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peterclamp 12-07-2004 06:45 PM

Wembley Review - Sort of!
Well What A Night!

The show was awsome but i will leave the full reviews to someone else, just have a little story to tell.

Arrived at the arena around 3.45pm...damn, i was not the first person there! Met up with Damaja (a nice guy hides behind that notorious online persona!), then Timmie turned up followed shortly by Sophie...PaddyBoy and others. Just before 6 James B and Cey Adams turned up to do the video shoutouts, gotta say BIG thanks and respect to both those guys for what they did for us...basically we got our shoutouts on the screen, timmie and i appeared at least twice! Even better than that though, after Cey heard Timmies missus and friend only had seated tix (we all had standing) he disappeared for a few mins, only to return with enough VIP backstage passes for our group.
We ended up watching Talib then the BBoys from the left side of the stage next to the band dressing rooms! We all met Alfredo, Mix Master Mike, watched the boys playing basketball, saw mca's wife and daughter, Timmie spoke to mca before he went on stage...the list goes on.

Bar my wedding this weekend, this has been the best night of my life.
Thanks again to everyone involved, crew, band, wembley staff and all the board members that I got to meet - what decent people they all are.
Final shoutout to Shazam_21 who arrived to late, nice to meet you sorry you weren't backstage.

Pete :D :D :D (y) (y) (y) :p :p :p

paulb 12-07-2004 06:47 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
damn! you're so lucky!!! any rare songs they play?

peterclamp 12-07-2004 06:49 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
By the way, the backstage area was called the Pageant Pit and you needed a special wristband (not a Wembley one), there were probably around 50 people in there before the show started...mostly band/crew then during the gig around 75-100 there

Pete :D

peterclamp 12-07-2004 06:53 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by paulb
damn! you're so lucky!!! any rare songs they play?

Cannot remember, it still seems like a dream! I think on it, maybe someone else can answer.
They played the usual ones plus eggman, paul revere, shake your rump, somethings gotta give...

As i was not first at wembley today (my aim!) then i had to be first to post after the gig!

Pete (y)

Podge 12-07-2004 07:00 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
Hi guys, this is my first post, been a lurker for a while!!

But i have to say that was AMAZING!! What a show, i thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it!! I was right at the front (about 2 people in front of me!) being crushed & pushed all in between dancing my tits off!!

I also got on the big screen (i was the first one on in the wig, shades & sideways cap, my lame attempt at dressin to impress!) which made me a million times happier than i was to just be there (which was very, very happy!!)

I can't believe they opened with Egg Man...AMAZING!!

sophie025 12-07-2004 07:38 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
the show was amaaaaaaaaaaazingly incredible.. one of the sickest shows EVER! i love them soo much.
and ad-rock still stands as the SEXIEST man alive. jeeeeeeeesus chrrrrrrist. ahhh! im so wired!!! they did all the keew songs and it they're all jokers too. luv itt.
i danced, lunged and sang the whole friggin nite.. i watched them side stage.. and got to c them go on stage, (we were right next to their dressing rooms).. aaaand we saw them playing b-ball on a tiny court backstage. and i met mix master mike and alphredo. one of the best nights of the yr. cant wait to see my pics!
i'll just say again: ad-rock is the hottest man on earth.
c'est tout. :D
me a hella happy bunny. HECK YEEEAA!!!!
oh and it was so awesome to meet all u guys from the board- paddy, timmie, peter, emily, damaja etc.. u all rule. c y'all at the next gig. and take currr!

neilmedler 12-07-2004 07:40 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
Regarding the songs the performed, as I have an original set-list in front of me, I shall type exactly what it says:

show Intro
MMM onstage intro


**video break**


**video break**


float to dsc

RICKY'S THEME (crossed out in thick black felt pen, then corrected to Lighten Up)

**video break**


**video & banter break88

house lights up

Absolutely awsome night. On the rail, front and centre, touched MCA a couple of times as he was walking up and down the front barrier, on the big screens a few times with the crowd shots, and got an original set-list at the end. Quality.

