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b i o n i c 06-23-2010 06:13 PM

are you/ have you been in a band?
just curious how many bbmb'ers are musically inclined..

i havent really LISTENED to rock as much as i used to since i was in college and played in bands. i listen to rock more passively now, but i was ALL about it back then.. everything i'd hear id be thinking about how to play..

playing in bands was a huge part of my life from the age of 14 to about 22, then i put away all my gear, moved and kind of just forgot about it completely.

i was looking around the other day and watched a tape of my last band and its like the floodgates opened up - all this shit started coming back. i completely forgot how much i loved playing music, being in a band.

so i went to the guitar store yesterday and just started looking around. i am in love with a butterscotch pbass and im thiiiiiiiiiiiis close to going to get it now.

i played my acoustic for a little while, god do i suck right now.. i wanna rock the fuck out! *SHRIIIEEEEEEKKK*

b i o n i c 06-23-2010 06:32 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
id like to point out that my bands, except for the last two, generally sucked. but damn it was so much fun.

fuck it, i think im gonna get that bass.. i dunno.. i can't stop thinking about it! that doesnt happen to me a lot..

im waiting for someone to tell me this is retarded and i shouldnt impulsively spend $700 on a daydream

Freebasser 06-23-2010 07:04 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
I play bass (the clue's in the screen name) but I've never been in a band.

Well... I turned one band down to be an another, except that the band I 'joined' never started and the one I turned down went into the studio :/

Caribou 06-23-2010 07:10 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
I've been in a band, but I don't play an instrument.

I was a bit like the Meg White of the band.

ericlee 06-23-2010 07:19 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
2 bands actually. One band was with a group of my hometown friends and I and a female singer. The band consisted of 2 bassists- my pal and I, a guitarist, and a drummer. We called ourselves "Skillet" because all of us had worked at a mexican restaurant and the dishes were served on skillets. The singer's uncle worked at a radio station in Cleveland and he actually gave us some airtime on a keep or lose type deal where the listeners could vote whether they want to hear us make it and 89% voted yes. We didn't do much after that because everyone started moving away.

The second band was a group of friends that I have met while in Cincinnati and we were called "House of Usher." Again, I was the bassist and there was a singer, guitarist and drummer. We played a lot around Cincinnati, mostly at small clubs and such. We had a very similar sound to Black Sabbath but it was all original material. We broke it off because I had joined the military.

I'm kinda in a one man band right now but it's a little boring doing all the shit myself and I would like to have fellow musicians to play with to hear their ideas. Been trying to get a band together but craigslist hasn't been working out.

B, get that bass and play with me yo!

b i o n i c 06-23-2010 07:19 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?

Originally Posted by Freebasser (Post 1736913)
I play bass (the clue's in the screen name) but I've never been in a band.

Well... I turned one band down to be an another, except that the band I 'joined' never started and the one I turned down went into the studio :/

i always thought freebasser referred to cookin drugs.. what did you have?

i had a shitty ibanez bass and a black les paul, both of which are completely wrecked.. the bass i had to tune with a wrench and the guitar has the knobs smashed into the body and a crack in the body (which actually my dad did when he threw my guitar when i came home late or something)

eric, we listen to completely different music! do you remember band fights?? haha

caribou, doesnt she bang on the drums or something?

Caribou 06-23-2010 07:57 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?

Originally Posted by b i o n i c (Post 1736916)
caribou, doesnt she bang on the drums or something?

Yeah, which is what I did.

I was at first supposed to be the bass-player, though I didn't really have any bass skillz and then I asked the drummer (who was absolutely shite) if I could have a go and I turned out to be better than him, so I became the new drummer.

Oh and I once had to play bass on stage for a school thing. We played 'gay bar' and my (male) friends were all dressed in really tight outfits and leather and fishnets and all that. It was traumatic.

ericlee 06-23-2010 08:01 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
yeah, we had a few band fights but most of the musicians aren't all on the same sheet of music. That's how different ideas of material gets done.

I mean, the guitarist of the band I was in while in Cincinnati had a mullet but he could fucking lay some solos down!

Echewta 06-23-2010 08:24 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
no, but i have played instruments: trombone, saxophone, snare, baritone, bass guitar, and currently learning piano.

jabumbo 06-24-2010 09:11 AM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
i have been on a slow conquest to learn just about everything.

looking to get a guitar now.

Freebasser 06-24-2010 01:05 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?

Originally Posted by b i o n i c (Post 1736916)
i always thought freebasser referred to cookin drugs.. what did you have?

Crack and PCP... oh, um, you mean instrument wise?

Back then I was learning and only had a Squier P-Bass. Piece of shit that it was. Now I have a Fender Mexican Precision Bass (Only slightly shit) and a Fender Jaguar Bass (shit-hot).

