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Kayleigh2012 05-05-2012 02:10 AM

First post and cant believe it's such a sad occassion, i've been lurking these boards for a long long time. I signed up about two weeks ago but i've been waiting for my account to be validated. I wanted to sign up so I could be part of the PWR2MCA project.

Anyways forget about me. I still cant believe it. I literally cant express to all of you how much I hate cancer. My thoughts are with the Beastie Boys and Yauchs family :(

discopants 05-05-2012 02:17 AM

Been years since I logged on to BBMB but still love the Beasties. First band I fell in love with. Can't believe it. So young, too fucking young.

Dyno-mite 05-05-2012 02:23 AM

I can't stop thinking of the affect the Beastie Boys have had on me over the years. The concerts, the records, the collection of all things them. All the good memories and pure enjoyment from their music and live shows that I have had will never go away. But, the hopes of more to come is all but over. That's selfish....I know. But they, all three, died a little today. The Beastie Boys are forever changed just as those of us who loved them are too. "MCA" you have made so many people happy................, may you truly rest in peace. We love you Y A U C H

libbystones 05-05-2012 02:56 AM

Gutted. Much love to his family xxxx thanks for everything xxxx

alexandra_ 05-05-2012 03:22 AM

I haven’t been a member on this board for years, but I feel like this is the right place to share my thoughts and feelings right now...

I feel heartbroken about Yauch’s death, and it made me realize how much he meant to me. I’m 22 (born the same year PB came out) and have been a BB fan since I was around 10. They’ve been one of my favorite groups all along, and Adam inspired and influenced me in so many different and positive ways when I grew up, and I believe he will continue to. Looking back, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I feel very thankful knowing that I am what I am partly because of Yauch and everything the Beastie Boys are about. Adam taught me so much by simply being the wonderful person he was. He seemed like a truly genuine person.

I’m glad I got the chance to see the Beasties twice in concert and meet Yauch after the first show, in May 2004 when I was only 14. He signed my CYH cd (one of my favorite albums ever) and I said “Thank you for everything”, because even at that young age, he had already touched my life.

While I feel heartbroken, it feels good to see all the comments on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, this board and many other places on how much Yauch will be missed, because I honestly didn’t know that he touched that many people’s lives. I’m proud to be one of them.

My thoughts and prayers are with Yauch and his friends and family. I feel so sad, but I know I’m not alone.

Adam, I will always love you. Thank you for everything.

MissCrafty 05-05-2012 03:31 AM

Hi this is my first post here although I've been a lurker for a few years, but been a huge Beasties fan since '86 when I was 9.

I just have to post my thoughts and condolences.

LOVE you MCA.....LOVE the Beasties... If it wasn't for the Beasties come to think I wouldn't like music as much. I still remember hearing Licensed to Ill for the first time during a field trip in 4th grade in early '87 and I had Paul's Boutique when it first came out,and even bought Check Your Head the day it came out ( on April 15th 1992 ) and so many memories during school listening to the albums...Licensed to Ill was actually playing at a party I went to when I was 17, the first time I got drunk I heard that many memories partying with my friends and listening to them and rapping along. Not only in hip hop but MCA was an awesome bass guitarist and musician. I loved his bass playing.

I cried when I heard the news. Beastie Boys are the Beatles of Hip hop imo. Don't know what else to say but I will be listening to Paul's Boutique really loud soon,peace. -Isabella

Calimero jr. 05-05-2012 03:34 AM

Haven't logged in here for years, I'm so sad to do it for such a terrible reason.

So long Adam, and best wishes to all your family and friends.


Shadbells 05-05-2012 04:21 AM

You have been a huge influence in my life. I am heartbroken by this. My blessings and love to him and his family.

cypressphil 05-05-2012 04:30 AM

Gutted, simply gutted.

Fan for 26 years since I was 14. Feels like a part of me has died today with Adam's passing.

My thoughts are with Adam's family, Mike and Adam H.

