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Qdrop 10-11-2004 06:27 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by balohna
Music does influence people. If Britney Spears said it was cool to strip for money on the side as a young girl, young girls would do it. If Snoop Dogg said it was cool to tell your parents to go fuck themselves, kids would tell their parents to go fuck themselves. I've been listening to the Beastie Boys for about 6 years now and they have positively influenced me. Song For the Man has made me think differently from other 16 year olds. While my peers are rating girls out of 10 I'm thinking about how someone given a low score would feel if they found out some loser thought they were a 4. If the Beastie Boys didn't speak out agains this type of thing I probably wouldn't give a shit.

you have GOT to be kidding me. ....


i disagree with virtually everything you said there...
i'll go into detail if you wish...

but PC, liberal, hippies always get it wrong....

and i'm sure the women would rate you a 3.....


Qdrop 10-11-2004 06:28 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by wints
As a woman,

wints, you're a woman?

ahh......much clearer now. ;)

Gabriely 10-11-2004 06:29 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Qdrop
wints, you're a woman?

ahh......much clearer now. ;)

what do u mean? :mad:

Qdrop 10-11-2004 06:36 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Gabriely
what do u mean? :mad:

nothing personal, my dear....

wints was becoming highly irrate and combative last week with me......
but i'm starting to to see why.....

women just hate me on the internet.....

but you seem very sweet.....

Qdrop 10-11-2004 07:12 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by montypgirl
I dont hate you...i dont know you.

true dat.....

but that's because you're form Rochester and understand the true source of our cynical negativety......the Rochester weather.

Rochestarians get Rochestarians.......everyone else hates us....and our accents.

Gabriely 10-11-2004 07:14 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Qdrop
true dat.....

but that's because you're form Rochester and understand the true source of our cynical negativety......the Rochester weather.

Rochestarians get Rochestarians.......everyone else hates us....and our accents.

i donn hate you

Qdrop 10-11-2004 07:17 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by montypgirl

We have accents?? :confused:

i know, right?.....i didn't realize this until i moved to Baltimore for 2 years...and people couldn't get over it.....
they said it was worse than a NYC accent.

and Buffalo cats and others all seem to agree that we sound bizarre.
apparently in the way we say the vowel "A"........

i've acually been down state and people call me out as being from Rochester....

Qdrop 10-11-2004 07:24 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by montypgirl
Actually...I have gotten compliments on my accent. You must be uber retarded then :D

*knife to the heart*

Qdrop 10-11-2004 07:29 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by montypgirl
You love me... :cool:

yeah......don't tell my girlfriend...

who are those people in your avatar?

Dustbrother 10-11-2004 08:41 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
never heard of it... but i think the same way like adam said in the post.
i would do the same... absolutely !

Boogiefish 10-11-2004 02:40 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
New member***1st post***Flame on! :D

The Beastie Boys were right to do what they believed in and Prodigy was right to do what they believed in as well (By that I mean playing their song anyway). There isn't anything wrong with the Beastie Boys asking a question like that. If people don't communicate nothing will ever get done and there is no "right" answer. We're talking about the way people feel here. From what I've read and heard I would consider the latter actions Prodigy took to be largely immature (and I know I don't have the whole story!). If my fav band asked me not to play a song for any reason I would at least listen to their logic. I might not agree but I certainly would not have thrown my "sucker in the sand" as Liam seemingly did. No one was telling him what to do and if he truly had any respect for the Boys and their opinion he would not have reacted as he did.

