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M|X|Y 05-04-2012 06:39 PM

nice, rirv

JohnnyChavello 05-04-2012 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by MarkedCube (Post 1784036)
RIP MCA, beasties music will be to my kids what my parent's beetles music was to me growing up.

Fuck yeah it will. Damn. This hurts.

abcdefz 05-04-2012 06:39 PM

Jaw dropping moment when I saw the headline this morning.

Prayers for his family.

datboylalaki 05-04-2012 06:39 PM

rip mca,

a fan from Belgium

Monsieur Decuts 05-04-2012 06:42 PM

I can only take solace in the fact that Adam had 3 years to hammer out his swansong and close his chapter on this Earth. I truly hope he left with no gas in the tank, and ready for his next journey. I've always matched my personal growth with his, where age and wisdom brought patience and balance....but didn't put one dent in his shield of badassedness.

Rest in Peace Adam.
The world celebrates your legacy, and will for some time to come.

ludwarf 05-04-2012 06:51 PM

Namaste, your music bring me lot of good stuff.
I remember when Beastie played in Paris. Adrock said at the end of Ricky's Theme :
"We spend great time together tonight, i would like you to remember this time when it's bad or stuff like that..."
So remember all the good time that we spend.

JasonP 05-04-2012 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by ludwarf (Post 1784136)
Namaste, your music bring me lot of good stuff.
I remember when Beastie played in Paris. Adrock said at the end of Ricky's Theme :
"We spend great time together tonight, i would like you to remember this time when it's bad or stuff like that..."
So remember all the good time that we spend.

Wurd. That's real.

M.C. Guevera 05-04-2012 06:56 PM

I wonder where we go from here as a community.

Like, I know that there are enough people here that have bonded for reasons other than the Beastie Boys that this board can thrive for years to come.


It feels different now.

Almost like this board has no purpose now or something.

It feels...empty.

JasonP 05-04-2012 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by M.C. Guevera (Post 1784138)
I wonder where we go from here as a community.

Like, I know that there are enough people here that have bonded for reasons other than the Beastie Boys that this board can thrive for years to come.


It feels different now.

Almost like this board has no purpose now or something.

It feels...empty.

I was thinking the same thing. I check these boards everyday for news and updates. I am not sure what kind of updates I will be looking for in the future...maybe to just see what Mike and Adam are up to. This shit kills me...its very selfish of me to think this...but it feels like such a big part of me was lost today...I am sure it wasn't though, the Beastie Boys are going to remain an important part of my life for the rest of my life. RIP Yauch :(

M.C. Guevera 05-04-2012 07:14 PM

We now live in a world with 2 Beastie Boys, not 3. I didn't give up hope until I heard the news, so at least there's that.

But I thought they'd be like The Rolling Stones and tour into their 70s. We were supposed to watch them age into how they look on the Anthology album cover! They weren't supposed to start dying until like 2060!

Life's not fair.

M.C. Guevera 05-04-2012 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by JasonP (Post 1784142)
I was thinking the same thing. I check these boards everyday for news and updates. I am not sure what kind of updates I will be looking for in the future...maybe to just see what Mike and Adam are up to.

Even if we do check out what Mike and Adam are up to, every time we do, there's always going to be that stinging pain knowing that Yauch's not around.

We're going to think of him everytime someone references the Beastie Boys.

TheMightyAjax 05-04-2012 07:20 PM

Thank you for touching the world with your beautiful soul.

JDsmagik 05-04-2012 07:25 PM

Rest in Peace MCA

hotchedder 05-04-2012 07:28 PM

I love you Adam Yauch. You are my hero.

Late-Night Lion 05-04-2012 07:30 PM

It's called gratitude.

I haven't been able to keep a dry eye for more than an hour after hearing this news. I've been listening to their albums and trying to rap along but keep crying. Like most of you, Adam opened our world-view and perspective more than any other. He showed us how to age gracefully in an increasingly cynical world. His kindness, thoughtfulness, and actions will resonate forever with me.

