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DroppinScience 12-09-2007 10:09 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo
You might want to stay away from malls and stuff and/or posting about said experiences.

I learned the hard way.

QueenAdrock 12-09-2007 10:21 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo
Well, I wouldn't be too hasty to lump "all 14 year old girls" into the same category, INH. I don't know how many 14 year olds you know that you can make a statement like that, but I assure you there are plenty out there who probably do like them.

I mean, not many people know that I love Run DMC to death and if someone came up to me if I was wearing a shirt of theirs and told me I didn't like them and was being a poser, well, they wouldn't know what the hell they were talking about.

Just be careful about blanket statements.

ericlee 12-10-2007 12:56 AM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo

Originally Posted by Freebasser (Post 1540255)
Dinnae lie! Your arse is huge!

Well, I've got that damn tattoo of WuTang on my ass already so of course I barely have no room.

silence7 12-10-2007 01:06 AM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo
You're like one of those guys who finds some incredibly underground band, then as soon as they hit the big time, and EVERYBODY loves them, you stop liking them because you just aren't cool enough if you like something mainstream.

You have no idea what's in the hearts and minds of the RUN DMC t-shirt buying youth of today.

When I see kids wearing my favorite bands, it makes me smile, free advertising for good music. More people buy the good music. More good music gets produced. we all win.



Randetica 12-10-2007 02:07 AM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo
rum dmc? aint those the guys who tried to copy the beasties? :eek: thats the only connection i can built SOWWY

well band shirts are gay anyway cause no one (but INH) gives a flying fuck about what shit youre into

in fact no one but 14- year olds should wear band shirts or it will look ridiculous

russhie 12-10-2007 02:20 AM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo
Favourite thread <3

Planetary 12-10-2007 07:54 AM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo

Originally Posted by insertnamehere (Post 1540277)
why am i jealous of 14 year old girls? my life is way better than that of a 14 year old. i get to do things most 14 year olds can only dream about, like drive, drink excessively, stay up at late as i want, and eat ice cream for breakfast.

you truly are the king of kings...

Lex Diamonds 12-10-2007 08:04 AM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo

Originally Posted by insertnamehere (Post 1540309)
you're right, they're not my personal band. i have nothing against anyone listening to them. if a 14 year old girl listens to them, good for her. 8 year olds? super. my issue is not that there are young girls listening to it. its that pretty much none of them do, yet they will wear something around that says they do. i WISH more people had the same taste in music as me, im not trying to stop anyone from listening to good music. i just want people who listen to shitty music to stay away from products that are meant to show appreciation of good music.

in related news, the only radio station ive been able to pick up in this city that i liked, they changed to a country station. cock.

You are such a fucking moron. Run DMC are NOT a niche band, pretty much anyone under 40 likes them. I have no idea where you've got this ignorant view of yourself as some kind of music expert because you like Run fucking DMC.

It's fair enough to get pissed off at people like RaZoRbLaDe_KisS who wear Sex Pistols shirts purely for the image but Run DMC are pretty much the most widely recognised black music group of all time. The fact your original post accused people of thinking "wow I have black people on my shirt" shows that you have some serious issues around their race. Stop being a fucking Nazi.

Planetary 12-10-2007 08:50 AM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo

Originally Posted by QueenAdrock (Post 1540354)
I don't know how many 14 year olds you know that you can make a statement like that, but I assure you there are plenty out there who probably do like them.

amen. deejayzap for instants.

ToucanSpam 12-10-2007 09:39 AM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo
No one could ever possibly understand. All of you. You just don't understand.

kaiser soze 12-10-2007 10:00 AM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo
It pisses me off that people who weren't born when I was into RUN DMC act like they own them, fuck life and it's meandering mediocrities meddling in my RUN DMC-ness and shit yo MTV raps!!!!!

riffle ball bat!

DroppinScience 12-10-2007 08:40 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo
Here's the problem with you getting mad at the Run-DMC T-shirts going out of stock: how do you know who actually bought them?

You leaped to the conclusion that the 14 year olds went and bought them all (also leaping to the conclusion that each and every hypothetical 14 year old customer who is running around with the shirt is a genuine phoney). How do you know it wasn't all 20-somethings or 30-somethings who bought it?


Coming from someone who got too mad at 14 yr olds while at a corporate mega-store and being misguided enough to share it on a message board susceptible to anonymous pricks tearing you up a year and a half ago... just chill, yo.

Planetary 12-10-2007 08:41 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo

Originally Posted by DroppinScience (Post 1540630)
Coming from someone who got too mad at 14 yr olds while at a corporate mega-store and being misguided enough to share it on a message board susceptible to anonymous pricks tearing you up a year and a half ago... just chill, yo.

lol owned

insertnamehere 12-10-2007 09:31 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo

Originally Posted by cmute rhyme (Post 1540424)
I know how you feel. I feel the same way when I see kids wearing Beastie Boys shirts. What the fuck do they know about the Beastie Boys when they were born in 1986? Now if I wear any of my Beasties gear, I'll look like them.

Bunch of jackholes.

cmute officially wins


Originally Posted by DroppinScience (Post 1540353)
You might want to stay away from malls and stuff and/or posting about said experiences.

I learned the hard way.

at least i'm not the only one this has happened to before


Originally Posted by silence7 (Post 1540376)
You're like one of those guys who finds some incredibly underground band, then as soon as they hit the big time, and EVERYBODY loves them, you stop liking them because you just aren't cool enough if you like something mainstream.

did they just hit it big time?


Originally Posted by The Padster (Post 1540406)
You are such a fucking moron. Run DMC are NOT a niche band, pretty much anyone under 40 likes them. I have no idea where you've got this ignorant view of yourself as some kind of music expert because you like Run fucking DMC.

