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ms.peachy 12-08-2004 11:39 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by sarahd
Thank you for the info, us Americans need all the info we can get!! Glad you enjoyed the show, I saw them in Chicago last month, absolutely amazing.

Yeah, that reminds me of this funny thing that happened on the way out - stopped to go to the ladies room (it's a long trip home, ya know) and of course there was a line and me and these other 3 women just started chatting, and it turned out we were all Americans who have been living in the UK for a few years now. Weird coincidence, eh? So then, one of the women says "How do you guys know eachother?" but the thing was, none of us DID know eachother - we each of us had assumed that the other 3 were all together and that we were just kind of butting in. But no, just totally a spontaneous happenstance. Funny ol' life, huh?

Shazam_21 12-08-2004 11:47 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
wow, what a show, i best read through all these posts before i say anymore, back in a mo!

Shazam_21 12-08-2004 12:05 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by peterclamp
Final shoutout to Shazam_21 who arrived to late, nice to meet you sorry you weren't backstage.

Darn! cheers mate, sounds like you had a wicked time, it was nice to meet you all too.

Well it seems everyone enjoyed theirselves, surprised no-one mentioned when Money Mark fell during Sabotage. He launched himself off a box towards his keys, then ended on his ass. I just managed to catch it, hope they got it on camera for the dvd!

intergalactic 12-08-2004 12:14 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
Last night was amazing i had a really great time and i will never forget it!!! I've been looking forward to seeing them for so long and i hadn't seen them before. They were even better than i thought. I also brought along three freinds who do not know much of there stuff, but came out saying how amazing it was.


steve b 12-08-2004 12:22 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
awweessooome show, visuals just added to it all, last time i saw em the technology weren't up to that much :) :) :) :) :) (y) (y)
superstar MMM as were they all, saw MMM at some gig at the scala -kings cross a while ago anyone know what it was, he was amazing then.

(y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y)

Shazam_21 12-08-2004 12:24 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
can anyone recall the french writting on their shirts? Adrocks said i love you, ' Je t'aime' i think

RadicallyPoetic 12-08-2004 12:40 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
Oh man, i so wanna cry, every other gig i've been to seems like nothing to what you've all described... what did the B-Boys wear?

RadicallyPoetic 12-08-2004 12:41 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
Okay, so i just read through the threads... t shirts!

Greebo 12-08-2004 01:33 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
Yesterday was my 18th birthday and I couldn't think of a better way to spend the evening!

I wasn't that keen on talib Kwali myself. He was good at what he was doing, just really boring to watch.

The Beastie Boys fucking kicked it. Easily one of the best gigs of my life. Though to be honest, I didn't know most of the older songs.

Was well happy too. Me and my mate got there late, at about 7:20 and I managed to get to the barrier before the Beastie Boys came on stage. I'm gutted I left my camera at home though, I could have got so many decent pics.


rirv 12-08-2004 01:35 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
i went.

mrdave85uk2002 12-08-2004 01:46 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
my god,wot a night!!!!!talib kwali kicked ass,and as for the!!!shame i was stuck in the seating part,ive learned my lesson 4 next time.missed the last train home 2,but i didnt care

steve b 12-08-2004 01:49 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
Hi to the Polish couple (if you read this) who bought our two spare tickets we had for row S block 11, hope you had a good night as well.
B##**£cks to the two mates who didn't use them, definatly your loss..

(y) (y)

dave790 12-08-2004 01:49 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by peterclamp
Well What A Night!

The show was awsome but i will leave the full reviews to someone else, just have a little story to tell.

Arrived at the arena around 3.45pm...damn, i was not the first person there! Met up with Damaja (a nice guy hides behind that notorious online persona!), then Timmie turned up followed shortly by Sophie...PaddyBoy and others. Just before 6 James B and Cey Adams turned up to do the video shoutouts, gotta say BIG thanks and respect to both those guys for what they did for us...basically we got our shoutouts on the screen, timmie and i appeared at least twice! Even better than that though, after Cey heard Timmies missus and friend only had seated tix (we all had standing) he disappeared for a few mins, only to return with enough VIP backstage passes for our group.
We ended up watching Talib then the BBoys from the left side of the stage next to the band dressing rooms! We all met Alfredo, Mix Master Mike, watched the boys playing basketball, saw mca's wife and daughter, Timmie spoke to mca before he went on stage...the list goes on.