I am truly devastated at this news. The Beastie Boys are probably the only "celebrity" people that would effect me this way. My thoughts and prayers are with Adam's family and friends.

MCA Forever.

silence7 05-04-2012 07:30 PM


I wonder where we go from here as a community.
"You can't stop you've got to keep on
Keep, keep-keep-keep, keep-keep on
You can't stop you've got to keep on
Keep, keep-keep-keep, keep-keep on
You can't stop you've got to keep on
On and on, to the break of dawn"

I really don't what to say right now, I'm feeling wrecked... Yauch, Adam, and Mike taught me, as someone else stated, to be more tolerant of different people, to look out for people who can't necessarily look out for themselves. Over the years I've put my neck on the chopping block multiple times for others who needed to be spoken for, (as recently as this week) and I'd like to think that Yauch and the boys had something to do with it.

Seeing them always being portrayed as the guys who "Fight for their right" has always pissed me off, and rightly so, because they have done so much good since then, musically and to help out the world we ALL live in.

Of all the people... Adam was a good guy, And I wanted him to be around getting old as I grew old. I've seen him referred to today as the John Lennon of our times. Pretty spot on, both started off kinda crazy, both mellowed, and tried to make the world a better place.

Fuck, this was not supposed to happen....

Gotta go finish peeling these onions :(

We'll miss you Adam!!

Kid Presentable 05-04-2012 07:30 PM

Just woke up to this.

Thoughts and love go out to his family, Mike and Adam, the rest of the band and their friends and loved ones, and to all the other brothers and sisters all over the world who are fans and will be feeling this.

No single force has been more central to my life than this band. Adam in particular taught me about how we can grow and learn on life's journey, and also about the real value of music, as a means of connecting people and teaching us about ourselves.

He was not only ultra-talented, but he was a visionary, he was hilarious, he had the deepest (deepest)bag of ideas and brought concepts to life like no other.

As a person, his humanitarianism and compassion provided lessons which I only hope to emulate.

One of the dumbest and proudest moments in my life was exchanging messages with MCA on this very messageboard, with another user who is dear to me. Just two fans, bouncing messages around with one of their idols. The three of us were joking about Axl Rose. Adam told us that he invited Axl over, and that he was playing mumbledepeg at his house.

This music has been central to my life since I was a child. It will continue to live on. Love to the BBMB, sorry to those I was a dick to.

RIP Adam Yauch. Too sad. :(

dirtydan11 05-04-2012 07:46 PM

I dont have words today. I know I'm still in shock. But I wanted to post today so at least in the years to come I know I tried. I lost someone I grew up with today. And I only met him twice. I am so lucky my road was along his since I was 12. I am 37. My absolute favorite. Soundtrack to my life

silence7 05-04-2012 07:49 PM

I don't know if Jim Shearer posts here, but thought you guys should see this.

In Heaven With The Rhythm Rock Rhyme

lauryn24 05-04-2012 07:51 PM

I have never joined a bands forum board so I have never posted here and apologise if anyone finds this intrusive but I really wanted to post my hurt and condolences over the passing of such a great person. The amount of tributes I have read on Twitter and shit that comment on the influence Adam Yauch had on them to become a better person or shaped the person that they are today is amazing and is truly inspiring. I wish I had something more profound to say but this day is really fucking shit. The only real positive to be taken is that Adam Yauch is no longer suffering and we have an insane amount of positive work to remember this remarkable man by.

Of course peace to his family and fellow B-boys its impossible to imagine how hard this must be for them

"I think you know what time it is its time to get ill!!!"

LuciferHam 05-04-2012 07:58 PM

My thoughts are with his family and loved ones.

The end of an era indeed.

xoncm6 05-04-2012 08:00 PM

R.I.P. Adam "MCA" Yauch.

I'm absolutely gutted.

Big love to all those who loved him and to those around the world today who don't know what a good person we've just lost.

colourwithsound 05-04-2012 08:02 PM

Love, Gratitude and Eternal Respect.

