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abbott 02-23-2017 08:28 AM

transgender kids hanging out with my daughter
So in my kids school, we have it all figured out with this transgender thing. We just let whoever do whatever when it comes to what restroom you use. And why should I care that people with a penis can go into my 13 and 8 year old girls restroom. How can that be bad.

I know of this one person who I have grown up with since they were in kindergaten and now in the 8th grade. The child has a vagina but we all call this child a boy. Kinda weird to me, because when I say boy, I think of a person with a penis but that is not right at all and I am wrong.

it is most confusing to my 8 year old.

So for now on I would like to refer to this child as "him" per the mother request.

I have had him over multiple times since kindergarten and he was the sweetest little girl at one time and loved playing with other girls ... but she would say some strange things.

Like that one time around the 3rd grade when Him said "I worship the Devil, even though God and Devil are not real"

So now finally, this little girl is now Him. I actually like Him alot, but I run from Him's parents because they are the must fucked up people I know.

As long as Him's happy. Over the past 2 years Him's family has continued to isolate themselves more and more. I feel like they are living in the dark, hiding from the light.

abbott 02-25-2017 08:46 AM

Re: transgender kids hanging out with my daughter
well I have to give Texas some credit too....

Girl Tascosa Wrestler Falls in State Match to Transgender Boy.

I graduated from Tascosa...

Girls that want to wrestle need to be taught a lesson and Texas figured it out, finally. 4_News

I am just looking forward to transgender vagina people that are men playing in the NFL

TurdBerglar 02-25-2017 12:36 PM

Re: transgender kids hanging out with my daughter
I think what we know as feminine is totally constructed. Not natural behavior. The more feminine someone is the more impractical and more of a burden they are to themselves and to those around them. This level of impracticality/helplessness completely goes against nature. If girls weren't constantly corralled into being feminine they'd totally end up what we consider to be more masculine and what we see as feminine/girly wouldn't exist in the exaggerated form it's in today.

Boys have absolutely more freedom to be themselves than girls.

Think of that typical girl that grew up on a farm doing farm shit her whole upbringing. Wasn't treated like a lady at all and ended up being a total badass.

If differences between the genders wouldn't be so exaggerated. The gender line wouldn't exist in it's exaggerated form.

This exaggeration, I think, is what's causing people to feel all this distress about themselves.

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