Anyone who thinks the entertainment industry (in general) doesn't affect people and how they act is living in a dream world. It doesn't happen to everyone but a great many are very much swayed by lyrics, action, fashion, and lifestyle of entertainers. Just look at any older adolescent or younger teenager, (hell I know some "adults" that are worse than the kids!). Entertainers are their heros and all kids try to emulate them. Some misguided kids go too far because they don't understand that perception is not reality! If you don't believe this then get yourself a fan and strobelight. Go into a dark room, turn the fan and the strobelight on, and look at the fan. Perception tells you it's not moving and hence not dangerous. Now... stick you fingers in the fan. Yeah... perception is what hurt you; the reality was there the whole time. Kids can (and will) take everything they hear and perceive very literally. That being said, it is up to the entertainer to decide what is acceptable to them and up to their peers to challenge their thinking as well as society's standards. Both bands did that. Parents should be monitoring what the kids are listening to/watching but most parents are not GREAT parents and there are an awful lot of really bad ones out there. The best way to keep a kid out of any kind of trouble is to educate him. Ignorance breeds fear and fear breeds hate. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the paths those emotions can take you down.

The new album rocks me and I really couldn't care less who else likes it. I want it to be successful because I'm selfish and want more from the Beastie Boys! I've been a fan of the Beastie Boys for years but never saw them live. I was going to see them on their last tour when it was cancelled :eek:! I have been feverishly hoping there would be another. I have my tix for the Tampa show and nothing Liam or anyone else says can change that!

Qdrop 10-11-2004 02:51 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
this thread will never fucking die.....

it's the fuckin Energizer battery......

there is nothing else to say....

we are just repeating....

let it go ....

let it go......

blAHchYd 10-11-2004 06:27 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
Maybe some of you have heard of Neo-Nazi music before?
Some people listen and are offended, some people align themselves with the "artist" who sings the hate-themed anthems and others do all they can to stop that kind of shit.

I am personally against this kind of music. I'd ask ANYONE who played that shit to not play it.

I'd be called right

I'd be called wrong.

Space 10-12-2004 09:00 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Yauch
true true,

if someone is impressionable and looks up to the band...

Again, i’m not saying that songs like that should be banned, but I do think that having discussions (like this one) about what affects they could have, are good.

your lyrics impressed me. (no regrets)


"i dont see things quite the same as i used to"
*from brass monkey to boycotting china.


disrespecting women has got to be to thru

mrassbonkey 10-13-2004 05:20 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
I normally just read these posts and am a new member but a way old school fan (back in the 80's with Cookie Puss and She's on it).
I'm writing my first one. For what that's worth. Stick with the basics: Prodigy is pretty soft and more of a gimic. Yauch was correct in speaking his mind and so was the idiot that wrote the song S.M.B.U. We all should value our own and others freedom of speech etc. Fire Starter was ok but other than that what have they done. Vapid synth b.s. Don't get caught up in the opinions of an idiot.

P.S. Yauch, if you read this, be very aware you rocked the garden last week. Thanks to all of you and MMM for lots of fun.

P.S.S. Great dog show. Only you guys can pull off that stuff.

Flowside 10-13-2004 11:35 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
I don't know how Smack My Bitch Up promotes violence on women. Even in the video, at the end you see the one that's beating everyone else up IS a woman. Also, it's pretty low to assume that the "bitch" in the song refers only to women. I think anyone can be a bitch, and therefore anyone could be smacked up.

Marijayadro 10-13-2004 04:23 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Geo_pyromaniack
Check this out..So Liam Howlett(or whatever) said on Mtv that the Beastie boys "are losers and their new album is junk" Sheesh

to say the beasties suck, you gotta be stupid and you gotta have lack of creativity. didn't you listen to yo mama when she said try somethin new?

sXe Boogaloo 10-13-2004 06:15 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
wow, i don't know what to say about this thread. i mean, i do see both sides to this story and it's not my place to say who is right and who is wrong. all i can say is that this thread reminds me of a quote i read. it helped me shed some light on things so i'll share it with you and hopefully it will shed some positive light on this matter. it goes something like this:

"A great deal of our suffering comes from having too many thoughts. And, at the same time, the way we think is not sane. We are only concerned by our immediate satisfaction and forget to measure its long-term advantages and disadvantages, either for ourselves or for others. But such an attitude always goes against us in the end. There is no doubt that by changing our way of seeing things we could reduce our current difficulties and avoid creating new ones."

