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rumbles 10-07-2004 04:35 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
amen, freedom of speach.

open up your ears and clean out your eyes.

rumbles 10-07-2004 04:39 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by rumbles
amen, freedom of speach.

open up your ears and clean out your eyes.

freedom to spell words wrong too!!!!! [speech] :p

Parkey 10-07-2004 04:39 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
Isn't the freedom of speech mantra: "I hate what you say and what you stand for, but I will fight to the death to allow you the right to say it"?

rumbles 10-07-2004 04:44 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Parkey
Isn't the freedom of speech mantra: "I hate what you say and what you stand for, but I will fight to the death to allow you the right to say it"?

sounds pretty bang on to me, but to be honest i probably wouldnt fight to my death though.

Parkey 10-07-2004 04:49 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by rumbles
sounds pretty bang on to me, but to be honest i probably wouldnt fight to my death though.

I'd maybe fight till I got cut, then run away...

rumbles 10-07-2004 04:53 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Parkey
I'd maybe fight till I got cut, then run away...

Braver man than me buddy, i was thinking of more like giving them a stern talking to, maybe even pointing at them a bit!?

AdrocksMyBody 10-07-2004 04:56 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
So I've read the thread and I've seen a lot of "in the wrong" and "not in the wrong" flying about. Perhaps it's my limited opinion, but I don't think in this instance there is a wrong or a right per se. But there is opinion and perception. And unfortunately that clouds people's minds and puts them on the defensive.

I look at it like Yauch and the Boys felt that the song promoted or was likely to incite violence towards women. I can understand where that feeling comes from. The song is titled "Smack My Bitch Up." It's an intense track and the fact of the matter is people do take things literally. They do. And if no one is making the effort to look for a deeper meaning in it, well than the arguement that the song could promote violence against women is a valid one in my mind. But what also has to be said is that anyone looking to do harm to women was likely always, in a way, looking to do that. And while the song, however interpreted, may have put the feelings of violence over the edge-- it's not entirely fair to blame the artist/the song for that. Those feelings were there long before the music was, most likely. But on the same token, it's not at all wrong to be put-off by the song, thinking that it could incite violence. Or that it could push already existing feelings to a point of no return.

From where I sit, I don't feel like either the boys or Prodigy were "in the wrong." Prodigy are entitled to make whatever kind of music they'd like to make. But with that right comes the fact that they do have an influence, if not a responsibility. You put out a song like that and there are going to be some people that are offended or will seek a clearer definition of your motivation. And there will be people that misinterpret and take too literally the things you put out, regardless of the original intent.

To find the song offensive isn't being in the wrong. People will have differing opinions, as demonstrated by this thread. An opinion isn't wrong...even if the opinion runs contrary to what you believe. So the boys aren't wrong for feeling the way they felt. And they aren't wrong for asking them not to play that song. They asked. Prodigy declined and played it anyway. Prodigy felt it was slight by the Beasties asking them to not play the song...that's understandable as well. And them feeling that way isn't wrong either.

As for the whole Beastie Boys sucking/Prodigy sucking comments. Well, you know that's what we call subjective. And, to me, it's not the focal point of the arguement at hand. And before I get picked apart, this all just my opinion and how I personally look at this particular debate. I can only hope people are respectful of my, as well as each other's, opinions.

Parkey 10-07-2004 04:58 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by rumbles
Braver man than me buddy, i was thinking of more like giving them a stern talking to, maybe even pointing at them a bit!?

You do that and I'll stand behind you agreeing with everything you say (nodding enthusiastically - that kind of thing).

rumbles 10-07-2004 04:59 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by AdrocksMyBody
So I've read the thread and I've seen a lot of "in the wrong" and "not in the wrong" flying about. Perhaps it's my limited opinion, but I don't think in this instance there is a wrong or a right per se. But their is opinion and perception. And unfortunately that clouds people's minds and puts them on the defensive.

I look at it like Yauch and the Boys felt that the song promoted or was likely to incite violence towards women. I can understand where that feeling comes from. The song is titled "Smack My Bitch Up." It's an intense track and the fact of the matter is people do take things literally. They do. And if no one is making the effort to look for a deeper meaning in it, well than the arguement that the song could promote violence against women is a valid one in my mind. But what also has to be said is that anyone looking to do harm to women was likely always, in a way, looking to do that. And while the song, however interpreted, may have put the feelings of violence over the edge-- it's not entirely fair to blame the artist/the song for that. Those feelings were there long before the music was, most likely. But on the same token, it's not at all wrong to be put-off by the song, thinking that it could incite violence. Or that it could push already existing feelings to a point of no return.

From where I sit, I don't feel like either the boys or Prodigy were "in the wrong." Prodigy are entitled to make whatever kind of music they'd like to make. But with that right comes the fact that they do have an influence, if not a responsibility. You put out a song like that and there are going to be some people that are offended or will seek a clearer definition of your motivation. And there will be people that misinterpret and take too literally the things you put out, regardless of the original intent.

