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RobMoney 07-08-2014 05:25 PM

Re: biking
Yeah, it's a 29. I paid $680 I think.
I rode a Haro and a Specialized before settling on the Trek. It just felt the best.
Just took it on some trails behind my house. Soo much fun.

TurdBerglar 07-08-2014 05:47 PM

Re: biking
I want a 29er. when I got a new bike in 2011 I didn't even know 29ers were a thing yet. they were still new. had I known about them then I definitely would have gotten one. they're suppose to be so much smoother and better with the rough stuff.

in the last few years there's been a lot of changes with the standards that tend not to change very often.

RobMoney 07-08-2014 06:15 PM

Re: biking
The path I just rode was a little "rooty". I really liked how the suspension handled them.
I'm happy with the bike.

I'd like to outfit the bike with a wireless computer and an emergency kit saddle bag soon.

TurdBerglar 07-08-2014 06:35 PM

Re: biking
I keep all my emergency stuff in my camel back(small backpack that can hold water). tubes, a small tire pump, a pump for my shocks(I have air shocks) and various essential tools. everything I need fits in this small backpack. holds two liters of water as well. very much worth the prices they can be.

you can get a decent WIRED cyclo-computer for like 20 bucks. If you wanna go all out you can get gps computers that are fucking awesome. Garmin has a few models. I have one and I love it. they're really pricey new but I got mine used off of ebay.

Dorothy Wood 07-16-2014 08:42 PM

Re: biking
I fell two times in the past 3 weeks after riding incident-free for a few years. The first was just a dumb topple over because the person ahead of me was too slow and I lost my balance going up a small incline, ended up with nasty bruises, but overall was fine. Yesterday I caught my back wheel in a groove between pavement and a railroad track and got whipped to the ground. I cracked my helmet in a few places, got a lump on my head and a scrape near my temple. Minor bruising otherwise. If I hadn't have been wearing a helmet, I probably would've been knocked out or worse, strange to think about. I rode 5 miles back home and took it easy. Today I feel like I got whiplash, and my hearing and sight are really sensitive. I don't think I'm concussed, but I definitely jostled my brain.

I'll go back out soon enough, but I'm thinking maybe I should get thicker tires because I'm not racing, I'm on very bumpy shitty streets. And also I will not try to hop over rails parallel to my direction. And always wear a helmet! I'd been tempting fate a few times without one lately, it's like the universe was like "fuck you!"

TurdBerglar 07-16-2014 09:57 PM

Re: biking
trying to cross a ridge parallel to your tires can be very tricky sometimes! you don't even realize it then all of a sudden your back wheel gets kicked out from underneath you. for whatever reason the small towns around here all have these weird curbside drainage grates that are different than any others I've seen. the grating is just wide enough and long enough for your tires to slip right in and get wedge. road bike wheels would probably just slip right in.

I've never worn a helmet. it get this strange sweat rash and then my hair falls out. just get some on road mountain bike tires if your rims are wide enough for them.

RobMoney 07-22-2014 07:23 PM

Re: biking
Got Bontrager bike computers installed this weekend. I'm not thrilled w them. May need to upgrade to a Garmin in the near future. Also got a new gel saddle for my fat ass. Soo much better than the old stiff saddle that came w the bike.
I've been tackling some of the trails in the 10k acre state park behind my house. I usually get out everyday around 9am for about an hour before the weather starts getting hot.
There's an endless amount of trails to ride in this park.

TurdBerglar 07-22-2014 07:43 PM

Re: biking
insanely jealous of having a state park in your backyard. you don't even know.

TurdBerglar 07-22-2014 07:51 PM

Re: biking
who wants a 16,000 dollar bike?

ten pounds what the fuck

TurdBerglar 09-24-2015 10:26 PM

Re: biking
I bashed the fuck out of my knee, broke a rib or two, and got road/dirt rash all over my knees and elbows and somehow my fucking armpit. couldn't bend my knee for like a week. totally swollen and sore. couldn't laugh or sneeze or cough or breath deep for like three weeks without feeling like my ribs were going to crack. my ribs still hurt.

this crash was probably the worst crash I've ever had.

I don't even know what happened. all of a sudden I noticed I've was bailing hard straight into the dirt right before a foot bridge down this sweeping banked turn. tumbling like crazy. good thing I decided to start wearing a helmet this year.... felt my head bouncing off various roots and rocks. when I finally came to a stop I was splayed out half on the bridge and half in the muck. thought I broke my knee cap because I had this deep gash on my knee and it looked like my knee cap was split in two and my leg locked up immediately. the shock must have triggered bad muscle spasms. realized I was somewhat ok dusted myself off and continued on. I must have being going about 20mph.

asked a couple the young girl lifeguards at the swimming hole at the start park I was in if there was any running water nearby so I could clean my wounds out. I must have freaked them out. I was covered in dirt and blood. they were just looking at me all like.... uhhhhhhh.

all in all a good ride that day...

Lyman Zerga 09-25-2015 06:33 PM

Re: biking

TurdBerglar 09-26-2015 01:48 PM

Re: biking
do you have any idea what it's like to have road rash in your fucking armpit? the busted ribs aggravated me less.

TurdBerglar 12-11-2015 10:11 PM

Re: biking

TurdBerglar 12-11-2015 10:16 PM

Re: biking

TurdBerglar 12-11-2015 10:26 PM

Re: biking
This is my secondary bike that I've mostly built from spare parts and an inexpensive frame. Has a carbon fork and disc brakes. Really smooth and stiff city bike.

TurdBerglar 12-12-2015 03:53 PM

Re: biking

TurdBerglar 04-03-2016 04:18 PM

Re: biking
Anyone use Stava?

