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MsPacMan 04-17-2012 02:55 AM

PWR2MCA Project
OK people. This thing has only been going on for three days and I am already completely amazed on every level about how it’s developed.

The regard and admiration felt for this man around the world has BLOWN my mind and I feel honoured to be the one who’s going to post these messages to him.

So many of us feel that Adam Yauch has shaped the way we choose to behave as citizens of the planet, and I can’t tell you the amount of people who have told me how cathartic it feels to have the chance to let him know that.

Many people have also been saying that the “take action” part is the part they like the MOST about the project. I know it always gets sticky when you ask people for money. That’s why I didn’t tell anyone to give it to ME. That would just be asking for trouble.

I don’t know Adam Yauch. I don’t pretend to. None of us do. I don’t know what his reaction to this project will be. Our hope is that he appreciates the loving spirit at the centre the project. Our wish is to bring happiness to him, to ourselves, and to others through our involvement. I hope he understands that we are all participating due to a heartfelt desire to create positive energy in the world. Nobody is here for the wrong reasons. NOBODY.

But I feel I need to just re-iterate a few points. Just in case they come up. All of this SHOULD have been said initially (some of it was), but you’ll have to excuse my naivety and short-sightedness.

None of us have done anything like this before. Ever. We are all trying desperately to do the right thing by him, as respectfully as we can.

Let’s remember:
- we are in NO WAY representing Adam Yauch; or his views. He did not give us permission to act in his name.
- the entire project will backfire if we cause any offence to him or his family.
- we have no idea about how he is; we will not speak on his behalf; and we acknowledge it’s none of our business anyway.
- we must not put pressure on him to respond to our actions.
- we don’t want anything from him!
- all we want is for him to know he’s got our support.
- and the thing about donating money is JUST a suggestion. There are many other ways to take action. (Suggestions on Facebook page.) I don’t want anyone to feel pressured.

I still that this is an absolutely awesome campaign to be involved in, and I hope you feel the same.

There are so many people who felt very negative on Saturday night, who are now feeling very positive. I hope we can make Yauch feel positive, too.

To the people who are already involved: you have put down pavers in the “path for the good of all”.

To the people who are planning to become involved: you are welcome at our table.

To the people who are NOT planning to become involved: that’s OK too. If you don’t want to be involved, that’s your call. We wish you all the best. I was too militant about that before. I apologise sincerely. I have absolutely no right to make judgments about others and I’m sorry if that’s how I came across.

While I am still proud of my first post, it was composed directly after Saturday night’s everts. I know I wasn’t the only one who was feeling tired and emotional. Overall, I stand by most of what I posted, but there are some parts that I could have expressed more respectfully. In hindsight, it would have been better to post when I was feeling less passionate and expressive.

But if I HAD waited til the next morning, I never would have had the guts to do it. The whole PWR2MCA Project would never have come about. It came from raw emotion. “Until your back’s up against the wall; you never know yourself that much at all.” YUP. (I always said Mike D was a clever cookie.) If I had not acted rashly; on an impulse, there would BE no project.

And Dave wouldn’t be volunteering at the soup kitchen.
And Melissa, Jo and Rachel wouldn’t have made generous donations to the marvellous Pablove Foundation.
And, today, our girl Khloe would not have thought about Yauch’s impact on her life during every single step of the American Cancer Society's four-mile “Relay For Life”.

I am going to wrap up now. I told you I talk too much. That’s why “MsPacMan” suits me. I NEVER know when to SHUT UP.

But one more thing before I go. And this isn’t for Facebook or Twitter. This is just us.

Before Saturday, I had never spoken to any of you (except for, I dunno, four of you, mostly the girls). I was a COMPLETE stranger to you. Some of you have known one another for YEARS. You are all so familiar with each other. And I haven’t had time to really consider what kind of people you are. Now that I think about it, most of you are probably sharp, sassy, streetwise, smart-mouthed, BOYS. Well not, BOYS. You know what I mean: men / guys / blokes. BOYS. Whatever. And then this young upstart shows up on the boards from out of nowhere; this little shitkicker from Sydney who’s got no right to be here at all; all of a sudden she just drops in from the sky; and she starts ranting on about how we should do this and that and the other; and she’s taking it upon herself to create new threads; like she bloody well owns the place; I mean blimey; WHO does she think she is?

Do you know how many of you guys (and girls) have given me a hard time?
Do you know how many of you have made me feel unwelcome?
Do you know how many of you have tried to undermine me or discourage me?
Do you know how many of you have written something aggressive or offensive?


Not a single one of you.

All of you big bad boys (and grrrls).

There’s been nothing but support and love from you. Nothing but encouragement, kindness, helpful suggestions, compliments, gratitude and offers to help.

Aw. My. God.

I am totally smitten with this crew.

