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JohnnyChavello 11-18-2016 10:14 PM

AYP Trump Graffiti
Adam Yauch Park was vandalized some time late last night/early this morning with swastikas and pro-Trump graffiti. City council members are holding an anti-hate rally at the park this Sunday at 11:30am. If you're in or around NY, come by and show support if you can.

Here's a link to a flier for the rally from Q-Tip's Twitter feed.

brooklyndust 11-18-2016 11:51 PM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
Fucking bullshit

fonky pizza 11-19-2016 06:00 AM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
Fuckin assholes (n)

Micodin 11-19-2016 06:29 AM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
Only in AmeriKKKa.

BBboy20 11-19-2016 03:26 PM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti

b-grrrlie 11-20-2016 08:06 AM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
It's unbelievable how stupid they are! They can't even draw swastikas right. :rolleyes:

But I wish I could be there today, Adrock and Kathleen are gonna be there, even Mike D wrote about it in instagram, but don't know if he's gonna be there on his birthday...

abbott 11-20-2016 09:30 AM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
wish i was there.

I dont know much about this, saw it on the news here in NM yesterday.... my wife pointed it out to me. But I did not see or hear anything other than what is posted here.

What is the Pro-Trump tie? Is there any chance Trump put someone up to this?

Documad 11-20-2016 07:35 PM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti

Originally Posted by b-grrrlie (Post 1819205)
[color="DarkOrchid"] They can't even draw swastikas right. :rolleyes:

That was my first thought.

dave790 11-20-2016 10:57 PM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
Not trying to stoke the flames, but I've read several reports of instances where swastikas and pro-Trump graffiti has been carried out by those actually against Trump (purely to portray his supporters in a more negative / more extreme light). Either way, what a mess.

On a lighter and possibly irrelevant note, I thought the King looked pretty cool at the anti-hate rally.

Micodin 11-21-2016 09:32 AM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti

Originally Posted by dave790 (Post 1819210)
Not trying to stoke the flames, but I've read several reports of instances where swastikas and pro-Trump graffiti has been carried out by those actually against Trump (purely to portray his supporters in a more negative / more extreme light). Either way, what a mess.

On a lighter and possibly irrelevant note, I thought the King looked pretty cool at the anti-hate rally.

Not sure where you're getting your info. There's been over 700 reported cases of hateful harassment and intimidation since the election. They suspect it's over the thousand mark. In New York they are creating a special police unit to fight it. Shit is real right now.

abbott 11-21-2016 10:23 AM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
Yea ... Ad Rock looked good and how can a message against hate be bad.

I wish Dave Chappelle or Flavor Flav were president.

YoungRemy 11-21-2016 03:38 PM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
I can see where dave790 is coming from. Someone could easily draw a swastika or put in quotes "make America white again" in order to send a political statement, there's no way to prove it either way. Many of these petty vandalism cases are popping up in high schools and colleges and in this case, a playground.

The response, however, is correct- nip this kind of shit in the bud, it ain't tolerated.

And I agree, we should focus more on the attacks and hate crimes that are popping up around the country. The one that bothers me most is the unsolved death of a Saudi student who was beaten mercilessly to death about a week before the election

dave790 11-21-2016 07:51 PM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
Yep, I agree the response is correct, and obviously support anti-hate movements (and rallies). Petty vandalism is, however, less clear cut and also far less severe than hate crimes of a personal and social nature - the likes of which I naturally find disgusting.

Micodin, out of interest is that stat for New York or the entire nation?

=Shadrach= 11-23-2016 06:46 AM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti

Originally Posted by Micodin (Post 1819215)
Not sure where you're getting your info. There's been over 700 reported cases of hateful harassment and intimidation since the election. They suspect it's over the thousand mark. In New York they are creating a special police unit to fight it. Shit is real right now.

If you think this isn't happening, your extremely naïve. There was a video captured of an African American male in Philly where he was caught spray painting cars with racial slurs to portray an opposite racist effort.

Nobody on this board is MORE against racism and hate of any kind than me... but the reality is... there are dopes out there on both sides.

