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kaiser soze 03-28-2012 10:10 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
you wouldn't have Twitter without the Twits

I would think that "celebs" would be quick to vet the information they retweet for fear of being held responsible for an libel, damaging, or offensive messages. Not very bright misinforming the masses no matter what side you are on.

supposedly this is George Zimmerman's dad on hate!

it's not hate - it's justice people are seeking

kaiser soze 03-28-2012 10:25 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
and having been a judge you'd think this guy would know a thing or two about justice

BBboy20 03-29-2012 05:06 AM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
Footage of Zimmerman in the police station on the night of the shooting.

He doesn't look injured. Like, at all.

kaiser soze 03-29-2012 02:37 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
Zimmerman and friends take a walk around the police station - multiple cameras

for someone who was fighting for his life - he sure looks great!!

kaiser soze 03-29-2012 06:55 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.

Originally Posted by Whatitis (Post 1782473)
And now the innocent get caught in the crossfire

'William Zimmerman contacted Higgins to ask him to stop using his mother's address and got the response, "Black power all day. No justice, no peace" as well as an obscenity, according to the Sentinel report.'

So what if the wrong address was posted. They're still named Zimmerman and they're white! :rolleyes:

Looks like Lee did the right thing - finally, never should have done that in the first place

yeahwho 04-07-2012 05:03 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
So is this really happening?

Zimmerman walks free and the kid with the candy is guilty?

The feds are investigating what?

Every day that passes by I get more fucking pissed off. Arrest this guy, he is innocent until proven guilty, he can post bail.

The justice system should be on trial here.

abbott 04-08-2012 08:26 AM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
hispanic = white = black and we are all together...

Yesterday someone asked me if I had heard the news about a white guy shooting a black kid with candy...

I think it is funny, because Hispanics in my state do not want to be considered white. Hispanics in my state get tax breaks and several incentives for being Hispanic and not white. I think Asians are more white than Hispanics myself.

So what does Hispanic mean? well according to Hispanics it means they are from Spain by way of Mexico. 100 years in Mexico before they headed north...

In Santa Fe New Mexico as a "white" kid, I remember my principle welcoming me to the school and telling me that I am a minority now and that I should expect to get my ass kicked a few times for being white. Luckily, my dark skin confused the locals and they thought I was Hispanic. I also made a point to stay away from the low rider cholos which proved to be smart as I saw many of good looking white girls get their ass kicked for being white a Hispanic event. One friend is blind from the Cholo/Chola ass kicking.

So for the Mexico/Spanish/Latino/Hispanic people, don't refer to them as white, I am sure you are offending them.

yeahwho 04-08-2012 12:38 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
This has become an enormous race issue and that is fine. It should be looked at and examined, which Charles Blow did in his excellent NYTimes article yesterday, From OJ to Trayvon

If I just clear my head and look at it without race, it's my kid coming home from 7-11 on a rainy night and he gets killed by another human, it's time for my tax dollars and the justice system to go to work.

I think this Zimmerman should be arrested. He was told to "stand down" by an 911 operator yet he pursued and eventually killed a 17 year old kid.

Fucks Sakes what sort of evidence does it take? He needs to be arrested, charged and tried.

kaiser soze 04-08-2012 03:41 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
He didn't listen to the dispatcher, continued to stalk and killed a kid

no Standing Ground here - more like Stalking Ground

what is wrong with this picture?

DJ Pioneer 04-09-2012 11:50 AM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
I don't want to take sides, I could see arguments for both of them. Supposedly, there was a witness who saw Trayvon on top of George, slamming him into the sidewalk. Also, I've heard that George tutored black children in the community for free and in 2010, he got very vocal about the "beating of a black homeless man by the son of a white Sanford police officer." He doesn't necessarily fit the typical description of someone who is overly racist.

I think it was wrong for Obama to say "If I had a boy, he would look like Trayvon."

I think it was wrong that no arrest was made unless there truly wasn't any good reason to do so (which seems unlikely at this point).

I think it was wrong for NBC to edit the 911 recording to make it seem like Zimmerman was saying something racist ("He looks like he's up to no good...he looks black," taking out the dispatcher asking him what race Trayvon was).

I think it was wrong for Spike Lee and Roseanne Barr and anyone else to tweet Zimmerman's address to the world (though it was the wrong address and happened to be an elderly couple's who had nothing to do with this).

I think it was wrong for the New Black Panthers to put a bounty on Zimmerman's head.

And possibly most importantly, I think it was wrong for Zimmerman to approach Trayvon after the 911 dispatcher clearly told him not to do so. If he stayed back, we wouldn't be discussing this situation.