so you see, to me it not a matter of who is right and who is in the wrong. it's about mistakes we make and how we learn cope and change them because we are only human beings who strive for answers to gain perfection. we will never gain anything but hate and anger for ourselves and our peers if we choose to loop in a circle because we continue find fault and dwell on it. and life it to short and precious to do so. it's best to identify the problem; learn from it and move on. and by doing so, we grow wise mentally and spiritually. but that's just me.

anyway, i hope that helps a lil bit.

much love to you all

James Jupiter 10-14-2004 06:14 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by mrassbonkey
Don't get caught up in the opinions of an idiot.

That is why I wasn't bothered by what you posted. ;)

David H 10-15-2004 06:45 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
By making a cheap comment about the Beastie Boys new album makes Liam Howlett an Idiot. Especially seeing as he hasnt managed to be creative enough to make an album in the last 7 years!

But by playing smack my b*tch up at Reading as if he were acting in defiance of what he perceived as censorship from the Beastie Boys makes him a hypocrite as well.

In 1997, when the Prodigy released the album 'Fat of the Land', containing that song, K-Mart refused to sell it on the grounds that the lyrics were "offensive". Almost over night the Prodigy issued a cleaned-up version of the song and thus ensured the album was sold in the lucrative US market.

It's funny how Howlett's views on censorship dont apply when money is involved!

James Jupiter 10-15-2004 10:14 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by David H
By making a cheap comment about the Beastie Boys new album makes Liam Howlett an Idiot. Especially seeing as he hasnt managed to be creative enough to make an album in the last 7 years!

But by playing smack my b*tch up at Reading as if he were acting in defiance of what he perceived as censorship from the Beastie Boys makes him a hypocrite as well.

In 1997, when the Prodigy released the album 'Fat of the Land', containing that song, K-Mart refused to sell it on the grounds that the lyrics were "offensive". Almost over night the Prodigy issued a cleaned-up version of the song and thus ensured the album was sold in the lucrative US market.

It's funny how Howlett's views on censorship dont apply when money is involved!

From reading your post I concluded that you know very little about Liam Howlett. I do know a lot about The Prodigy/Liam Howlett. I could go into great detail pointing out all the inaccuracies in what you have posted but what would be the point? I'm sure you wouldn't be interested and it wouldn't change your views.

Newsflash - People are allowed to like more than one band/artist (this may come as a surprise to some people here). You don't have to agree with everything your favourite band/artist say.

Just to point out again what Liam said recently: -

"i would like to set the record straight about this 'beastie boys nonsense'

it seems that some journalists are enjoying sensationalising some things i am supposed to have said.i have no wish to carry on any dissagreements i may have had about the smbu issue from reading.people know my stance and it is still the same as it was then.

i recently was asked about their new album in an american interview and as with most of my interviews they are in my usual humour.i said that i had respect for their rhymes but i thought they needed me to make their beats doper as i didnt think they were as dope as they should be!!

really i dont give a shit- so there u go.

long live smbu!


dave790 10-16-2004 12:12 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
I posted in this thread saying at the star i thought beasties were in the wrong. having read it all my view has changed, and also i think it was really good of yauch to put his points across and make this thread even more a decent discussion.

i was there at Raeding 98, so Yauch if you come across this firstly thanks for putting on an awesome show. that nite you made an 8 year old very ahhpy indeed. i was by no means supporting what the prodigy were saying (maxin mainly) bout you guys in their set. it was kinda immature and they seemed determined to make a big thing out of it, which especially sucks as you guys were just discussing dropping the song with them (rather ploitely by the sounds of things).

smack my bitch up isn't even the Prodigys phrase by the way, its taken from ultramagnetic mc's. while it is offensive (my mum saw the video...what a response) its not really the point of the song. well to me anyway i just love those beats! i'm a afan of both groups, i'll never love the prodigy as much as the beastie but i have been into them for a long time (prodigy).