Dorothy Wood 04-03-2016 06:00 PM

Re: biking
No stava here, but weird this thread was bumped because I was coming here to ask about bikes because I was thinking of getting a new one, and my bike heard me and was like "fuck you!" *flat tire*, so now I'm on a bus.

Anyway I was also thinking I might buy a I shouldn't buy a new bike probably. Or I could just buy a bike. Can't decide.

TurdBerglar 04-03-2016 07:02 PM

Re: biking
what were you going to ask?

Dorothy Wood 04-05-2016 02:34 PM

Re: biking
ha, I forgot.

but what about this bike

I might get that guy

TurdBerglar 04-05-2016 03:25 PM

Re: biking
Honestly that bike is a little style over substance. specifically made to appeal to too cool for school hipsters with money to burn. so it's grossly overpriced. especially considering its lack of drivetrain components since it's a single speed. you can get a much better/more comfortable/faster/durable bike in that price range it just won't be as classic and pretty or cool.

it gets it's classic look from using out dated engineering.

It's definitely not a bad bike but you can do better for the price.

TurdBerglar 04-05-2016 03:28 PM

Re: biking

That^ is a very appropriate city bike. I built this one up myself but you can get something similar to that in any decent bike shop from around $500-$700 considering components.

Dorothy Wood 04-06-2016 10:01 AM

Re: biking

Originally Posted by TurdBerglar (Post 1818549)
Honestly that bike is a little style over substance. specifically made to appeal to too cool for school hipsters with money to burn. so it's grossly overpriced. especially considering its lack of drivetrain components since it's a single speed. you can get a much better/more comfortable/faster/durable bike in that price range it just won't be as classic and pretty or cool.

it gets it's classic look from using out dated engineering.

It's definitely not a bad bike but you can do better for the price.

Ok, interesting take. I didn't realize it was for hipsters. Saw it in a shop on sale, liked the green, but thought maybe had too many logos.

I do want a single speed. I don't know if I can give up the classic look, but maybe I should for performance sake. I should talk to my friend who is a bike mechanic. I could just get something built. I don't know why I haven't. Just seems intimidating for some reason.

TurdBerglar 04-06-2016 11:07 AM

Re: biking

Those two bikes are perfect for city riding. I especially like the Allant 7.2 because of the disc brakes. disc brakes are a HUGE improvement especially in the wet. water and rain has no effect on them whatsoever. if you don't want to spend the 600 for the base model Allant, the FX is basically the same thing minus the disc brakes. If you scroll though the page the base model FX is like 400 bucks and a totally fine bike that will last forever. the FX range also offers frames that are specifically designed for women's proportions. I'm not talking about the sloped top tube models. there's no point to that other than to appeal to people who want a "girls" bike. it's actually less than ideal to build a frame like that.

every major bike manufacturer that you'd find in a proper bike shop pretty much offers the same thing. doesn't really matter which manufacturer you go with, they essentially all offer the same things.

Single speeds are tough because they're kinda niche and trendy right now. there's always a markup on ANYTHING niche and trendy. or the complete opposite of making a totally crap bike that's a single speed/fixie hoping that its trendiness with be the appealing factor of selling it to unsuspecting people who think they're getting a neat and nifty and cool bike.

STAY AWAY FROM FIXIES. no point whatsoever in a bike that doesn't have a freewheel and can't coast and you have to pedal at all times. I don't get it at all.

building up a bike will cost a lot more but you'll get exactly what you want.

Dorothy Wood 04-07-2016 09:47 AM

Re: biking
Yeah I'll stay away from fixies. I like pedaling backward too much, when I can't I feel like I'm stuck and I'm gonna fall down.

I just have to go talk to the bike guy. He built up a bike for my dude for around 400. Vintage frame that is weirdly lightweight, single speed, pretty generic wheels, but good quality. It's fast, I have a hard time keeping up.

I for some reason can't get the hang of changing gears, I just like bikes to feel consistent. I will probably keep my bike with gears for a winter beater. I was able to ride most of the winter this year, but I'm destroying the bike. :/

TurdBerglar 04-07-2016 08:24 PM

Re: biking
if you can get a pieced together quality vintage bike with Shimano or Campagnolo(campy) components built by an actually bike tech for 400 bucks in good condition, don't fucking hesitate.

have you ever used newer shifters? they're incredibly easy and smooth to use.

Road Shifters:

Mountain Shifters:

TurdBerglar 06-20-2016 10:21 PM

Re: biking
Just bought this:

Got a really good deal on it because it was last years model and is a weird color(they call it snozzberry).

Bob 06-21-2016 08:43 PM

Re: biking
i started biking and it kind of rules

i was scared of it for a long time because boston streets/drivers are awful, just awful, but i've dipped my toes into the water with hubway (those public short term commuter rental bikes all over the city) and i'm gonna get a bike of my own soon

it's nice because i live 7 miles away from work, which is a good distance for biking and now i can get decent exercise just from commuting

haven't had any "oh shit i'm going to die" moments yet and i've been at it long enough to get some confidence

basically the trick is to know that 99% of cars are going to do their best to avoid killing you (if only to avoid the paperwork) and to just keep your eyes open for the other 1% and ready to dodge

TurdBerglar 06-21-2016 10:01 PM

Re: biking
I can't even imagine biking through boston. it's treacherous just on foot.

Eventually you develop this sixth sense of the cars around you. kinda just know what they're about to do before they actually do it. be very weary of young women drivers. not cautious at all. young men drivers are reckless but they at least notice you.

ericg 06-22-2016 05:37 AM

Re: biking
i got turned on to biking even more when RAD came out.. always wanted a Haro cuz the guy with the blue and white magged wheels was so awsome in the beginning of the movie. (they were all awesome!)
the last bike i had was a great mountain bike i rode everywhere in arcata, california when i was going to college there. i miss that bike.

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