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Qdrop 10-07-2004 02:39 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Parkey
When I was in the states people seemed to piss themselves whenever i said 'twat'...

that, too, is a spectacular word.....however i never thought of it as british....

i just love that one scene in "about a boy" when Hugh Grant calls that mom a "daft fucking hippy".

cinematic gold......

i use that all the time.

*this is what is known as a THREAD JACK!!*

Yauch 10-07-2004 02:52 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by nicolajames1981
No one I know in all of England uses the phrase "Smack my bitch up" as an exclamation. The only reason the Prodigy used that phrase in their toss song is because they knew us uptight Brits would go "OHMYGOD, thats soooooo controversial - let's ban it." The resulting publicity from this controversy lead to the single to be brought by all the sad little kids who think that buying controversial songs makes them cool. That is the only reason I think the Beasties were wrong to discuss not playing the song with the Prodigy - because it gave them exactly the kind of publicity they were relying on to sell their album. That's just my opinion!

true true, in retrospect maybe we really should have just let the whole thing alone, and let it fade away. but then again, this seems like a good thread, so maybe it was for the best as it gets people talking about things like this. i'll say one last thing on the topic and then i'm gonna leave it alone.

i don't think that we ever looked at it like someone was going to hear the song and run out and beat someone up right there and then. we were looking at it more like, songs like that have an effect over time. when you hear "smack my bitch up, smack my bitch up, smack my bitch up..." over and over again from a band that you like, it gets drilled into your head.

if someone is impressionable and looks up to the band, maybe it leaves them feeling like in certain cases it's ok to give a woman a smack. even if they don't smack anyone themselves, just feeling that it is ok to do that is destructive, because it makes that kind of activity just a little more acceptable in our society.

Again, i’m not saying that songs like that should be banned, but I do think that having discussions (like this one) about what affects they could have, are good.

Parkey 10-07-2004 02:58 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Yauch
true true, in retrospect maybe we really should have just let the whole thing alone, and let it fade away. but then again, this seems like a good thread, so maybe it was for the best as it gets people talking about things like this. i'll say one last thing on the topic and then i'm gonna leave it alone.

i don't think that we ever looked at it like someone was going to hear the song and run out and beat someone up right there and then. we were looking at it more like, songs like that have an effect over time. when you hear "smack my bitch up, smack my bitch up, smack my bitch up..." over and over again from a band that you like, it gets drilled into your head.

if someone is impressionable and looks up to the band, maybe it leaves them feeling like in certain cases it's ok to give a woman a smack. even if they don't smack anyone themselves, just feeling that it is ok to do that is destructive, because it makes that kind of activity just a little more acceptable in our society.

Again, i’m not saying that songs like that should be banned, but I do think that having discussions (like this one) about what affects they could have, are good.

You should check out the other discussion that was sparked by this a few weeks ago:

Qdrop 10-07-2004 03:03 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Yauch
if someone is impressionable and looks up to the band, maybe it leaves them feeling like in certain cases it's ok to give a woman a smack. even if they don't smack anyone themselves, just feeling that it is ok to do that is destructive, because it makes that kind of activity just a little more acceptable in our society.

Again, i’m not saying that songs like that should be banned, but I do think that having discussions (like this one) about what affects they could have, are good.

Discussion is agreement there.
But i strongly disagree with your paragraph above concerning a song inducing certain behavior.
I'll say it reflects, it does not dictate.
No one ever changes their behavior exclusively because of a song or any other form of media they come in contact with.
Pre-existing mental states determine that.....

Yauch....i appreciate you coming on here and communicating with your fans.....very cool.
I'll be at the Toronto show on Nov. 9th.....i'll be the guy waiving to you in the crowd.

Parkey 10-07-2004 03:08 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
I agree there. It was like the fuss when American Psycho came out (the book that is). There was a proper brouhaha about it and now it's on the A-Level syllabus for high schools in the UK.

Yauch 10-07-2004 03:18 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Parkey
You should check out the other discussion that was sparked by this a few weeks ago:

thanks for the heads up. that was a good thread.

Parkey 10-07-2004 03:21 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Yauch
thanks for the heads up. that was a good thread.

no bother mate

Kerouac Jack 10-07-2004 03:32 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Qdrop
that is such complete bullshit.....
you have no idea, but you are well on your way to fascist thinking.

artists do not have a responsibility to not hurt people's feelings....for fuck sake, what is wrong with you people?