Bar my wedding this weekend, this has been the best night of my life.
Thanks again to everyone involved, crew, band, wembley staff and all the board members that I got to meet - what decent people they all are.
Final shoutout to Shazam_21 who arrived to late, nice to meet you sorry you weren't backstage.

Pete :D :D :D (y) (y) (y) :p :p :p

Hope you enjoyed the fact that you got a well big cheer when you said who you were up on screen! Representiing the boards, as I think you put it, clearly got you far! Congrats again on ya wedding!

I had the best time. Thanks to Shazam_21, who hooked me up with 2 seating tkts, me and my sis made it down and what a night. She isn't quite crazy beastie boys but certainly is now. Adrock put in some performance, just in general an amazing show.

Honestly I still can't quite put it into words. Didn't see too many other 15 years olds about the place though, but it was great seeing so many people out there supporting the Beasties.

So much went on in that gig and I'm desperately trying to remember just about everything. I love that 'I'm doing alright' thing...that might not be what Adrock was saying to the crowd, and the response he wanted, but it was along those lines. Please correct me if I'm wrong! And then when people forgot about he was like 'And I thought we'd established something...'

Great nite, I'm in a bit of a rush so didn't read everthing, so sorry if stuff I've said has been mentioned. I wish there was some way I could see that show again, or hear it or something, there must be a good quality CD of it somewhere being put together right now!

Ooo and while it's on my mind how about how fast the boys got to the other end of the arena? They must've pegged it!

steve b 12-08-2004 01:52 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
yea defo. mrdave85uk2002 standing next time and keep looking behind you

micky4fingaz 12-08-2004 02:50 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
wicked night, heres the pictures i took, theres 6 pages so look through them all

sophie025 12-08-2004 02:58 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by pipehitterz
paul revere, paul revere? i spat every f*cking word.
i must say that no one around me knew the words either.
maybe because im an old skooler or i was somewhere a long long way from the stage, i dunno, but the BB really helped me out by coming to the back for intergallactic (nice touch, did you moshers know where they were, cuz i thought you might have bumrushed the stage to find em)

and i have to add, (my only down point) talib qwali, that guy fell off a long time ago and does not deserve to be on the same stage as the BB, jiggy jiggy, next time we'll probably get a real r n b star (jokes)

nice atempt by that dude trying to get into standing, i wonder if they threw his ass right outta the venue, unlucky if they did, should have sat in his seat and not missed a bomb gig.

luckly ive now got see the three phatest hip hop outfits in the world, beastie boys, jurassic 5 and ugly duckling, i'll never wash these eyes again

haha man i know how ya feel i was litrerally spitting along to every single song. ESP paul revere (that is a TUUUUNE) most ppl around me had no clue, cos i was in the vip bit where the real fans r the minority (at any gig). but i was fuckin singin along all nite and dancing.. i was like da energizer bunny. couldnt keep still. i had da BEST NITE. urrgh! again again! i want them to come back. theyre too incredible 4 words. :D :D SESLY

timmie 12-08-2004 03:05 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
Sophie!! this ones for you!!..sophie & friend ..Ive got alot more...coming very soon!! :D

Beckalina 12-08-2004 03:12 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
I tried to sing paul revere too, but allthough i've had LTI album for ages it is probably the one i listen to least, so couldn't really remember the words.

i just remembered for anybody who is remotely interested, Ralph Little of the royle family fame was there

Axl Z 12-08-2004 04:02 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by Beckalina
i just remembered for anybody who is remotely interested, Ralph Little of the royle family fame was there

MCA, Mike D and Adrock were there too!! ;) (y)

sophie025 12-08-2004 04:17 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by Axl Z
MCA, Mike D and Adrock were there too!! ;) (y)


they sure were! and ad-rocks butt was there too. and my is it FIONE! heheee

Beckalina 12-08-2004 04:36 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by Axl Z
MCA, Mike D and Adrock were there too!! ;) (y)

i take it your not interested, no

PaddyBoy 12-08-2004 04:46 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
Timothy!! Have you any pictures of my good self?! can see yourself in one of the pictures posted earlier at the Getty Images site here , with I think timmie in front with his camera out for the lads. Its the first photo on the left.