PS - There was a nice looking girl wearing a yellow top and a hat, right at the front. I was stood next to you, singing quite a bit. If you wanna hook up, gimme a PM.

haha - long shot but worth a try! (y)

Anyway, like i said, had a whale of a time. looking forward to hearing everyone else' stories.

PPS - Got loads of pics on camera phone, if any are any good, i'll post 'em here.

PPPS - Forgot to grab a ticket at the gate at the end. If anyone wants to donate one, i'd be more than pleased.

(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'mmmmmmmmm doin' alright - Hehehe ;) )

I'll shut up now. Bye

:D (y)

Axl Z 12-07-2004 08:19 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
was right at the front man and tried to high-five mca as he walked past but missed and just slapped his arm!! (SORRY MAN!! :o ) someone near me grabbed him i think and something he had fell into the crowd and loads of people started looking for it - ain't got a clue what it was thou, took loads of pictures and cameraphone clips - excellent night!! (y) (y) (y)

cotley 12-07-2004 08:38 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
great night, it's mostly been said, but i'll chip in while the memories are fresh and my ears are still ringing...

anyone know why that guy got dragged kicking and screaming from the arena moments before beasties came on? bloody funny, it took about 10 security guards to carry him out, with much shouting and booing from the crowd.

egg man - awesome!

the guy with the afro in the instrumental band - awesome.

the guys who'd spent way too much time on their proper, screenprinted white boiler suits, complete with dollar signs, full names, etc etc - good work!

the massive scottish dude who may well have been sasquatch behind me, who shouted "B-E-A-S-T-I-E" all the way thru - not a lot of need!!!

paul revere - again, we just don't seem to know the words, they seemed surprised, but then i reckon its never been a huge track in europe.

there were a few losers around me in standing who werent up for going crazy - we got a few "tuts" for even jumping up and down, but we ignored them to the fullest.

brass monkey - oh yes. oooooooooooooooh yeesssss.

sorry, this is a pants review, but my head is just banging. my mate took some amazing shots on his digital slr, i'll get them eventually.

great stuff, no disappointments, cheers!!

(anyone meet the jesus man afterwards outside the arena, the one from oxford st - "are you a sinner or a winner" - with the eyebrows - u know what i mean!!)

Axl Z 12-07-2004 08:53 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by cotley
there were a few losers around me in standing who werent up for going crazy - we got a few "tuts" for even jumping up and down, but we ignored them to the fullest.

yeah some prick told me to not get so exicted, fuck man, he could'a got a seat!! this were the fuckin' b-boys - i gotta get ill!! :D


Originally Posted by cotley
the guy with the afro in the instrumental band - awesome.

wasn't that Biz Markie? i shouted that out but got no reaction from the band or the crowd so don't really know!! thought it was him thou :confused:
the keyboarist during Sabotage was the best, one b-boy sentence sprung to mind - "I DO MY OWN STUNTS" :cool:


Originally Posted by cotley
anyone meet the jesus man afterwards outside the arena, the one from oxford st - "are you a sinner or a winner" - with the eyebrows - u know what i mean!!

yeah, met him too, well just kinda stared really and wondered what the fuck he was on... MCA's a Buddhist so he might have heard this and tried to... oh i don't know!! i'm tired but at the same time i'm not!! :D

i couldn't get over how many fit asian (sorry UK here - i mean 'oriental') girls there were - i was like "wow"!! wish i'd hooked up with some now! :p

RoryOG 12-07-2004 09:44 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
hey hey, long time reader, first time poster;

my god - was that a gig and a half or what?! the suits for the instrumentals were pretty priceless, but not quite as good as the look on adrocks face when alfredo was playing that freaky little instrument that sounded like farting - I dont think i'll ever forget that...

you guys were jammy getting the passes, we were right next to you when whatshisface was giving you them.. "man just look the other way if you see a pregnant lady or somethin'" - that made me crease up!

