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jlarsen 05-05-2012 12:39 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
When I think about why I am so devasted...well it's Beastie Boys songs listed as "music of the day" in my firstborn's baby book 28 years ago, lyrics to their songs were some of her first words, hardly a day has gone by during those years that I haven't listened to their music, never tiring of the def jams, still can't listen to Intergallactic without getting a smile on my face. That I relate to this music on so many levels, but in the end it is all about the beats. They helped define my life but what now? Time will heal, but it will never be the same.

mathcart 05-05-2012 12:43 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Haven't known what to say for 24hours. At Jazzfest in New Orleans- its been surreal. Saw BlackStar show last night- lots of love- they started it off with a "No Sleep" singalong.

Guess what I want to say is thank you.
Thank you for the music that has been (and will continue to be) the soundtrack to my life.
Thank you for introducing me to SO much amazing music through your own.
Thank you for broadening my horizons, not just musically.
Thank you for being such an inspirational person.
Thank you for teaching me about my growth, personally, politically, spiritually.
Thank you for the laughs.
Thank you for helping me not take everything so seriously, especially myself.
Thank you for reppin' Brooklyn.
Thank you for the strength and courage you modeled til the end.
Thank you for the love and joy with which you lived life. It was always apparent and always inspirational.
Thank you for all the shows. The memories of dancing and screaming along with thousands of others are sacred memories.

Feel like this is 50/50 eulogizing the Beasties as much as Adam, which I guess it sorta is.

It feels like NY just lost an institution.

I thought I wasn't gonna say anything yet. Couldnt help it...

Thank you for touching my life.

beestyboi 05-05-2012 12:52 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
MLB baseball is paying tribute to Yauch

the 5th story in the slideshow

that's pretty big.. i've never seen a dedication type thing on that site

Matchstikk 05-05-2012 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by MixMasterMikeD (Post 1784497)
Same with me mate on the whole thing.

Same here also.

Mountain_Cat_1M 05-05-2012 01:02 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Just want to say my few words...

Been a fan since 86. I was shocked when MCA announced he had cancer...and I was just after finishing a 6 month go of chemo 2 months prior for small bowel cancer. So his announcement hit home for me. I thought for sure he would beat it given it seemed localized and treatable. It is baffling how one person can beat it and another can't. My tumor was likely 10x bigger than as his and 10x more lymph nodes affected but its been 3.5 years since surgery to remove all the cancer and 3 years since I finished chemo and no signs of reoccurance. How I am alive is beyond me. So when someone like MCA can't beat it, someone who really made a difference for so many, it really gets to me. Because I'm just a regular joe who was very damn lucky.

I'd like to say he went out first class and didn't go out coach but there is nothing first class about his death. One thing is for certain his life was first class and he was a child of the earth. R.I.P MCA.

mathcart 05-05-2012 01:04 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Mets walkup music "setlist" from last night.

nypb 05-05-2012 01:08 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by spacemac9000 (Post 1784518)
Yes I too felt the thread needed a proper title change, i was in shock when i started it and the news had really just broken

No worries, man. We're all in shock.

Guy Incognito 05-05-2012 01:10 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Still struggling with the news but just hoping his family and friends are coping. He seemed a very positive person and i would have thought he tried to be positive and encouraged those close to him to remain strong.

Its been nice that some friends (including some who i havent contacted for ages) have been in touch with me as they knew i was a fan and they took some time out to say something nice.

spacemac9000 05-05-2012 01:14 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by nypb (Post 1784542)
No worries, man. We're all in shock.

thanks brother

benchillin 05-05-2012 01:18 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
he gave us all so much

beasties#1fan 05-05-2012 01:55 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by baltogrl71 (Post 1784505)
Nothin but Love and Gratitude...

I am so sad, but looking at old pics and talking to friends I realized how lucky I am to have experienced and remember so many wonderful moments of my life through your music and presence.... such a huge part of me since the begining,

sometimes my friends tease me about how much I love/miss the 80's, but the truth is it was the greatest time the music was so new and fresh. I was young and free with no worries, and no one I knew had died yet, especially of cancer. It seems the past ten years the people I love and value so much have all been devoured by this monster. It is truly heartbreaking. I can't understand..

I stop myself when I feel this way and I remember I am so lucky to have had each and everyone of these extrodinary people in my life, and I only feel happiness and gratitude.

Thank you Adam for being such huge part of my life. It truly was a pleasure meeting you.

To all of you.... much love you were as much a part of him as he was you. I hope you all celebrate his life always.


I couldnt agree more with you. About the 80s....i wish i grew up in the 80s, and your was a better time.
You were lucky to meet him...i really wish i could have.

MCAadROCKMiKEd7 05-05-2012 02:05 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by beasties#1fan (Post 1784554)
I couldnt agree more with you. About the 80s....i wish i grew up in the 80s, and your was a better time.
You were lucky to meet him...i really wish i could have.

I agree :(
I read your sig, Its so sad. I feel like part of me is gone also, I'm just glad to say that this communitys support toward each other and his family is nothing short of perfect.

The 80s were meant for us Khlo haha (:

Miho 05-05-2012 02:16 PM

He was a great man. I still can't believe he's gone. His passing came out of the blue.

Rest in Peace, Yauch.

beasties#1fan 05-05-2012 02:17 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by MCAadROCKMiKEd7 (Post 1784559)
I agree :(
I read your sig, Its so sad. I feel like part of me is gone also, I'm just glad to say that this communitys support toward each other and his family is nothing short of perfect.

