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Dorothy Wood 05-01-2013 03:11 PM

Gluten free for a year
Just wanted to defend gluten free eating kinda because so many people are annoyed by it. I generally try to keep it to myself because who cares, it's my body. I can't afford to get the testing done to see if I'm celiac, and I don't really think I am, because I don't get hella sick if I accidentally eat some gluten. I do, however, immediately need to poop and/or have diarrhea the next day. Anyway,

Here are benefits I have reaped:
greatly reduced respiratory allergies, like almost none (they were bad my whole life previously)
no more itchy legs (I used to have really itchy legs)
better skin tone
gloriously healthy poops (they were more like 6/10 before, now 9.5/10)
reduction in tendonitis pain
better mood overall
more energy
reduced appetite (because I'm absorbing more nutrients perhaps?)

I did lose about 20 pounds without doing anything else but eliminating gluten, but I mostly just started because my mom dared me.

Also all the food I eat tastes great and I eat better tasting food than I ever have before. Sometimes I miss real pizza, but it's not worth it to me to eat it. I eat fake pizza and that's still better tasting than whatever 7-11 frozen pizza I'd get and mow down at 2 a.m.

ok that's it. I recommend it if your guts seem weird and you can't figure out why or if your respiratory allergies are driving you insane. It really worked for me and my mom too, and some other people I know who are very nice.


TurdBerglar 05-02-2013 09:38 PM

Re: Gluten free for a year
my appetite is massive.

the only thing that stops me from eating more is feeling completely stuffed and running out of food and that little voice telling me to FUCKING STOP EATING YOU'RE GONNA GET TOO FAT.

if didn't have to worry about getting fat. I would eat fucking none stop.

ms.peachy 05-02-2013 10:49 PM

Re: Gluten free for a year

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1805542)

ok that's it. I recommend it if your guts seem weird and you can't figure out why or if your respiratory allergies are driving you insane. It really worked for me and my mom too, and some other people I know who are very nice.


My gut is weird but it's because I have gallstones. I'm going to have to have my gall bladder out soon (it should have happened already actually) but in the meantime I have to be really careful with my diet, very minimal fats, almost no red meat, no cheese, nuts, etc. To top it off, I had a major flare up in Jan/Feb and had to do two courses of intravenous antibiotics and that fucked my gut flora up real good, so I'm avoiding sugar, bready stuff and beer. So basically it's lots of rice and veggies, fish and chicken. Which I know is good and all the sort of thing to be eating anyway, but honest to god there are moments when I would murder someone for a big ass cheeseburger and a pile of chips. Ah well. People do keep telling me "wow, you look great, have you been losing weight?" and all of my jeans are too loose now so that's nice I guess, but I dunno, like I said, I really want a cheeseburger. And a beer.

Good on you though DW, if you're feeling good and looking good, then it's all good :)

Dorothy Wood 05-02-2013 10:54 PM

Re: Gluten free for a year
Re:turds appetite

I used to get like that, but very rarely go overboard now. I just stop eating and do something else, drink a glass of water. I think recognizing foods that taste good, are satisfying, and make me feel good helps me eliminate the junk, the regretful choices. I start seeing it like poison and my mind stops craving it. An apple becomes good enough to satisfy a sweet tooth, rather than just grabbing a cookie.

TurdBerglar 05-02-2013 11:06 PM

Re: Gluten free for a year
I love chips. especially corn chips. I can plow through a hole bag in 5 minutes and not even notice how much I've eaten till I reach into the bag and it's empty.

if I could have an endless supply of a pocketful of anything it would be those chips. the fact that they are organic and gluten free is purely coincidental. I'm no food heath nut. blue corn chips covered in cayenne pepper. try them out. incredible.

I only get them when they are on sale as their like 5 bucks a bag.

Dorothy Wood 05-03-2013 09:43 AM

Re: Gluten free for a year

Originally Posted by ms.peachy (Post 1805579)
My gut is weird but it's because I have gallstones. I'm going to have to have my gall bladder out soon (it should have happened already actually) but in the meantime I have to be really careful with my diet, very minimal fats, almost no red meat, no cheese, nuts, etc. To top it off, I had a major flare up in Jan/Feb and had to do two courses of intravenous antibiotics and that fucked my gut flora up real good, so I'm avoiding sugar, bready stuff and beer. So basically it's lots of rice and veggies, fish and chicken. Which I know is good and all the sort of thing to be eating anyway, but honest to god there are moments when I would murder someone for a big ass cheeseburger and a pile of chips. Ah well. People do keep telling me "wow, you look great, have you been losing weight?" and all of my jeans are too loose now so that's nice I guess, but I dunno, like I said, I really want a cheeseburger. And a beer.