wicked gig, all round, best gig of my life :D

how (sorry) fucking nuts was mix master mike, i know he's proper sick but jeez he blew my mind!

and props to talib for a smart set too, that was some pretty good stuff, i just got his album too, real nice.

chimp_deluxe 12-07-2004 10:43 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by Axl Z
wasn't that Biz Markie? i shouted that out but got no reaction from the band or the crowd so don't really know!! thought it was him thou

maybe, but i highly doubt it was biz as he is a BIG rapper, he headlined the forum in london last time he came to the uk so as cool as it would be i doubt he would play keys for the beasties. Hes proberly a session musical or more likley a friend who jams with them.

sethomas 12-07-2004 11:19 PM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by chimp_deluxe
maybe, but i highly doubt it was biz as he is a BIG rapper, he headlined the forum in london last time he came to the uk so as cool as it would be i doubt he would play keys for the beasties. Hes proberly a session musical or more likley a friend who jams with them.

hehe. thats Alfredo..hehehe :D

mr_krinkle 12-08-2004 02:23 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
i wish i could been there..

what an amazing set!!!


Axl Z 12-08-2004 02:33 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by sethomas
hehe. thats Alfredo..hehehe :D

Doh! who was the guy on keyboards? he was priceless :D

JDC 12-08-2004 02:35 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
The one song i wanted them to play was Eggman, and they opened with it. Fucking perfect.

Got a few photos, here's one.

Axl Z 12-08-2004 02:56 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
ha ha!! that was 3mc's and one Dj - a real "cameraphone moment" i goit some video footage with my mobile but don't know how to post it up - it's in quicktime format...

JDC 12-08-2004 03:10 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
Here are the best of the rest:


I like the last one.

timmie 12-08-2004 04:07 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
Well guys!! where do I start!! A BIG SHOUT OUT TO CEY ADAMS & JAMES B!! Especially for sorting me/us all out with VIPS tickets!!! I have some fantastic pics to all show you very soon!! what a night, shaking MCA's hand, MMM, Alfredo!!! Im stuck for words still, oh yer standing next to MCA's wife and kid, watching the Bboys playing basketball, I have an ORIGINAL SET LIST, which I'll put up soon!!!

I was also given the drum stick used by Alfredo from Gratitude and Sabotage.....And a big thank you to SOPHIE, PETERCLAMP, PADY BOY,damaja(aLEX) and everyone else there!! what a night just hanging out with Cey Adams....And Cey if your reading this (as I said to you, get james B to help you NAVIGATE around this :D ) I will email you!!!!!!

ms.peachy 12-08-2004 04:39 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
Yay everybody, it was a way brilliant night, wasn't it! I won't bother going over the play-by-play for me as so many others have sone it already but yay yay yay yay yay yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How're you guys doin' today? Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm doinalright.

getting home took FUCKING FOREVER AND A DAY but hey for a show like that, it's a small price to pay. Although for sure, I am going to be completely not paying attention to this stupid budget report meeting I have to go into at 11, and be taking some verrrrry loooong blinks...

nori 12-08-2004 04:51 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
SUCKs TO BE BACK IN WORK! WHAT A BREAK FROM THE OLD ROUTINE THAT tuesday night was! wow those shiny green shellsuit! ya! Pass the mic the song that got me hooke in the 1st place! they sure as hell delivered! praise yee! what a laff! even though up in the satnds, still able to get down some!
geez i want their job and not these spreadsheets b****Ks!
they sure as hell rhymed the rhyme well! then went did trippy CYH stuff then rocked out with gratitude /sabotage- diverse indeedy! lucky germans you got it coming your way!

neely 12-08-2004 05:14 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
There is a God, and he goes by the name of.........

........................MIX-MASTER-MIKE !!!!!!!!!

That man has supernatural powers, he must have been born with a set of decks in his mouth!!
As for the Bboys, well, I have been a fan since Lisensed to Ill when I was fifteen and have never seen them.
I will say this: if I die today I will die the happiest man alive!
How can I ever go to another gig! The Bboys ARE Hip-Hop!

