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Adam 12-28-2009 05:06 AM

New Year Resolutions 2010
I wanted to try and find a thread from last year with everyone saying they are gonna do this that and the other so you'd then feel disappointed with what you made of yourself in 2009. But I couldn't find a thread - there was one for 2008 which also links 2007.

So anyone making any this years?

I kinda have one except that I adopted it a while ago after a conversation between Helvete and Padster had here - weird I know. And its very general. Gandhi said - be the change you want to see. And that has been my focus. Around the same time but I can't remember if before or after I joined The Green Party, so there is a start.

I dunno for 2010 tho - seriously considering getting rid of my car but I love it to bits. I did less than 2000 miles this year but I think there is too many cars on the road. I also feel guilty at the fact I have to commute a long way to work (I normally use my motorbike but I am keeping that). Its part laziness I haven't looked for a more local job or one where I can cycle to work easily. But that one saying by Gandhi is my motivation for 2010 (y)

Rodie 12-28-2009 05:28 AM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
Get a career, house, adult life, etc.

Randetica 12-28-2009 05:43 AM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
losing weight
getting into a "psychiatry" for a while
finding a boyfriend

NicRN77 12-28-2009 10:31 AM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
eat healthy
exercise more
volunteer more

camo 12-28-2009 11:05 AM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010

Originally Posted by camo (Post 1538298)
- enjoy myself more (in general)
- Re-ignite my apetite for design (it's slowly fading)
- see my grandad more

Wow! I did none of them (n)

gbsuey 12-28-2009 11:12 AM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
the biggie is to sort out my life....huge.

Learn more stuff to cook,so bored with current cooking repetoire

I did volunteer with a group who arrange for you to go spend some time with old people who have no-one else in the world and just sit alone all day but they never got back in touch, so i may look into that. I mean i don't have much free time but how shit would it be to just get old and never have a soul to talk to??

Get my tattoo-can't wait for that one

See the beastie boys

jabumbo 12-28-2009 12:25 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
2010 is the year i need to stop putting off all of my major house projects and tell all the assholes in my life to straighten up or piss off.

oh, and maybe finally get myself a raise. that would make the other items a bit easier then...

paul jones 12-28-2009 01:35 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
go on 'Britain's got talent' and sing 'I dreamed a dream' then get offers to star in porn films then shave my eyebrows and release a CD of covers in December

Ty Webb 12-28-2009 02:05 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010

Originally Posted by Rodie (Post 1715957)
Get a career, house, adult life, etc.


Echewta 12-28-2009 02:07 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
One of my resolutions is to take piano lessons. I think a single man at my age should be prepping for a life of bachlorhood. An apartment with dark colored furniture and wood flooring along with a bar filled with interesting bottles of alcohol and a quiver of appropriate glasses and me sitting at my baby grand, playing April in Paris or Clair de Lune with a bottle of bourbon and my tie undone waiting for one of my many single stewardess or art collectors to stop by for an evening of passion and hours of conversation.

Ty Webb 12-28-2009 02:10 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010

Originally Posted by Echewta (Post 1715988)
One of my resolutions is to take piano lessons. I think a single man at my age should be prepping for a life of bachlorhood. An apartment with dark colored furniture and wood flooring along with a bar filled with interesting bottles of alcohol and a quiver of appropriate glasses and me sitting at my baby grand, playing April in Paris or Clair de Lune with a bottle of bourbon and my tie undone waiting for one of my many single stewardess or art collectors to stop by for an evening of passion and hours of conversation.

i do this, except sacrifice virgins to gods of the RIFF through my Marshall stack.

yeahwho 12-28-2009 03:28 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010

Originally Posted by paul jones (Post 1715976)
go on 'Britain's got talent' and sing 'I dreamed a dream' then get offers to star in porn films then shave my eyebrows and release a CD of covers in December

This is what I'm hoping to hear in December,
I believe I can Fly,
Pina Colada Song
and then do "Ben" right.

nodanaonlyzuul 12-28-2009 03:49 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
Go back to school. And I should be able to since I can pay out of pocket now, woohoo!

Also I want to keep reminding myself to sit up straight at all times. I started doing this weeks ago but I might as well tack it on to the list.

Otherwise that's it. The eating healthy/exercise thing is something I implemented on a random date instead of New Years and I find that to be much more effective. The saying that doing those things is "a lifestyle" is 100% true. Not that I've haven't cheated or anything here and there (they offer free pastries at work, I'm no saint, hehe) but still. Thinking of it as a lifestyle and something you have to do, like it's a job (getting paid with a better body and health instead of money), helps. (y)

camo 12-28-2009 03:52 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
Find me the right kind of girl.

cosmo105 12-28-2009 03:55 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010

Originally Posted by cosmo105 (Post 1538277)
-get mad crazy involved and neck-deep in school, volunteering and campus activities related to my major
-work toward getting a job at a hospital
-start dressing like a grown-up
-learn how to cook pancakes

-nope, goals changed and instead i got a job doing what i wanted right out of school :cool: oh right, btw i graduated guys :cool:
-sorta, i do work in a kitchen/lab environment so fancy clothes are a little pointless
- :(

for this year:

-maintain fitness level and ramp it up
-find and move into awesome place with manfriend
-work hard, make money
-take drum lessons
-get back into karate
-climb Half Dome
-keep kicking ass

HEIRESS 12-28-2009 07:06 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010

Originally Posted by HEIRESS (Post 1716005)
-Get caught up on my correspondence studies
-Cut back on my hermitting by about 50%
-Keep working on maximizing my fitness level
-Put a damper on my useless spending so that i can buy a house in next year or two

I quit my correspondence studies! yay!

