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rirv 05-15-2016 02:35 PM

I miss what this place used to be
And now I'm old.

b-grrrlie 05-16-2016 12:31 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
You are not the only one...

b-grrrlie 05-16-2016 12:35 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
And I had to put my cat Cosmo to sleep last week, he had a tumor in his nose and it had spread into his skull bone...

So there goes another connection to this forum...

Laver1969 05-20-2016 12:33 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
Sorry to hear about Cosmo!

Dorothy Wood 05-24-2016 02:21 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
Me too. My life is pretty hard right now, but I don't wanna talk about it specifically, this place seems not so anonymous anymore. It's maybe gonna get better though. I'm weirdly calm about the chaos happening. Also I'm pretty sure I have aspergers, I've talked about it before here. I never know how to respond to people correctly, and often people are mad at me for not being enthusiastic enough. Or people think I'm mad all the time, when I'm not...or get their feelings hurt because I'm insensitive to people's emotions. Anyway, the people close to me are understanding. The general public, no so much. But the public is full of dumbasses.

I'm old too, but I still get carded ;)

Randetica 05-24-2016 11:47 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
i moved out of a horrible place in utah then moved to oregon, got my baby boy two days after and met deep sea rain and his wife (y)

ma belle 05-25-2016 06:40 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
It was a hoot for a while wasn't it guys?

Rock-A 06-02-2016 10:26 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
I think I would have been so much more productive at work if it wasn't for this place back in the early 2000s. Good times, good times.

Dorothy Wood 06-04-2016 11:10 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
im in LA, but I can't go anywhere on my own because I'm trapped with my boyfriend's family. I hate the dad. I'm glad I didn't grow up with a dad. They're always so mad. Fuckin dads...I hope my generation will have better dads.

Adam 06-09-2016 02:09 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

^for those who want a group hug and have consented but those that want to stand on the outside - know the warmth extends to you too.

I was thinking about this place other day and kinda realising I haven't made any major life decisions without consulting bbmb first. Which also means I haven't made any major life decision recently which may mean I'm stuck in a rut.

Not sure if I am. Been with my partner 5 years so that's good. Closer to 40 than 30 now which is OK but I did first log on this place as a teenager!


Dorothy Wood 06-24-2016 09:13 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
I guess it's still a place where you can write things when you're drunk and forget that you wrote it. :o

mikizee 06-26-2016 04:59 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1818800)
I guess it's still a place where you can write things when you're drunk and forget that you wrote it. :o

I'm drunk right now!

This was the first forum I ever posted on. Holds a very special place in my internetty heart. Great personalities. Like Bob, the hilariously funny forever virgin. Although I'm assuming he's had sex by now. Nastee, the good looking Scottish bird. Dandyfop, the super cute chick who's now a bloody good stand up comic. That guy who I forget the name of, who flooded this place with posts for about a year including a pic of himself naked except a tie that covered his dicknballs.

Ahhhh memories

Randetica 07-16-2016 09:37 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
you mean that gdayjoel mothereffer that litterally ate his own shit?

YoungRemy 07-18-2016 04:09 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
You can't go wrong when you have a guy rapping in response to himself over 200 times.

Bob 07-18-2016 06:17 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

Originally Posted by mikizee (Post 1818810)
Although I'm assuming he's had sex by now.

i'll never tell

also, joel literally ate his own shit? odd fella

Kid Presentable 07-30-2016 03:52 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
Joel was the best.

camo 08-01-2016 06:01 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
Did anyone know him irl?

DeeJayZap 08-02-2016 05:56 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

b-grrrlie 08-07-2016 03:39 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1818706)
Me too. My life is pretty hard right now, but I don't wanna talk about it specifically, this place seems not so anonymous anymore. It's maybe gonna get better though. I'm weirdly calm about the chaos happening. Also I'm pretty sure I have aspergers, I've talked about it before here. I never know how to respond to people correctly, and often people are mad at me for not being enthusiastic enough. Or people think I'm mad all the time, when I'm not...or get their feelings hurt because I'm insensitive to people's emotions. Anyway, the people close to me are understanding. The general public, no so much. But the public is full of dumbasses.

