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Dr Deaf 12-01-2004 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by P of R
Hey! Everyone knows women don't fart!

I smell something fishy here.

tragic, i like a little music while i'm eating.

mickill 12-01-2004 09:45 AM

Re: The Family Album

It's funny how this one tiny photo could divert the attention from about 2 dozen asian tourist-styled pictures right above it. Excellent shot, though.

You went all out, Randy. (y)

You look like you soiled yourself, though. Maybe that's the secret to the look...

Freebasser 12-01-2004 09:46 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by mickill
You look like you soiled yourself, though. Maybe that's the secret to the look...

That pose isn't known as "brown thunder" for nothin', you know.

cosmo105 12-01-2004 11:02 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Dr Deaf
tragic, i like a little music while i'm eating.


Siti 12-01-2004 11:09 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by cosmo105

got it..hmm

Siti 12-01-2004 11:11 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by bobbydigital
Whoa, you're right mike. Unless I use his own method:

Look, oddly I'm wearing a Guinness shirt, too.

handsome (y)

aenema 12-01-2004 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Cooky Puss
hellooow, it's me again. I've got a sparkly thingie in my hair. Woooh!

Yes, I AM an attention prozzie, whatcha gonna do about it?

Abouk you've great skin bitch and I really like you hair longer, it was great short too but Ich liebe ess!!! (y)

DipDipDive 12-01-2004 02:24 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Freebasser
Haha shnikes. Love it!

P.S. You were hot on prom night (y)

Thanks. :o

Cooky Puss 12-01-2004 02:32 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by aenema
Abouk you've great skin bitch and I really like you hair longer, it was great short too but Ich liebe ess!!! (y)

aaaw, muchos gracias my amigo.
But the skin thing isn't true. I've got loads of scars on the right side of my face due to some freaky biting accident when I was a little noukie. :(

Teh 12-01-2004 02:46 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Cooky Puss
hellooow, it's me again. I've got a sparkly thingie in my hair. Woooh!

Yes, I AM an attention prozzie, whatcha gonna do about it?

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee coolness! eeeeeeeeeeee

:D :D (y)

aenema 12-01-2004 02:57 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by montypgirl
But you are still lovely. :)

Yeah she is, totally, my sister has a scar, she thinks it's cool though.

Even if you posted a pic showing your scar I wouldn't be like OMG SCAR, you're still lovely

eh *shuts up*

Cooky Puss 12-01-2004 03:00 PM

Re: The Family Album

Oh bastard, you made my scars more visible! Waah! :mad:


Dr Deaf 12-01-2004 05:58 PM

amazing pic sak, it'd make a mint cd cover.

cute toot pic Cooky Puss.

Siti 12-02-2004 07:23 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Cooky Puss
hellooow, it's me again. I've got a sparkly thingie in my hair. Woooh!

Yes, I AM an attention prozzie, whatcha gonna do about it?

cutie!!! (y) :)

Siti 12-02-2004 07:25 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by P of R
You remind me of someone in that picture. I have no idea who.

Edit: You remind me of one of my friends.

i know who! she's the one in the picture that you sent me,correct?

almost look like Cooky Puss...and her hair cut too

Cooky Puss 12-02-2004 07:35 AM

Re: The Family Album
who is this girl? I want to see her. We might be related.

Siti 12-02-2004 07:53 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Cooky Puss
who is this girl? I want to see her. We might be related.

i don't think i can tell you more,i don't know if matthias like that,sorry :( ask him urself

P of R 12-02-2004 08:00 AM

Re: The Family Album
Actually it's one of my male friends I mean.

NO OFFENCE, Anouk! I didn't mean you looked like him but he smiles like that often. :o

Siti 12-02-2004 08:02 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by P of R
Actually it's one of my male friends I mean.

NO OFFENCE, Anouk! I didn't mean you looked like him but he smiles like that often. :o

really? :rolleyes: but i think she looked like her a lot don't you think?

P of R 12-02-2004 08:05 AM

Re: The Family Album
Now that you mention it, she does a bit.

Helen_22 12-02-2004 08:40 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by synch

Ooh that's scary i stood like 3 rows behind you :eek: (y)

synch 12-02-2004 08:43 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Helen_22
Ooh that's scary i stood like 3 rows behind you :eek: (y)

I'm that scary am I...? :( :p

The Melkweg isn't that big though :) (I can see it from my office window by the way :D

Helen_22 12-02-2004 08:47 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by synch
I'm that scary am I...? :( :p

The Melkweg isn't that big though :) (I can see it from my office window by the way :D

Cool :)

I can see the Rotterdam NN building and resident Rotterdam junkies walking by from my window :cool:

*time to move*

Bitchamachacha 12-02-2004 09:00 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by sak

Anyway, here are some of me I found last night. As always, they're really old and stupid. I have bangs now and am much fatter.

I think this was taken in a restaurant bathroom. Ask Bun. :cool:

Damn, Biz!

The older you get, the more beautiful you become.

Great pics!

cosmo105 12-03-2004 12:11 AM

nerd herd

DandyFop 12-03-2004 12:16 AM

Re: The Family Album
That last one = the awesomest.

Do you think it would be weird if I had that framed on my wall?

Just askin...

Mido 12-03-2004 12:21 AM

Re: The Family Album
Did some postering today....

Now i'm tired....

adrockmelanie 12-03-2004 12:24 AM

Re: The Family Album
i think i started breathing differntly when i looked at those

edit: in a good way

cosmo105 12-03-2004 12:25 AM

Re: The Family Album
great, steal our thunder. now melanie's panting and nobody's looking at our nerdness :(

adrockmelanie 12-03-2004 12:27 AM

Re: The Family Album
aww, don't worry, jessica. your pictures made me breathe funny, too.

ok no that didn't work out how i wanted it to.

nevermind. start over:

yay, i love the pictures! i wish there was a photobooth around here someplace close. :D

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