Gone but never forgotten, peace my brother.

sab0tage 05-05-2012 04:42 AM

I'm not the most frequent poster here but I'm always lurking to the point that I know a lot of you (or your BBMB personalities) pretty well. I know who is sarcastic, who is friendly, and who is downright nasty sometimes but it's comforting to have somewhere to come where people understand and especially now to see, if only for a short time, everyone united.

I've nothing new to say, it's pretty much all been covered. I don't know where things go from here though. The soundtrack to a huge part of my 39 years has come to an end.

RIP Adam

Peace and love to you all


spacemac9000 05-05-2012 04:44 AM

Thanks for telling your story. wow


Originally Posted by nypb (Post 1784050)
I never told this story here but this seems like a good a time as any. On Oct. 6, 2004 my older brother Chris (who was my motherfucking hero growing up) lost his battle with brain cancer. On Oct. 9 we laid him to rest on Long Island. I had purchased tickets to see the Beasties at the Garden on Oct. 9 months earlier but obviously wasn't going that night so that I could sit with my family. At around 4PM my best friend came by and said "let's go..." and my family urged me to go as they thought it might make me feel better. So, loaded up on xanax and beer my buddy drove to my apartment down in the Village and we took the train up to 34th st.

I still remember getting a chill when we entered the Garden to the sounds of Sure Shot. It's one thing to see a Beasties show but at the GARDEN? It doesn't get better than that. You all know that the crowd was filming a movie that night and I have a souvenir to always remind me of that snap shot. It is hard to watch the movie but I remember dancing in place and feeling so great and so miserable at the same time. It still makes me feel better and I have no regrets attending the show. Chris would have wanted me to carry on with my plans.

Anyway, sorry to ramble, I am very sad that Adam is gone. I'm sure that mine is just one of thousands of stories where the band brought joy to their fans even in the toughest of situations. R.I.P. Adam

oh did i mention FUCK CANCER

YoungRemy 05-05-2012 04:53 AM

Rest In Peace Yauch. I am grateful for the opportunity and joy you gave me and the other fans when you envisioned the concept for Awesome I Fuckin' Shot That.

Thundercracker 05-05-2012 04:57 AM

your legacy will live on, adam.

deepest sympathies to the family and friends.

romanpetr 05-05-2012 05:13 AM

RIP to You , ADAM ... my man, my brother...
everyday since 13 years old i was in my mind only with Beasties...
Now I'm crying... You was for me like elder brother,but life sometime is not fair...
i ' still can't to believe it... but peace ,my brother , Yauch... Thank You for all....

Земля Тебе Пухом, Адам!
Я был и есть последний настоящий русский фанат Beastie Boys. Узнав трагическую новость, я расплакался, как мальчишка. Мне очень будет не хватать тебя, мой брат, в этой жизни. с 13 лет , когда я впервые услышал песни и стал фанатом, ни дня не прошло , чтобы я не слушал и думал о них.
Последние годы я думал о новой встрече, а теперь весь мир летит в тар-тара-ры....Жизнь порой очень несправедлива, но так странно устроен мир...
Надеюсь,ты в мире лучшем , чем мы , оставшиеся здесь на земле...
Чувства переполняют меня...
Спи спокойно, Адам! Земля Тебе пухом! Русские помнят и будут помнить о тебе всегда! Спасибо Тебе за все хорошее!
Соболезнования Твоим близким и друзьям!

fonky pizza 05-05-2012 07:13 AM

The Pizzacrew is in tears:( :( for the man who made us laugh like no one else could.(y)

Brik@Brak 05-05-2012 07:14 AM

R.I.P. MCA...Namaste...

TchikiBamBam 05-05-2012 07:16 AM

Putain !
I will always listen to the beastie boys, toute ma putain de vie ! Eveything will be different without MCA but I will always waiting for new stuff from you guys, yeah, keep on playing for us !
much much love from France.

Tomtomtom 05-05-2012 07:48 AM

Heartbroken here. Why him ?
Some Beastie Boys concerts will stay as best memories of my life.
I was listening to Hello Nasty in the afternoon yesterday, some hours before hearing the news.
"I don't know" kept playing in my mind the whole night.

Many thoughts to Adam's family and friends.