I'm old too, but I still get carded ;)

I was diagnosed for Aspergers about 18 months ago! It took over two years.... It made me understand myself much better (all the collecting, failing in relationships, bad memory, emotionless for certain things, seeing small details, short attention span....)! :p Also now I get help cleaning and organizing at home (3 hours a week! :eek: ) and free dental care (as I've been scared of dentists) for four years to begin with. I don't know if it covers free teeth (I have two missing), but there could be a chance. :o

camo 08-12-2016 02:59 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

Originally Posted by b-grrrlie (Post 1818913)
I was diagnosed for Aspergers about 18 months ago! It took over two years.... It made me understand myself much better (all the collecting, failing in relationships, bad memory, emotionless for certain things, seeing small details, short attention span....)!

I'm currently going through diagnosis for this. My current girlfriend is a teacher who specialises in children with learning difficulties - predominantly Autism and Aspergers. We've been together for over two years now and through that time she has recognised me displaying so many of the symptoms. It started of as a bit of a joke; her noticing my obsessive collecting, forgetting dates, getting super annoyed at tiny little problems with our new house (cracks in skirting boards, scuffs on walls etc), hating being touched and preferring my own space and company.

How has it changed your life now that you've been diagnosed?

b-grrrlie 08-14-2016 12:59 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

Originally Posted by b-grrrlie (Post 1818913)
I was diagnosed for Aspergers about 18 months ago! It took over two years.... It made me understand myself much better (all the collecting, failing in relationships, bad memory, emotionless for certain things, seeing small details, short attention span....)!


Originally Posted by camo (Post 1818931)
I'm currently going through diagnosis for this. My current girlfriend is a teacher who specialises in children with learning difficulties - predominantly Autism and Aspergers. We've been together for over two years now and through that time she has recognised me displaying so many of the symptoms. It started of as a bit of a joke; her noticing my obsessive collecting, forgetting dates, getting super annoyed at tiny little problems with our new house (cracks in skirting boards, scuffs on walls etc), hating being touched and preferring my own space and company.

How has it changed your life now that you've been diagnosed?

Well, mainly it has made me understand myself much better, why I was such a tomboy as a kid, why I get easily annoyed when people don't do stuff they're supposed to do and me myself am much worse. The help I get every week has been god's send, trying to get organized and getting just through daily routines. The routines are very important as I am terrible if I misplace stuff, I can get a quiet tantrum by myself when I've misplaces something and can totally panic, empty every bag and throw things around (and just leave them there...). So putting your keys or any other item in a specific place is really important. I'm still missing my digital scales that have been on a specific place in my cupboard since I bought it and we (me and a helper) had to clear the whole cupboard after I found a meal beetle in a flour bag and I don't know where it is since then and I need it almost weekly...
Also I realize myself when I disrupt someone, thinking of just giving a bit of advice, but they find me more like a besserwisser. Actually I couldn't continue my seasonal job because of that, after five summer seasons... Found out about it afterwards why I wasn't welcome back. So these days I try to be very careful not to advise anyone if not asked to...
When it comes to relationships, I'm getting being a better and better friend with my old fb, noticing that he as well must have Aspergers. Sometimes it feels like we really should be together for real, but then we both get scared.
Also writing things-to-do lists have always been good to do, it's so satisfying when you can tick off something! Sometimes I write really essential things on the list (like water the flowers or make lunch for tomorrow) just to be able to cross over something.

camo 08-15-2016 09:05 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

Originally Posted by b-grrrlie (Post 1818942)
Well, mainly it has made me understand myself much better, why I was such a tomboy as a kid, why I get easily annoyed when people don't do stuff they're supposed to do and me myself am much worse. The help I get every week has been god's send, trying to get organized and getting just through daily routines. The routines are very important as I am terrible if I misplace stuff, I can get a quiet tantrum by myself when I've misplaces something and can totally panic, empty every bag and throw things around (and just leave them there...). So putting your keys or any other item in a specific place is really important. I'm still missing my digital scales that have been on a specific place in my cupboard since I bought it and we (me and a helper) had to clear the whole cupboard after I found a meal beetle in a flour bag and I don't know where it is since then and I need it almost weekly...
Also I realize myself when I disrupt someone, thinking of just giving a bit of advice, but they find me more like a besserwisser. Actually I couldn't continue my seasonal job because of that, after five summer seasons... Found out about it afterwards why I wasn't welcome back. So these days I try to be very careful not to advise anyone if not asked to...
When it comes to relationships, I'm getting being a better and better friend with my old fb, noticing that he as well must have Aspergers. Sometimes it feels like we really should be together for real, but then we both get scared.
Also writing things-to-do lists have always been good to do, it's so satisfying when you can tick off something! Sometimes I write really essential things on the list (like water the flowers or make lunch for tomorrow) just to be able to cross over something.