so yeah basically i don't think you where in the wrong, and i agree with everything you've i take back my earlier comment.from the prodigys point of view though they are excellent live and that song is something alot of fans want to see live...i mean if they had dropped it fans woulda all been like 'i was gettin ready to go mental to smack my bitch up and they never played...oh the beasties are on forget that rubbish!'


etae 10-18-2004 01:32 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Yauch
we did go to him in private and ask him if he wouldn't mind skipping that track in their set because it promoted violence against women.

basically he said that he felt that they were somehow subverting or changing the meaning of the words "smack my bitch up" in their song.

it doesn't sound like that to me.

anyway, they decided to take it to the stage, make it public. so during their set that night they said something like "the beastie boys told us not to play this song, but nobody tells us what to do..." and then played the song.

shortly after that a girl told me that she had been abused by her boyfriend and that song had always made her cringe. she thanked us for asking them not to play it.

so i have no regrets about it, and have never apologized to them. i think what we did was right. how is anyone going to know that their words are destructive if no one tells them?

right, there are jerks who take it seriously, and it's not cool to support that kind of shit. Beastie Boys were more than right.

j-dog 10-26-2004 06:46 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Qdrop
this thread will never fucking die.....

it's the fuckin Energizer battery......

there is nothing else to say....

we are just repeating....

let it go ....

let it go......

yes. please do.

brmanuk 10-26-2004 07:56 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
Sorry if this has already been posted but I can't be bothered to read this entire thread. Anyway but I found this at the prodigys website-

07/10/2004 - posted by liam
i would like to set the record straight about this 'beastie boys nonsense'

it seems that some journalists are enjoying sensationalising some things i am supposed to have said.i have no wish to carry on any dissagreements i may have had about the smbu issue from reading.people know my stance and it is still the same as it was then.

i recently was asked about their new album in an american interview and as with most of my interviews they are in my usual humour.i said that i had respect for their rhymes but i thought they needed me to make their beats doper as i didnt think they were as dope as they should be!!

really i dont give a shit- so there u go.

long live smbu!


j-dog 10-26-2004 10:18 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
yes, it has been said.

thegoat2002blue 11-02-2004 05:46 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
undefinedundefinedHowlett was probably worried about ticket sales for his gig in Manchester in December, The Beasties are playin the same night. Our boys are playing Manchesters premier central arena whereas Howlett's Prodigy are stuck in the sticks in the 3.000 capacity Ardwick Apollo - jealous as, I'd say! By the way, will the Beasties be doin' anything promotionalwise in Manchester in December prior to the gig, does anyone know??

James Jupiter 11-06-2004 08:47 AM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by thegoat2002blue
undefinedundefinedHowlett was probably worried about ticket sales for his gig in Manchester in December, The Beasties are playin the same night. Our boys are playing Manchesters premier central arena whereas Howlett's Prodigy are stuck in the sticks in the 3.000 capacity Ardwick Apollo - jealous as, I'd say! By the way, will the Beasties be doin' anything promotionalwise in Manchester in December prior to the gig, does anyone know??

Yeah, I bet Liam is really worried considering The Prodigy gig sold out in a day. I was surprised to see that The Beastie Boys Manchester gig still has tickets available. If you knew anything about The Prodigy you would know that they play smaller venues on purpose. They don't like playing arenas. They would rather do three nights in a 3000 capacity venue than one night in a stadium where they look like ants to the people at the back.

thegoat2002blue 11-08-2004 04:43 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
Hey, come on Fella, the only reason the Prodigy sold out their gigs at the Apollo was cos every ticket tout in Manchester though they were gonna make a killing - check out eBay and see how many are on there! Any one can sell out the Apollo, these days, even Joss Stone, who in keeping with the Prodigy, has also released a crap album this year!!

Nox_e 11-08-2004 04:51 PM

Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys
wints is a gay boy

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