Good on you though DW, if you're feeling good and looking good, then it's all good :)

Yikes, I hope things get better after you get that gall bladder out.

Yeah I gave up regular beer, I drink way less than I used to, but I can have cider and wine and I can't tell yet which liquors make me ill. I never really liked beer though, so it was easy to give up. Thinking back it seems like my body was trying to tell me not to ingest gluten my whole life, but who would've thought a piece of bread was the cause of a stomachache?

I forget too that the inside of my mouth used to be really sensitive, that's gone now.

I find that a roasted sweet potato with sautéed kale on top is a very hearty and flavorful substitute when craving rich food. I put high quality ricotta on it too, but maybe that's out of bounds for you? It's no cheeseburger, but it's pretty dang tasty.

cj hood 05-03-2013 09:46 AM

Re: Gluten free for a year

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1805542)
Just wanted to defend gluten free eating kinda because so many people are annoyed by it. I generally try to keep it to myself because who cares, it's my body. I can't afford to get the testing done to see if I'm celiac, and I don't really think I am, because I don't get hella sick if I accidentally eat some gluten. I do, however, immediately need to poop and/or have diarrhea the next day. Anyway,

Here are benefits I have reaped:
greatly reduced respiratory allergies, like almost none (they were bad my whole life previously)
no more itchy legs (I used to have really itchy legs)
better skin tone
gloriously healthy poops (they were more like 6/10 before, now 9.5/10)
reduction in tendonitis pain
better mood overall
more energy
reduced appetite (because I'm absorbing more nutrients perhaps?)

I did lose about 20 pounds without doing anything else but eliminating gluten, but I mostly just started because my mom dared me.

Also all the food I eat tastes great and I eat better tasting food than I ever have before. Sometimes I miss real pizza, but it's not worth it to me to eat it. I eat fake pizza and that's still better tasting than whatever 7-11 frozen pizza I'd get and mow down at 2 a.m.

ok that's it. I recommend it if your guts seem weird and you can't figure out why or if your respiratory allergies are driving you insane. It really worked for me and my mom too, and some other people I know who are very nice.


what specific foods did you stop eating?

Dorothy Wood 05-03-2013 09:49 AM

Re: Gluten free for a year

Originally Posted by TurdBerglar (Post 1805581)
I love chips. especially corn chips. I can plow through a hole bag in 5 minutes and not even notice how much I've eaten till I reach into the bag and it's empty.

if I could have an endless supply of a pocketful of anything it would be those chips. the fact that they are organic and gluten free is purely coincidental. I'm no food heath nut. blue corn chips covered in cayenne pepper. try them out. incredible.

I only get them when they are on sale as their like 5 bucks a bag.

Hmm, never saw those, I'll keep an eye out. I've been into lentil potato curls from trader joes lately, I think they're made especially for gluten free people, but my gluten-eater friend thought they ruled.

God bless corn chips. Sometimes I eat them for breakfast, with melted jalapeno yogurt cheese and a chopped up hard boiled egg. Brefass nachos!

Dorothy Wood 05-03-2013 09:55 AM

Re: Gluten free for a year

Originally Posted by cj hood (Post 1805597)
what specific foods did you stop eating?

There are too many to list. I basically don't eat anything made with wheat flour. So nothing involving bread or breading is allowed. Except some fried stuff at Indian restaurants is made with lentil flour, I eat that.

I eat tacos like it's my job.

YoungRemy 05-03-2013 11:09 AM

Re: Gluten free for a year
my younger sister went gluten free and looks great. her skin and hair look better, she has lost weight, and she has also noticed less general sickness in her life... (like allergies and stuffed up-edness)

kll 05-03-2013 09:30 PM

Re: Gluten free for a year
I did a cleanse in January that eliminated a lot - gluten, corn, soy, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, dairy, eggs, etc.

I 100% agree with you that everything tastes soooo much better now and I can pick out "chemicals" and bad stuff... an example would be the boyfriend had a Sweet Tart and it was just horribly chemical and nasty after the cleanse. Being gluten free, along with the other stuff made me sleep amazing and co-workers commented on my "glow".

Definitely thinks there's a lot to healthy eating than people realize, although it is expensive, at least on the initial grocery shop.

Congrats to you for seeing the difference and encouraging others!

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