I can fully empathise with you on the placement of things. I've had my keys on the same lanyard for roughly 15 years. I keep them in the same pocket and even wear it when I don't even need my keys - i.e. when I'm on holiday or in another country altogether. I have to have my phone, wallet and iPod in a specific pocket and this never, ever changes. I've even made a return journey of five hours (each way) to retrieve them when I left them at a friends - I couldn't cope knowing that they weren't in their rightful place. I can't imagine how my girlfriend puts up with me because I know for sure that many girls couldn't. I've been labelled pretentious, apathetic and unloving by many an ex in the past. Pretty much all of my relationships have ended because they're just too tired of my actions!

Change is also a bad thing for me. I've fallen out with friends for simply changing plans we've made. Just the notion of someone saying that they'll do one thing, and then doing another makes me antsy and aggravated. I find myself internalising a lot of anger and vitriol towards people who change something I'm doing/going to/wanting etc.

I could go on but I'm sure you've heard it all or done it already. I'm just happy that I'll soon be able to label it and deal with it in my own way (y)

b-grrrlie 08-15-2016 01:08 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

Originally Posted by camo (Post 1818944)
I can fully empathise with you on the placement of things. .... I've even made a return journey of five hours (each way) to retrieve them when I left them at a friends - I couldn't cope knowing that they weren't in their rightful place.

I forgot my ring at a friend's place after a midsummer party when I'd done the dishes. I don't wear that ring that oft, but it has a special meaning to me, and I keep thinking about it all the time! He said he'll bring it the next time we see, no worries, but I wish I had gone back the moment I noticed I'd forgotten it...


Originally Posted by camo (Post 1818944)
I'm just happy that I'll soon be able to label it and deal with it in my own way (y)

Getting a label on it has helped me a lot! Also I understand other people better as well. I can easily see who's an Aspie as well :p :o

camo 08-16-2016 04:44 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

Originally Posted by b-grrrlie (Post 1818945)
I forgot my ring at a friend's place after a midsummer party when I'd done the dishes. I don't wear that ring that oft, but it has a special meaning to me, and I keep thinking about it all the time! He said he'll bring it the next time we see, no worries, but I wish I had gone back the moment I noticed I'd forgotten it...

Getting a label on it has helped me a lot! Also I understand other people better as well. I can easily see who's an Aspie as well :p :o

Haha I like that name!

Lyman Zerga 08-23-2016 01:08 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
I wonder what i got like i dont like getting touched, cant have eye contact (not even with my husband), poor attention span which makes reading books or watching movies very difficult, people talk to me and i have a hard time following even when it is really important (cant focus for shit) i have an outdoors tunnel view like it is difficult for me to look right and left (shyness?) I got speech problems (either say words the wrong way or switch words around the wrong way) have a hard time expressing myself in texting or talking, uncoordinated, depressions, social anxiety

When i look shit up online i find things that kinda match with my symptoms but nothing is spot on, also i had a bacterial meningitis which often leave a brain damage behind so i wonder if that has anything to do with anything

mikizee 08-23-2016 05:30 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

Originally Posted by mikizee (Post 1818810)
I'm drunk right now!

This was the first forum I ever posted on. Holds a very special place in my internetty heart. Great personalities. Like Bob, the hilariously funny forever virgin. Although I'm assuming he's had sex by now. Nastee, the good looking Scottish bird. Dandyfop, the super cute chick who's now a bloody good stand up comic. That guy who I forget the name of, who flooded this place with posts for about a year including a pic of himself naked except a tie that covered his dicknballs.

Ahhhh memories

I don't remember writing this

marsdaddy 08-31-2016 01:22 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
What's up kids!

Mookie is 13 and a high school freshman and my youngest is 10. Talk about feeling old!

Speaking of, 50 is rapidly approaching. (y)

P of R 09-01-2016 11:21 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
I thin kabout this place from time to time and get all nostalgic. It makes me kinda sad sometimes. I kinda miss it.

And you can't help but wonder if everything is good with all the old guys and gals.

Anyway a big hug to all the oldies. (y)

Guy Incognito 09-19-2016 01:56 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

Originally Posted by YoungRemy (Post 1818894)
You can't go wrong when you have a guy rapping in response to himself over 200 times.


kll 09-21-2016 03:01 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

Originally Posted by marsdaddy (Post 1819007)
What's up kids!

Mookie is 13 and a high school freshman and my youngest is 10. Talk about feeling old!

Speaking of, 50 is rapidly approaching. (y)

Unreal. You were 21 like a year ago.

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