I had forgotten about Yauch playing with the Basketball on stage....I think James B threw it to him in Pass the Mic at the same point as the video.

The show exceeded all my high expectations, I have to say. Starting with Eggman was ingenious.

RoryOG 12-08-2004 05:20 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
best. gig. ever. im still knackered from it...

super disco breakin was my favourite part, i said i would go loco if that came on, and im a man of my word... :D :D

RoryOG 12-08-2004 05:22 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
p.s. if the lovely looking 18 year old twin girls that we spoke to moments before Beasties came on check the boards, chuck us a PM eh ;)

Stupid 12-08-2004 05:25 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
I know it was really great, best gig ive been to. I think it was made better for me as me and my mates got dressed up. The pagent tour is a genius idea shame more didn't dress up.

neilmedler 12-08-2004 05:37 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by RoryOG
best. gig. ever. im still knackered from it...

super disco breakin was my favourite part, i said i would go loco if that came on, and im a man of my word... :D :D

Super Disco Breakin' - I love that tune. It was awsome to see it live, and of course Sabotage. That was one of my 100 things to do before I die, see it performed live. Tick that one off!

Was also hoping to hear Negotiation Limerick File and Flute Loop. Long shots, I know, but could not find the roaming camera to ask.

Once again, awsome night. Was at the ICA in May, and both were good for different reasons. ICA was intimate and chilled, and felt like they were singing just for you. This was fully blown crazy!!! (y)

Axl Z 12-08-2004 05:42 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by Beckalina
i take it your not interested, no

ha ha!! sorry - couldn't help myself - still buzzing from touching MCA!!
- im a little worried about that :o


Originally Posted by micky4fingaz
wicked night, heres the pictures i took, theres 6 pages so look through them all

man you were right near us - i can see my mate in the blue beasties baseball cap in some of your photos!!

peterclamp 12-08-2004 06:13 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by PaddyBoy
Timothy!! Have you any pictures of my good self?! can see yourself in one of the pictures posted earlier at the Getty Images site here , with I think timmie in front with his camera out for the lads. Its the first photo on the left.

I had forgotten about Yauch playing with the Basketball on stage....I think James B threw it to him in Pass the Mic at the same point as the video.

The show exceeded all my high expectations, I have to say. Starting with Eggman was ingenious.

PaddyBoy...You are my new best friend! How the hell did you spot me and Timmie in that photo, I would never have seen it!

Next time you come to the UK you can stay at my place, the missus will cook you up somethin' nice!

Cheers pal, hope your journey home was good,

PS someone took a group photo of us backstage, think it was taken with Timmies camera, no?
Best nite ever (except wedding, I am contractually obliged to say that!) I have some good pics from my disposable camera, once i remember how to post them I will do it. Any of you guys want them emailed then just PM me. (y)

steve b 12-08-2004 06:19 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
hey neilmedler glad you had a fine time but get your own avatar --goto the beasties site and create one, man you are a medler.
only kiddin' :D :D

timmie 12-08-2004 06:23 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
OK GUYS & GIRLS...just a couple pics from backstage..from THE PAGENT thing that I have to say is: CEY, JAMES B, ALEX, PETERCLAMP, PADYBOY--SOPHIE--EVERYONE...I have made some great friends..anyway enough of these out:


Some of these maybe big!! but I'm sure you'll be patient!!! the group photo with MMM & Alfredo are myself (Timme) and everyone I met/arranged to meet from the boards.... :D :D :D ...behind the scences..... (y)

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