Did I say “thankyou”?



fonky pizza 04-17-2012 07:08 AM

Re: PWR2MCA Project

Originally Posted by MsPacMan (Post 1783290)

Do you know how many of you guys (and girls) have given me a hard time?
Do you know how many of you have made me feel unwelcome?
Do you know how many of you have tried to undermine me or discourage me?
Do you know how many of you have written something aggressive or offensive?

Too many and not just on the web, but none of them really know me or care so...fuck them, I am still very supportive toward anything positive.(y)

JoLovesMCA 04-17-2012 08:27 AM

Re: PWR2MCA Project
Sarah I think we are doing exactly what Adam has asked in the past. He's all about sending out those positive vibes, meditation, helping others etc... We just took it to the next level. We're sending a lot of positive right back to him. :p

But yes it was very smart to put out that disclaimer just so people know and so he knows our intentions are good.

Hey, when did you do this??

I somehow missed it but I love it!

MsPacMan 04-18-2012 01:45 AM

Re: PWR2MCA Project
[Hey, when did you do this??

I somehow missed it but I love it![/quote]

heh heh heh heh; I did it during the ceremony while we were waiting for them to come on.

I am considering including it in Yauch's mail-pack. What do you think? Would he get a laugh out of it? Did you?

I did send it to you that day but you but we had a lot goin' on! Sorry you missed it!

MsPacMan 04-18-2012 02:45 AM

Re: PWR2MCA Project
Taylor in Illinois is voluteering two days a week at the local library! That's a great idea, Taylor! THANKS! 81792950&utm_content=profile#!/Ms_Pac_Man_723/media/slideshow?

MsPacMan 04-18-2012 05:07 AM

Re: PWR2MCA Project
Thankyou to Silence Seven for our cover logo!

JoLovesMCA 04-18-2012 04:40 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project
Can ya'll see this? How cute is this!!!!!

MsPacMan 04-18-2012 06:07 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project

This is TOO adorable!

Thanx 4 ur donation to one of the Beasties' favourite charities: Alex's Lemonade Stand (Foundation for Childhood Cancer).

More to come; stay tuned, folks!

MsPacMan 04-18-2012 06:26 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project
Another donation to Alex's Lemonade Stand; this time from Shack in England!

MsPacMan 04-18-2012 06:40 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project




JoLovesMCA 04-18-2012 06:54 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project

Originally Posted by MsPacMan (Post 1783386)




I kinda like that and I kinda don't. It leads me to believe he is sicker than we know. I don't know. I'm happy this is doing well though girl.

Perhaps with this exposure we will hear something from the boys. :/

MsPacMan 04-18-2012 07:01 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project

Originally Posted by JoLovesMCA (Post 1783387)

Perhaps with this exposure we will hear something from the boys. :/

We don't need to hear from the boys! We don't wanna pester them! Or pressure them! We just want to send our love!

MsPacMan 04-18-2012 07:04 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project

"Amy,Alina and my son Luke.Alina has Neuroblastoma cancer,she is 11 and has had it since she was 4,she truely is a fighter and we donated to the Ronald McDonald House where she get's her treatments in New York."
Frank in Florida


JoLovesMCA 04-18-2012 07:44 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project

Originally Posted by MsPacMan (Post 1783388)
We don't need to hear from the boys! We don't wanna pester them! Or pressure them! We just want to send our love!

Oh I know! Still hoping though. :D

Anyway keep up the good work girl!

silence7 04-18-2012 07:58 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project
I'll have to go and get my nose hairs trimmed, and seperate my unibrow so it actually looks like two brows before I can get my photo taken. You'll just phave to wait. :D

Keep up tthe good work everyone!

MsPacMan 04-18-2012 08:18 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project
At the beginning of this project I mentioned two worthy causes: Alex's Lemonade Stand and the Pablove Foundation (both raising money to fight childhood cancer).

If you were gonna donate; I suggested that you might wanna support one of those two.

I first heard about them last year. The Beasties are giving the proceeds from the action figure sales to them.

People have already started giving to these two organisations as part of the PWR2MCA project, and we just got this message from Megan at the Pablove Foundation on Facebook:

"We think what you guys are doing is AWESOME! Thanks so much for the support for The Pablove Foundation along the way. Let us know how we can participate."

That made me weep with joy.

Good work, team.

MsPacMan 04-18-2012 08:53 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project

Originally Posted by silence7 (Post 1783391)
I'll have to go and get my nose hairs trimmed, and seperate my unibrow so it actually looks like two brows before I can get my photo taken. You'll just phave to wait. :D

Keep up tthe good work everyone!

I am wriggling in anticipation!!!!!!!

This is unreal!

Did you see your artwork on FB? How awesome does it look? I only figured out you were supposed to have a "cover" photo last night; and I was, like, oh thank GOD Silence has already got my back on the graphics situation! You must have anticipated that!

I couldn't do this without you guys. I luv you.

silence7 04-18-2012 08:58 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project
Did it from the couch on the laptop with the heating pad on my back... ;)

If you guys need anything else just ask.

