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Echewta 08-05-2009 04:01 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
But is this a story to find out who the man down the hall is? Or are we going to be shocked to find out who the woman is in the end????

Echewta 08-05-2009 04:33 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Something happens to the woman, death or something tragic. Zoom into the watercooler, zoom back out to have it be 50 years before with the same man in the office and a different woman being curious...fade to black. Unknown band music cues up while credits roll.

Nuzzolese 08-05-2009 04:37 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
It's over already?

Echewta 08-05-2009 04:41 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Over? I just set it up for multiple sequels eventually going straight to DVD and make millions as well as being a spring board for a few young actors/actresses to go to the big time.

Plus, its missing a middle. Gotta have an end to write to.

Nuzzolese 08-05-2009 05:09 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I have a few theories, and a plan. I'm going to bring him food and see what happens. I always fall back on food. It's my old standby guage.

Did you know he's left-handed and he doesn't listen to music? Yep. Not any music, ever. "It's irritating to me."

Echewta 08-05-2009 05:26 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
you should bake him a cake with a cd inside of the Beatles. How can he find that irritating?

What is your boyfriend gonna think of you baking for a man at work thats left handed? Mine would freak.

Helvete 08-05-2009 05:41 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Originally Posted by Nuzzolese (Post 1687432)
Did you know he's left-handed and he doesn't listen to music? Yep. Not any music, ever. "It's irritating to me."

Woah, woah. No music. Any. At all?! The left handedness I can deal with, but no music? Seriously that is weird. EVERYONE listens to some music, surely?! Even if it's weird music, at least some music.

You've just revealed another layer to this twisted person. I mean, we had this weird kid back at school that didn't play video games or listen to popular music. Or like girls. But still, he liked classical and I think he was just embarrassed about revealing he was gay or asexual or something.

Bob 08-05-2009 06:01 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
no music ever, or no music at work?

hpdrifter 08-05-2009 06:34 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Originally Posted by Echewta (Post 1687425)

Something happens to the woman, death or something tragic. Zoom into the watercooler, zoom back out to have it be 50 years before with the same man in the office and a different woman being curious...fade to black. Unknown band music cues up while credits roll.

That's okay but I kinda like the other idea of a twist ending where it's the woman we find out something about...

Nuzzolese 08-06-2009 09:04 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I won't bake something especially for him. I'll bake something that is easily served in pieces, like lemon squares. I'll give one to everyone. My boyfriend won't mind, then. I told him about this guy and he goes "What, are you in love with him now or something?" Ha. ha.

I don't want to think so insensitively as to call this a project. Somewhere between love and a project. Oh! That sounds like a movie title! Only Call it "Somewhere between love and the projects" and it's a "Spike Lee Joint" *barf!*

He made it sound as if he doesn't enjoy music at all, period. Of course, that could just be something he's decided to say in order to avoid talking about himself. You know, how some people say "I don't watch TV" because they don't watch any one program regularly.

Echewta 08-06-2009 11:19 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Originally Posted by hpdrifter (Post 1687450)
That's okay but I kinda like the other idea of a twist ending where it's the woman we find out something about...

How about at the end of the movie, we follow the man home. He parks in his driveway, lets the dog out of the car and to his front door. His look is of worry as he walks in and lays his coat and briefcase on the table. He sits and puts his hands over the top of his head in frustration for being pursed by the woman at work. Everything looks normal though hes been the weird one through out the story.

Then we follow the woman home. Out of her car, up the elevator to her apartment. Door opens and something isn't quite right. Into her bedroom where she lays her coat down and all over the wall are pictures of him, bizzare scribbles, etc. Turns out she is the crazy one.

Nuzzolese 08-06-2009 11:24 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I just want to wear his skin, what's so crazy about that?!!:confused:

jabumbo 08-06-2009 12:35 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Originally Posted by Nuzzolese (Post 1687557)
I don't want to think so insensitively as to call this a project. Somewhere between love and a project. Oh! That sounds like a movie title! Only Call it "Somewhere between love and the projects" and it's a "Spike Lee Joint" *barf!*


b i o n i c 08-06-2009 01:26 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
do you have a camera phone? we need to see this guy!

mickill 08-06-2009 02:37 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Have you seen the movie Following? I think it was Christopher Nolan's second movie. It's pretty good.

I'd be careful. You might find out something about this guy you'd rather not know about. Like he's a pedophile. Or a werewolf. Or even a scientologist.

Randetica 08-06-2009 02:40 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
i saw a kinda hot guy at aldi today, wasnt attracted to anyone in ages

almost feel alive now

Nuzzolese 08-06-2009 05:04 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
There was a reception today, for people who have worked here for a while. I got honored with an engraved pen, and some cake. He didn't show up so after it was over I stopped by his office and offered him my slice of cake. He looked at it like it was a dead squirrel and he asked if it was any good. I told him I didn't know, because I didn't eat any of it. He said okay and he took it and I left. I didn't even have to bake anything! I'm glad, too. I might have been offended if he'd reacted that way to something I made.

Helvete 08-06-2009 06:02 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
A picture, you simply must!

Echewta 08-06-2009 06:40 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
This gentleman sounds very charming.

Myu-to 08-06-2009 10:15 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Originally Posted by mickill (Post 1687656)
I'd be careful. You might find out something about this guy you'd rather not know about. Like he's a pedophile. Or a werewolf. Or even a scientologist.

Thanks Mike, that's what was trying to say. This guy maybe an interesting subject to study and all, but there is something not right with him. Just maybe Nuzz helps him out of his shell, or maybe he helps her see the salvation that only Tom Cruise can give. Either way, I feel that some nuts shouldn't be cracked.

Nuzzolese 08-07-2009 09:07 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Originally Posted by Bob (Post 1686896)
he sounds like me

I don't believe you. From what you've told us, you seem like a person who really wants to be social. You go to parties. You have had roommates. Maybe you're shy sort of but I always thought that you wanted social interaction.

Nuzzolese 08-07-2009 09:15 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Originally Posted by mickill (Post 1687656)
Have you seen the movie Following? I think it was Christopher Nolan's second movie. It's pretty good.

I'd be careful. You might find out something about this guy you'd rather not know about. Like he's a pedophile. Or a werewolf. Or even a scientologist.

I did see that, a long time ago. I liked it. I think that afterwards I went around telling people about it and describing it as being a lot like Memento, not realizing it was by the same person. Smart.

I think that I would want to know if he was a criminal or a pedophile. Then I could turn him in and be a hero. If I could crack the mind of the serial killer, I could be like Clarice Starling in Silence of the Lambs, with my good bag and my cheap shoes.

b i o n i c 08-07-2009 09:51 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
photo! at least a sketch or somethin

Nuzzolese 08-07-2009 09:54 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Okay, I'll try, but I don't know how I'm going to get one without making it obvious!

b i o n i c 08-07-2009 10:12 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
dun dun duuuuuuuunnnnn

jabumbo 08-07-2009 10:42 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
flip your hair, that usually works

mickill 08-07-2009 11:30 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Originally Posted by b i o n i c (Post 1687832)
photo! at least a sketch or somethin

Yeah, just stand at his door and start drawing him all inconspicuous-like.

Dorothy Wood 08-07-2009 11:32 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I think I should drive down to your workplace and pretend to be maintenance man (I'll wear a mustache) that has to do some work in his office on the vents...but I'll really be installing a hidden camera!

mickill 08-07-2009 11:34 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Or drawing him!

Dorothy Wood 08-07-2009 11:36 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
with an etch-a-sketch

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