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paul jones 06-05-2009 11:29 AM

post your car accidents here
I was at a roundabout waiting to turn left a couple of hours ago when some guy smashed into the back of my car,smashing one of his lights and a huge dent on his hood.

My car rear was unscratched! totally!

it's like my car is made of rock(y)

He told me he had just lost his job too and the car was only a shitty ford worth only a grand.

I was just so happy he didn't smash one of my rear lights(y)

my car is ROCK!

old cars are made better

NoFenders 06-05-2009 12:32 PM

Re: post your car accidents here
Will Bob represent you in your neck/back injury case??

On public roads, I've been in two.

First was in NewMexico during a snow storm. Slid about 300 yards sideways down a bridge and came to stop at the bottom of the bridge and rested agaibnst the armco barrier. A few dings and scrapes, but nothing major. The scarriest 30 seconds of my life though.We were about 200ft from the bottom of the valley.

Second was here in Chicago. Turned right into a parking lot and was blindsided by a SUV with all this brush gaurd crap all over it. I was about to punish the guy myself, but as he got out of the car he pulled a gun from his hip and showd me a badge. The guy was some chief in a small suburb around here and tried to throw his weight around. Never realised I knew more about the law than he thought i did and I caught both him and the responding officer trying to make it seems as if I was at fault. They both were held over hot coals for that one. The car was never the same after that. I hate dipshits.

Yorkshire~Rose 06-05-2009 01:40 PM

Re: post your car accidents here

Originally Posted by paul jones (Post 1672121)

my car is ROCK!


Glad you're OK PJ.

I've had a couple of minor bumps (never my fault...apart from when i reversed into an invisible bollard and cracked my brake light :o)

A few years ago i was waiting at a roundabout for a break in traffic when a bus, who was totally oblivious to me sitting there, smashed into the back of me at 30 mph. He shunted my car across the road into the path of oncoming traffic. It was very scary, smashed the back of my car to smithereens and i ended up with whiplash and my neck in a collar (and £2500 injury payout!).

Helvete 06-05-2009 01:52 PM

Re: post your car accidents here
Fuck the compensation fuckers! Fuck.

Fern 06-05-2009 02:09 PM

Re: post your car accidents here
I am a claims adjuster for a major insurance company. I have been in every part of auto claims (Liability, Auto, and PIP). I've seen some fuckup shit; scar checks, 4 yr old kid get killed, fires that burnt the shit out of people. You would be suprised at all the shit that goes down...

silence7 06-06-2009 07:04 AM

Re: post your car accidents here
Rear ended a 66 Mustang in my 4x4, he slammed on the brakes at a yellow light. About 50lbs of Bondo fell off of it (the Mustang) onto the street.

Over 100mph through a telephone pole in a 1973 Camaro, Police estimated our speed at 127, and I know I saw at least 120 before we spun out of control. Went right through the pole, and slid almost all the way to the next one. They seem close together when you're driving, but when you walk them, they're pretty far apart. The pole remained standing, only about 6 feet shorter than all the rest.

YoungRemy 06-06-2009 02:01 PM

Re: post your car accidents here
i had three minor accidents in 16 years.

the worst was me hitting someone in my blind spot, I ran him off the road and when the cops came they cited him for not having insurance and arrested him on the spot for an outstanding warrant. I was like "Uh, can I go now?" and I never heard from anyone again about it.

Matt 06-07-2009 01:12 AM

Re: post your car accidents here
I bent my first car in half. Guy hit me at an intersection doing about 70 mph in the 45. I'm lucky I didn't die.

mikizee 06-07-2009 01:54 AM

Re: post your car accidents here
I was driving my mini (absolutely identical to this one) when I was heading towards an orange light, I thought I could make it before it went red so I gassed it, unfortunately a large truck was waiting to turn right opposite me and he thought I was going to stop so he pulled out in front of me and I slammed into the side of him doing about 70 km/h (40 mph).

Absoutely destroyed the car, everyone who rushed over thought I was dead because I was slumped over the wheel. I came to within about 30 seconds and climbed out the car and was otherwise fine! When all my friends saw the wreck They couldn't believe I wasn't dead.

Which brings me to something interesting, my old lady had a reading done by a so called medium, they hadn't met before. One of the first questions she asks my mum is 'did your son used to drive a little red car? A mini or something?' Mum says yes. The medium says 'he had a big crash in it didn't he'. Mum says yes.

The medium goes 'well your mother is claiming responsibility for that one, he should have died but she saved him cos it wasn't his time blah blah'.

Not sure whether I believe it but its interesting nonetheless, especially since I really SHOULD have died.

Echewta 06-07-2009 02:20 AM

Re: post your car accidents here
I had a treasured bmw 1975 2002 that some dipstick 16 yearold rearended because she was too busy looking at her friend and talking about New Kids or Boys II Men and she thought they were the dreamest. Slammed me into the car in front of me as well as push my hand to turn up Rush even louder on my car stereo. She didn't even have her licence with her. She didn't want to make out with me after the accident so I made sure to have the insurance company go after her.

That will teach her to like suck music and feel the need to make eye contact with her pals while talking about said suck music.

The car was towed to the graveyard. Very sad.

DipDipDive 06-07-2009 02:32 AM

Re: post your car accidents here
I'm pretty sure a circa 2002 sixteen year old would have had no idea who NKTOB was. I call bullshit.

