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TurdBerglar 06-20-2014 10:17 PM

i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
seems like people don't like doing that anymore :(

Guy Incognito 06-21-2014 11:01 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
i have nothing to say but i think its not right to not have responses to this thread.

you do come up with some random stuff which i always enjoy reading if not always responding.

Lex Diamonds 06-21-2014 11:13 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
I'm always surprised by how many people still come here. Like, not many people post but whenever some shit goes down suddenly they're all crawling out the woodwork.

Lyman Zerga 06-21-2014 04:39 PM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
they can suck me sideways

TurdBerglar 06-21-2014 08:21 PM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
I can't stand it when you go to a fast food joint and the person ordering in front of you has no fucking clue what they're doing. asking crazy questions and taking way too fucking long. and you're standing behind them screaming to yourself all like.... NO THEY DON'T HAVE FUCKING KEY LIME PIE! IT'S A FUCKING GOD DAMN SUBWAY!

then the two white trash all-stars sitting at the other table are trying to flirt with you and get you to sit with them. and you just want to sit down by yourself in peace and eat your sandwich then go back to work. fuck off with your meth faces and yellow teeth and your C-section scars that everyone can see because if your cheap ass booty shorts were rolled down any lower your nasty ass cunt would be on display to these (mostly)fine patrons of subway.

Lyman Zerga 06-22-2014 01:06 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
whats the point of a c-section scar when you cant show it off?

Guy Incognito 06-22-2014 01:57 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
white trash all stars is a good name for a band

Dorothy Wood 06-22-2014 09:48 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
I sometimes come here to make threads and then erase everything. I'm increasingly self-conscious about everything I share online because it doesn't feel anonymous anymore. Also all I ever seem to want to do is complain, and then I get embarrassed about how crabby I am. Or how bossy I get. Here or in comment threads anywhere else. I have dramatically reduced my online commentary across the board. Maybe just because I'm getting old though.

I could complain about yuppies ruining my life, but I think I make people too upset when I complain about white people. I mean even my friend who golfs and owns a condo and a French bull dog, and is white, complains about white people. There needs to be a new name...I guess yuppie works? Just sounds so 80s. I googled "yuppie invasion" and the first result referenced my neighborhood, ha. Time to move!

TurdBerglar 06-22-2014 10:13 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
yuppies are just as bad as hoodrats

TurdBerglar 06-22-2014 10:22 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
and why does this one shirt that I have give me BO. I only get BO when I wear this shirt.

Guy Incognito 06-22-2014 11:06 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
stop wearing it then. buy another one:p

TAL 06-23-2014 12:01 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet

Originally Posted by TurdBerglar (Post 1814532)
and why does this one shirt that I have give me BO. I only get BO when I wear this shirt.

It probably says BJ, but someone filled in the J.

abbott 06-23-2014 12:27 PM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
im saving for braces

Uru-Nitro 06-24-2014 09:33 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
I come here very often to read al your hilarious and/or serious threads. But I almost never post -only on the beastie boys forum- because my English is so poor that it takes me like forever to explain my points. At least I can read you well.(y)

Dorothy Wood 06-24-2014 12:32 PM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet

Originally Posted by TurdBerglar (Post 1814531)
yuppies are just as bad as hoodrats

Yeah, there's more garbage everywhere now. More traffic, more graffiti, more panhandlers (actually there were none before), small groups of hobo crust punks, more petty crime, more noise, etc.

And everyone thinks they're so fucking cool for being here. I went to a new bar recently with my boyfriend and his parents, and we got such dirty looks from the patrons, like "how dare you bring olds in here!" I just laughed like "sorry to ruin your image but this place is down the street from where I've lived for 9 years, probably since you were in 8th grade, get over it". The staff was nice though.

Anyway, I'm still on a quest to find a peaceful life. It's hard because the world is full of jerks.

TurdBerglar 06-24-2014 03:59 PM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
hobo crust punks?

if the british call diapers napkins what the fuck do they call napkins?

Dorothy Wood 06-24-2014 06:41 PM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet

^fuckers like that. There's a group of them that now hang out near an underpass I travel through on my bike ride home from work. They ask for money and I just ignore them. They started showing up just a couple weeks ago. They popped up in the last neighborhood I was gentrified out of (a lawyer bought the building I lived in and kicked everyone out to make it a single family mansion because in his words "this neighborhood is up and coming".)

Yes, I'm bitter.