To find the song offensive isn't being in the wrong. People will have differing opinions, as demonstrated by this thread. An opinion isn't wrong...even if the opinion runs contrary to what you believe. So the boys aren't wrong for feeling the way they felt. And they aren't wrong for asking them not to play that song. They asked. Prodigy declined and played it anyway. Prodigy felt it was slight by the Beasties asking them to not play the song...that's understandable as well. And them feeling that way isn't wrong either.

As for the whole Beastie Boys sucking/Prodigy sucking comments. Well, you know that's what we call subjective. And, to me, it's not the focal point of the arguement at hand. And before I get picked apart, this all just my opinion and how I personally look at this particular debate. I can only hope people are respectful of my, as well as each other's, opinions.

...that's what i was gonna say.

rumbles 10-07-2004 05:05 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Parkey
You do that and I'll stand behind you agreeing with everything you say (nodding enthusiastically - that kind of thing).

yeh yeh! and we could dress up like batman and robin or starksy and hutch and put the world to rights!!!! :p

Johanna 10-07-2004 06:13 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
no offence, Qdrop, but you're an idiot

Shooter McGavin 10-07-2004 06:39 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Love And Theft
Woah, I can't believe what I'm reading. I've listened to the new album everyday since it came out and absolutely could not be happier with a great way to spend $14.99.

which album?
because although ive been fans of both bands for so long, i have to admit that both new albums may be slightly weaker than any of their former.
but still a huge fan nonetheless.

j-dog 10-07-2004 06:41 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
[quote=Intense]haha ok...

@dog..why should i care what a irrelevant rookie like u is saying? your cheap disses got no effect on me.

i presume you are referring to me or is there an @dog somewhere here? anyway, in what way am i AN irrelevant rookie? please explain. do you mean rookie as in a new beasties fan/prodigy fan/message board user? really in the dark here. i'll dash each one now anyway. hardly a new beasties fan, bought LTI and the singles when they came out. bought ...experience and singles when released. ok, maybe don't use the message board that much but was using the old one for a few years. don't feel the need to be a total fanatic. love the music and know what i need to know about the group. so, how am i a rookie?
ha, after all this you probably will be responding to an @dog on the board somewhere! if so, oops, my bad.

rumbles 10-07-2004 07:31 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by loves_sasquatch
no offence, Qdrop, but you're an idiot

who the f*ck is Qdrop!?!! (too lazy to search back through all the other posts!) what did he say!? :confused:

Parkey 10-07-2004 07:55 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by rumbles
who the f*ck is Qdrop!?!! (too lazy to search back through all the other posts!) what did he say!? :confused:

My thoughts exactly

rumbles 10-07-2004 08:05 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Parkey
My thoughts exactly

great minds my friend, great minds. :cool:

some people take music too seriously and too literally, the whole reason for music is to express yourself and to have fun, if you dont like it, dont listen to it! :)

j-dog 10-07-2004 08:53 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
er, just realised that i'm wearing a very old prodigy t-shirt to work today. great, now i'm totally fuckin tortured. :confused:

rumbles 10-07-2004 09:03 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by j-dog
er, just realised that i'm wearing a very old prodigy t-shirt to work today. great, now i'm totally fuckin tortured. :confused:

$$$$$$$ put it on e-bay you'll make a mint!?! $$$$$$$$

Qdrop 10-07-2004 09:44 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
(end of page 2- JRide's statement)

Leave it to Jeff to inject some truth.......thanks, man.


Originally Posted by JRide71

"Insert your generic Beastie Boys Quote here"

^ thoughts exactly.

Qdrop 10-07-2004 09:52 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Runoutgroove
The thing your missing out here is that its not just about "my/your/one's personal choice", if that had been the case then every single person at the concert would have (and indeed did make) a choice about whether to stay or leave when smack my bitch up came on. However, if it had never been played then no-one would have had the choice, they all would have been 'protected'. Think people, where does that sort of protectionism end?

I think we can all agree that subjectivity means that we can't say what a song means exactly to every single person, but to not play SMBU on the basis that it might hurt someones feelings? Come on folks , take the rose tinted shades off, I like the Beasties too , but if a politician had come out and said this then you would all be up in arms.


you summarized perfectly!!

Qdrop 10-07-2004 09:53 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by loves_sasquatch
no offence, Qdrop, but you're an idiot

um...yeah......none taken.....ASS.

no offense.....

Johanna 10-07-2004 10:04 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Qdrop
um...yeah......none taken.....ASS.

no offense.....

:( what's with the name calling?

nicolajames1981 10-07-2004 10:09 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Qdrop
yeah....i gotta side with those on this thread (intense, runoutgroove, ect) that feel that the boys were waaaaaaaay off that day in 98'.

the song was NOT meant to promote misogynistic all.
any more then saying "i'm gonna beat your punk ass" is diss to punk rockers.

the phrase "smack my bitch up" is to be taken in the same vien as "so good, makes you wanna slap your mamma" and such.
it's a GENERIC, exclammotory phrase that means "fire it up", ect.

