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Michelle*s_Farm 11-02-2016 01:59 PM

President Trump
This time next week Trump will have won the election. I will be disappointed because I wanted Sanders to win. It is unfair that the democrats shafted Sanders, but it should not be surprising given the discoveries from Wikileaks.

It is quite obvious why Trump will win. Many working class Americans have been left behind and their communities destroyed by globalism (e.g., free trade agreements). They want their communities back and wish to take control of their future. The slogan "Make America Great" resonated with many people from working and middle class backgrounds. The idea that multinational corporations and the political establishment (e.g., politicians and the mainstream media) have completely sold out America runs deep regardless if you are on the left or right. Classic liberalism and free speech is being attacked and many people are tired that American values of liberty are being disregarded in favour of politically correct thought police and those who simply want to exploit immigrant workers.

It is clear that some of Trump's supporters care deeply about these issues and for them Trump is the only viable candidate. I prefer Jill Stein despite her general unpopularity. I respect Trump voters concerns and genuinely feel they are champions of free speech, democracy and being able to hold your government to account. I may not agree with each and every one of them on all topics, but I certainly respect their democratic right to choose the leader they see fit. Calling them stupid, bigots, racists or fascists is not right. Such talk makes liberals, democrats and those on the left look terrible. Empathy for the plight of America's workers would be more appropriate at a time like this. This election has revealed a revolutionary shift in politics regardless of whether or not you feel Trump will follow through with his promises to the people. Unity and mutual respect is needed after the election. Only together (regardless of your political ideologies) can we make a more just society for us all.

freetibet 11-09-2016 04:53 AM

Re: President Trump
Up yours, leftists:] #WASPsMadeThisCountryGreat

freetibet 11-09-2016 05:01 AM

Re: President Trump
Where has everyone gone, btw?

abbott 11-09-2016 08:23 AM

Re: President Trump
well I know I got my $300 per month increase of Obama care 1 week before election. So did alot of other tax payers who need to sale their home to pay for insurance.

and I lost a few more benefits.

so my increase was more than my original/better pre Obama care plan

so I am now paying $800 a month vs $270 and I have to pay cash at the doctor because it is to expensive to use my insurance. I can pay cash and save 50% or can pay double and have it applied toward a deductible i most likely will never pay.

I think that is a major issue no in is talking about.

Anyway my candidate, same on I voted for the past 2 elections before this one did not win.

abbott 11-09-2016 08:24 AM

Re: President Trump
oh yea nice call....

freetibet 11-10-2016 05:00 AM

Re: President Trump
Hah, I hear some commentators in Poland actually refer to this issue. Obamacare seems to work in the same manner as we have had it here for ages. I pay ca. USD 100 a month for compulsory health insurance and if I am ill I still have to go to private doctor to skip the queues etc. Bottom line is, hopefully Donald will get rid of that cancer. Too bad here in Poland people cannot even imagine there could be no compulsory health insurance.

I reckon you voted for someone other than HRC or DJT. Props for perseverance.

ericg 11-21-2016 09:52 AM

Re: President Trump
we can still feel the bern...hindsight is 2020!!

Fern 11-25-2016 06:39 PM

Re: President Trump
If hitler and Bernie were standing before me and I had a gun with two bullets ....

I'd shoot Bernie twice to make sure he was dead.

ericg 11-26-2016 08:57 AM

Re: President Trump
who do you like?
you'ld let hitler live? to torture?
i think people should do what sanders was about.. like virtually hold his idea's accountable as if he did win.. he was so against the 1%, and then joined them the way he did... like what in the hell, over?
again i think his family was threatened by hitlary .. i wouldn't put it past the clintons.
i can't say i hate him.. i hate what he did or didn't do and i hope he gets his shit together better next time! or jill stein would be great too so...

we'll see..
here's to making it count!!!

ericg 12-14-2016 06:55 AM

Re: President Trump
trump just appointed the ceo of exon mobil to sec of state??
did i hear that right?? i can't believe thsi shit.
it's gonna be a long 4 years.

ericg 01-13-2017 01:22 PM

Re: President Trump
i'll just say that the dnc criminally sabotaged sanders of hte presidency. he would've trumped trump ez and revolutions would've occured.. dreams come true.. etc etc
now it's samo samo bs and ppl are ok with that like they don't know any better.
it's all a theater isn't it with producers and actors and all kinds of ...
ppl better start recognizing who the hell they are and who they're voting for!!!
wtf over

can i get a what what..

ericg 01-13-2017 02:12 PM

Re: President Trump
it's a damn shame so many kids are set up for failure in a bs war! If I had the wherewithal i'd have an organization that helps kids get out of the military if they're conscientious objectors which is only reasonable... like Bogs in Tigerland maybe.. You know?? Suicides and PTSD are almost a common thing among military families.. it's an epidemic just like heroin these days after the US military openly guarded it in Afghanistan to sell to the world...

Everything taught in college has been sabotaged too like the science of things.. the economy..biology.. etc

It's a silent war and the ppl are losing because we are not as organized as crime and corruption..

Burnout18 01-16-2017 05:09 PM

Re: President Trump

Originally Posted by ericg (Post 1819350)
i'll just say that the dnc criminally sabotaged sanders of hte presidency.

Yep, The democrats have their super delegate system in place so that the powers can be can get together and pick or blackball a candidate. And since the establishment wanted hillary, they got what they deserved. Take the L, learn from it, come back strong.

And sorry i doubt Sanders will run again in 4 years.... he's a little too old... look for some young pups.

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