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roosta 11-23-2006 04:24 PM

If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
So...this Kramer thing got me thinking.He get's heckled, and calls someone a "nigger" repeatedly, which lets face it is a stupid, horrible fucking thing to do, but the guy fires back with "cracker-ass motherfucker" and "white-boy". Surely, the dude in the audience is also a racist scumbag? Now, none of this is trying to excuse Michael Richards, the dude was acting the cunt, but is it then ok to fire back a racial slur if your the victim of one?

Lex Diamonds 11-23-2006 04:27 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
I voted yes because it contained the phrase "cracker-ass motherfucker", but I actually think no, it's not OK. I don't appreciate the hypocritical attitude of a lot of people from ethnic minorities who think it is acceptable to be racist towards white people purely because their ancestors may have been abused by whites hundreds of years ago. Fact is if you're nice to someone, no matter what their race, then they'll (usually) be nice to you back.

Racism in any form is disgusting. Especially coming from those damned niggers!

Big Gus 11-23-2006 04:30 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
Its like "racism" is all over the place but most people just deal with it. I get called a kilt wearing, caber tossing, haggis munching, tight fisted Scots git all the time by my English work colleagues. But thats OK as it's "white man against white man". I take it in good nature and fire some insults back. It's all good natured fun.

In the video he does act a bit stupid. I dont find him shouting "nigger" at the guy as offensive as his "you'd get strung up with a fork in your ass" "throw him out" and "this is what happens when you interupt the 'white man' nonsense like he's some sort of superior human being... His "apology" looks insincere too...

Freebasser 11-23-2006 04:34 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
I find North/South divide racism acceptable. The stupid, poncy southern twats deserve insulting.

Lex Diamonds 11-23-2006 04:34 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
I have an Irish friend and I call him an alcoholic, a traveller and a pikey, and make jokes about him eating dogs and having sex with his cousins all the time. He doesn't mind because he knows I am his friend and I myself had part-Irish grandparents. I also had part-black grandparents, yet if I made jokes like that to a black person they wouldn't accept it and would probably hurt me or call me a cracker or something. :(

Nivvie 11-23-2006 04:34 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
To me, arguments are all about being blameless, not giving anyone any ammo.

Plus, if you fire the same back, it makes you the same, revealing it was on the tip of your tongue and the front of your mind anyway.

I'd be more inclined to knock someone's table manners or parking skills, both of which display far more of a person's inner nature.

Big Gus 11-23-2006 04:34 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?

I find North/South divide racism acceptable. The stupid, poncy southern twats deserve insulting.

What anyone below the Scottish border? I agree, Southern poofs...

Freebasser 11-23-2006 04:36 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
own3d :(

ggirlballa 11-23-2006 04:37 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
um if you're joking around then i think its ok as long as the other person knows its a joke too, like at school we call each other beaners & wetbacks cuz everybody here is latino, also my friend dj gets called "nigger" "nigga" a lot or "the black guy" but its always a joke, it doesn't bother him much, but if he gets constantly singled out as "the black guy" in a group full of latinos that would bother me & i'm sure him too

Lex Diamonds 11-23-2006 04:40 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
I'm Northern (was born and grew up in Manchester), Southern (have lived here for 7 years), and Irish, so it's pretty easy to insult me for my background. But I don't take racist (creed-ist, whatever) insults seriously, cuz they're like a cheap substitute for a proper insult, not very personal or hard-hitting. I mean because they apply to millions of people, it's like firing a shotgun at someone from 200 yards away instead of a high-velocity sniper rifle such as "your girl told me about your erectile problems" or something.

Nivvie 11-23-2006 04:41 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?

Originally Posted by The Padster
I have an Irish friend and I call him an alcoholic, a traveller and a pikey, and make jokes about him eating dogs and having sex with his cousins all the time. He doesn't mind because he knows I am his friend and I myself had part-Irish grandparents. I also had part-black grandparents, yet if I made jokes like that to a black person they wouldn't accept it and would probably hurt me or call me a cracker or something. :(

Someone at my work was disciplined after she made a similar kind of joke at me within authority ear shot, nearly lost her job. I knew it was a just a joke, though. If anything, sometimes it can be fun. My husband is as English as they come, and his whole work life is based on guffy/colonial/butler/Hyacinth Bucket banter.

When the world cup was on, kids could be suspended on the spot for making anti-English/anything else comments at school.

Nivvie 11-23-2006 04:42 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?

Originally Posted by Big Gus
What anyone below the Scottish border? I agree, Southern poofs...

Yeah, even Geordies are southerners to's positively warm down there.

Big Gus 11-23-2006 04:43 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?

When the world cup was on, kids could be suspended on the spot for making anti-English/anything else comments at school.
They couldn't even call David beckham a useless wanker in the Aberdeenshire area?? That must have been like torture for the poor kids...

Nivvie 11-23-2006 04:45 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?

Originally Posted by Big Gus
They couldn't even call David beckham a useless wanker in the Aberdeenshire area?? That must have been like torture for the poor kids...

They could if there were no English kids nearby to be mortally offended.

