artists should end their careers? I guess that makes sense. I'm sure nobody wants to hear what Jimi Hendrix would have sounded like if he lived past his 20's, you mindless knob. When you're gray-haired and 40, I hope you fold up and tuck yourself quietly away so all the young people can go on and enhance the world in ways obviously superior to those of the experienced. Dumbass.

Not to mention, how can you not like trying to be "touchier and preachy" and simultaneously say that "this tough guy attitude" isn't working, you condradictive piece of shit? Typically, 'tough guys' aren't 'touchy and preachy' at the same time. Witless jackass.


Originally Posted by vcurtains
I'm sorry sea dragon that you don't like my point of view, why don't not complain about me complaing and actually understand what I wrote

It's difficult to understand your point of view when we can't see through all the bullshit. And the fact that your opinions aren't based on a fact or anything of value when you say that the album "Intergalactic" was innovative. How the fuck can we take you seriously when YOU don't even know what you're talking about?

Just do us all a favor, you waste of space and energy, and go play hot potato with a live hand grenade all by yourself.

danimal11 09-18-2004 03:47 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by one33one
Intergalactic?????????? HELLO NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for straightening that out. If people don't won't to hear hip hop with intellegence go out and pick up G-Unit. The Beasties are older now and thankfully they've matured, become funnier and more involved. If them speaking out and getting involved turns off some fans, then so be it. I wish more in the industry would take a page from their book.

lil richard 09-18-2004 08:19 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
hopefully they will make new good type of songs on thier next album. (y)

Grasshopper 09-19-2004 05:08 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by Apollo Creed
Alright, let's see here. Judging by your first paragraph, you're obviously the kind of mindless tool that goes out and buys an entire album because you heard one or two singles on the radio and a small amount of hype, and then found you can't handle the rest of the music.

Also, are you saying older artists should end their careers? I guess that makes sense. I'm sure nobody wants to hear what Jimi Hendrix would have sounded like if he lived past his 20's, you mindless knob. When you're gray-haired and 40, I hope you fold up and tuck yourself quietly away so all the young people can go on and enhance the world in ways obviously superior to those of the experienced. Dumbass.

Not to mention, how can you not like trying to be "touchier and preachy" and simultaneously say that "this tough guy attitude" isn't working, you condradictive piece of shit? Typically, 'tough guys' aren't 'touchy and preachy' at the same time. Witless jackass.

It's difficult to understand your point of view when we can't see through all the bullshit. And the fact that your opinions aren't based on a fact or anything of value when you say that the album "Intergalactic" was innovative. How the fuck can we take you seriously when YOU don't even know what you're talking about?

Just do us all a favor, you waste of space and energy, and go play hot potato with a live hand grenade all by yourself.

wow, man you got some real hostility issues. Good choice for the user name.

Are you a music critic? You seem to know everything from opinions to facts, and genres to styles of music. I must say, I am truly impressed.

Maybe you should try writing for the All Media Guide. I think they are looking for people. :p

Personally, I love the new album. I think its much better than Hello Nasty. The lyrics on this album are fresh, and I like the political direction they have decided to go.
But, I see how some fans might feel that BBoys have not done much in terms of 'new ground' sonically speaking -- whatever that may be...

beastie_dee 09-19-2004 06:17 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
shut up.
noone cares why u dislike the album.
now go away


Apollo Creed 09-19-2004 07:53 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by Grasshopper
wow, man you got some real hostility issues. Good choice for the user name.

I don't have hostility issues, some people just have stupidity issues:p

By the way, my first user name choice was Clubber Lang, but someone already took it. Ah well. Apollo's got better moves anyway.

sea_dragon 09-23-2004 06:38 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by loves_sasquatch
no one cares, plus there are already 100 threads about the exactsame thing...

Exactly, that is why I complained about this thread - not that he didn't like the album (whatevah!), but that he signed up and his first post is a new thread rehashing 100 other threads... Can't you people read:
"Frequent Post Archive
Frequently discussed topics. If you're a new member this is a great place to start."

Although I do find it really weird that someone goes to all the effort of coming to the website and creating an account just to bitch. Pretty trollish behavior IMO...

IceGargoylle 09-24-2004 05:25 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
song 6 is the only one worth listening to.

Love And Theft 09-24-2004 06:24 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
I'm drooling right now just thinking about To The 5 Boroughs.

bboykid 09-24-2004 07:41 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
im sorry to say but the cd rocks

BeastieBoyLuver 09-26-2004 08:23 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
TT5B does rock...and if you don't like it, then hey, fuck you!...haha...maby ppl are just too dumb to understand the album and it's lyrics...that's why they hate it...because it's music that'll actually make you think! if TT5B is too hard for your little brains to handle... you should go check out a britney spears or n'sync cd or something that's at your intelligence levels....whatever...quit bitching stupids....peace out!!

Triv 09-28-2004 05:55 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
ive heard the album afew times at college and to tell u the truth i love it

still cant beileve there like 40 tho....... pure greatness :cool:

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