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alruggs 10-20-2003 02:34 PM


Originally posted by BeastieGuy
Shut up or he won't post a picture.

Echewta 10-20-2003 03:20 PM


Originally posted by tejana
echewta, putting stuff like that in the Family Album thread is rude, that's my point. you're arguing a separate point entirely. don't be throwing that 'hole in the heart' crap out so readily. bah. you're post upset me more than auton's.
Bah! I'll throw it out if I want to and I did so its done.

kate 10-20-2003 03:36 PM

what'd he post? what????

Auton 10-20-2003 03:42 PM

I posted a horrifyingly awful picture of a poor monkey being tortured/tested on by scientists. Yes. I am aware that I am a heartless bastard. My apologies.

Auton 10-20-2003 03:49 PM

ooooooooooooooooor were you talking about Echewta's thing?

tejana 10-20-2003 03:53 PM

hi, Heartless Bastard. I have a hole in my heart. Looks like we've got lots in common!

will someone post a pic of a family member so we can get on with it?!

p.s. double-bah, no BACKS, echewta!

Echewta 10-20-2003 04:00 PM

get bent.

You too Kate.

Tzar 10-20-2003 07:23 PM

cool pic, com

HEIRESS 10-21-2003 09:45 AM

holy shit I wish i was still a mod...

kate 10-21-2003 09:52 AM

why the fuck do i miss the good stuff:mad:

HEIRESS 10-21-2003 12:27 PM

it wasnt good trust me

why it warrents 190358204986 replies so far i really dont know

I just dont like people fuckin with my shit

i report almost all pictures added to this that arent board member related

tejana 10-21-2003 01:19 PM


Originally posted by HEIRESS
i report almost all pictures added to this that arent board member related

alruggs 10-21-2003 01:24 PM

Por Heiress

HEIRESS 10-21-2003 01:32 PM

awwww im so undeserving of sun-flavored kisses


alruggs 10-21-2003 01:44 PM

Hmmm, I wonder why no one posts their picture in the family album anymore.

minton 10-21-2003 02:26 PM

I have removed those last posts as per request.

A simple rule to follow is that of don't post images of other members (or images which are the intellectual property of another party if you want to get all technical). Particularly modified pictures, without the owner's prior consent. Follow that rule and everyone is happy.

Echewta 10-21-2003 03:02 PM

Sorry Minton, you just can't make that chick damaja happy.

adrockmelanie 10-21-2003 03:22 PM

alruggy, i post pictures of myself a lot!
no one ever says anything about them though, so i don't post them as much anymore.

anyways, this is me in my new shirt that i bought at the state fair on friday night. i tried to take this picture of myself, so.... yeah. it's the best i could do with setting the camera on top of the computer monitor, holding down on the button, and then running backwards and smiling before the picture was taken.

MCAdrockMikeD 10-21-2003 03:32 PM


miss soul fire 10-21-2003 03:42 PM

Re: i post pictures of myself a lot.

Originally posted by adrockmelanie
no one ever says anything about them though, so i don't post them as mush anymore.

anyways, this is me in my new shirt that i bought at the state fair on friday night. i tried to take this picture of myself, so.... yeah. it's the best i could do with setting the camera on top of the computer monitor, holding down on the button, and then running backwards and smiling before the picture was taken.

That's because they don't show you very much. That one is real good though. We can see you much better. And you look very pretty and also very cute. Lovely hair!:)

adrockmelanie 10-21-2003 03:48 PM

thanks guys. :) yeah, as soon as i posted this one, i realized that the only other ones i've had on here are ones that i've taken OF MYSELF, so it's just been shoulders-and-up pretty much. oh well, i like this picture, so maybe my hold-the-button-run-backwards-away-from-computer trick will have to be used again soon. hahahaha.

MCAdrockMikeD 10-21-2003 03:50 PM


Originally posted by damaja
Hey, if you upload you pics to everyone can see them. Otherwise, everyone just sees a red cross.
why can u see it

little j 10-22-2003 05:45 AM

i've been itching my eyes today...

Mr. Boomin'Granny 10-22-2003 05:57 AM

living in the eighties, heading for the ninties

little j 10-22-2003 05:58 AM

mel bel always smiling :D

JimmyOmens 10-22-2003 09:21 AM

That was the most unwelcome sight ive ever seen! He liiks quite surprised himself doesnt he!

rirv 10-22-2003 09:28 AM

It'll turn you gay you know. Run damaja, run.

JimmyOmens 10-22-2003 09:36 AM

That really is disturbing! Ive turned a few women gay, i put them off men for life, but it would take more than top heavy cock to make me drop anchor in poo bay:D

miss soul fire 10-22-2003 09:40 AM

So, that's the way it turns...


JimmyOmens 10-22-2003 09:42 AM

Whats freaking me out is the fact that he seems to have only just realised that he ever had a dick, hes looking at the camera as if to say "well would you look at that!"

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