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hitmonlee 03-12-2007 08:09 AM

Re: What's for TEA?

chicken with chili seasoning, tomato and onion

salad: lettuce, cucumber, spring onion, cheese, carrot, guacamole

the taco

cosmo105 03-16-2007 04:49 PM

Re: What's for TEA?
coconut curry stir-fry

fresh veggies + tofu


served on a bed of quinoa (made in the rice cooker in the background)

nummers (y)

cosmo105 03-20-2007 09:36 PM

marinated tofu fajitas

grill pans FTW

Pres Zount 03-21-2007 04:07 AM

Re: What's for TEA?
That tofu looks nicely done. I actually really like tofu. Yeah.

milleson 04-03-2007 06:59 PM


na§tee 04-04-2007 04:35 PM

spaghetti with olives, over-cooked cherry tomatoes, feta and hella garlic. EASY PEASY.

TAL 04-04-2007 05:26 PM

Re: What's for TEA?

Salmon and stuff.

Lyman Zerga 04-05-2007 12:31 AM

Re: What's for TEA?

Originally Posted by na§tee
spaghetti with olives, over-cooked cherry tomatoes, feta and hella garlic. EASY PEASY.

feed me!

ggirlballa 04-08-2007 09:14 PM

Re: What's for TEA?



it would have been better if i had rice or at least a side but i forgot to pick some up at the market so all u get is chicken

TurdBerglar 04-08-2007 09:26 PM

Re: What's for TEA?
do you know that honey is either bee shit or bee vomit?

kleptomaniac 04-08-2007 09:30 PM

Re: What's for TEA?

Originally Posted by TurdBerglar
do you know that honey is either bee shit or bee vomit?


ggirlballa 04-08-2007 09:30 PM

Re: What's for TEA?
haha i was about to post that^

na§tee 04-17-2007 09:13 PM

chickpea pilaf ftw.

Pres Zount 04-21-2007 03:25 AM

Re: What's for TEA?
Hahahahaha. That is wonderful. Has anyone here ever eaten a baby before?

Skye, soon you will see pictures here of your donut burger. I promise.

Lyman Zerga 04-21-2007 06:41 AM

Re: What's for TEA?
haha poor baby

zippo 04-21-2007 06:41 PM

Re: What's for TEA?
today is april 21st and i give thanks for this thread

ggirlballa 04-21-2007 08:18 PM

Re: What's for TEA?


zippo 04-21-2007 09:07 PM

Re: What's for TEA?
you said "fuck the diet" and stuck your salad between two pieces of bread, right?

in other news: volume is so important for when making a sandwich look more appetizing, looks good

ggirlballa 04-21-2007 09:08 PM

Re: What's for TEA?

Originally Posted by zippo
you said "fuck the diet" and stuck your salad between two pieces of bread, right?

lol exactly

na§tee 04-22-2007 09:28 AM

hello my name is claire and i live in the heart attack capital of the world
sweeeeet sandwich, ggirl! now that's impressive.

thoroughly scottish food ftw.

me, i made square/lorne sausages for lunch for the boy. scottish people, what exactly makes these sausages and not burgers, hmm? because it doesn't have a skin. and (i think) these use the same meat. someone fill me in here. i r confused. the only thing which differentiates them from burgers is their, er, shape.

for the uninformed, you will be horrified to learn this is what they look like uncooked:

then i slammed a holocausted fried egg on top and poured some brown sauce (TM) on it unlovingly. look at that. i didn't even make any sort of concerted effort to centre the egg. just threw it on top in an explosion of yolk and broon sauce. btw, he had both rolls, i didn't.

ggirlballa 04-22-2007 11:00 PM

Re: What's for TEA?
whatever that is looks good^

Pres Zount 04-26-2007 06:23 AM

Re: What's for TEA?

Donuts and chicken burgers don't mix :(

Lyman Zerga 04-27-2007 01:31 AM

Re: What's for TEA?
most of that food looks probably better in real and tastes good but on these pictures it looks like nasty ass shit, no offence :D

it must be a tough job being a food stylist/photographer

Big Gus 04-27-2007 06:36 PM

Re: What's for TEA?
Nasty and shit? It looks pretty much excellent to me.

I've actually come to this thread sometimes and then go to make something to eat thinking "damn the internet's made me hungry".

ggirlballa 04-27-2007 07:22 PM

Re: What's for TEA?

Originally Posted by Pres Zount

Donuts and chicken burgers don't mix :(

arteries explode(y)

na§tee 05-28-2007 04:12 AM

delivered bento boxes are going to suck up all my money
but it has teriyaki salmon and scallops and prawns and oh my jesus it is delicious.

ericlee 06-02-2007 07:10 PM

Re: What's for TEA?
i suppose you could get away with calling it a western style omlette. I just call it scrambled eggs with tortillas.

I start by chopping onjuns and garlic together

And then dice some maters

I like to use chicken and a lil lettuce

Put the chicken to simmer with the garlic

Add everything else together

ericlee 06-02-2007 07:14 PM

Re: What's for TEA?
Can't forget to mention the chinese chili sauce.

Annnd finito

na§tee 09-16-2007 01:54 PM

hello all.

i had to post this. us stewarts/days have, through the ages, been absolutely useless at anything meringue based. we totally suck. my mum is the greatest cook but she didn't manage to break the generational curse. it brings much lolz whenever we try to make it once a year and then fail.

anyway, today my flatmate decided to have a really early christmas dinner (hmm, don't ask) so i made a chocolate raspberry pavlova for everyone HOOOH BOY HERE IT IIIIIIISSS! my wrist hurts from whisking, but it was successful. i took some pictures for prosperity and to send to me mammy ; ) i've never had this much fun, uh, grating dark chocolate before.

p.s while i was searching for a thread to put this in (keyword: CAKE) i found this fantastic thread of cosmo's back in the day which deserves looking at for the awesome photographs. thought the general cooking thread was the best place for this to live, but anyway : )


while taking it my flatmate said i was looking at it like a newborn child haha.

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