The 80s were meant for us Khlo haha (:

Awh thanks girl. It is...the beastie fans really came together, as we should have. Yauch is not in pain anymore, and thats the only thought thats keeping my chin this point.
The 80s we belong, my friend.

trentonkyle23 05-05-2012 02:27 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Hey everyone,
MCA's passing is going to be one of those moments where I will always remember where I was when I heard the news. He (along with the rest of the BBoys) meant that much to me. Very sad news. I had the fortune to see the guys four times over the span almost 20 years.

My buddy let me post some rarities, deep cuts, and b-sides in an MCA tribute podcast I made last night. If you are the type of fan that knows Cooky Puss and 33% God etc. then I think you'll dig it.
You can find it at

Let me know if you want me to share the Playlist with you via Dropbox (hopefully we are allowed to do that on this site).

RIP Adam

M.C. Guevera 05-05-2012 02:58 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I'm listening to "Looking Down The Barrel Of A Gun" and MCA saying "Life comes in phases/Take the good with the bad" stung me.

tpk 05-05-2012 03:47 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by spacemac9000 (Post 1784518)
Yes I too felt the thread needed a proper title change, i was in shock when i started it and the news had really just broken ... I think part of me was hoping it was wrong ... not to mention the tmz blurb was inaccurate ...

This must be so hard for the people most close to him. They are in my thoughts and well wishes.

yeah I feel bad for not changing it when I made it sticky (thanks heiress). it was a blunt title that described the moment when this first came out but quickly became a disturbing and disrespectful title.

M.C. Guevera 05-05-2012 03:54 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I checked out another messageboard I go to to see if anyone had anything to say over there, and sure enough, there was a thread titled "Adam Yauch died". Now, I expected the worse, since a lot of the posters on that site are pretty prickish towards, well, everything. They've cracked jokes and shitted on celebrity deaths before, so I cringed when I clicked the thread, expecting to see a bunch of jokes and mocking over his death.

Yet, instead, what I found was genuine sadness. These are guys who don't put their smart ass guard down for anything or anyone...yet, they were feeling depressed. Even if all they wrote was "That sucks." or just put up a ":(", it was still more than I expected from them. Even those who weren't actually fans paid their respects, since they know of the Beastie Boys' impact on music.

This really showed me just how much the band meant to people. Seeing all of the different types of people post something revealing their fandom proves that the band has a wide and diverse fanbase. It's not just white people, black people, spanish people, fucking EVERYONE could get into them. That's not something every band can say they can do. People were sad. Legit sad over this.

Except for one guy that wrote "I don't give a shit about Adam Yauch." But he's a douchebag anyway, so fuck him.

M.C. Guevera 05-05-2012 03:58 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I like what this writer for Late Night With Jimmy Fallon had to say on Twitter:


Eric Ledgin ‏ @iamledgin

You know you really meant something to people when even Twitter refuses to mock your death.
I don't think the Beastie Boys will ever realize just how much they really meant to people and just how many lives they have touched.

kleptomaniac 05-05-2012 04:21 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Giving you a big cyber hug wherever you are. Thank you for everything. Lots of love to you and everyone who knew you and everyone on this board.

Rest in Peace, Adam Yauch


silence7 05-05-2012 04:28 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
We may feel like we're the closest because we're here, but other communities are mourning as well.. :(

LuciferHam 05-05-2012 04:55 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Well I don't know if it was the right thing to do but I went out last night. Overcome with emotion on hearing the Apache break I busted on to the stage, grabbed the DJs mic and paid tribute to Adam Yauch before attempting to freestyle some rhymes in honour of the man himself.

Still, the second day of knowing this sad news and its no easier to come to terms with. He was far far too young.

M.C. Guevera 05-05-2012 05:06 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

A fan's reaction I found on YouTube.

darius 05-05-2012 05:18 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
My prayers go out to Adam and his family. A true pioneer and genius of music has passed and will never be forgotten. Thank you MCA for all you have given us, may you rest in peace. You will be greatly missed...

MCScoobyT 05-05-2012 05:21 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Thank you for making the music that is and always will be the soundtrack to my life.

adrock1988 05-05-2012 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by rubyraks (Post 1784187)
I've never been devastated by any celebrity's passing, never close to tears, but adam's passing is the first.

I've grown up with the boys. Only a few years off their's. From high school to college to marriage to children. I've seen them many times in many different venues, mostly nyc, big/small, tours/charities/causes.

When they were partying, I was right there with them. When they realized there were bigger concerns, I was there. Families, check.

I can't think of any artists that have had as profound an effect as the beasties, Adam Yauch especially. RIP MCA you will never be forgotten.

agreed! (y)(y)(y)(y)

kaiser soze 05-05-2012 05:51 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Farewell and Safe Journeys Yauch, you moved millions and a couple mountains as well.

You left us too soon, but you left us with many gifts

Much peace and healing to your family and your beastie brothers

you'll be missed immensely

DJ_Skrilla 05-05-2012 06:19 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
"May you be well. May you be happy. May you know love. May you know peace." Namaste Adam. - Skrilla

YoungRemy 05-05-2012 06:58 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
this isn't getting any easier. I want to devote my entire social networking efforts to letting the world know what an amazing and powerful being this man once was and will always be.

it's overkill, but I always felt this way. people knew I was passionate about the Beastie Boys and Adam Yauch in particular, but there is so much to say about a person who has influenced and affected your life for the last 20 years.

solidify my own views
and I'll be glad if it helps anyone else out too

to try and change the world i will plot and scheme

beestyboi 05-05-2012 07:13 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by M.C. Guevera (Post 1784581)
I'm listening to "Looking Down The Barrel Of A Gun" and MCA saying "Life comes in phases/Take the good with the bad" stung me.

wait til ya hear "i'm gonna die, gonna die one day cuz i'm going and going and going.. this way" :(

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