"but if I go to a Beastie Boys show I have a right not to expect to hear violent, hateful bullshit."

what the fuck planet are you from? if you go to a concert or festival, you think you have the RIGHT to not be offended?....what the fuck!?

you overly sensivtive elitist......grow some balls.

it's like going to a bar and demanding that no one in there be drunk...DUDE, IT'S A BAR....THERE ARE BOUND TO BE DRUNK PEOPLE THERE!!
it's goes with the know what you're gettin into.

i think people like this should just stay home, in there own little safe fantasy world.

when you, or yauch, or anyone else says "that offends me, and possibley other people.....can you not do that?"....that's forcing your veiws on other people....aka-mild facism.
yes, you're asking - not forcing....but the underlying ethic is there.

it comes down to can choose to buy an album or go to a concert or watch a video or not.....
you choose...
no one has the right to take that choice away...
you know what to expect when you do any of those's your life.

but that is what people like you try and do.....take that choice away from the rest of us because it offends you and a few others.
you try and take it upon yourself to SAVE these other people from hearing, seeing, reading something that YOU are just so sure is terrible and wrong.

hey, i'd be offended if I DIDN'T hear that song......don't i count?...don't my feelings count?

does ANYONE else on here understand what i'm saying?

You keep talking about having a "choice". I believe Yauch was clear when he explained that he just expressed his opinion on the song to Liam, and left it up to them whether or not they wanted to perform it. They still had the "choice". If they wanted to they could have told him to fuck off. It was just Yauch's opinion on the song, and nothing else. That's not censorship at all. I agree with you 100 percent that artists should not have to worry about offending people with their art, but people are going to be offended and have the right to express that just as much as the artist has the right to say what they're saying. It's all a matter of respect. If Yauch didn't feel comfortable with the song then it was nice of Liam to respect his feelings and not play it, however, the choice to play it was still there.

James Jupiter 10-07-2004 04:00 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by nicolajames1981
No one I know in all of England uses the phrase "Smack my bitch up" as an exclamation. The only reason the Prodigy used that phrase in their toss song is because they knew us uptight Brits would go "OHMYGOD, thats soooooo controversial - let's ban it." The resulting publicity from this controversy lead to the single to be brought by all the sad little kids who think that buying controversial songs makes them cool. That is the only reason I think the Beasties were wrong to discuss not playing the song with the Prodigy - because it gave them exactly the kind of publicity they were relying on to sell their album. That's just my opinion!

I hate that crap about the British being uptight. The US is much more uptight than Britain. A few examples: - In Britain the muff shot in 'Basic Instinct' wasn't cut out. Janet Jackson flashing her tit was show several times in the UK including on the news. No one tried to sue the TV stations for personal injury over it either (as happened in the US).

If some people think The Prodigy encouraged violence to women with the 'Smack My Bitch Up' track, couldn't it be said that the Beastie Boys encouraged criminal damage and theft by wearing VW car badges back in the 80s? I know people who stole VW badges in the 80s because the Beasties wore them.

Some people here will not listen to anyone else’s opinion no matter how relevant their points may be. They think that if The Prodigy had a disagreement with the Beastie Boys then The Prodigy must be in the wrong. The Beastie Boys can do no wrong in some peoples eyes.

I think everyone should agree to disagree. There is no point arguing about this ancient history.

I'm just off to play the 'Smack My Bitch Up' track really loud. ;)

James Jupiter 10-07-2004 04:18 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Yauch
true true, in retrospect maybe we really should have just let the whole thing alone, and let it fade away. but then again, this seems like a good thread, so maybe it was for the best as it gets people talking about things like this. i'll say one last thing on the topic and then i'm gonna leave it alone.

i don't think that we ever looked at it like someone was going to hear the song and run out and beat someone up right there and then. we were looking at it more like, songs like that have an effect over time. when you hear "smack my bitch up, smack my bitch up, smack my bitch up..." over and over again from a band that you like, it gets drilled into your head.

if someone is impressionable and looks up to the band, maybe it leaves them feeling like in certain cases it's ok to give a woman a smack. even if they don't smack anyone themselves, just feeling that it is ok to do that is destructive, because it makes that kind of activity just a little more acceptable in our society.

Again, i’m not saying that songs like that should be banned, but I do think that having discussions (like this one) about what affects they could have, are good.

Your argument could be used against all kinds of media. If an impressionable person plays a videogame involving shooting people will they think it is ok to do it in real life? The same goes for action movies, TV shows, music, etc. Should normal, well-balanced people not be allowed to enjoy this sort of entertainment because of a tiny minority of impressionable people?

Echewta 10-07-2004 05:18 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
All i need is some chips, salsa, and this thread to make nachos.

Clarence89 10-07-2004 06:16 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
Who cares about prodigy i havent heard anyone bring them up in so long, the beasties are silly nice, prodigy has got one foot in there career graves.

James Jupiter 10-08-2004 02:01 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Clarence89
Who cares about prodigy i havent heard anyone bring them up in so long, the beasties are silly nice, prodigy has got one foot in there career graves.

Your comments illustrate your ignorance regarding The Prodigy.

GeeGee 10-08-2004 02:37 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Parkey
Round round we go...

