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Waus 07-28-2006 03:29 PM

Re: The Family Album
So I bought this hat at Goodwill a couple weeks ago and I couldn't put my finger on what it was I liked about it. I wore it out when I went walking with this musician girl I met here and I told her I couldn't decide what the weird deja vu was.

I figured it out this afternoon. From The Sounds of Science booklet.

na§tee 07-29-2006 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by mickill

awesome. it's like the karate kid!

alexandra 07-29-2006 01:09 PM

Re: The Family Album
mickill gets all the thumbs up i can give. :D

yeah_whatever 07-29-2006 07:37 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Beck
So I bought this hat at Goodwill a couple weeks ago and I couldn't put my finger on what it was I liked about it. I wore it out when I went walking with this musician girl I met here and I told her I couldn't decide what the weird deja vu was.

I figured it out this afternoon. From The Sounds of Science booklet.


Originally Posted by Keith Partridge aka David Cassidy
Heeeey, Iyyyeee think Iyyyyeee love you...

<3 <3 <3

Mcmac 07-29-2006 10:03 PM

Re: The Family Album
Mickill is a fuckin' faggot

icy manipulator 07-30-2006 07:13 AM

Re: The Family Album

only time you'll ever see me with my collar up :o

Ally Al 07-30-2006 05:02 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Beck
So I bought this hat at Goodwill a couple weeks ago and I couldn't put my finger on what it was I liked about it. I wore it out when I went walking with this musician girl I met here and I told her I couldn't decide what the weird deja vu was.

I figured it out this afternoon. From The Sounds of Science booklet.

DEAR LORD!! I hate to do this BUT for real, you are possibly the most vain dude on this boards without a fucking doubt, check me out looking hot in sunglasses and a hat, you fucking prick. Except for maybe that asian dude that "rocks adidas" and never smiles just looks mean and moody, what a CUNT!! . At least the hot chicks do it in a sort of fun way, jesus christ get over yourself and stop wanking over the compliments that follow you fucking gimp

You are such a TWAT!!

and with that adios BBMB

Randetica 07-30-2006 05:20 PM

Re: The Family Album

you need some hobbies

Waus 07-30-2006 05:33 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Ally Al are possibly the most vain dude on this boards without a fucking fucking prick...You are such a TWAT!!

Maybe you're right.

I'll stick to aim from now on.

Deep_Sea_Rain 07-30-2006 06:00 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Ally Al
DEAR LORD!! I hate to do this BUT for real, you are possibly the most vain dude on this boards without a fucking doubt, check me out looking hot in sunglasses and a hat, you fucking prick. Except for maybe that asian dude that "rocks adidas" and never smiles just looks mean and moody, what a CUNT!! . At least the hot chicks do it in a sort of fun way, jesus christ get over yourself and stop wanking over the compliments that follow you fucking gimp

You are such a TWAT!!

and with that adios BBMB

Someone needs to stay on their Zoloft...

QueenAdrock 07-30-2006 06:41 PM

Re: The Family Album

This is my latest.

zorra_chiflada 07-30-2006 07:56 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Ally Al
DEAR LORD!! I hate to do this BUT for real, you are possibly the most vain dude on this boards without a fucking doubt, check me out looking hot in sunglasses and a hat, you fucking prick. Except for maybe that asian dude that "rocks adidas" and never smiles just looks mean and moody, what a CUNT!! . At least the hot chicks do it in a sort of fun way, jesus christ get over yourself and stop wanking over the compliments that follow you fucking gimp

You are such a TWAT!!

and with that adios BBMB

you're like me but not as good.

SobaViolence 07-30-2006 09:43 PM

Re: The Family Album
QA's pupils look like she's on drugs...

and none for the rest of us.

Drederick Tatum 07-30-2006 09:47 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Ally Al
DEAR LORD!! I hate to do this BUT for real, you are possibly the most vain dude on this boards without a fucking doubt, check me out looking hot in sunglasses and a hat, you fucking prick. Except for maybe that asian dude that "rocks adidas" and never smiles just looks mean and moody, what a CUNT!! . At least the hot chicks do it in a sort of fun way, jesus christ get over yourself and stop wanking over the compliments that follow you fucking gimp

You are such a TWAT!!

and with that adios BBMB


skra75 07-30-2006 10:12 PM

Re: The Family Album

yeah so you can't see my sweet descendents 'milo goes to college' shirt it's out of frame...too bad for you.

