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xrocketman 04-04-2006 03:30 PM

favorite beach boys songs
top 5 -

good vibrations
carolyne no
i get around
surfin usa
god only knows

Guy Incognito 04-04-2006 03:40 PM

Re: favorite beach boys songs
If you had made this thread before last years Glastoonbury I probly would have tried to come up with a bunch of the cooler more eclectic tunes. I fuckin love the Beach Boys and Brian wilson's set made me realise why i liked them in the first place cos he played all the classics and the earlier stuff fuckin rocked , some of the later stuff is still up there though - so my bunch of faves is:

I Get Around
Surfin Safari
Barbara Ann
Do It Again
God Only Knows
Dance Dance Dance
Good Vibrations

rirv 04-04-2006 03:42 PM

Re: favorite beach boys songs
Intergalactic. Beach Boys rule!!!!

hitmonlee 04-04-2006 09:54 PM

Re: favorite beach boys songs
i posted a couple of my faves in here

steve-onpoint 04-05-2006 09:32 AM

Re: favorite beach boys songs
Sloop John B

abcdefz 04-05-2006 09:38 AM

Re: favorite beach boys songs
God Only Knows
Let Him Run Wild
Caroline, No
Wouldn't It Be Nice
Fourth of July

mickill 04-05-2006 10:08 AM

Re: favorite beach boys songs
Don't Worry Baby.

God Only Knows is good too, but I hate that clip clopping.

Not a Pet Sounds fan either, really.

abcdefz 04-05-2006 10:35 AM

Re: favorite beach boys songs

Originally Posted by mickill
Not a Pet Sounds fan either, really.

...I think I bought that album three times before it finally clicked.

enree erzweglle 04-05-2006 10:55 AM

Re: favorite beach boys songs

Originally Posted by mickill
Not a Pet Sounds fan either, really.

Same here, but I've always figured that it was because I didn't hear it, really hear it, until it had already broken ground, been around for awhile. I hear people praising the hell out of it and that always makes me pause.

Darko 04-05-2006 12:08 PM

Re: favorite beach boys songs
Pet Sounds and Smile, that's when I think the Beach Boys were at their peak, right before Brian went completely insane.

Heroes and Villains
Good Vibrations
Wouldn't it Be Nice?
Surf's Up

mickill 04-05-2006 01:00 PM

Re: favorite beach boys songs
I have the box set. I don't think I'm missing the point or anything like that. It is what it is, but I'm just not that overly fond of saccharine, schmaltzy tween music, I suppose. And animal noises, whistles and bike horns don't necessarily make up for the complete lack of virility and the absence of anything remotely bold, assertive or mature. How about some balance here, guys? I find the album extremely whiney and overly sentimental. I know part of the albums supposed "charm" is its innocence, but come on, man. Brian was around 24 when he wrote most of this crap. Grow up already, man! No wonder hearing Revolver caused him to have a nervous breakdown and curl up on the floor like a dying worm..

The Stones put out Aftermath that same year; Dylan had Blonde On Blonde; The Kinks had Face To Face; Hendrix was on the verge of coming out with Are You Experienced? Do you see where I'm goin with this? Pet Sounds is nothing more than a jizz stain left behind by an overrated, bloated songwriter with a low weed tolerance and massive self esteem issues who masturbated his own frail ego until he ejaculated this one dimensional, prosaic ass crack of an album filled with amateur lyrics which has continually been misrepresented as this maginificent timeless opus that just never ceases to pull on your heart strings and NOT make you wanna puke by every music critic the world over.

But yeah, it's an okay album, I guess.

Ally Al 04-05-2006 01:03 PM

Re: favorite beach boys songs
but Mick, what do you really think ?

don't forget though the beatles have always claimed that pet sounds was a big influence on sgt peppers so it had it's uses. I've not listened to the album for years so there's nothing really i can add

wouldn't it be nice is prolly my favourite

sab0tage 04-05-2006 01:04 PM

Re: favorite beach boys songs
good vibrations
warmth of the sun
god only knows

mickill 04-05-2006 01:11 PM

Re: favorite beach boys songs

Originally Posted by Ally Al
but Mick, what do you really think ?

don't forget though the beatles have always claimed that pet sounds was a big influence on sgt peppers so it had it's uses. I've not listened to the album for years so there's nothing really i can add

wouldn't it be nice is prolly my favourite

Apart from about 5 songs, Sgt Peppers is kind of a big indulgent mess, though. Also, I believe it was Revolver that was more or less the "answer" to Pet Sounds. Sgt Peppers just kicked Brian while he was down.

Paul stated in an interview once that Here, There, Everywhere was inspired by God Only Knows. I admit that God Only Knows is far superior, though.

abcdefz 04-05-2006 01:12 PM

Re: favorite beach boys songs

Originally Posted by mickill
Apart from about 5 songs, Sgt Peppers is kind of a big indulgent mess, though.

Pretty much. One of the most overrated albums in history.

Ally Al 04-05-2006 01:20 PM

Re: favorite beach boys songs
in your opinion of course

btw Mick what do see as the indulgence of peppers ? Just curious is all

steve-onpoint 04-05-2006 07:04 PM

Re: favorite beach boys songs

Originally Posted by abcdefz
Pretty much. One of the most overrated albums in history.

Boo! (n)


alexandra 04-06-2006 11:34 AM

Re: favorite beach boys songs
She Knows Me Too Well
Surfer Girl

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