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kaiser soze 08-10-2009 10:31 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
you'll shout it out from the roof tops......but you accept torture?

seriously rob, your mouth smells like foot

RobMoney$ 08-10-2009 10:37 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by QueenAdrock (Post 1688657)

And I wasn't flaunting it, sorry if you felt that way. Just saying I know quite a bit about the topic, so don't pull any bullshit with me. Like arguing law to Documad or Bob; it's THEIR specialty.

Thanks. I didn't realize that.

I always try to argue law with them too :confused:

And you were absolutely flaunting it. Your BF too. You're both on some pedestal shit like you're better than.
"See, I have this degree, and that degree. I'm always right and I have all the answers so don't even try arguing with me. hehehee"
My college drop-out ass prolly makes more than both of you.

QueenAdrock 08-10-2009 10:45 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
If you think I was flaunting it and I think I'm on a pedestal, you've got some serious inferiority hang-ups about yourself that has nothing to do with me. It's not even about "Don't argue with me," it's "Don't pull the Nazi card and refuse to listen to anyone else's arguments if you're not even an expert in the field."

Well, DUH, you probably do make more than us, since we're fresh out of college and you've been working full-time since you were what, 20? That's like 20 years of promotional experience? We can talk again once we're your age.

RobMoney$ 08-10-2009 10:53 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
Nah, I'm not the one with inferiority issues.
But I think you are. And maybe some denial issues that you can't admit when you might be wrong.

I've never seen Doc or Bob using their LAW degrees as a debating crutch for credibility.
I've never seen anyone else besides you two, and toucan do it.

And I'm pretty sure a majority of the people here have a degree.

BTW, what did Brett do, send you to do his bidding for him now that I've put him on ignore?
Fucking tag-team.
Isn't there something else you two could be doing on this hot summer night for crying out loud?

QueenAdrock 08-10-2009 10:59 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
That's because it's well-known that they've got law degrees. Not that many people know I have a European History degree, so when we're debating Nazism, yeah, I'm going to give my expertise credentials. A lot of the time, people say "prove it," well, that's me proving it. My degrees.

If you notice, I say "As someone with a BA in European History and a Master's in Information Science, I can assure you that linking Obama to Nazism propaganda is ridiculous." You take it as "OMG, I'M SOOOOO SMART, LOOK AT ME, RUBBING MY CREDENTIALS IN ROB$'S FACE!"

Honestly. Go re-read it. I don't bring it up in many threads at all, but yes, if we're going to be talking about propaganda and Nazism, I'm noting MYSELF as a source.

RobMoney$ 08-10-2009 11:02 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
I'd just like to thank you and your boyfriend for coming here these last two days and completely turning every thread you posted in, in this forum about you and your isuues with me.

This place is better for having you both contribute.

Now you're both on "ignore".

QueenAdrock 08-10-2009 11:04 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
I told an ironic joke, you can't handle it, and you reply with "Go flaunt your degrees to someone who gives a shit."

Kudos to YOU, kind sir! (y)

Schmeltz 08-11-2009 07:31 AM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1688625)

It's no different than using a rasmussen poll to illustrate a point you're trying to make instead of going out and making 1000 phone calls and doing your own survey.

That's a bunch of fucking crap, and you know it. Copying out a post made on another forum, by a total stranger, and passing it off as your own original argument, based on a supposed evening of tireless research, which is what you did, is nothing at all like using a poll to illustrate a point. You ripped someone else off and figured you wouldn't get caught, and now that you've been called on it you don't even have the balls to own up to your plagiarism.

Again, I ask you - how do you expect anybody to take you seriously after pulling shit like that?

kaiser soze 08-11-2009 09:21 AM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
It's the sense of entitlement conservatives are nefarious for projecting on other people.

He won't own up to it and if he doesn't he should be shunned in this political forum for thieving other peoples' arguments outright.

Dorothy Wood 08-11-2009 11:49 AM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by Schmeltz (Post 1688714)
That's a bunch of fucking crap, and you know it. Copying out a post made on another forum, by a total stranger, and passing it off as your own original argument, based on a supposed evening of tireless research, which is what you did, is nothing at all like using a poll to illustrate a point. You ripped someone else off and figured you wouldn't get caught, and now that you've been called on it you don't even have the balls to own up to your plagiarism.