QueenAdrock 07-30-2006 10:22 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by SobaViolence
QA's pupils look like she's on drugs...

and none for the rest of us.

It's because my eyes never fully focus.

...And because I enjoy snorting coke. Preferably off of hooker's asses, but you take what you can get.(y)

skra75 07-30-2006 10:26 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by QueenAdrock
...And because I enjoy snorting coke. Preferably off of hooker's asses, but you take what you can get.(y)

coke doesn't make your eyes dilate, sweetie ;)

B4BY 4NN 07-30-2006 10:28 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by skra75
coke doesn't make your eyes dilate, sweetie ;)

And knowing the difference is good BECAUSE :confused:

DroppinScience 07-30-2006 10:31 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Ally Al
DEAR LORD!! I hate to do this BUT for real, you are possibly the most vain dude on this boards without a fucking doubt, check me out looking hot in sunglasses and a hat, you fucking prick. Except for maybe that asian dude that "rocks adidas" and never smiles just looks mean and moody, what a CUNT!! . At least the hot chicks do it in a sort of fun way, jesus christ get over yourself and stop wanking over the compliments that follow you fucking gimp

You are such a TWAT!!

and with that adios BBMB

Sounds like somebody is jealous. ;)

Waus 07-30-2006 10:39 PM

Re: The Family Album
I had this big flame-back that I was gonna drop, but I just left it in the reply box. I'm not gonna sink to his level.

Besides - he might be right, I posted a lot of pictures this summer. I wasn't really trying to show off or whatevs, I just get bored with text sometimes.

jennyb 07-30-2006 10:52 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by DroppinScience
Sounds like somebody is jealous. ;)

...and rightfully so! Sheesh, I thought it was only us ladies who acted like that! Dude's claws were showing! :eek:

zorra_chiflada 07-30-2006 10:54 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by DroppinScience
Sounds like somebody is jealous. ;)

i remember when you used to say that to me. and i was all like 'thanks for pointing out that i have something to be jealous of.'
good times.

venusvenus123 07-31-2006 03:01 AM

Re: The Family Album
ain't nothing more attractive than a vain man.

Randetica 07-31-2006 05:59 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by skra75

yeah so you can't see my sweet descendents 'milo goes to college' shirt it's out of frame...too bad for you.

humpable (y)

miss soul fire 07-31-2006 07:47 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by skra75

yeah so you can't see my sweet descendents 'milo goes to college' shirt it's out of frame...too bad for you.

Still looking very hotttttttttt.:p

skra75 07-31-2006 10:05 AM

Re: The Family Album
thanks, that's awfully tender of you both.

beastieangel01 07-31-2006 10:09 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Beck
I had this big flame-back that I was gonna drop, but I just left it in the reply box. I'm not gonna sink to his level.

Besides - he might be right, I posted a lot of pictures this summer. I wasn't really trying to show off or whatevs, I just get bored with text sometimes.

Eh, I thought that the picture was cool (I like this hat, turned out, cause of the Adrock thing).

I'll jump on the wagon though since apparently I've posted too many pictures this summer too. :rolleyes:

now we are both vain attention whores. (y) But we're artists. I thought that came with the territory?

skra75 07-31-2006 10:20 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by beastieangel01
Eh, I thought that the picture was cool (I like this hat, turned out, cause of the Adrock thing).

I'll jump on the wagon though since apparently I've posted too many pictures this summer too. :rolleyes:

now we are both vain attention whores. (y) But we're artists. I thought that came with the territory?

you're right, that crown is fresh.

beastiegirrl101 07-31-2006 10:24 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by skra75

yeah so you can't see my sweet descendents 'milo goes to college' shirt it's out of frame...too bad for you.

Max Fischer, Rushmore.

beastieangel01 07-31-2006 10:26 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by skra75
you're right, that crown is fresh.

it's as if you can FEEL the velvet texture just by looking at it. (y)

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