Justin 05-05-2012 08:05 AM

I just learned of MCA's passing this morning. I cried like a little baby. It feels like that favorite uncle that just died who would always send you money and gifts but you never saw him. I also know it will never be the same again..EVER with the beastie boys.

MCA touched so many people with his music and lots of those are feeling very sad today, but MCA touched so many other people in other ways.

My heart goes out to Yauch's family today who I am mostly sad for.

HEIRESS 05-05-2012 08:19 AM

I was totally sideswiped by the news, so absolutely sad.

Frenchbgirl 05-05-2012 08:32 AM

well... I've not logged in for so long... I'm so sad to log in under these circumstances...
I've been very busy yesterday and didn't hear the news until late at night. I was checking the "Mic to mic" blog, as I do once in a while, and I couldn't believe it. So I went here, and it just hit me. I stared at my screen for several minutes, in shock.

I still can't believe he's gone. I'm almost 30 and I've been a huge fan of the beastie boys since I'm 15, so you could say I spent half my life listening to their music, and being inspired by them (especially Yauch). It's heartbreaking. Such a loss...

All my thoughts are with his family and friends...

vertigokid74 05-05-2012 09:00 AM

beam us up Yauch!

PhantomDuck 05-05-2012 09:39 AM

I am completely unable to process this right now. I am finding myself incapable of truly accepting that this piece of news is in fact attached to the fabric of reality.

Goodness does not die and to me, Adam and the boys have always been just that.

For them and for his family, I have nothing but love.


Friis gal 05-05-2012 09:41 AM

Ah, this is just so unreal.
The Beasties have been my favourite band since I was 8, and they will always be the most awesome group in the world in my opinion. Even though our man MCA is no longer with us, he will still rock some body movin’ and rump shaking in the future :)
He has touched us in so many positive ways, so Yauch! Live long in our memories!

K-ren 05-05-2012 09:41 AM

My son, Noah (who I wanted to name Adam, but my husband wouldnt have it), loves the Beastie Boys. I was in the car explaining to him that Yauch had died which led to a long conversation about death and dying and people not coming back once they are gone. Then we turned up one of our favorite Bboys tunes after which the four year-old profoundly tells me: "Mommy, him voice is still alive" ....well said, Noah. Peace out, my man

stevereno 05-05-2012 10:10 AM

I have re- submitted myself to this site again after some email account losses to share a few thoughts on the loss of Adam Yauch. I once read in The Buddhist Magazine Tricycle that MCA was born on August 5, 1964. That's my birthday. As a fan, a musician and a practicing Buddhist, (at the time), I really appreciated this and receiving birthday messages for a few years from the folks at this site.

"There's an extra tug when someone born on the same exact day as you leaves early" is what i wrote on facebook yesterday.

Last night I was able to play music into the wee hours of the night/ morning with a friend who I rarely get to see. A great joy. Appreciating the inspiration Adam brought to this world on many levels. peace to his family and friends.

tpk 05-05-2012 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by stevereno (Post 1784438)
I have re- submitted myself to this site again after some email account losses to share a few thoughts on the loss of Adam Yauch. I once read in The Buddhist Magazine Tricycle that MCA was born on August 5, 1964. That's my birthday. As a fan, a musician and a practicing Buddhist, (at the time), I really appreciated this and receiving birthday messages for a few years from the folks at this site.

"There's an extra tug when someone born on the same exact day as you leaves early" is what i wrote on facebook yesterday.

Last night I was able to play music into the wee hours of the night/ morning with a friend who I rarely get to see. A great joy. Appreciating the inspiration Adam brought to this world on many levels. peace to his family and friends.

if you know your old username i could change the email and reset the password for you if you'd like.

Kid Presentable 05-05-2012 10:17 AM

tpk is there any chance we can change the title of the thread? Yes it's true, but it's a fucking hammer between the eyes to read. No dramas if not, just wondering.

tpk 05-05-2012 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Kid Presentable (Post 1784445)
tpk is there any chance we can change the title of the thread? Yes it's true, but it's a fucking hammer between the eyes to read. No dramas if not, just wondering.

i know right. i was just thinking about it too.

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