Big Gus 11-23-2006 04:46 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
What about when Rooney stamped on the blokes bollocks and got sent off?? Unless it was Primary School kids there would surely have been "talk"...

roosta 11-23-2006 04:51 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
I can totally understand the black argument that "we can use the word nigger, you can't though".

When americans make fun of the Irish (like in the simpsons or whatever) we think its really funny and even makes us proud, but if the English do it our backs get up immediately. I think its because like the whites with the blacks, for years we were subordinates to them so we feel they no longer have the right to use it.

I agree with Gus though, there's racism or more accurately bigotry everywhere, just some is deemed worse than others.

Nivvie 11-23-2006 04:53 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?

Originally Posted by Big Gus
What about when Rooney stamped on the blokes bollocks and got sent off?? Unless it was Primary School kids there would surely have been "talk"...

Secret talk shhhhhhhh!!!
Don't upset the Surreyites that have moved up for cheap land on which to build huge houses and keep horses and drive about in Land Rovers with kids called Tarquin and Tallulah and bitch about the lack of Selfridges and Waitrose.
Oh no! I did it! I'm bad!! Call the police!

Drederick Tatum 11-23-2006 04:53 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
I think cultural, historical and socio-economic context need to be taken into account. I wouldn't really care being called a cracker or whiteboy. my race has caused immeasureable suffering to most other races across the globe, so I think tolerating some pretty tame words is the least I could do.

roosta 11-23-2006 04:53 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?

Originally Posted by Drederick Tatum
I think cultural, historical and socio-economic context need to be taken into account. I wouldn't really care being called a cracker or whiteboy. my race has caused immeasureable suffering to most other races across the globe, so I think tolerating some pretty tame words is the least I could do.

fair point

Drederick Tatum 11-23-2006 04:57 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
and I mean, what are a few words going to do anyway?! I am a white Western male, this world is built for and around me. meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Nivvie 11-23-2006 05:08 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?

Originally Posted by Drederick Tatum
I think cultural, historical and socio-economic context need to be taken into account. I wouldn't really care being called a cracker or whiteboy. my race has caused immeasureable suffering to most other races across the globe, so I think tolerating some pretty tame words is the least I could do.

I agree that people should be aware of what their people have done or they'll never learn, but it's not healthy for the person who is firing the abuse at your ancestors via you.
They won't feel any better for it, nor their day to day problems or inequalities be solved. It doesn't move things forwards.

Plus, often the people who have suffered first hand, are often the ones to be the most tolerant, rather than those who have just grown up immersed in someone elses bitter opinions. I'm thinking about Holocaust victims who later went back to Germany, Jewish nurses who cared for German patients, etc.

Randetica 11-23-2006 11:32 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?

Originally Posted by The Padster
I voted yes because it contained the phrase "cracker-ass motherfucker", but I actually think no, it's not OK. I don't appreciate the hypocritical attitude of a lot of people from ethnic minorities who think it is acceptable to be racist towards white people purely because their ancestors may have been abused by whites hundreds of years ago. Fact is if you're nice to someone, no matter what their race, then they'll (usually) be nice to you back.

Racism in any form is disgusting. Especially coming from those damned niggers!


ScarySquirrel 11-23-2006 11:38 PM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
I say it's apples to apples. Or something like that. A racial slur is a racial slur no matter how you slice it, so one form is just as stupid as another form.

trailerprincess 11-24-2006 03:33 AM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
It's just lazy to attack someone's race or ethnicity or whatever. It's so sloppy.

My sister was in town a few weeks ago and local Army cadets were collecting money for the Poppy appeal. She overheard them having a go at this Albanian woman who stands outside Woolworths selling the Big Issue, telling her that she should 'fuck off back to her own country' and bizarrely, calling her a 'paki' (geography in schools is clearly rubbish)

So she had a go at them and tried to get them to apologise which they didn't. So she called the local Army base and complained. They had a go at the entire team, and my sister was allowed to speak to them and explain why she was angry by what had happened. They all had to write letters of apology to the woman and go and say sorry to her face to face. And the specific individuals were made to do additional volunteer work.

MWHAHAHAHAA. OWNED. Serves them right, the ignorant prats.

venusvenus123 11-24-2006 06:32 AM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?

Originally Posted by roosta
I can totally understand the black argument that "we can use the word nigger, you can't though".

i not sure about this. i think it's hypocritical and divisive. it's not a term which is used in the black community in britain anyway. but imagine you have a really close friend who says it, then prohibits you from saying it (this happened to me once -- not that i particularly wanted to say it... but it was made quite clear that i wasn't allowed to). dosen't that create division in your friendship? extend that to a whole community/country and you create a massive divide. don't you?

Junker 11-24-2006 06:43 AM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
No! Because hate only generates hate.

na§tee 11-24-2006 06:46 AM

only if they're from falkirk. and perhaps dundee. or aberdeen.

Otis Driftwood 11-24-2006 06:47 AM

Re: If someone calls you a racial slur, is it acceptable to throw one back?
It is acceptable to throw em of a building, but not degenerating to their level. :)

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