I want a Gibson bass at some point in time, but I can't afford one right now.

Alas, I have no guitar playing, drum playing, or singing fweinds :(

b i o n i c 06-24-2010 01:15 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
i think im going to definately go the P-Bass route. i was looking at this butterscotch (yellow) 1951 reissue one with the chrome metal bridges over the strumming part of the strings. i went back yesterday after posting and almost bought it..

basically i liked the bridges, i think theyd be really handy for playing a long set.. i have slight arthritis... but the dude told me i could buy those bridges and put them on everything. the bass sounded NICE... the high strings sound less twangy and more rich.

i want to find one with a nice deep full sound all around the fretboard (1), i think i prefer a fender (2) and some interesting color would be nice


Originally Posted by ericlee (Post 1736923)
I mean, the guitarist of the band I was in while in Cincinnati had a mullet but he could fucking lay some solos down!

im considering starting a jazz band that dresses up like a metal band

b i o n i c 06-24-2010 01:17 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?

Originally Posted by Caribou (Post 1736922)
Yeah, which is what I did.

I was at first supposed to be the bass-player, though I didn't really have any bass skillz and then I asked the drummer (who was absolutely shite) if I could have a go and I turned out to be better than him, so I became the new drummer.

Oh and I once had to play bass on stage for a school thing. We played 'gay bar' and my (male) friends were all dressed in really tight outfits and leather and fishnets and all that. It was traumatic.

so you play the drums! i can see you playing drums and being all meg white. i saw a tama drum set on craigslist for like $250, the whole kit and even an extra high hat... and i want it BAD, but dont have the space >:(

b i o n i c 06-24-2010 01:18 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?

Originally Posted by jabumbo (Post 1736972)
i have been on a slow conquest to learn just about everything. looking to get a guitar now.

if youre gonna go cheap, i always tell my friend i think a used better brand is better than a new crap brand.

b i o n i c 06-24-2010 01:20 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?

Originally Posted by Echewta (Post 1736925)
no, but i have played instruments: trombone, saxophone, snare, baritone, bass guitar, and currently learning piano.

can you play all of them now or are you rusty? how's your trombone

id love to learn to play the trumpet! (y) i couldnt even make a sound last time i picked one up

Ty Webb 06-24-2010 02:15 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
i played guitar/screamed in this band for like 3 years:

starting up something again next week.

b i o n i c 06-24-2010 02:30 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
you guys sound fucking great, dude - - 'best laid plans' (y)

how often did you guys play out? tight

abcdefz 06-24-2010 02:30 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
I was in a band many years ago. Lead singer. Being onstage in front of people who paid to see us is one of the best feelings I've ever had.

easy 3 06-24-2010 03:34 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
I was a scratch DJ for a London-based Hip Hop band called 29 from 2005 until it kind of fell apart some time last year. It was live bass, Drums, Guitar/Keyboard, 2 MCs, and me on the cut. I had a wicked time and miss it if I'm honest. At our peak we put on a pretty good live show, even if I do say so myself. We had all sorts of technical issues musically, but the group dynamic was interesting and there was a lot of energy in the band. We had plenty of shortcomings but we built up a reasonable chunk of material, and I think we all developed as musicians and performers over the course of the band's history. I think we never really quite managed to do the group justice in terms of recordings unfortunately, but some of the memories are priceless.

Like eric (I'm still down with the frequent flyer stuff man!, - That Abbey Downs stuff is wicked BTW Ty), I'm kind of doing my own thing now and have done for years, but would love to find the right people to work with. I work a bit with session musicians for my beats and stuff, but it's not the same as sharing and developing ideas, and then performing them together.

Otherwise I've been in a few other hip hop things, only one of which involved live instruments and could therefore be considered a band in the traditional sense ("Run DMC first said a DJ could be a band...."?). In 94-97 I had a group called Midnight Product (with my long-time friend B-boy Slamski) and for a while we worked with live bass and guitar, with programmed drums and live turntables, but the guitarist from that group has sadly died since. Probably the most successful thing I've been involved in was a hip hop thing called 360 Physicals with beatbox Killa Kela and a whole bunch of other people back in 98-99.

I'm really not a great musician at all, but I'm fascinated by fiddling around with sound and recording, and enjoy crafting tracks together and the whole learning curve.

If you do buy the guitar bionic, I doubt you'll really regret it in the long run:)(y)

b i o n i c 06-24-2010 05:18 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
the worst part about being in a band was the logistics.. too bad about your guitarist friend. all i could find was koaste, sounds good(y)

i dont think i will regret getting it. ill probably check out some music stores downtown, i was thinking of bargaining online for a minute but its better to play it before you buy it


Originally Posted by abcdefz (Post 1737005)
I was in a band many years ago. Lead singer..


jabumbo 06-24-2010 06:56 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?

