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ericg 07-12-2018 07:57 AM

i'm confused as to why, how... mike d and nick hexum don't get along.
It's really hard for me to understand both being music idols to me.
what happened that made them dislike each other?
anyway if you've got nothing nice to say... then please, say nothing.

Micodin 07-12-2018 08:08 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
wtf is nick hexum?

ericg 07-12-2018 08:34 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
311 lead singer
was that a violation of rule one already?
or maybe an eleven year old stupid attempt at talking shit?

ericg 07-12-2018 08:36 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
both say theyre all about positivity, unity and love so this doesn't make sense to me.

Micodin 07-12-2018 08:53 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!

Originally Posted by ericg (Post 1820394)
311 lead singer
was that a violation of rule one already?
or maybe an eleven year old stupid attempt at talking shit?

haha what? i don't even know what you're implying. i honestly didn't know who the dude was. miss me with your bullshit, buddy.

ericg 07-12-2018 09:30 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
haha what? heard of a little thing called google?
anyway now ya know!
didn't need the swearing and rude comment tho.. who the fuck are you? maybe a 4 yo talking shit.. ahh your first words.. maybe it's too early for that yet... 'you got worked'! but i'm the one getting paid.. haha
now we all know which hole you came out of.

so i broke my own rule.. haha

Jiberish 07-12-2018 11:06 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
311 used to be my second favorite band. I saw them live once, and they were incredible, but for whatever reason I stopped listening to them almost completely after that show... 17 years ago(?)

Anyways, when i saw Mike D make fun of 311 (where did I see that? I don't know but it was recently.) I was a little surprised. And maybe a little hurt ( i mean my favorite band was saying my old second favorite band's music is "terrible". )

Am I misremembering this: The "Rhyme & Reason tour" started w/ a survey on the BB website asking who we would want to see share a bill w/ the Bboys.

Cypress Hill
Somebody Else

(I voted for Rage)

So his comment seemed weird and kind of mean for no reason at all. What is new information to me in this post was the part of Hexum hating Mike. I hadn't heard that... I mean Mike called them "Great guys. Their music is terrible though."

The end.

Jiberish, The Thread Killer.

Micodin 07-12-2018 11:19 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!

Originally Posted by ericg (Post 1820397)
haha what? heard of a little thing called google?
anyway now ya know!
didn't need the swearing and rude comment tho.. who the fuck are you? maybe a 4 yo talking shit.. ahh your first words.. maybe it's too early for that yet... 'you got worked'! but i'm the one getting paid.. haha
now we all know which hole you came out of.

so i broke my own rule.. haha

smdftb cornball. and stay off the oxy pillls you inbreed hick.

Sir SkratchaLot 07-12-2018 03:28 PM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
Here's what I THINK the issue is (pure speculation on my part). I don't know if there's any personal beef there but I'm pretty sure I've heard Mike (and maybe other Beasties or affiliates) basically say they're not into 311's music.

This makes a LOT of sense to me if you view 311 through the spectrum of somebody who's heavily into hip hop (which the Beasties were and are). To hip hop "heads", 311 comes off as a rock band who is sticking its toe in hip hop waters. They rap, but they don't really seem to be ingrained in the hip hop culture. You had a whole string of "rap rock" bands getting play in the early to mid 90s, Limp Biscuit, Sublime, etc., and they were "rapping" but they're not really flowing like an MC would be expected to flow per hip hop standards. My take was always that the college alternative crowd (who didn't really know shit about rap) loved 311, but I don't remember 311 ever getting embraced or even mentioned in the hip hop world. You weren't seeing 311 in Source magazine or anything like that. Red Alert and Kid Capri were not playing their records. Most hip hop fans in the 90s (that I knew) resented 311 because they came off as trying to capitalize on hip hop without paying dues. Now, I'm not saying any of this is true or fair. I seriously doubt 311's critics ever listened to much of their music. They just seemed like outsiders based on the way they were trying to rap and therefore pigeonholed as the white dudes trying to make a buck off of rap music.

The Beasties, on the other hand, were eventually able to ride that line between punk rock and rap really well. They were originally a hardcore band, but they also knew how to flow on the mic and paid their dues. You're not going to hear many hip hop godfathers saying 311 were great MCs, but you'll hear people like Run DMC, Jay Z, Chuck D, etc. give much respect to the Beastie Boys. So you have bands like 311 come on the scene in the mid 90s and the alternative college rock scene is lumping them in with the Beastie Boys, but the hip hop world looks at 311 as exploiting the culture. This is a sore spot wit the Beasties who've been accused of the same thing but are finally getting their due respect. I wonder whether the Beasties were so close to that line themselves that they didn't want to be associated with 311, Limp Biscuit, etc. because it would shed bad light on them.