I sense a looooong distance relationship sparking :p

MsPacMan 04-18-2012 09:25 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project
Carlie in Illinois[font=&quot] helped out with a choir competition.

Some of these people are just kids, y'all.

They really "get" what this is all about. The Beasties taught them well.

MsPacMan 04-18-2012 09:43 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project
djsalvaggio in California is running the Relay For Life. How cool. I love the fact that the djs are getting involved!

Cool! Cool! Cool!

MsPacMan 04-18-2012 10:08 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project

Originally Posted by silence7 (Post 1783398)

If you guys need anything else just ask.

I sense a looooong distance relationship sparking :p

there is sooooooo much love on this here on this board right now; I am blushing...........


Turchinator 04-18-2012 10:34 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project

Originally Posted by MsPacMan (Post 1783389)

"Amy,Alina and my son Luke.Alina has Neuroblastoma cancer,she is 11 and has had it since she was 4,she truely is a fighter and we donated to the Ronald McDonald House where she get's her treatments in New York."
Frank in Florida


that is truly remarkable.

brooklyndust 04-18-2012 11:08 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project
This going to be really sappy, but I don't care.

One of my favourite tributes is Sublime’s KRS ONE.

And I just want to say I know because of the Beastie Boys.
I would like to give thanks.

Thanks for teaching me about Tibet and the fundamentals of Hip-Hop:

Thanks for getting me into vinyl records and introducing me to some of these great artists:
Thanks for performing at the best concerts I have ever been to:

Thanks for sending me cool memorabilia to put on my walls:

I give thanks for inspiration. Because of songs like Gratitude and I Don’t Know, I picked up a guitar and started playing. I might be a hack but I’m still working at it.

Thanks for providing sick beats and rhymes in the morning, making my commute to all the shitty jobs I ever worked at, a bit more bearable.

Thanks for providing motivation and inspiration which helped me land great jobs.

Thanks for being the soundtrack to my life:

$25 to Alex's Lemonade Stand

Get well Yauch!

MsPacMan 04-18-2012 11:41 PM

Re: PWR2MCA Project
Did you see this?

AIFST camera operator YoungRemy!!

......made a donation to VH1 Save The Music!

too cool
too cool
too cool

MsPacMan 04-19-2012 12:32 AM

Re: PWR2MCA Project

Originally Posted by brooklyndust (Post 1783406)
This going to be really sappy, but I don't care.

One of my favourite tributes is Sublime’s KRS ONE.

And I just want to say I know because of the Beastie Boys.
I would like to give thanks.

Thanks for teaching me about Tibet and the fundamentals of Hip-Hop:

Thanks for getting me into vinyl records and introducing me to some of these great artists:
Thanks for performing at the best concerts I have ever been to:

Thanks for sending me cool memorabilia to put on my walls:

I give thanks for inspiration. Because of songs like Gratitude and I Don’t Know, I picked up a guitar and started playing. I might be a hack but I’m still working at it.

Thanks for providing sick beats and rhymes in the morning, making my commute to all the shitty jobs I ever worked at, a bit more bearable.

Thanks for providing motivation and inspiration which helped me land great jobs.

Thanks for being the soundtrack to my life:

$25 to Alex's Lemonade Stand

Get well Yauch!


where are my tissues?

silence7 04-19-2012 12:46 AM

Re: PWR2MCA Project

Originally Posted by MsPacMan (Post 1783408)
Did you see this?

AIFST camera operator

You guys do realize that "Young"Remy is actually a 73 year old, former DMV employee from Florida who collects stray cats right??

Turchinator 04-19-2012 01:17 AM

Re: PWR2MCA Project
brooklyndust just hit it out of the park


silence7 04-19-2012 01:41 AM

Re: PWR2MCA Project

Originally Posted by Turchinator (Post 1783413)
brooklyndust just hit it out of the park


True dat.... But does he own his own URL?

I think not.... :p

Still, mucho respect.. I've got to say, before listening to the BB I was only into hardcore, punk, thrash, and industrial music.... My horizons have been greatly expanded because of these three monkeys. So, thanks guys!


MsPacMan 04-19-2012 08:57 AM

Re: PWR2MCA Project

Originally Posted by brooklyndust (Post 1783406)

$25 to Alex's Lemonade Stand

Get well Yauch!

brooklyndust has taken the PWR2MCA Project to new heights; LITERALLY!

How high? 356m / 1,657ft above the ground — Edge Walk at the CN Tower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JoLovesMCA 04-19-2012 10:18 AM

Re: PWR2MCA Project
I am speechless. Reading the responses here and then seeing facebook and twitter just blow up. I had some fans who don't post here tell me to mention that they are also doing what they can to help. Sarah I told you about Beth.

Yauch you are truly loved and missed by many. Get well soon!

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