It's fair enough to get pissed off at people like RaZoRbLaDe_KisS who wear Sex Pistols shirts purely for the image but Run DMC are pretty much the most widely recognised black music group of all time. The fact your original post accused people of thinking "wow I have black people on my shirt" shows that you have some serious issues around their race. Stop being a fucking Nazi.

you say pretty much anyone under 40 likes them, but to be honest, ive never really heard anyone in real life mention them ever, save my dad, and one of my friends. i dont think im a music expert at all. i dont have tv and i dont listen to the radio, i just listen to the same ol' stuff over and over. i just discovered daft punk this summer, and aside from that, well i cant remember the last time i started listening to a new band. i really thought that this was in the same vein as the sex pistol shirt example that you mentioned. if run dmc is actually popular, then it's news to me.

so sorry i caused all this hullabaloo, but under this here rock, i dont know much of anything about whats going on in popular culture these days, and i didnt realize that, as you all make it sound, run dmc is a pretty big thing these days. you also have to remember that i live in a pretty hickish place, and as most of you are from more urban areas, the populace of your respective communities is probably more cultured and knowledgeable about these kinds of things. i just feel like your average north carolinian getting their major in cattle management woudlnt listen to run dmc.

now if you'll excuse me, i need to go listen to joy division and study for my beekeeping exam.

Bob 12-10-2007 09:38 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo

Originally Posted by insertnamehere (Post 1540644)
if run dmc is actually popular, then it's news to me.

lol yes, run dmc is unbelievably popular

anyway i know how you feel though, i just started listening to this new band i discovered, lead zeplin, but their shit is like all over the mall and i just don't know, i don't wanna be lumped in with these posers

insertnamehere 12-10-2007 09:44 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo
i didnt just start listening to them. it's just, i didnt know other people listened to them too. like, i pretty much dont know anyone in my age range that listens to beasties, so i felt like it was a pretty safe assumption to make, you know? like, as far as beastie boys go, theres
1. my friend that never listened to them before that i took to a show this summer
2. my dad
3. some of my older relatives
4. a guy i work with thats like 30

actually when i told people i was going to a beastie boys concert this summer, the main response i got was "that's lame"

Bob 12-10-2007 09:49 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo

Originally Posted by insertnamehere (Post 1540650)
i didnt just start listening to them. it's just, i didnt know other people listened to them too. like, i pretty much dont know anyone in my age range that listens to beasties, so i felt like it was a pretty safe assumption to make, you know? like, as far as beastie boys go, theres
1. my friend that never listened to them before that i took to a show this summer
2. my dad
3. some of my older relatives
4. a guy i work with thats like 30

actually when i told people i was going to a beastie boys concert this summer, the main response i got was "that's lame"

and when you got to the concert and looked at your expensive ticket and saw the huge crowd it didn't occur to you "hey, the beastie boys are very popular and a lot of people have heard of them and like them"?

insertnamehere 12-10-2007 10:00 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo
a lot of people have heard of them and like them that are in a different age range than me, it seems

drunk men that dont wear shirts apparently do not like them

i feel uncomfortable discussing this in this section of the board

ericlee 12-10-2007 10:16 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo
my doc told me that when he did an ultrasound on this pregnant chick, the fetus was wearing a de la soul shirt. How dare that fetus!

skra75 12-11-2007 12:22 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo

Originally Posted by russhie (Post 1540393)
Favourite thread <3

fosho, I love this thread.
I hereby pass my public b1tching torch to 'insertnamehere'
well done sir! I will now step down from my position, but remain as an advisor to the board.

skra75 12-11-2007 12:23 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo

Originally Posted by Randetica (Post 1540391)
rum dmc? aint those the guys who tried to copy the beasties? :eek: thats the only connection i can built

Oh jesus...

insertnamehere 12-11-2007 01:27 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo
m 98% sure she was joking

Lex Diamonds 12-11-2007 02:13 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo

Originally Posted by insertnamehere (Post 1540644)
if run dmc is actually popular, then it's news to me.

Well then why didn't you start a thread saying "OMG Run-DMC is one of the most popular bands ever? Why didn't anyone tell me?!"

TOY 12-11-2007 03:27 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo
I listened to Run DMC when I was 14. But that was before old-skoolEE rap/hip-hop became popular among baybidees.

I miss those days. :(

Lex Diamonds 12-11-2007 03:34 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo

Originally Posted by TOY (Post 1540947)
I listened to Run DMC when I was 14. But that was before old-skoolEE rap/hip-hop became popular among baybidees.

Er... no it wasn't.

TOY 12-11-2007 03:35 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo

Originally Posted by The Padster (Post 1540953)
Er... no it wasn't.

Well, to, you know, physically ADVERTISE they listened to them. Here.

Jitters 12-11-2007 04:05 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo

Originally Posted by insertnamehere (Post 1540644)
i need to go listen to joy division and study for my beekeeping exam.

Bring back the bee topic! I'll do something bad if you don't... :)

marsdaddy 12-11-2007 07:05 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo
I always get confused when people wear the numbers of their favorite players. I'm always catching myself thinking, "I'm sitting next to Beckham. Oh wait!?"

insertnamehere 12-11-2007 08:10 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo

Originally Posted by Jitters (Post 1540965)
Bring back the bee topic! I'll do something bad if you don't... :)

why dont YOU bring it back up with a new bee question?

HEIRESS 12-12-2007 09:52 PM

Re: fucking poser 14 year old girls and their fucking up things that are actually coo
Never let a punk get away with murder
Gun shots, gun shots, all you heard-a
What's up? What's up? What's the word up?
Press your luck or buck another sucker just ducked
Ooh, whatcha gonna do?

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