Micodin 11-23-2016 07:07 AM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti

Originally Posted by =Shadrach= (Post 1819224)
If you think this isn't happening, your extremely naïve. There was a video captured of an African American male in Philly where he was caught spray painting cars with racial slurs to portray an opposite racist effort.

Nobody on this board is MORE against racism and hate of any kind than me... but the reality is... there are dopes out there on both sides.

1. Give me more instances than one from the over 700+ incidents that have already happened. You're giving me one isolated case. So, are you saying ALL 700+ incidents are fabricated? Give me a fucking break. If it was 100 cases out of 700, 600 hate crimes is still WAY above the norm.

2. Oh really? No one on the board but you is MORE against racism than you. Tell me about how you've been oppressed by your race. Tell me how it's tragically effected your life. I'll wait.

I never said that there might be some cases that might sound iffy, I just said that there's been over 700+ reported cases of hateful harassment and intimidation since the election. It's so bad that in New York they are creating a special police unit to fight it. New York Police Department Commissioner James O'Neill said on Sunday that hate crimes are up over 30 percent in the city, particularly targeting Muslim populations.

But I guess those are made up too... :rolleyes:

Brass Monk 11-23-2016 10:38 AM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti

Originally Posted by =Shadrach= (Post 1819224)
If you think this isn't happening, your extremely naïve. There was a video captured of an African American male in Philly where he was caught spray painting cars with racial slurs to portray an opposite racist effort.

Nobody on this board is MORE against racism and hate of any kind than me... but the reality is... there are dopes out there on both sides.

You are the one that is naive if you think that is happening on any significant widespread level. In regards to this issue, you saying "there are dopes on both sides" is just offensive. And you saying nobody is more against racism than you is just funny since trump told lemon the exact same thing on CNN earlier this year .

Rich Cheney 12-20-2016 07:14 PM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
There is not a Trump supporter within 30 miles of this park.

Stop the bullshit.

Just like the muslim girl who said Trump supporters harassed her on the train removing her hijab, it turns out that it was a fabrication all because she missed her damn curfew.

WTF is wrong with people this is NYC not Mississippi...!!

brooklyndust 12-20-2016 09:57 PM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
After the election, hate crimes spiked. Not just in the states, but here in Canada and around North America. This is a fact. Full stop. Period.

This was to be expected, as trump encouraged violence and dissent all throughout his campaign. This is not "main stream media bias" but words coming directly from his mouth and not taken out of context.

His apologists keep on complaining about how people have been protesting his win. They are just doing what he was ranting about 4 years ago.

Again, no "MSM" propaganda. It was him and his twitter.

There is no doubt that some anti-trump activists would/will draw swastikas and racist messages to try and frame him, but that is a small minority.

There is no denying that after winning the election it caused a spike in hate crimes. And if you deny that, your just lying to yourself, and have the blinders so far up that you are beyond reason to continue any rational discussion.

His supporters and apologists have to quit making excuses for Trumps bullshit and start holding Trump accountable for his actions and words.

You want to talk about being fair and balanced? telling it like it is and the truth? Then start holding Trump accountable.

No more "but Hillary", no more passing the buck and blame. Ask yourself what could Trump have possibly done to sabotage his campaign or loose your support? Tax evasion? disrespecting POW's and Purple hearts? Fraud? Incompetence?bragging about how he would grab your wife/girlfriend/daughter by the pussy and get away with it? (think about that last one nice and hard, and if some 70 year old douche said that, I guarantee you wouldn't write it off as locker room talk)

The guy wouldn't get called back for a McDonalds interview.
Would you hire him to work for you? Or even cut your lawn?

What was the straw that would have broke the camels back?

The answer is nothing. Absolutely nothing. His apologists would turn a blind eye and then go on to hypocritically criticize his opponents.

The truest thing that Trump said in this campaign is: "I could shoot my supporters in the streets and they would still vote vote for me"

He could be caught murdering someone redhanded and his apologists would be "at least it's not Benghazi"

Look, your guy won, but please stop with the fucking bullshit and quit making excuses for him.

Micodin 12-21-2016 07:53 AM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti

Originally Posted by Rich Cheney (Post 1819292)
There is not a Trump supporter within 30 miles of this park.

Nah son, you stop the bullshit with your lies.