Oh and you peeps who got VIP passes: My envy is all-consuming!!
The best night of my life. I was seated (yeah right) with my girlfriend dressed as Santa Claus. A shout out to all those who gave me their Chrstmas lists; seeing as everyone was so good last night - Presents for everyone!
Bboys got the biggest exploding heads......aaaaaalllrrright!!!!

Olav The Hairy 12-08-2004 05:14 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by cotley
anyone know why that guy got dragged kicking and screaming from the arena moments before beasties came on? bloody funny, it took about 10 security guards to carry him out, with much shouting and booing from the crowd.

The bloke REALLY didn't want to leave, so grabbed onto the bannister with all his might, crowd picked up on it then more security guys turned up, crowd ended up getting a nice little pantomime before the main event. :D

Raify 12-08-2004 05:41 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

Originally Posted by Axl Z
Doh! who was the guy on keyboards? he was priceless :D

That was Money Mark. He is clearly mental! Fantastic gig, allthough I didn't like the seating. Set was great, really nice mix of old and new.

IIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim doinalright! (except I'm friggin' knackered, why did it have to be a tuesday?)

PaddyBoy 12-08-2004 05:41 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
Hey people, gig was really fuckin' amazing. Really cool to meet the other message boarders sophie, peterclamp, timmie, damaja...we all had a great time in the vip section!! I have a really great phone video clip of the boys running on stage from the side, i'll try and share that sometime soon.

Meeting MMM (he signed my T-shirt, I told him I got and liked Bangzilla), Cey Adams (what a sound man!) and James B was brilliant, made the night something to remember for us all.

Hope you got home safely Sophie, I think Elaine and I gave you some bad directions in the tube station....doh! Never take advice from foreigners, especially Irish ones!

Best moment: BBoy moves to Apache beat during Root Down. Choreography at its best.

Shitloads more to say, but I gotta make my way to the Airport now and then go back to work.


Blonde_Kitten 12-08-2004 05:43 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
Wicked night! Beasties you were top form! Unfortunately I wasn't right down the front but I still had a pretty good view, luckily the seats I had was at the end of the row so I could just stand to the side and see, if I was in the middle I wouldn't have seen very well because I'm only short. My tickets was from seats 53-55 row 18 BLOCK D4 RED SIDE. I dragged a lady from work along with me cos no one else could get the time off to go and I had a ticket spare, she has to go to work today - Haha.
Anyway we had to leave middle of intergalictic because other wise we would of missed our train - sooo disappointing! And seriously we got on the tube train ran for the train when we got off at Charing Cross - I stacked it! We got to the station - it was there we got on and it left a couple of mins after so we was really lucky we didn't miss our last train home! The night was amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed every second, so did Lisa from work, but I wish I could of stayed for it all.
Who was the supporting band - we arrived when they was already performing, I asked a couple of guys that were behind me but they didn't know!?
Also yeah there was a lotta girls there but compared to the guys!!! Well it really stood out there was way more fellas there, not complaining at all, very very nice, lots of sexy guys!!!! Hm.. anyway - Awesome night

PaddyBoy 12-08-2004 05:47 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
It was Talib Kweli, rapper supreme.

Blonde_Kitten 12-08-2004 05:49 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
Thank you

Mark (1)ne 12-08-2004 06:11 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!
How're you guys doin' today? Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm doinalright.Ha ha ha Niiiiiiice.....

Great Gig.....GRRRREAT Visuals..........Great sound.....Quality Crowd..........

Anyone else got any more photos please????????

Anyway must dash ……"I'm off to do some busking"……What?????? "Busking….......At Kings Cross"….Oh Right……apparently were off to do some "BUSKING at Kings Cross"


Mark (1)ne

Ps i new here so HELLO to you all >8O)

hotzappa11 12-08-2004 06:18 AM

Re: Wembley Review - Sort of!

they look so cool, MCA playing baketball onstage :cool:

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