Anyone with the tinyest bit of pop culture savy should be able to decipher this.....including the beastie boys.
and i HAVE to believe they knew this....unless they are truly out of touch with the world around them.
which is why i always thought that whole instance was a publicity stunt of sorts on the behalf of the Beasties...and a pander to the liberal "PC" left.
it really sucked.

and even if prodigy actually meant for the song to be pro-women beating.
so what?....
i am so fuckin sick of liberals and conservatives alike who claim that media (TV and music...books, ect) can induce violent activity.
does any moron out there truly believe the someone is going to hear "smack my bitch up" and say ", it's about time i did smack my bitch up....yeah!!"
come the fuck on!!
anyone who does what a song or book or movie says ALREADY HAS A PREDALICTION TO VIOLENCE, ect. In other words, they are already fucked up.
it's not the's the pre-existing mind.
media will not cause an otherwise law abiding, good natured person to commit violence. that's fucking ludicris and not backed up by a shred of scientific evidence. NONE!
name one REPEATED, substantiated study that shows this....

i can go on....but i'll wait for a reply to this.....

and please, no "but we as a society have to take a general stand against any negative messaging blah blah blah"

such vague, unsubstantiated "feel good" mantras......pathetic and shallow.

No one I know in all of England uses the phrase "Smack my bitch up" as an exclamation. The only reason the Prodigy used that phrase in their toss song is because they knew us uptight Brits would go "OHMYGOD, thats soooooo controversial - let's ban it." The resulting publicity from this controversy lead to the single to be brought by all the sad little kids who think that buying controversial songs makes them cool. That is the only reason I think the Beasties were wrong to discuss not playing the song with the Prodigy - because it gave them exactly the kind of publicity they were relying on to sell their album. That's just my opinion!

Parkey 10-07-2004 10:11 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by nicolajames1981
No one I know in all of England uses the phrase "Smack my bitch up" as an exclamation. The only reason the Prodigy used that phrase in their toss song is because they knew us uptight Brits would go "OHMYGOD, thats soooooo controversial - let's ban it." The resulting publicity from this controversy lead to the single to be brought by all the sad little kids who think that buying controversial songs makes them cool. That is the only reason I think the Beasties were wrong to discuss not playing the song with the Prodigy - because it gave them exactly the kind of publicity they were relying on to sell their album. That's just my opinion!

What bollocks! No-one banned it. They use it on Match of The Day for god's sake!

nicolajames1981 10-07-2004 10:17 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
I know no one banned it. Did I say it got banned? I said that uptight people said "let's ban it" and that people rushed out to buy it because of the controversy surrounding it. It should be banned for being total pants.

Parkey 10-07-2004 10:37 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by nicolajames1981
I know no one banned it. Did I say it got banned? I said that uptight people said "let's ban it" and that people rushed out to buy it because of the controversy surrounding it. It should be banned for being total pants.

How about banning Busted? Now they are offensive and they have come out as Tories. Maybe the Beasties could have a word over that...

Qdrop 10-07-2004 10:53 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by loves_sasquatch
no offence, Qdrop, but you're an idiot

what's with the hypocracy?

Qdrop 10-07-2004 10:57 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Parkey
What bollocks!

being american,
i think "bollocks" is the the greatest word in the british language.....
i can't see it, hear it, or say it without cracking up.

god, what a word.......

well, that.....and "daft"......that rocks too.

Brits sure can talk cool.........

zippo 10-07-2004 02:10 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Yauch
wow, this thread got intense quick, no pun intended. (but while we're on the subject, is that you liam? that would be funny.)

ok, i am going to add a couple of things here.

first off, we didn't tell them not to play the song. we asked them if they would mind not playing it. that is not censorship, that is a conversation. the decision was always up to them.

secondly, the person who mentioned that there are misogynistic lyrics on LTI is right, and that is precisely the discussion we had with liam. it was basically from our side something like "back in the day some of what we said joking around was misunderstood... we learned from our mistakes... the song smack my bitch up really comes across to us like it is promoting violence towards women..." again, it was a discussion, not a demand.

third, you can say what the song means to you, and I can say what it means to me, but neither of us can say what it means to everyone. if you want to get a sense of what the song means, take a poll, ask a bunch of people what it means to them.

lastly, if you ask me, everything does have an effect in the world. If someone hears it, it has an effect. you are making me think by posting here, i'm making you think... every conversation, everything we listen to and see changes us a little.

i am not suggesting that we sensor people's music, but having conversations about what things mean or what effects they have on people is a good thing.

Hey Adam, this is an example of how the internet can help public personalities directly clear things up about themselves that the media has changed or manipulated. Some of you public people should get together and creat some sort of webpage or forum that promotes against media manipulated information (considering public personalities specifically i mean). It could like maybe prevent some law suits. Say you donīt like something a magazine said for example,you can clear it up through this webpage thats open to all who care to see it, considering sometimes the media mess many safe reputations up for all the wrong reasons.
A mass communication instrument driven by the other side, you guys that is, the celebrities.

Parkey 10-07-2004 02:33 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Qdrop
being american,
i think "bollocks" is the the greatest word in the british language.....
i can't see it, hear it, or say it without cracking up.

god, what a word.......

well, that.....and "daft"......that rocks too.

Brits sure can talk cool.........

When I was in the states people seemed to piss themselves whenever i said 'twat'...

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