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DroppinScience 07-30-2009 03:14 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
Bill Moyers talks with health care professionals about Health Care Reform


Originally Posted by Bill Moyers
...[S]upporters who want to scrap the present system for fundamental change are staring glumly through the fog of war at a battlefield in total disarray. They fear that in the White House's desire to get a bill -- any bill -- passed by Congress, it will have been so compromised, so bent to favor the big interests, that it will be less Waterloo than water down, a steady diluting of what they'd hoped for, or America needs.

RobMoney$ 08-07-2009 06:53 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
In order to understand the President's approach to health care reform, it's important to understand the beliefs and policies of his advisers.

saz 08-08-2009 06:22 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
michele bachmann? are you serious? hahahahahahahahahahahaah!

DroppinScience 08-08-2009 11:47 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by saz (Post 1688174)
michele bachmann? are you serious? hahahahahahahahahahahaah!

He's just making the rounds of quoting the right-wing lunatics. Malkin, Drudge... now it's Bachmann! But don't worry, he's always been a "lifelong Democrat."

RobMoney$ 08-09-2009 01:15 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
Yes, attack the messenger. Ignore the message.

RobMoney$ 08-09-2009 01:44 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by DroppinScience (Post 1688208)
But don't worry, he's always been a "lifelong financially conservative Democrat."


DroppinScience 08-09-2009 02:22 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Make that "conservative in every respect" Democrat.

RobMoney$ 08-09-2009 05:07 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
as long as you realize the difference between "conservative democrat" and "republican".

DroppinScience 08-09-2009 08:48 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1688333)
as long as you realize the difference between "conservative democrat" and "republican".

Yeah, the name.

RobMoney$ 08-09-2009 10:41 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
It continues to amaze me that being so brilliant, and your ability to understand the problems that face our country (Well, my country at least. We all know this isn't even your country) so much easier than the rest of us regular folk, that you're still able to get down here with the regular people and walk amongst them.
I imagine the climb back up to the ivory tower is tiring, yet you keep doing it.

Although, coming from such a regular folk I'm guessing this minor accolade doesn't really mean anything, so I guess I apologize for wasting your time having to read it.

Schmeltz 08-10-2009 07:53 AM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1688414)
Although, coming from such a regular folk I'm guessing this minor accolade doesn't really mean anything, so I guess I apologize for wasting your time having to read it.

Actually the reason it doesn't mean anything is because it's coming from the guy who copied and pasted a post from another forum and tried to pass it off as the product of his own tireless research.

Seriously, did this just pass everyone by? What Robmoney did on page 2 of this thread, which I called him out for? Does nobody else think that his credibility took a massive hit there? Does nobody else think that this makes it much more difficult to respect or take seriously anything he has to say?

DroppinScience 08-10-2009 10:09 AM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by Schmeltz (Post 1688461)
Actually the reason it doesn't mean anything is because it's coming from the guy who copied and pasted a post from another forum and tried to pass it off as the product of his own tireless research.

Seriously, did this just pass everyone by? What Robmoney did on page 2 of this thread, which I called him out for? Does nobody else think that his credibility took a massive hit there? Does nobody else think that this makes it much more difficult to respect or take seriously anything he has to say?

Well, his credibility has been shot for quite some time. It's a thankless job trying to talk truth to stupid, but somebody's gotta do it.

kaiser soze 08-10-2009 02:18 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
I do remember dorothy wood calling him out on plagiarism as well.

I'm not surprised considering he's not a campus fuck face so plagiarism is not in his dictionary.

better to be a campus fuckface rather than a fucking fake :)

saz 08-10-2009 06:50 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
former president bill clinton takes on the gop, private health insurance lobbyists, and special interests in an email sent out by the democratic congressional campaign committee:


Originally Posted by Bill Clinton
Friend --

It seems like the 1993 health care debate all over again. Back then, I led the charge for comprehensive health insurance reform. I fought tooth and nail to get it done, keenly aware that millions of Americans were living in fear that a serious illness or injury could spell economic disaster for their families. Americans needed health care reform then and we urgently need it now.