New York Police Department Commissioner James O'Neill said that hate crimes are up over 30 percent in the city, particularly targeting Muslim populations.

There is not a Trump supporter within 30 miles of this park.... FOH with that shit.

Rich Cheney 12-21-2016 05:52 PM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
Say Micodin. No lies here. I live in NYC and I am calling what I see everyday.
And I stick to my statement.

No lies on my part, here is the liberal NY Daily News article to backup my statement.

Also in my backyard, this incident.

I won't post about the Mississippi church because I can't see that with my own two eyes. So yeah hate crimes are up and let's include these two statistics as hate crimes also. Anti-Trump hate crimes.

Micodin 12-21-2016 06:44 PM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
You're sticking to your statement that there isnt a Trump supporter 30 miles near the park? That's obviously a lie. Why would I believe anything else you have to say?

JohnnyChavello 12-23-2016 08:32 PM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti

Originally Posted by Rich Cheney (Post 1819295)
Say Micodin. No lies here. I live in NYC and I am calling what I see everyday.
And I stick to my statement.

Over 130,000 people voted for Trump in Brooklyn alone, dipshit. Virtually everyone in Brooklyn lives within 30 miles of that park.

This happened in NYC. Other shit is being documented here and all over the country. One or two examples of bogus claims out of hundreds, if not thousands, means shit.

abbott 12-27-2016 08:04 AM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
I wish I had the answer ... but I know I am closer to it at living for 40+ years and putting myself into a bunch of shituations. Anyway, these dumbass kids know everything.

"my candidate didnt win, so Ill fuck shit up" "People are mean so..." "I dont have friends so..." sounds just like/but different from what my 4 year old would say.

These poor kids are giving their time away and in most cases it will be a major loss.

I did like the way Adrock sent his message, and I thought MCA got wiser as he got older. Some have ears to hear, but some just don't get the message.

My point is we have a bunch of dumb ass, selfish, kids that cant find their own shit trying to send their dumbass message while they think they know everything and its all about them. And that does not work out in almost all cases. We need some nice 75 year old wise lady with a belt. These kids are so far off that who they support and who they dont support means zero. What they do can put them away for 30 years.

A dumbass thinks their ways are wise, blinded from their own dumbassness.

and unfortunately for me ... it takes one to see one and I see them all over.

Extra Cheese 12-28-2016 04:42 PM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
I'm not really sure where this thread is going or the motives behind some of the posts but i'll add my two pesos

There are trump supporters all over NYC, they're not hard to come by. Any notion that there aren't many here is pretty ridiculous and laughable.

The city that made Republican Rudy Giuliani a 2 term mayor, Republican Michael Bloomberg a 3 term mayor, is now all of sudden purely blue? Lets be serious here.

=Shadrach= 01-09-2017 03:02 PM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti

Originally Posted by Brass Monk (Post 1819227)
You are the one that is naive if you think that is happening on any significant widespread level. In regards to this issue, you saying "there are dopes on both sides" is just offensive. And you saying nobody is more against racism than you is just funny since trump told lemon the exact same thing on CNN earlier this year .

Pointing out that the world holds people who are not that bright and support opposing political parties is offensive? To who??

If I feel as though my stance against racism is at the highest level, how can you debate that? You act as if I am making a negative statement.

=Shadrach= 01-09-2017 03:04 PM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti
By the way... Here is a sample of people in America who JUST MIGHT take a few minutes to spray paint to bring negative attention to a sensitive subject... Just Maybe :confused:

Brass Monk 01-11-2017 09:49 PM

Re: AYP Trump Graffiti

Originally Posted by =Shadrach= (Post 1819334)
Pointing out that the world holds people who are not that bright and support opposing political parties is offensive? To who??

If I feel as though my stance against racism is at the highest level, how can you debate that? You act as if I am making a negative statement.

It's the false equivalency that's offensive. When it comes trump hate graffiti you can't just imply "well there's jerks on both sides ". That's ridiculous and the reasons why have already been clearly articulated to you on this thread.
As far as saying that no one is more against racism than you, that's just arrogant and obnoxious. Perhaps you are against racism (and if you are a bboys fan you really better be), but you don't know the backgrounds of the other commenters. So you are basically pulling that completely out of your ass (very trump-like).

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