OldSkoolGirl 05-04-2012 08:02 PM

Posting again... more thoughts... and yes, it's called Gratitude....

The last time I was blessed to see them live I was pregnant with my twin babies, in September of 2007... it was also my husband's first time seeing the BBoys live too.... I remember thinking how awesome it was for them all to be there to hear/feel them with me... who knew it would be their first and last show? I am so grateful they experienced that with me... this band has shaped my life, made me who I am, and meant so many things to me... it's about love, and respect, and yes, it's all about gratitude....

Thank you thank you thank you MCA, my soul friend.... sleep now, until you are again.... namaste.

The Ron 05-04-2012 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by frank1271 (Post 1784092)
i heard the news at work today and went into the bathroom to cry for a while(

I did the exact same thing...

dave790 05-04-2012 08:07 PM

Beautiful man, may he rest in peace.

I think we're all pretty numb, but sending vibes to his family and of course, Adam and Mike. I can't believe this.

A Year and a Day.

3stooges 05-04-2012 08:14 PM

I'm very, very sad to hear this news. I was holding out hope it wouldn't come to this.

It's hard for me to accept. But at the same time, I'm just thankful, thankful that MCA was here to share himself with all of us for the time that he was. So many great moments for all of us because of him. So many terrific memories. He was just a brilliant, multi-talented artist. As one of the Bad Brains once said about him, he was always the one who knew what the "next sound" was going to be. Just a wonderfully creative person. And by all accounts an absolutely sweet and kind individual. What a beautiful impression it is he left on everyone.

My thoughts are with his family and friends. MCA was the man !

beasties#1fan 05-04-2012 08:31 PM

I just got enough strength to post something on here. As I'm shaking writing this, i don't expect anyone to read my thoughts, and what I'm about to write, i say this because there is over 100 comments on here already, but i feel like i need to get this off my chest.
Numb, isn't a strong enough word of how i felt today.
Devastated, isn't a strong enough word of what i went through today.
The list can go on and on, but to be brutally honest, I HAVE NEVER felt the way i did today. I was in complete and utter shock, i mean words cant even describe. I cried so much i threw up, i went insane, and i still think its a nightmare. I KNOW he's not in pain anymore, which is wonderful. It hurts me to know that he was suffering, i didnt know he's condition was THAT bad, i heard rumors, but to tell you the truth, i never though anything negative about the beasties, i always just had positive vibes.. But i was (and will be) emotionally and physically in pain from today. It came out of NOWHERE, i heard about it in my 3rd period class, and i nearly fainted. i was a WRECK. and i didnt care, i was BAWLING, i feel to the floor, and i could give two fucks of who was watching me and what they thought. I've never felt so weak. So many things were rushing through my head, and i could have done something today....but I'm not going to get in to that.
I cant imagine what Yauchs parents, daughter, wife, and 2 brothers/best friends are going through, i truly cant.
Today marked the most tragic experience in my life. I lost someone that i truly loved with all my heart. Nobody will understand what i went through today. Adam Nathanial Yauch was not only my idol, but someone that i respected and he honestly CHANGED MY LIFE. As many said the same thing, it means more to me. I'm still and will be for a while emotionally and physically in pain, but as much as it has broken my heart, i still want to have positive thoughts, as he had a wonderful life. I don't care what anyone thinks, i am and always will be Beastie Boys #1fan.
He's not in pain anymore.

im in loss of words, im completely shocked. i could go on and on, but all i know is that he meant the world to me.

Nerd Fight 05-04-2012 08:35 PM

Woke to this news.
So sad. Like others have said, I always imagined they'd be rapping until old age, and I'd be there listening to them.
The world will be a duller place without him.
Rest in peace, Yauch, and thank you for everything you gave me.

beasties#1fan 05-04-2012 08:44 PM

I lost apart of myself today, for sure. I'm BROKEN inside.

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