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RoryMC 09-19-2008 10:06 AM

Memorable cinema experiences.
I don't mean memories from watching the film, but the experience from being in the theatre while watching one.

Funniest: Ali G Movie and Superbad are tied. These two films had EVERYONE in the cinema in hysterics throughout.

Eerist: The silence after watching the movie World Trade Center. Everyone didn't know whether to get out of their seats or watch the entire silent credits. I'm not sure if anyone uttered a word until they left the screen.

Most uncomfortable: The moments after the gay sex scene in Brokeback Mountain.

Any more?

mikizee 09-19-2008 10:37 AM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
I wish I could contribute but I have nothing to offer.

Fan with a fan 09-19-2008 11:13 AM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
Making out throughout Kill Bill...
Never seen the movie.
LOVE the movie.

Yorkshire~Rose 09-19-2008 11:23 AM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.

Originally Posted by RoryMC (Post 1616980)
Eerist: The silence after watching the movie World Trade Center. Everyone didn't know whether to get out of their seats or watch the entire silent credits. I'm not sure if anyone uttered a word until they left the screen.

This was the same for me after watching Schindlers List. First time i've ever been in a film where not one person got out of their seat when the credits rolled.

I used to work in a cinema and i used to like standing at the side of the screen (out of view of course) and watch people's reactions during horror films. Seeing 200 people jump out of their seat at the same time is funny.

Funniest: Borat. The whole audience were howling with laughter. I thought the guy in front of me was going to have a heart attack.

MC Moot 09-19-2008 12:01 PM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
ummmm let's see the 2 that come to mind are going to see "Batman" and the theatre was was robbed at gun point and the police believed the robbers were still somewhere in the megaplex (like 15 theatres) and we had to stay 3 hrs after the movie,which they played again with 2 cops walking up and down the aisles…very bizarre…and the other was when I went to see “Jackie Brown” and these two guy’s a few rows ahead of got into a insane brawl instigated by one of them chewing ice from his drink loudly…their friends pilled on,it spilt out into the aisles,really violent though,lasted for like 5 minutes before the house lights were raised and 3 ushers came shouting that the cops were on the way…and both groups headed out seperate exits at the foot of the screen…I often wonder if it went on in the parking lot…

Fern 09-19-2008 12:15 PM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.

Originally Posted by MC Moot (Post 1617005)
ummmm let's see the 2 that come to mind are going to see "Batman" and the theatre was was robbed at gun point and the police believed the robbers were still somewhere in the megaplex (like 15 theatres) and we had to stay 3 hrs after the movie,which they played again with 2 cops walking up and down the aisles…very bizarre…and the other was when I went to see “Jackie Brown” and these two guy’s a few rows ahead of got into a insane brawl instigated by one of them chewing ice from his drink loudly…their friends pilled on,it spilt out into the aisles,really violent though,lasted for like 5 minutes before the house lights were raised and 3 ushers came shouting that the cops were on the way…and both groups headed out seperate exits at the foot of the screen…I often wonder if it went on in the parking lot…

I though you were going to comment on that first Dude-on-Dude sceen you saw at the movies with Travis Bickle........:eek:

roosta 09-19-2008 12:37 PM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
Seeing an elderly couple leave during Kill Bill pt. 1

Falling onto the floor laughing during Beavis and Butthead Do America

My friend shouting "Nerds!" when a bunch of people laughed at a bit during 'Doom'.


Originally Posted by RoryMC (Post 1616980)

Eerist: The silence after watching the movie World Trade Center. Everyone didn't know whether to get out of their seats or watch the entire silent credits. I'm not sure if anyone uttered a word until they left the screen.

Same happened after Downfall. No one said a word.

Fan with a fan 09-19-2008 01:00 PM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
Oh yah...
At the last Spiderman sequel, 10 pm show, pretty empty - this man 2 rows ahead of us had brought 5 kids, the youngest maybe 5.

Those kids could NOT shut their lips.

After a lot of: "what dad?" "nachos, dad?" "I'm gonna stand on my seat and look around - look!" "Cold dad!" "MY soda!" "I'm bored dad" "what's happening?" "gotta pee"

I said "how's about quieting your tribe, Sir?"

Dad said:
"I'm gonna shut YOU up kid" (looks back menacingly, feigns getting up)

I said: "doubt it. You can't even shut up your own kids."

Dad said:
"I'm gonna FUCK YOU UP! Shut the FUCK UP."
(Dad!omygosh! Your 27 kids can hear you!)