Again, I ask you - how do you expect anybody to take you seriously after pulling shit like that?

he does this shit all the time, probably more often than we realize. I caught him here, in the thread about Gates:

he never addressed it. he even changed the wording a little to suit his argument better.

he also posted this whole thread with pics of NYC as if it were his idea, actually thanking people by saying "I just spent a few hours posting them all.
I'm glad someone appreciates the effort. I thought it was worthwhile.":

but then kaiser caught him and said:
I appreciate ablarc's efforts (y)

You could have posted this link and saved yourself the time

so you see, we might as well google everything rob says to see who said it first. his ideas are not his own.

saz 08-11-2009 01:15 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by Schmeltz (Post 1688461)
Actually the reason it doesn't mean anything is because it's coming from the guy who copied and pasted a post from another forum and tried to pass it off as the product of his own tireless research.

Seriously, did this just pass everyone by? What Robmoney did on page 2 of this thread, which I called him out for? Does nobody else think that his credibility took a massive hit there? Does nobody else think that this makes it much more difficult to respect or take seriously anything he has to say?

the link you posted to that football forum opened up to the bottom of the thread, so for anyone who checked out that link, initially didn't see the post rob copied and pasted. once you open the link you posted, you have to scroll up to the very top or beginning of the thread to see the post rob plagiarized.

but anyways, yeah, first dorothy catches him in the act, and then shortly afterwards you did too. so there's no credibility whatsoever and i can't take rush limbaugh talking points seriously.

RobMoney$ 08-12-2009 10:29 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1688748)
he does this shit all the time, probably more often than we realize. I caught him here, in the thread about Gates:

he never addressed it. he even changed the wording a little to suit his argument better.

he also posted this whole thread with pics of NYC as if it were his idea, actually thanking people by saying "I just spent a few hours posting them all.
I'm glad someone appreciates the effort. I thought it was worthwhile.":

but then kaiser caught him and said:
I appreciate ablarc's efforts (y)

You could have posted this link and saved yourself the time

so you see, we might as well google everything rob says to see who said it first. his ideas are not his own.

I did it.
I'll do it again.
Not a god damn thing you can do about it.
Deal with it.
Doesn't matter because my attitude and style can never be duplicated.
As a matter of fact, I'll probably step it up just because I know it pisses all the campus dorks off soo much.

BTW, it still took me several hours to post those pics. I explained that in the thread and everyone said they didn't really have a problem, but I understand that part of the discussion doesn't really fit into your witch hunt.

Bob 08-12-2009 10:39 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
i realize you're not running for president but rob, come on, man

RobMoney$ 08-12-2009 10:46 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
Yeah, Pretty sure I copied that thread from somewhere else too.

Seriously tho, I'm not running for POTUS.
I'm posting conservative threads to stir up a MB filled with a bunch of campus liberals.

Bob 08-12-2009 10:53 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1689317)
Yeah, Pretty sure I copied that thread from somewhere else too.

Seriously tho, I'm not running for POTUS.
I'm posting conservative threads to stir up a MB filled with a bunch of campus liberals.

i'm just saying, you had some pretty harsh things to say about plagiarism in that thread, like "Plagiarism is stealing and lying." did you mean to say "plagiarism is stealing and lying (if you're running for president but if you're not then it doesn't matter really)"?

nobody cares if you take stuff from other sources, everyone does it, just cite the source. right click, copy, right click, paste. why are you defending your plagiarism so dickishly?

RobMoney$ 08-12-2009 10:58 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
Perhaps I'm just responding in kind?
A lot of dick-headed type of comments have been thrown my way lately, ya know?

Bob 08-12-2009 11:02 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
i think maybe you focused on the "dickishly" part and not the "why are you defending your plagiarism" part of my question because i'm really confused about that

in the hip hop world, we call you a biter, and it's one of the most egregious things a person can do

Dorothy Wood 08-12-2009 11:07 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1689314)
I did it.
I'll do it again.
Not a god damn thing you can do about it.
Deal with it.
Doesn't matter because my attitude and style can never be duplicated.
As a matter of fact, I'll probably step it up just because I know it pisses all the campus dorks off soo much.

BTW, it still took me several hours to post those pics. I explained that in the thread and everyone said they didn't really have a problem, but I understand that part of the discussion doesn't really fit into your witch hunt.'re right that I can't do anything about it...and I am dealing with making fun of it and calling you out as a copy cat weirdo.

