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Echewta 07-29-2009 03:57 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
A dreamcatcher or "Brainstorm" with Christopher Walken on DVD.

b i o n i c 07-29-2009 03:59 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
d'aaaaaaahhhhh just put an upside down thumbtack on his seat and be done with it

skra75 07-30-2009 11:00 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Originally Posted by Helvete (Post 1685473)
You've not met any British people, have you?

nah, some of my closest friends are British I still think they are Vulcans

Adam 07-30-2009 01:00 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
maybe your friends are Vulcans but they said they are British to hide who they really are?

Echewta 07-30-2009 01:34 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
where is the daily update? This thread is like my soaps or stories. Depending on where in the world you live.

b i o n i c 07-30-2009 01:39 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
she put a thumbtack on his chair and his cyberskin butt pad exploded

hpdrifter 07-30-2009 01:49 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
He's not at work today because he has to feed.

Nuzzolese 07-30-2009 06:14 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
He seemed to be in his office most of the day, which is not typical. Usually he has a busier schedule. We did say good morning to each other, though. That was a huge moment for me. He seemed unaffected by it. But that is so HIM!

Myu-to 08-01-2009 05:22 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I get worried about Nuzz's safety. One of these times she's going to be right, and end up mounted on a wall or something.

And not in a good way.

Echewta 08-02-2009 10:33 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I think the Nuzz can handle her business just fine.

Myu-to 08-03-2009 12:38 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I'm talking about her safety here, not masturbation.

b i o n i c 08-03-2009 12:41 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
no, really, she can handle her her business just fine

Nuzzolese 08-03-2009 11:33 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
The scariness is part of the excitement, though! He sent me an email because he wants me to come to his office to help him out with our new billing software. The email was from 6 this morning. He knows I don't get here until 8. I wonder how early he comes in.

I''m so nervous; Alone with him in his cold little office at the end of the hall by the water fountain that hums seemingly nonstop so that you think it will perpetually provide you with mind-lulling white noise, only to shut off suddenly and plunge you into heart-stopping silence at the most awkward moment possible!

I also have to bring him his clean lab coats later. The question is, should I bring him his coats when I go to meet with him about the billing - making myself look efficient and on top of things, or bring them to him later as an excuse to try to talk to him again?

Echewta 08-03-2009 11:58 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I think you should bring him his lab coat by wearing it and telling him "If you want it, come and get it." Unplug the water fountain first.

Helvete 08-03-2009 11:59 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
That's a good idea! Clothes underneath are optional.

Echewta 08-03-2009 12:00 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I was going to suggest something like that but I wanted to remain a gentleman.

Helvete 08-03-2009 12:12 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Good thing I am never afraid of bringing the tone down.

Nuzzolese 08-03-2009 12:36 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
What would I do without this forum?

TAL 08-03-2009 04:01 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Have a life.

Adam 08-03-2009 04:06 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
you'd be telling some weird friend who then probably call the FBI

Nuzzolese 08-03-2009 04:21 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I think I understand him a little bit better now. It's hard for him to ask for help. He likes to be self-sufficient. I suspect that he goes to great lengths to avoid people. I think I need to control myself around him because I can tell now he doesn't like the excess or what he thinks is phony. I could be a great relief to him around here if I tried. And I was wrong. He does have a sense of humor, it's just really dry and reserved. He doesn't have good joke delivery but somehow that's endearing.

He's a lot like my boyfriend in how he hates the public and society and he just wants to be left alone, he's disgusted by how oversexed and dramatic some people can be, and he just wants to focus on his work and he can't quite get into being social. My boyfriend hides it a lot better, and can be extremely charming. But they must have a lot in common.

I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm an idiot but compared to him, that's quite accurate. Right now I don't want admiration. I don't think he admires anyone. I'm just aiming for tolerance.

What if he actually wants to have someone to relate to but he is so socially and emotionally handicapped that he's trapped inside his own mind like in THE CELL?

Nuzzolese 08-03-2009 04:28 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I feel odd. I can't stop thinking about him. And it's not like I have a crush on him or anything like that at all. And I can't talk to anyone about him, either. I'm sure my boyfriend would just get jealous and think what I already said isn't the case. And if I bring him up too many times at work my other coworkers start to look at me funny. Ahh, I get worked up over things like this sometimes. Maybe eventually it will pass over. It's just some strange fascination. (Bowie! ha!) But seriusly. I'm becoming unhinged. And it's not just because I want to figure him out and solve a puzzle! It can't just be that. I need to get a grip.

Bob 08-03-2009 04:39 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
he sounds like me

Big Gus 08-03-2009 05:09 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Lol! Nuzz is totally hawt for Spock!

I never saw this turn of events!

Echewta 08-03-2009 05:15 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I'm very intersted in this waterfountain and the humming it makes. Is it stainless steel? Does it sweat at all? Is it a floor model or attached to the wall? As an amature director thinking this movie out, the look and sound of this fountain and how Nuzz walks down the hallway to his office is really important.

Nuzzolese 08-03-2009 05:24 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
It's attached to the wall, and it's mostly silver stainless steel but the body of it is wrapped in what looks like woven tan metal of some kind. It goes from the floor up to my belly button and I don't think it sweats. Nobody uses it. The spout is all greenish and gross. There might be a puddle in the back of it, I'm not sure. I never actually LOOK at it. It's just a fixture there. When I walk down to his office I try to walk really softly, toes first. I try to lift my rib cage up and out of my body as if that will make me step even softer, like I'm floating. It's just so I can listen to possibly overhear anything. But of course I can't hear a thing because of the waterfountain and because he's so quiet.

Other ladies here think he's rude. He IS kind of rude. But I feel so strongly that there's something behind it. Iunno. Whatevs. Maybe he hates women, and therefore me.

Nuzzolese 08-03-2009 05:26 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Well, until the next episode...

Echewta 08-03-2009 05:34 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Facinating. I better budget 2 days for this shot because there is a lot to capture. The water fountain sounds like it can stay. No need for a water fountain double.

Lifting the rib cage up. Stupéfier!

Echewta 08-05-2009 01:25 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
So I have a 12 pages of a script so far about a young woman who is inquisitive about the silent and slightly male coworker at the end of the hall. Does her curiousity get the best of her?

I've already thought about the woman looking at his car in the parking lot and trying to be sneaky only to have a dog suddenly startle her and the audience as it barks at our heroine. Is the dark barking in warning or asking to be saved?

The chilling water cooler that is noisey near his office. The green stuff growing on the fountain spout warning you not to drink from it, as if warning her not to open his door. She knows its dangerous, yet she does anyway.

Still trying to figure out what she finds in his lab coat.

Its a slow day at work.

Nuzzolese 08-05-2009 03:02 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Against her better judgement she attempts to satiate her ravenous curiosity. All signs say "back off! turn away! beware of dog!" All instincts of self preservation should be forcing her to keep a distance and avoid eye-contact.

But somewhere in the middle of the raging tempest of aversion is a tiny lifeboat of tenacity, and it's flashing her in the eyes with an unignorably bright light. It's a light that pleads "keep going! There's something there for you! You'll never sleep at night if you don't find out!" Is this stupidity or bravery? No guts no glory, right? But at the expense of whose guts? How will this end? Will it ever end? Who stands to get hurt?

If only it were this thrilling outside of my own imagination.

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