The other thing is that I assume the Beasties felt like these "rap-rock" bands were biting their style. The Beasties music organically grew into a mesh of punk, rap and soul styles that worked really well. It almost seemed like things naturally fell into place and they created new styles by being themselves. So, when Check Your Head blew up and it seemed like every rock band wanted to rap and have a DJ now (because that's what was considered "cool" at the time) I'm sure the Beasties felt like these rap-rock acts were biting their stuff.

So, there's my theory anyway.

ericg 07-12-2018 04:40 PM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
microdic.. hahaha fuck off

sir scratchalot .. alright.. i grew up with both beasties and 311.. i graduated high school in 96, anyway, and never really compared the two bands it's like adidas and puma or whatever...the grassroots album is maybe my favorite.. they fast tracked and then they went pop or light and cheesy hard rock ..whatever.. still good one or two songs on an album but 311 just not doing it for me these days.. i was still listening to beasties who do it to it for me every time ... except for the last album.. a few good songs but ... anyway hey wtf.. i just love them both more than alot so... nothin else matter. what happened to metallica?

brooklyndust 07-12-2018 10:24 PM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
I don't know if there were any problems before, but the first time I remember hearing about any problems with 311 was from this vulture interview:

What’s the worst-case scenario?
Not that it’s ever happened, but my fear would be that someone would be like, You love those guys, right?” I’m sure they’re nice people — [their music] isn’t my cup of tea.

And it's just an off hand comment, I don't know if it was direct shots being fired.

In high school and college years I really liked 311, although I haven't found myself going back and listening to their stuff as much as some other bands, and certainly don't listen to them as much as Beasties, but I was a bit shocked when Mike D said that.
I agree with Sir SkratchaLot's theory though.

dave790 07-13-2018 03:19 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
Jesus, who gives a fuck.

Brother McDuff 07-13-2018 09:01 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
"goatee metal rap please say goodnight"

ericg 07-13-2018 09:16 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
Jesus probly gives a fuck... And people who love 311 and Beastie Boys give a fuck too I guess. Both.. i mean all are "very near and dear to my heart.. " -sorry i think that was Julia Roberts that popped in

so maybe one day we'll all come together and "get high".. Austin Power's finger quote signs.. haha
Anyway time's ticking...

i need a detective to find all my past friends, make some new ones, and i need my biz to get going but this world sucks and sucks and sucks more and more... here ya go.. "bail out" by dj rogers i'm still here i'm just saying. (i think mike d played that song on little radio that i'm pulling from..)

Big ups to Beasties for the little radio show with all kinds of eclectic mind-blowing beauty and good laughs i listen on my thumb drive in the car and can't get enough but all the best folks. love yall even you microdic

WesleyOHSnaps! 07-13-2018 09:43 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
Who cares, they don’t have to like each other. If this is true.

Micodin 07-13-2018 01:28 PM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!

Originally Posted by ericg (Post 1820407)
love yall even you microdic

blow me, cornball.

YoungRemy 07-13-2018 01:41 PM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
lol, 311 was a 90’s gimmick and did not stand the test of time.
Them and sublime get cornier and cornier as time passes.

This was a non-thing and then became a very minor thing. Mike D literally said 311 are not his cup of tea and that’s pretty much it.

It’s a funny non issue. If you look up beastie Boys on google or maybe iTunes, it will suggest 311 as a similar artist or end up in a “you might like” category.

Mike D makes music for librarians AND burly jocks.
Settle down 311 guy

brooklyndust 07-13-2018 04:19 PM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!

Originally Posted by YoungRemy (Post 1820410)

This was a non-thing and then became a very minor thing. Mike D literally said 311 are not his cup of tea and that’s pretty much it.

Yup. And all these sites tried to make a mountain of a molehill.

ericg 07-13-2018 05:49 PM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
yeah that's true. no big deal to you but it's like .. what's it like? it's like.. to have talent like that in the same room and for there not to be a really good chemistry and experience is such a shame.. i mean.. we're all wasting time.. "the sky is falling..." -hello nasty

so.. my bad errbody! and sorry micodin. i'm a twat sometimes it's only cuz i feel fucked sometimes... but whatever not to bore you with my problems..

peace out

ps. oh all those who are cool and get it step forward... not so fast youngremy and half the other fools bent on having poor taste in music haha snl ametuer i know..

pps. 311 will always stand the test of time i wouldn't be such a critic there youngremy....

camo 08-02-2018 02:40 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
So I just searched for 311 and gave them a listen. Who do I need to complain to about them? That shit is ghastly.

dust monkey 08-02-2018 01:18 PM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
haha old school BBMB snaps...i love it.

seriously though 311 is trash on their own unique low level. for realsies. i'm thinking they shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as the Beasties...ever. ever ever.

ericg 08-03-2018 08:21 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
whatever clever. can't beat chads kit skills, tim's guitar riffs are classic, pnut straight bams it, sa's a star child, and nick is just a beautiful person..

ya'll just some stupid haters i dont' want to mention in the same... book

so fuck yall if you don't like it..

dust monkey 08-05-2018 09:18 PM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?! clearly are the number 1 fan. i think you ARE 311. i'm sure you are correct and pnut really does bam star child quite a bit.

the language though, please reconsider some.