I said: "You're ridiculous. Where's your manners?"

Dad shouts: "I'm gonna find you after the movie and FUCK YOU UP I saw you I know what you look like."
He starts to get up, but is in the middle of kid row...

Uh, we left the theatre.
Feel my muscles.

kaiser soze 09-19-2008 01:06 PM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
I'd share but it's a bit too much

Fan with a fan 09-19-2008 01:10 PM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.

taquitos 09-19-2008 02:50 PM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
i found either a five or a ten dollar bill in the rainy mall parking lot after seeing the green mile.

i can't remember if it was a five or a ten right now.

paul jones 09-20-2008 02:32 AM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
Worst: All the movies I've been to see with women.Fuck! Didn't they get it? Why did they want to go see a fucking film and actually watch the fucking film?
All those myths of getting all sexual in cinemas never happened to me growing up.

mate_spawn_die 09-20-2008 02:32 AM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
i had fun time watching grindhouse. perfect movies for the cinema.

Bob 09-20-2008 02:34 AM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
not me, but my friend was watching return of the king, it was the scene towards the end, at mount doom, after frodo drops the ring in, and him and sam are sort of huddling together, and some guy says "damn, frodo 'bout to toss some salad"

Bob 09-20-2008 02:40 AM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.

Originally Posted by paul jones (Post 1617185)
Worst: All the movies I've been to see with women.Fuck! Didn't they get it? Why did they want to go see a fucking film and actually watch the fucking film?
All those myths of getting all sexual in cinemas never happened to me growing up.

also lol

Matt 09-20-2008 02:52 AM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
Going to see The Dark Knight. We got there really early, and theaters 1 and 2 were waiting in line. I, however was in theater 6, and got to go right in. so we got to sit in nice seats for the two hours we waited for the movie to start, and clapped when anyone walked in the door. I met a ton of funny people, there were beach balls bumping around, it was a blast. No one interrupted the movie, too, which was a problem when I saw The Incredible Hulk.

Oh, yeah. I got a handy during Anchorman. Oh yeah!

Dharma 09-20-2008 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by paul jones (Post 1617185)
Worst: All the movies I've been to see with women.Fuck! Didn't they get it? Why did they want to go see a fucking film and actually watch the fucking film?
All those myths of getting all sexual in cinemas never happened to me growing up.

The secret trick is the hole at the bottom of the popcorn ... Insert weiner ... Offer the girl some popcorn ....

mate_spawn_die 09-20-2008 04:16 AM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
and then use all the butter that leaks down on your cock as lube.

P of R 09-20-2008 07:17 AM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
During the nude wrestling scene in Borat. Grossed out laughters all around!

Documad 09-20-2008 08:28 AM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
When I was seeing one of the early Batman movies while I was out of town, the family sitting in front of me broke out a bucket of chicken with all the extras that they had smuggled in from KFC.

When I saw Do the Right Thing with a black friend in a theater that used to be downtown. The audience was about half black and half white. The black people laughed a whole lot more than the white people. My friend explained some things to me afterward--she said the guys on the corner were right out of her old neighborhood.

When I saw Misery opening night with a big group of friends, the theater was packed, and the friend sitting right next to me let out a blood curdling scream when Kathy Bates hobbled him. Similar story with same friend for opening night on Silence of the Lambs.

When I saw Without You I'm Nothing and my friend at a suburban theater. 16 of the other 18 people in the theater left before the movie ended.

When I saw Titanic with my friend on opening weekend. About half way through the movie, she got up to go to the bathroom. I said something like "hurry back, I think they're going to hit the iceberg soon!" She replied, "they're going to hit an iceberg?"

And yes, this is absolutely true: I saw Spinal Tap on opening night. Very few people thought it was funny (outside of my friends). I overheard several people wondering out loud about why they made a movie about such bad band that no one had ever heard of. Lots of people tell that story but it happened to me.

But here's my favorite: I saw Amadeus at a matinee shortly after it won an academy award (Best Picture?). Tears were streaming down my face when Mozart is buried in an unmarked grave. The theater lights come up and I still haven't recovered. Then I hear an elderly couple behind me agreeing that "It was too loud. And there was too much music." :p

Matt 09-20-2008 08:40 AM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.

Originally Posted by Documad (Post 1617223)

And yes, this is absolutely true: I saw Spinal Tap on opening night. Very few people thought it was funny (outside of my friends). I overheard several people wondering out loud about why they made a movie about such bad band that no one had ever heard of. Lots of people tell that story but it happened to me.