Originally Posted by b i o n i c (Post 1736996)
if youre gonna go cheap, i always tell my friend i think a used better brand is better than a new crap brand.

yeah, i was lookng at a fender telecaster on craigslist the other day. they were real ambiguous on their posting, so im not sure how i want to word it. they stated a price but also said they are open to reasonable cash offers.

i think i might cut their suggested price back just a bit and see what they say.

yeahwho 06-24-2010 09:57 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
I play triangle, I'm thinking of auditioning for Pearl Jam, their music really lacks triangle.

hpdrifter 06-25-2010 01:30 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?

Originally Posted by jabumbo (Post 1737046)
yeah, i was lookng at a fender telecaster on craigslist the other day. they were real ambiguous on their posting, so im not sure how i want to word it. they stated a price but also said they are open to reasonable cash offers.

i think i might cut their suggested price back just a bit and see what they say.

Oooh, get the tele. Loves 'em.

I was also the singer in a coupla bands. Played a bit of keyboard and some guitar but like super minimal.

Also, why is everyone so hung up on Fender and Gibson? There are tons of other companies out there that make great stuff.

Schecter, Ibanez, ESP, PRS

hpdrifter 06-25-2010 01:33 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
Also, I realize that the Telecaster is a Fender. I didn't say no Fenders, I just said think outside the box.

b i o n i c 06-25-2010 01:40 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
just because i always wanted a fender.. im definately getting a charcoal strat as my next 6string.

my ibanez bass served me well.. it needs electrical work, i might just get that fixed because i kind of like how it looks all beat up. i lost all the tuning pins so i replaced them with regular old nuts and bolts, looks all industrial and they do the job. i dont like all the fancier guitars that studio musicians play.. i suppose if i was recording id think differently - but those wood grain basses with 10 strings and a 5 inch wide neck, i dinna like

so it looks like (thats not right) that 85% of the bbmb plays an instrument?

i can picture you as a kick ass front woman

b i o n i c 06-25-2010 01:41 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
and yes i fucking LOVE telecasters, but if i was getting one guitar its too limited in sound i think

hpdrifter 06-25-2010 01:48 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
There is something beautiful about that age old design. I've never owned either Fender or Les Paul (or Gibson) because I can't afford them but I have a few passable copies of both! Actually, one is more of a PRS copy. Swap out the pickups and ya on fiyah.

I like Andersons. They're a "studio guitar" type thing but man oh man if they don't play like buttah.

So if ya got a coupla thou laying around...

b i o n i c 06-25-2010 01:58 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
pretty much everything i have i acquired in some way. one of the bass amps i have a pretty ok peavy bass amp actually, i got it in exchange for a beeper :P .. this crate bass amp my spoiled rich friend gave to me because it didnt work and i got it fixed. that shit is LOUD and it has a graphic equalizer on it (y)

actually i think i know what guitar you're talking about with the prs..

is it a les paul style? i knew someone with i think it was a prs.. it was like a les paul but a tiny bit smaller and had all these nice white pearly details. i think back then he wanted $500 for it but that was too rich for my blood then (id immediately give him $500 for it now)

hpdrifter 06-25-2010 02:04 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
Yeah, PRS, ESP, Ibanez and Schechter are all pricey brands so my point is moot but I had fun making it!

PRS is sort of a Les Pauly style, it has the warm wood grain in the finish, a slightly longer and more pointy horn, but otherwise the body style is similar. Edit: the flame on a PRS is actually pretty distinctive, I guess it's not really wood grain, it does have a more speckled look.

I just like the way they sound, you can overdrive the shit out of it and it'll still be vivid and gutteral. Some other types get kinda white noisy when you push em too hard or too loud.

Pair it with a Rivera amp and it's dark and warm and velvety all the way to 11.

There's another brand I don't see much of anymore called Chevelle that has kinda the same sound with a little less on the bottom. Probably would sound great with an Orange amp.

b i o n i c 06-25-2010 02:19 PM

Re: are you/ have you been in a band?
thats the one i have thats beat up... except mine is lefty and i had it strung righty. i got this one for a beeper too i think (dummies!) and some weed 63622

ha! im surprized costs that much, i thought it was much shittier.. like it'd be $100 used

dude, i totally forgot about orange amps! i remember they were expensive and seemed out of my league. the fanciest guitar amp i had was a peavy(?) with the built in chorus and the overdrive pedal.. that i acutally bought from someone for $300 i remember, it was a huge treat. i sold it not too much later for prom money (n)

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