I mean, read what you wrote back to yourself out loud, you sound ridiculous. I mean, why on earth would you spend hours duplicating a thread you saw on another forum instead of just linking to it? was it worth the tiny bit of praise you got?

I mean, maybe I'm digging too deep here...maybe you're just fucking with people. I guess that's cool man, just know that it's totally weird and it doesn't piss people off it just makes people feel sorry for you.

RobMoney$ 08-12-2009 11:09 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
Perhaps I see you're nothing more than just another liberal rat in the BBMB GP cage that I'm toying with, and I couldn't care less about your respect?

Bob 08-12-2009 11:10 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1689327)
Perhaps I see you're nothing more than just another liberal rat in the BBMB GP cage that I'm toying with, and I couldn't care less about your respect?

alright dude, have it your way

(that was a very jeffersonian thing to say by the way, i applaud you)

RobMoney$ 08-12-2009 11:14 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1689326)'re right that I can't do anything about it...and I am dealing with making fun of it and calling you out as a copy cat weirdo.

I mean, read what you wrote back to yourself out loud, you sound ridiculous. I mean, why on earth would you spend hours duplicating a thread you saw on another forum instead of just linking to it? was it worth the tiny bit of praise you got?

I mean, maybe I'm digging too deep here...maybe you're just fucking with people. I guess that's cool man, just know that it's totally weird and it doesn't piss people off it just makes people feel sorry for you.

LOL. Spare me your pity.
I read your BF posts, I know I'm nowhere near as fucked up as you are.

The reason I took the time to post each pic was because no one's going to look at a thread containing just a link.
And I found those pics to be amazing and know there are people here who love NYC just as much as me and would find them interesting.
I'm giving like that sometimes. ha

Dorothy Wood 08-12-2009 11:16 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
you can keep explaining it, but it's still a weird thing to do, dude. weird. really weird.

RobMoney$ 08-12-2009 11:20 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats
Not really.
I'm sitting here watching the Phils spank your Cubs, and stirring the pot on the internet.
That's much more normal than running around not realizing all the daddy issues you're constantly posting about portraying on to men

Dorothy Wood 08-12-2009 11:26 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1689332)
Not really.
I'm sitting here watching the Phils spank your Cubs, and stirring the pot on the internet.
That's much more normal than running around not realizing all the daddy issues you're constantly posting about portraying on to men


wait, I don't give a shit about baseball. I'm too busy running around portraying daddy issues on to men without realizing it and then posting about it.


*apologizes for impromptu glenn beck impersonation*

Bob 08-12-2009 11:30 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1689332)
Not really.
I'm sitting here watching the Phils spank your Cubs, and stirring the pot on the internet.
That's much more normal than running around not realizing all the daddy issues you're constantly posting about portraying on to men

so if i'm hearing you properly, what you do is you look for stuff on the internet, post it, pass it off as your own and then say to yourself "the trap is i just need to wait for a campus fuckface to discover what i've done and then i've got them exactly where i want them..."

do you twiddle your fingers like mr. burns while you wait? in my head you do

Bob 08-12-2009 11:30 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1689333)

*apologizes for impromptu glenn beck impersonation*

needs more tears and spittle

Dorothy Wood 08-12-2009 11:34 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by Bob (Post 1689335)
needs more tears and spittle

damn, I knew it was missing something. that, and cheesy graphics.

kaiser soze 08-12-2009 11:36 PM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by Bob (Post 1689334)
so if i'm hearing you properly, what you do is you look for stuff on the internet, post it, pass it off as your own and then say to yourself "the trap is i just need to wait for a campus fuckface to discover what i've done and then i've got them exactly where i want them..."

do you twiddle your fingers like mr. burns while you wait? in my head you do

no he pokes at his belly button

Bob 08-13-2009 02:09 AM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1689314)
Doesn't matter because my attitude and style can never be duplicated.

maybe not, but who would want to

Schmeltz 08-13-2009 03:22 AM

Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1689314)
Doesn't matter because my attitude and style can never be duplicated.

Your attitude and style consists of duplicating other people's attitude and style. You talk a lot of shit for someone with nothing - nothing - to back it up.

Seriously, you think you're pissing people off but you're only making them laugh. At you, not with you. And I think you know it. So what exactly are you trying to accomplish other than filling up your spare time?

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