My mom and I were in a pretty serious car accident when I was in junior high. Someone cut mom off in traffic, she veered onto the shoulder to avoid being side-swiped, hit a bump which resulted in the car doing a few 360s and landed us head-on towards oncoming traffic. We were hit by a man in a little blue Geo and both cars landed in the grassy area separating the north and southbound sides of the highway. No one was injured but mom's car was totaled.

When I was a junior in high school, I was rear-ended by one of my classmates when we were pulling out of the school parking lot. Totally not even worth reporting as I was able to punch the dent out of my bumper.

Someone cracked my current car's bumper pretty severely while I was parked in a parking lot back in 2003. Hit and run, the jerk didn't leave a note.

That's all. Nothing that was my fault so far (*knock on wood*).

Echewta 06-07-2009 02:37 AM

Re: post your car accidents here
The car was a 1975 BMW 2002 model.

I had one when I was 18 hence the music reference

DipDipDive 06-07-2009 02:38 AM

Re: post your car accidents here
Oooooooooooooooooh. I get it.

dopeshiz lol

Echewta 06-07-2009 02:39 AM

Re: post your car accidents here
I think you were like -3 back then.

Bob 06-07-2009 02:41 AM

Re: post your car accidents here
i've never been in a car accident though there is at least one incident where shit could have become truly terrible

i was driving down the highway at about 75 miles per hour (an intermediate speed compared to the surrounding traffic mind you) when all of a sudden i see a line of fucking ducks crossing in front of me. i'm at a point in the highway where two routes split, so this is a six-lane highway, i'm in the leftmost lane of the right side split, so i'm going pretty fast and all of a sudden there's a goddamn family of ducks in front of me and i'm about to hit them, so i swerve a little, and really maybe i shouldn't have but i had to make a split second decision and i'm not really sure what would happen if i hit an adult duck going 75, so i made a decision and i swerved, and fortunately the guy immediately behind and to the right of me was observant and saw what was going on and he was able to back off and swerve as well, thus avoiding a horrible pile-up that could have resulted in fatalities, possibly his and/or my own. he didn't even honk. what a gent. he's the real hero here.

or she, i didn't really notice, i was more concerned with the family of ducks crossing a six-lane highway. no idea how they got that far.

DipDipDive 06-07-2009 02:46 AM

Re: post your car accidents here
Oh my jesus! Did you watch in the rearview to see if the ducks made it across?? I hope they did...:(

Bob 06-07-2009 02:50 AM

Re: post your car accidents here

Originally Posted by DipDipDive (Post 1672646)
Oh my jesus! Did you watch in the rearview to see if the ducks made it across?? I hope they did...:(

i'm actually fairly positive that several of them were killed before my turn came up. there was a van in the lane to the left of me, and i recall a burst of feathers coming out from behind it (he apparently was not concerned with what would happen if he hit a duck going 80 (he was driving faster than me)). it's crazy, but immediately after the incident i remember thinking "jesus, that van just shat out a bunch of ducks"

i didn't check behind me for the ducks, my adrenaline had kicked in and i was too worried about myself. hell, i wasn't even looking for crashed cars behind me (though i'm assuming i would have heard them and i would have pulled over and helped/taken responsibility/a well-deserved asskicking if i'd heard them)

DipDipDive 06-07-2009 02:55 AM

Re: post your car accidents here
That's the worst news I've heard all weekend. :(:(

My mom, sister-in-law and I were all in the car together when my mom ran over a huge (fucking HUGE) turtle in the road. We were on our way to an art show in regular Virginia, saw what we thought from a distance was just a paper bag or something in the road. It wasn't. After it happened, I suggested we stop to see if the poor thing was okay. Sis-in-law turned around after the impact and said based on the explosion she witnessed, it wasn't worth it. That art show ended up being no fucking fun.

Bad times. :(:(

Bob 06-07-2009 02:56 AM

Re: post your car accidents here

Originally Posted by DipDipDive (Post 1672650)
That's the worst news I've heard all weekend. :(:(

oh don't worry, it was years ago, they'd have died of old age by now

DipDipDive 06-07-2009 02:58 AM

Re: post your car accidents here
But still. :(

All ducks go to heaven.

Bob 06-07-2009 02:59 AM

Re: post your car accidents here

Originally Posted by DipDipDive (Post 1672653)
But still. :(

All ducks go to heaven.

not when they try to kill me they don't

DipDipDive 06-07-2009 03:01 AM

Re: post your car accidents here
Stop that! Mom just probably wanted to take her babies somewhere where she could teach them to swim!

I might start crying. :(

Bob 06-07-2009 03:02 AM

Re: post your car accidents here

Originally Posted by DipDipDive (Post 1672655)
Stop that! Mom just probably wanted to take her babies somewhere where she could teach them to swim!

I might start crying. :(

i literally could have died!!!!

DipDipDive 06-07-2009 03:10 AM

Re: post your car accidents here
But you didn't! And I bet if you (or more aptly the dicks who actually hit the ducks) did, the ducks wouldn't be all spiteful, all "that Bob fucker better not have a blissful afterlife. HE ALMOST TOOK US ALL OUT!!!!"

Give 'em a break. :(

Bob 06-07-2009 03:28 AM

Re: post your car accidents here
ah ya crazy broad

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