Micodin 08-06-2018 07:47 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
Remember that Beasties#1fan bitch-ass that came late to the game and tried to school us on the BBoys and shit?

I guarantee that shithead LOVES some 311.

bigfatlove06 08-07-2018 11:11 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!

Originally Posted by ericg (Post 1820397)
haha what? heard of a little thing called google?
anyway now ya know!
didn't need the swearing and rude comment tho.. who the fuck are you? maybe a 4 yo talking shit.. ahh your first words.. maybe it's too early for that yet... 'you got worked'! but i'm the one getting paid.. haha
now we all know which hole you came out of.

so i broke my own rule.. haha

If your intent was to be a giant penis or troll, congratulations.

bigfatlove06 08-07-2018 11:26 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!

Originally Posted by Sir SkratchaLot (Post 1820400)
Here's what I THINK the issue is (pure speculation on my part). I don't know if there's any personal beef there but I'm pretty sure I've heard Mike (and maybe other Beasties or affiliates) basically say they're not into 311's music.

This makes a LOT of sense to me if you view 311 through the spectrum of somebody who's heavily into hip hop (which the Beasties were and are). To hip hop "heads", 311 comes off as a rock band who is sticking its toe in hip hop waters. They rap, but they don't really seem to be ingrained in the hip hop culture. You had a whole string of "rap rock" bands getting play in the early to mid 90s, Limp Biscuit, Sublime, etc., and they were "rapping" but they're not really flowing like an MC would be expected to flow per hip hop standards. My take was always that the college alternative crowd (who didn't really know shit about rap) loved 311, but I don't remember 311 ever getting embraced or even mentioned in the hip hop world. You weren't seeing 311 in Source magazine or anything like that. Red Alert and Kid Capri were not playing their records. Most hip hop fans in the 90s (that I knew) resented 311 because they came off as trying to capitalize on hip hop without paying dues. Now, I'm not saying any of this is true or fair. I seriously doubt 311's critics ever listened to much of their music. They just seemed like outsiders based on the way they were trying to rap and therefore pigeonholed as the white dudes trying to make a buck off of rap music.

The Beasties, on the other hand, were eventually able to ride that line between punk rock and rap really well. They were originally a hardcore band, but they also knew how to flow on the mic and paid their dues. You're not going to hear many hip hop godfathers saying 311 were great MCs, but you'll hear people like Run DMC, Jay Z, Chuck D, etc. give much respect to the Beastie Boys. So you have bands like 311 come on the scene in the mid 90s and the alternative college rock scene is lumping them in with the Beastie Boys, but the hip hop world looks at 311 as exploiting the culture. This is a sore spot wit the Beasties who've been accused of the same thing but are finally getting their due respect. I wonder whether the Beasties were so close to that line themselves that they didn't want to be associated with 311, Limp Biscuit, etc. because it would shed bad light on them.

The other thing is that I assume the Beasties felt like these "rap-rock" bands were biting their style. The Beasties music organically grew into a mesh of punk, rap and soul styles that worked really well. It almost seemed like things naturally fell into place and they created new styles by being themselves. So, when Check Your Head blew up and it seemed like every rock band wanted to rap and have a DJ now (because that's what was considered "cool" at the time) I'm sure the Beasties felt like these rap-rock acts were biting their stuff.

So, there's my theory anyway.

When 311 came out I was deeply steeped in hip hop. I loved their shit. Smashing together genres was so much fun for me then. I never even thought of them as a hip hop act. They were not hip hop to me, or trying to cash in. They fell into (amazingly diverse) groups like Mr Bungle, Camper Van Beethoven, and Urban Dance Squad who were cross pollinating. Memories... Love them.

I don't think that I have bothered to see what any of those guys have been up to for over 20 years, but I enjoyed it at the time.

Jiberish 08-07-2018 06:44 PM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!

Originally Posted by bigfatlove06 (Post 1820495)
When 311 came out I was deeply steeped in hip hop. I loved their shit. Smashing together genres was so much fun for me then. I never even thought of them as a hip hop act. They were not hip hop to me, or trying to cash in. They fell into (amazingly diverse) groups like Mr Bungle, Camper Van Beethoven, and Urban Dance Squad who were cross pollinating. Memories... Love them.

I don't think that I have bothered to see what any of those guys have been up to for over 20 years, but I enjoyed it at the time.

Nailed it.

ericg 08-08-2018 07:34 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
they played last night with the offspring in jax but sadly enuff i couldn't go...

Brother McDuff 08-08-2018 09:54 AM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
311 in Jacksonville. thats priceless :D

Micodin 08-08-2018 12:39 PM

Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!

Originally Posted by Brother McDuff (Post 1820498)
311 in Jacksonville. thats priceless :D

Oh, so he’s from Florida. Makes sense.

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