I have the Spinal Tap companion book, and it said that was a common reaction in test screenings :p

ScarySquirrel 09-20-2008 09:46 AM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
I was really young (probably about 10 or 11) and my dad and I went to go see some movie. It was something really horrible... I can't remember exactly, but I think it was Cops and Robbersons. Anyway, needless to say it was horrible. My dad and I walked out of the theatre disappointed and wanting to see a better movie. So, my dad said, "Here, just be quiet and follow me real fast."

He then just ducked it across the alleyway to the other screening room where something else we also wanted to see was playing (I totally forget what it was). We had missed something like the first 15 or 20 minutes, but knew the basic premise of the film so it wasn't hard to pick it up. I was too busy freaking out about getting caught anyway to really pay attention.

After the movie is over, and we're leaving the theatre, this usher comes up to my dad and I and goes, "Sir, sir!" and my dad is trying to ignore him and keep walking. In my pea-brained mind I'm totally dropping bricks - the jig is up. The usher continues to pursue us though and my dad finally turns around... "Sir! Yes, we wanted to apologize for the projector breaking early on in the show. Here's two free tickets for the next time you come in to the theatre."

That has to be one of the most memorable movie going experiences I have. I also have another, but I'll come back and share it later rather than make this a super horrendously long post.

abcdefz 09-20-2008 11:42 AM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.

Originally Posted by Bob (Post 1617187)
not me, but my friend was watching return of the king, it was the scene towards the end, at mount doom, after frodo drops the ring in, and him and sam are sort of huddling together, and some guy says "damn, frodo 'bout to toss some salad"

That's pretty great.


Most packed screenings were opening weekends of Tootsie and also You Can Count on Me. For Tootsie, my buddy and I couldn't even
sit together. But the crowd was roaring at that one and also at You Can Count On Me (during the funny parts). For that one, my friend
and I had to take the last spots all the way front left. He's pretty tall, so he was all craped because there was a railing, but it was
good times.

Memento was another one. I was it with my friend Pappy in SF opening weekend and it was great. Lots of laughing, too -- that
movie is way funnier than people give it credit for.

"I don't feel drunk..."

Dharma 09-20-2008 05:14 PM

My top two haven't changed:

American History X - the jaw/curb scene

Million Dollar Baby - chair/head scene

..and when Brad Pitts character gets nailed by a bus in the first 5 minutes of Meet Joe Black. It always makes me laugh.

peterclamp 09-21-2008 05:33 PM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
Waiting in what seemed like a mile long queue to see the original Star Wars, the town only had one single screen cinema...I was 5 or 6 years old at the time, my whole family plus cousins and grandparents were there...then seeing the film for the first time...amazing.

Subsequent similar feelings seeing Empire and Jedi, plus the anticipation during the hype build up in the months before they came out.

Borat at the cinema...I swear some of the audience actually wet themselves laughing!

Second viewing of Reservoir Dogs, me watching the audience reaction during the torture/ear scene.

Going to see Jurassic Park with a Dutch friend with a poor grasp of English, the only seats we could get were right at the front so I had neckache and he just screamed and laughed at the top of his voice through the whole film even though he didnt understand most of the dialogue!

The closest I have come to having similar feelings to the Star Wars moment during my adult life...Lord of the Rings trilogy, first Matrix film, Batman Begins, some Harry Potter.

Oh and getting free tickets to see a preview screening of the first Pirates OTC film, I had no idea what it was about (bar the pirates bit!) and was onlygoing to see it cos the wife loves Johnny Depp...loved the film though!

Rock 09-21-2008 11:02 PM

Re: Memorable cinema experiences.
After I saw Jaws 3-D in the theaters, I saw a baskin robbins across the way in the mall and I ran towards it and ran straight into a glass wall. It didn't break but I cried after running into it face first. I think I was around 7.

I saw Rocky IV in the theaters, and it was me, a friend and some dude who was there by himself that chose to sit right behind us in the empty theater. About half way through the movie I heard a huge that sounded like it hurt coming out and I yelled at my friend and moved to the other side of the theater. He came over to me laughing and told me that it was the dude behind us.

I saw the second Austin Powers movie in the theater and it was super crowded...pretty much sold out in a HUUUGE theater. Right after the screen went blank and silent after the Univeral globe (i think it was Universal Studios) made its appearance before the movie, someone farted. The whole theater laughed for about 10 minutes even through the beginning of the movie.

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