Liam Howlett is not ex-Prodigy
The Beastie Boys and Prodigy had a spat a while ago in which Prodigy were clearly in the right
Yes he should stop going on about it but he gets asked in every interview
They got there name from the make of keyboard that everyone used back in the Acid House movement in the UK during the 1980s

etc. etc. etc.

Tell us more! Is he still in the band? was he originally in Prodigy? Anyway's over it! The bboys is what i'm here for. I love the new album! Genius! I want there babies but already have a boyfriend? Sux!!!

MaestroDenis 10-08-2004 05:15 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys


Qdrop 10-08-2004 07:04 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by James Jupiter
Should normal, well-balanced people not be allowed to enjoy this sort of entertainment because of a tiny minority of impressionable people?


Qdrop 10-08-2004 07:09 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Kerouac Jack
You keep talking about having a "choice". I believe Yauch was clear when he explained that he just expressed his opinion on the song to Liam, and left it up to them whether or not they wanted to perform it. They still had the "choice". If they wanted to they could have told him to fuck off. It was just Yauch's opinion on the song, and nothing else. That's not censorship at all. I agree with you 100 percent that artists should not have to worry about offending people with their art, but people are going to be offended and have the right to express that just as much as the artist has the right to say what they're saying. It's all a matter of respect. If Yauch didn't feel comfortable with the song then it was nice of Liam to respect his feelings and not play it, however, the choice to play it was still there.

if the Boys asked prodigy not to play it, and they didn't.......then isn't that taking the choice away from the audience?.....don't the thousands of PAYING fans have the right to make that choice (stay or leave) themselves?
Who are the Beastie boys to make that decision for everyone else.
I'm sorry, but THAT IS fascism in it's crudest form.

Most everyone on here is missing that point (cept for a few).....or else too busy falling all over themselves trying to agree with Yauch.

Johanna 10-08-2004 07:09 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Qdrop
what's with the hypocracy?

i'll forgive you, if you'll forgive me...

edit: nervermind you're still an idiot

Qdrop 10-08-2004 08:02 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by loves_sasquatch
i'll forgive you, if you'll forgive me...

edit: nervermind you're still an idiot look and act like my sister.......

rumbles 10-08-2004 08:12 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Qdrop look and act like my sister.......

hey man dont go bringing him into it, i know this argument needs sorting out once and for all but i think we can do it ourselves!

and its not very nice to tell the lord he acts like a little girl.

Qdrop 10-08-2004 08:19 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by rumbles
hey man dont go bringing him into it, i know this argument needs sorting out once and for all but i think we can do it ourselves!

and its not very nice to tell the lord he acts like a little girl.

.....the fuck are you talking about?

Johanna 10-08-2004 08:28 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by rumbles
hey man dont go bringing him into it, i know this argument needs sorting out once and for all but i think we can do it ourselves!

and its not very nice to tell the lord he acts like a little girl.



Originally Posted by Qdrop
.....the fuck are you talking about?

i love it when they don't get it...

Johanna 10-08-2004 08:29 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Qdrop look and act like my sister.......

you don't know what i look like...

rumbles 10-08-2004 08:32 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by loves_sasquatch

i love it when they don't get it...

Makes it even funnier! ;)

Qdrop 10-08-2004 08:36 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
"jesus"......"look and act like my sister"

you guys should go on tour with that one.....

take a bow.

you should throw in another sasquatch referance.....that would be really funny.

loves_sasquatch: then why do you have a pic of someone else in your Personal Info..? wierdo.

Johanna 10-08-2004 08:38 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Qdrop
"jesus"......"look and act like my sister"

you guys should go on tour with that one.....

take a bow.

you should throw in another sasquatch referance.....that would be really funny.

loves_sasquatch: then why do you have a pic of someone else in your Personal Info..? wierdo.

wow, he got the joke 10 minutes earlier than i expected!

rumbles 10-08-2004 08:40 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Qdrop
"jesus"......"look and act like my sister"

you guys should go on tour with that one.....

take a bow.

you should throw in another sasquatch referance.....that would be really funny.

loves_sasquatch: then why do you have a pic of someone else in your Personal Info..? wierdo.

woh! looks like we touched a nerve there 'loves_sasquatch'

Qdrop's got to go and pick up his dumey that he spat out now!

Chiil Q, we're just messin! (y)

Qdrop 10-08-2004 08:44 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by rumbles
woh! looks like we touched a nerve there 'loves_sasquatch'

Qdrop's got to go and pick up his dumey that he spat out now!

Chiil Q, we're just messin! (y)

"dumey"?? guys speak in tongues.

rumbles: i can handle it....i'm a big boy.

rumbles 10-08-2004 08:47 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Qdrop
"dumey"?? guys speak in tongues.

rumbles: i can handle it....i'm a big boy.

good lad!

Johanna 10-08-2004 08:53 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Qdrop
"dumey"?? guys speak in tongues.

rumbles: i can handle it....i'm a big boy.

do you wake up angry?
cheer up, man! :)

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