Helvete 04-09-2012 12:51 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
So who really was the baby daddy?

kaiser soze 04-09-2012 02:43 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
I think it was wrong a man shot a kid in cold blood and got away with it

yeahwho 04-09-2012 03:10 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
If you are a citizen of the United States and have kids you should be outraged. If this was the Governor's kid, a celebrities kid, a Fortune 500 executives kid, a police officers kid.... well you get it.

We pay taxes for fair representation and justice should be served equally. Arrest the shooter and try him. He says he's innocent and so does some of the Sanford police dept. Unfortunately this case is botched. Appearances of simply being overtaken make 0 sense.

There's a difference between block watch and actual pursuit. Let's have a trial and define the difference.

yeahwho 04-10-2012 04:23 AM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
Zimmerman has a website now,, and he is asking for donations.

Probably because the special prosecutor Angela Corey announced she will not take the case to a grand jury.

Lawyers trying to interpret that move differed on what it means, but one point is now unequivocal: Prosecutor Angela Corey will not charge Zimmerman with first-degree murder. That requires an indictment by a grand jury.

It's still a mystery as of today what charges if any will be filed. The pressure must be unreal for prosecutor Angela B. Corey, they say she's bad ass... I'm not sure if they mean it in a literal sense or physical sense.

kaiser soze 04-10-2012 04:11 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
Zimmerman's lawyers bail - citing lost contact

Whatitis 04-11-2012 04:07 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
Charged, 2nd degree murder.

kaiser soze 04-11-2012 04:38 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
tack on "stalking" and filing a false police report/false information in an attempt to hide a crime (if he didn't sustain any true injuries according to his/brother's/father's/friend's story)

next stop - the scumbags of the Sanford Police Dept....looks like that place needs an enema for their poor handling of this case.

ya know, if this asshole didn't pretended to play sheriff for his Neighborhood Watch - a kid would be alive and he wouldn't be charged with murder.

yeahwho 04-11-2012 05:50 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
I'm surprised there no charges pressed involving his garish website. It's hideous looking.

kaiser soze 04-11-2012 06:40 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
Long Live Zimmerman!


the guy is not only a murderer, but an idiot

from GMA spread the Word and warnings... 0s

anyone else catch that?

yeahwho 04-11-2012 07:22 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
He looks like shit

yeahwho 04-11-2012 07:25 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
my bad, here

yeahwho 04-11-2012 07:26 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.

kaiser soze 04-12-2012 05:21 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.

how could a sweet looking....wait, this guy assaulted a woman and a cop before this murder

yeahwho 04-12-2012 09:41 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
It took 46 days to arrest Zimmerman. From the erratic behavior he put on public display in the previous days before his arrest I think he knows his goose is cooked.

On his website he states the shooting was a "life altering" event for him. That bullshit sympathy seeker makes me sick to my stomach. Trayvon Martin had a "life altering" event, death.

Like he said during the now infamous 911 recording,

Zimmerman stated 'these a**holes, they always get away," and also said 'these f****** punks.' "

Mr. Zimmerman, I am proud to say it looks as though one of these a**hole f****** punks is not going to get away.

May 29th will be the next court date.

Helvete 04-14-2012 11:58 AM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
He'll get off. BOOM!

yeahwho 04-14-2012 04:54 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.

Originally Posted by Helvete (Post 1783069)
He'll get off. BOOM!

That could happen, he is presumed innocent until proven otherwise. The burden is on the prosecutor now, not Zimmerman.

The lead up to the arrest is problematic, an unarmed teenager is murdered by an adult with a gun and there is evidence readily available that the adult systematically pursued a teenager with a loaded gun.

It's not the type of world I want to live in nor do millions of others. At least now we'll get to find out why Zimmerman was let free. That's all anybody needs to know.

yeahwho 04-14-2012 07:26 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
A Denver artist created a portrait of Florida shooting suspect George Zimmerman using more than 12,000 Skittles.,4695483.story

yeahwho 04-20-2012 10:35 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
‘I Am Sorry,’ Zimmerman Says as Bail Set at $150,000

"I wanted to say I am sorry for the loss of your son," Zimmerman said, addressing the parents of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, who were in attendance. "I did not know how old he was. I thought he was a little bit younger than I am, and I did not know if he was armed or not."

"I did not know if he was armed or not."

OOPS. That comment sort of blows the self-defense claim.

JoLovesMCA 04-22-2012 11:54 AM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
His apology doesn't appear to be sincere. I think he's more worried about himself.

And that's a very good point. If it were self defense then why go make a comment like that? Because he's lying!

kaiser soze 04-22-2012 02:12 PM

Re: This is why we all cant have guns.
wow only $150,000?

he's getting treated too nicely

"didn't know he was armed or not" what does that mean?

If this guy was concerned the kid was armed he would have stayed put when the dispatcher told him to do so.

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