Hermiting is still in full effect. I am just to much fun to hang out with that I don't want to share with others!

Fitness is good. I normally go to the gym atleast 5 times a week consistently. I am a good girl.

Useless spending has slowly become useful spending, albeit still spending.
Fuck buying a home, maybe in 5 years.

MC Moot 12-28-2009 08:19 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
You echelon your dreams and they'll come true...type slowly...

ms.peachy 12-28-2009 10:14 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
From '08:

I was just thinking about this earlier when writing out my christmas cards. We have a lot of friends we almost never see as they don't live in london anymore, and most all of us have a rugrat or two, so it just seems like we never find time to get together. So I decided that my resolution this year would be to get out of London more often and go visit with friends, maybe like one weekend a month or something.
Well I think I did OK with this one. Not quite once a month, but we did make more of an effort. Now of course, there is a heck of a lot more distance between us all, so... not so much visiting this year!

I don't think I made any resolutions for last year because it was just days before New Years when mr.p got the China job offer - so basically the whole year was really taken up with moving and getting settled. My resolutions this year are pretty basic:
- continue Mandarin lessons and be reasonably conversationally fluent by the end of the year
- travel outside of Shanghai to see more of the country

Also I'm doing a 'booze-free' January, maybe stretching as far as until Chinese New Year (14 Feb). Give my liver a bit of a holiday and to try to cut some empty calories out of my diet, as I've definitely put on a few pounds since moving here and I do drink more than I really ought to.

paul jones 12-29-2009 02:52 AM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010

Originally Posted by yeahwho (Post 1715996)
This is what I'm hoping to hear in December,
I believe I can Fly,
Pina Colada Song
and then do "Ben" right.

good choices.I'll write them down on a post-it and stick it on the fridge door.

I must do this one though

Helvete 12-29-2009 03:07 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
-Finishing my course (top of class)
-Being even more awesome

Adam 12-29-2009 04:38 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
Stop using the top 4 supermarkets and anywhere that introduces a loyalty card

JDsmagik 12-29-2009 10:14 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
I'm gonna send my inner child to the twilight zone more often.
i.e. use my imagination

Caribou 12-30-2009 12:46 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010

Originally Posted by Caribou
New resolutions:
- Go to bed earlier and get a normal day rhythm
- Work on my university stuff and not start at the last moment
- Not smoke more than I already do
- Not lose contact with my friends at home
- Stop gossiping at work

- nope, it's even more deranged than it was before. Sleep at 4/5 AM, get up at 1.
- Eh, no. I now have 2 days left to learn for 3 exams, buuut it wasn't entirely my fault this time, as the new job took up all of my time.
- Still smoke a packet a day.
- I still see them very frequently. They're awesome.
- Eh, no. It's just too much fun. :o

New resolutions:
- Do something about the smoking thing. For real. Yeah, really!
- Try to enjoy my school/work stuff more and enjoy life in general. So NOT being a grumpy judgemental misanthrope, although I quite like that sometimes.
- Try not to eat entire boxes of chocolate on 1 evening, so I might fit into a nice outfit for once. And I want to exercise more, because I hardly get any.
I really want to sort my weight out, because I don't even know what it's like to be slim and not fitting any cool clothes is really really frustrating.

- ehm... Pass all my exams so I have the summer off and can go roadtripping through the UK.

roosta 12-30-2009 02:47 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
i can't find mine from last year, but for next year its really just cut down on drinking and continue my meditation.

both are kind of interrelated though. i had done 6 weeks unbroken daily practice, which is my best un-broken run in 2 years, but then christmas and booze arrived and i messed it up. not that its a huge thing, but i was on a good run and it was helping.

i had also done a good 6 week of only drinking bottles of beer when out, and this was also helping me cut out hangovers.

so yeah, its been a good motivation to cut back on the drunkeness. not cutting out completely, just chlling it out. mainly to avoid brain-crushing hangovers.

so that's what it is.

roosta 12-30-2009 02:53 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
also, Adam, i love that Gandhi quote too. It's a very good motivator.

Adam 12-30-2009 05:28 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010

Originally Posted by roosta (Post 1716241)
also, Adam, i love that Gandhi quote too. It's a very good motivator.

yup, Gandhi was an excellent movie, don't make them like that anymore (y)

Dorothy Wood 12-30-2009 06:44 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
I don't really make resolutions. Last year I wanted to lose weight and came up with "30 by 30", i.e. lose 30 pounds by my birthday at the end of july. I didn't make it, but I lost about 20 and got into better shape than I'd been in years. I've kept it off, but I'm getting soft and slip sliding back into bad habits. I need to start working out with my wii again, as my only exercise is walking and bedroom acrobatics. ;)

other than, I guess I would like to resolve to start my own business.

Audio. 12-31-2009 02:03 AM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
to start getting into a fit shape and as always building up my artistic skills up every year.

checkyourprez 12-31-2009 03:02 AM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
continue to do well in my masters program. get a real job. get the eff out of my parents house.

Mr. Boomin'Granny 12-31-2009 04:51 PM

Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
Eat Better.
Make next years New Year's resolutions.

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