But, just as I did in 1993, President Obama has run into a buzz saw of special interest opposition to his top domestic policy priority -- health care reform. He is facing off against some of the most powerful special interests in Washington who've launched a furious campaign to preserve the status quo.

Simply put, they're at it again. That's why I'm calling on you to stand with President Obama and the DCCC in fighting for change right now. The DCCC is united in their Health Care Reform Now campaign and is trying to raise $250,000 in grassroots donations before their deadline at midnight tonight.

Contribute $5, $10, or more tonight before our deadline at MIDNIGHT and your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar.

Legislation that would lower health care costs for everyone, improve the quality of care, preserve choice and provide more coverage options for American families was introduced in the House last month - just as Speaker Pelosi promised.

But a U.S. health care system that makes quality care affordable for everyone is going to take a lot of hard work from all of us.

Your immediate response is essential because Republicans are waging a fierce assault on President Obama's health care initiative and on Democratic Members of Congress fighting to reform health care now.

Republicans have made a political calculation that they'd rather attack Congressional Democrats with sound bites and misleading characterizations of the President's health care reform plan than work on behalf of the American people.

It's up to us to prevent the Republican Party and their special interest backers from doing whatever they can to prevent this historic opportunity to make quality health care affordable and accessible to all.

Please make your next contribution to the DCCC a generous one...and please be sure to give before midnight tonight.

Thank you,
Bill Clinton

P.S. Remember that any size contribution you can make to the DCCC will be matched dollar-for-dollar. So, if you are able, now is an ideal time to step up your support of President Obama's change agenda.

RobMoney$ 08-10-2009 07:00 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by kaiser soze (Post 1688526)
I do remember dorothy wood calling him out on plagiarism as well.

I'm not surprised considering he's not a campus fuck face so plagiarism is not in his dictionary.

better to be a campus fuckface rather than a fucking fake :)

This is the internet, fuckface.
Not college.

RobMoney$ 08-10-2009 07:03 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by DroppinScience (Post 1688469)
Well, his credibility has been shot for quite some time. It's a thankless job trying to talk truth to stupid, but somebody's gotta do it.

Who are you calling stupid?

You're gay, dude.
Not that there's anything wrong with it, but you're twenty something years old and you haven't figured it out yet.
It's beyond sad at this point.

kaiser soze 08-10-2009 07:44 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1688606)
This is the internet, fuckface.
Not college.

This coming from the guy who came up with campus fuckface as an insult on an internet board

go figure :rolleyes:

anyways nice plagiarism (y)

RobMoney$ 08-10-2009 07:51 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

It's no different than using a rasmussen poll to illustrate a point you're trying to make instead of going out and making 1000 phone calls and doing your own survey.

QueenAdrock 08-10-2009 08:12 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1688608)
Who are you calling stupid?

You're gay, dude.
Not that there's anything wrong with it, but you're twenty something years old and you haven't figured it out yet.
It's beyond sad at this point.

He fucks quite well for a fag. (y)

Bob 08-10-2009 08:26 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1688625)

It's no different than using a rasmussen poll to illustrate a point you're trying to make instead of going out and making 1000 phone calls and doing your own survey.

nobody's saying it's not ok to copy information from a source, in fact it's encouraged. it's just a little confusing that you didn't cite the source or even bother to tell anyone that you'd copied something. especially since the thing you copied prefaced its argument by saying "here's my argument". obviously this is a message board, not a research paper so nobody's expecting anyone to document their posts with properly bluebooked citations and footnotes but still, man, it wasn't your argument. don't you think it was a little weird not to mention that?


Originally Posted by QueenAdrock (Post 1688632)
He fucks quite well for a fag. (y)

you're just a beard

saz 08-10-2009 08:39 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
what's interesting is that rob keeps going on about "socialized medicine" or whatever, when obama actually just wants to create a public health insurance option, to compete with private health insurance companies, so people can pick and choose between the two, or remain with private insurance if they already have it.

meanwhile, bill and hillary actually tried to completely reform america's health insurance system in '93-'94, advocating public insurance for everyone, which sent the gop, private health insurance lobbyists and special interests into hysterics (just like now), with effigies of hillary with a noose around her neck. bill and hillary's initiative was much more bold and massive than obama's, and they're also 100% behind obama with the current proposed reform. so i guess rob was vehemently opposed to the clintons back then too?