TurdBerglar 06-24-2014 06:59 PM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
oh, there's this really bohemian lesbian college town up the river. it's like a place were you'd go to get a skirt made of hemp and then get your tragus pierced and get some obscure vinyl records. it has a real problem with douchebags pan handling. probably the same type of douchebags. the town put in these really ornate benches and then they had to take them out because the panhandlers would claim then as their own and fight over them and the people walking around shopping and stuff were getting accosted.

it's a cool place to go to if you don't mind being around white kids with dreadlocks playing hacky sack. you can get dirty looks if you're not cool enough though. but that's part of the fun because they're all a bunch of pussies.

it's really fun to go there with your ghetto ass puerto rican friends with their nikes and 80 dollar jean shorts and scare the shit out of these kids.

Dorothy Wood 06-24-2014 10:25 PM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
It's weird how that kind of stuff hasn't changed much since the 90s. The hippie stuff, not the puerto rican friends.

Like you can still buy Bob Marley posters and beaded curtains and incense and it's exactly the same shit they were selling to teenagers 20 years ago. The 90s version of the 70s just seems like a weird thing to be still around.

Lex Diamonds 06-25-2014 05:47 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet

Originally Posted by TurdBerglar (Post 1814595)
oh, there's this really bohemian lesbian college town up the river. it's like a place were you'd go to get a skirt made of hemp and then get your tragus pierced and get some obscure vinyl records. it has a real problem with douchebags pan handling. probably the same type of douchebags. the town put in these really ornate benches and then they had to take them out because the panhandlers would claim then as their own and fight over them and the people walking around shopping and stuff were getting accosted.

it's a cool place to go to if you don't mind being around white kids with dreadlocks playing hacky sack. you can get dirty looks if you're not cool enough though. but that's part of the fun because they're all a bunch of pussies.

it's really fun to go there with your ghetto ass puerto rican friends with their nikes and 80 dollar jean shorts and scare the shit out of these kids.


abbott 06-25-2014 10:27 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
North Korea threatens to wage war on USA over Seth Rogen and James Franco’s Kim Jong-un assassination film

I read the article and I could not help but think North Korea must have invested in this film.

TurdBerglar 06-25-2014 04:23 PM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
the local six flags is closing down this epic wooden roller coaster that's scary as shit and beats the snot out of you. I almost fell out of it when I was ten. it's from a time way before the park was bought out by six flags and when it was actually a nice pleasant place to hang out at. owned by a local family. I'd get a seasons pass every year and go there like once a week. you'd bump into your friends and just hang out and have fun. it was like going to a city park with greens spaces and trees that fucking had roller coasters, bumper cars and rides. since six flags has owned it, it's now completely over developed, over crowded and full of rude intruders and massive groups of people that are there together all excited and wearing corny t-shirts from whatever group they came with. waiting in line for fucking hours because it's so fucking packed. that roller coaster was ALWAYS the first and last ride we went on. tradition. im sad about this. it's strange. I haven't been there in so long.

abbott 06-26-2014 07:08 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
six flags over texas was a baby sitter for my parents when I was between 1-4 grade. They would drop me off and pick me up at the end of the day. Now they look to see kids have adult supervision.

we had the wooden Judge Roy Scream that was all wood and looked like it was about to fall apart as you were riding.

Anyway, you know what is fucked up? Waving at people riding motorcycles.

TurdBerglar 06-26-2014 10:15 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
1-4 grade??? the fuck?

abbott 06-26-2014 12:09 PM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet

Originally Posted by TurdBerglar (Post 1814623)
1-4 grade??? the fuck?


dont forget I was crew leader at Chick-Fil-A with 3 years experience at 15.

Six Falgs, no adults, and a $20 bill.

or Wet and Wild which was probably cooler to me.

Drop off at 10 and pick up at 7. Cheapest day care in town.

abbott 06-26-2014 12:11 PM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
i think that was part of my 6th grade weed smoking kick off that I hope some day does not spread to my kids till they are at least 21.

FYI fuck the heroin. My friend just lost his son.

abbott 06-26-2014 06:29 PM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
oh yea

taking my wife to 311 tonight

pshabi 06-27-2014 05:43 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet

Originally Posted by TurdBerglar (Post 1814532)
and why does this one shirt that I have give me BO. I only get BO when I wear this shirt.

Is it Dri Fit or some other type of "performance material?" Poly-Blend?

TurdBerglar 06-27-2014 09:23 AM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet
nah. it's just a plain old cotton t-shirt. I have one in blue and one in red. the blue one makes me reek but not the red one.

abbott 06-28-2014 10:10 PM

Re: i miss talking shit with random strangers on the internet



Chinese downhill?

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