RobMoney$ 08-10-2009 08:53 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by saz (Post 1688637)
what's interesting is that rob keeps going on about "socialized medicine" or whatever, when obama actually just wants to create a public health insurance option, to compete with private health insurance companies, so people can pick and choose between the two, or remain with private insurance if they already have it.

HAHAHAA, Oh man, I remember when I believed everything the government told me. Kids...

Curious Saz, have you seen the youtube footage of Obama stating that he's in favor of a single-payer option?

How long do you think employers will continue to offer to pay for a large portion of a private healthcare plan when there's a Gov't run plan that you can be put on that'll cost them nothing.
I know I don't have to illustrate the level of greed that exists in corporate america.

DroppinScience 08-10-2009 09:05 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1688625)

It's no different than using a rasmussen poll to illustrate a point you're trying to make instead of going out and making 1000 phone calls and doing your own survey.

See, this is the reason why you couldn't make it through college. Everyone here has posted content from the likes of the New York Times, BBC, CNN,, you name it. But everyone here makes sure to link the source and/or attribute it to the original author. You here try to pass off this kind of stuff as completely your own creation, which makes you unethical and an unworthy opponent. It's a wonder you continue as if you've done nothing wrong.

Thank God I'm a campus fuckface. (y)

saz 08-10-2009 09:06 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1688642)
HAHAHAA, Oh man, I remember when I believed everything the government told me. Kids...

Curious Saz, have you seen the youtube footage of Obama stating that he's in favor of a single-payer option?

How long do you think employers will continue to offer to pay for a large portion of a private healthcare plan when there's a Gov't run plan that you can be put on that'll cost them nothing.
I know I don't have to illustrate the level of greed that exists in corporate america.

all that edited clip from that conservative website you linked proved is that obama has flip-flopped, just like any other politician. in this nader spot, at the 0:32 mark, obama flip-flops once more and says "i never said that we should go ahead and get single-payer".

in regards to how much longer employers will continue to offer to pay for a large portion of a private healthcare plan, when there's public insurance available which will cost the employer nothing, well that just comes down to basic common sense. besides, the private health insurance industry are a bunch of greedy parasites who fuck people out of their coverage in order to turn a profit.

anyways, you didn't answer my question about the clintons.

DroppinScience 08-10-2009 09:22 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by saz (Post 1688647)
anyways, you didn't answer my question about the clintons.

He only supported the Clintons because Bill enjoyed eating at McDonald's and was a womanizer.

RobMoney$ 08-10-2009 09:53 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
I must have really struck a nerve with that homosexual theory.

You're clearly taking this shit way too personal.
I'm done with the insults. That's not what I'm here for.
Do and say what you want.
I'm going the "ignore" route with you for a while.

DroppinScience 08-10-2009 10:04 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1688651)
I must have really struck a nerve with that homosexual theory.

Speaking of nerves being struck...


Originally Posted by RobMoney$
Who are you calling stupid?

You're gay, dude.

I guess what this shows is that when you can't debate, go for the personal insult!

You sure showed me.

QueenAdrock 08-10-2009 10:21 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1688651)
I'm going the "ignore" route with you for a while.

Censoring Brett?!


Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1688629)
When I see anyone employing tactics the Nazi's used, no matter how benign, I shout it from the fucking rooftops.

Don't want to be compared to Nazi's? Don't do shit that they did.

You know, the Nazis used censorship. :eek:

RobMoney$ 08-10-2009 10:25 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
As someone with a BA in European History and a Master's in Information Science, I'd expect you'd understand the difference between ignoring someone and censoring.

Now run along and go flaunt your education to someone who gives a shit.

QueenAdrock 08-10-2009 10:29 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
Thus it being a ridiculous joke. KINDA like comparing Obama's asking for voluntary information to Nazism.

And I wasn't flaunting it, sorry if you felt that way. Just saying I know quite a bit about the topic, so don't pull any bullshit with me. Like arguing law to Documad or Bob; it's THEIR specialty.

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