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TurdBerglar 01-07-2014 02:20 PM

people who deny climate change
because of this massive cold spell half the country is under it seems to have given people the chance to deny that climate change is an actual thing.

what? are you nuts??? especially so for people that live in new England! normally we would have been under snow since November!

15 years ago there would have been perpetual snow cover from November till march. not this bullshit of a the first notable snow storm not happening till late December and immediately melting a few days later when it hits 60! we haven't had a terrible winter in years. it's been so mild. I remember schools not letting out for summer vacation till july because of all the snow days they had to make up for. that's unheard of now!

what do you get out of denying climate change? why do some people feel it's some sort of conspiracy? there's an OBVIOUS change that anyone who's lived around here can easily notice. it isn't some distant spooky phenomenon that only scientist can detect.

mikizee 01-21-2014 12:39 AM

Re: people who deny climate change
Gas and oil companies spend MILLIONS a year on creating false doubt and spreading disinformation. So far, sadly it seems to be working really well. Makes me so mad that some people can't realize that. Seems pretty obvious to me.

russhie 01-21-2014 05:41 AM

Re: people who deny climate change
Personally, I think climate change is happening but it's not all down to human interference. Weather patterns aren't static and do change over time - it's only normal that weather gets hotter/cooler over long periods of time.

That's not to say that we as humans aren't partially responsible for our changing climate - we could be much kinder to the earth, and should focus on a more sustainable future.

abbott 01-21-2014 09:58 AM

Re: people who deny climate change
I have been going to the same ski/fishing area now for 30 something years and things have changed.

As a kid 100 inches on the ski basin and a full lake was the norm.

The lake I loved and at one time 11 miles long, average depth of 40 feet and up to 110 feet in some areas. Today is 4 miles long and averages 10 feet.

The ski basin is sad, and so many dead trees all over the mountain.

seems like it is a scam because the paper reports make it sound so great, but the truth is all the locals are shitting their pants.

They report a 60 inch base, but that it total shit as I saw as many rocks as I did snow an many of the runs.

Hope its just a 10 year phase/cycle or some shit like that.

abbott 01-21-2014 06:33 PM

Re: people who deny climate change
what I am trying to say is, 5 years ago they would say 40 inch base and the mountain was amazing. Today, they are saying 60 inch base but it aint even close to the 40 inch days.

Plus all the dead trees?

Guess I live pretty far south in America and in a dessert. I am not sure if Colorado is as bad.

ms.peachy 01-22-2014 12:13 AM

Re: people who deny climate change
I would like to see a Venn diagram featuring the climate change deniers and the evolution deniers. I'm willing to bet it's just a hair short of a perfect circle.

TurdBerglar 01-29-2014 08:14 PM

Re: people who deny climate change
haha one of the people that inspired this thread has said some weird shit about how evolution being some sort of joke.

YoungRemy 02-01-2014 09:29 AM

Re: people who deny climate change

Originally Posted by ms.peachy (Post 1812332)
I would like to see a Venn diagram featuring the climate change deniers and the evolution deniers. I'm willing to bet it's just a hair short of a perfect circle.

here it is. it covers climate change, conspiracy theories, New World Order, and pseudo science

NASA faked the moon landing|Therefore (Climate) Science is a Hoax:
An Anatomy of the Motivated Rejection of Science

same doctor, different study


Free-market worldviews are an important predictor of the rejection of scientific findings that have potential regulatory implications, such as climate science, but not necessarily of other scientific issues. Conspiracist ideation, by contrast, is associated with the rejection of all scientific propositions tested. We highlight the manifold cognitive reasons why conspiracist ideation would stand in opposition to the scientific method. The involvement of conspiracist ideation in the rejection of science has implications for science communicators.

TurdBerglar 02-05-2014 08:12 PM

Re: people who deny climate change
People that reject scientific findings seem to think their (religious)way of life is being attacked through "science". They seem to think that the "science" being discussed is being used solely to degrade and attack their beliefs since their beliefs and science seem to conflict a lot. As if it's some sort of conspiracy against them so they're just very suspicious of everything.

Yetra Flam 02-05-2014 09:06 PM

Re: people who deny climate change
Yeah, the argument for the world only being 5000 years old is not strong.
But I think you can still be a Christian without taking everything the Bible says literally. "Judge Christianity by Christ alone," is what they say. I think a lot of people misunderstand the point of the Old Testament and have taken parts out of it to condone slavery, oppress people, etc.

My understanding is that the Old Testament is a record of views and the laws of the land AT THAT TIME. So at that time, it was believed that the world was created in 7 days (this was before carbon dating, etc)

Anyway, with the conspiracy people, you know people want to feel like they're part of a group. Especially people who are outsiders and don't really identify with anyone. I think it brings relief to some people that believe they've been disenfranchised with society
And I always tell people that there's a sliding scale of "conspiracy." I mean "Some Politicians are corrupt and are in the pocket of big business" is not at the same level as "There are lizard people living inside our hollow earth"

TurdBerglar 02-05-2014 09:28 PM

Re: people who deny climate change
i was gonna make another comment about how outsiders tend to be the biggest chronic conspiracy theorists. they've grown up with everyone against them so they just don't trust anyone or anything. it's like they're grasping for their own reality to feel satisfy with feeling it's not their fault for being an outcast.

Lyman Zerga 02-06-2014 04:12 AM

Re: people who deny climate change
so is it now a conspiracy that theres a climate change or that theres no climate change? i dont even know anymore

TurdBerglar 02-06-2014 10:19 AM

Re: people who deny climate change
There just seems to be a lot more people that are very suspicious of relatively new ideas. They seem to think that these new ideas are being forced upon them just to undermine their way of life for some malevolent reason. It's like they want to go back to the 1950's. These people may be right about some things but it's completely obvious that climate change is something that's real.

TurdBerglar 02-13-2014 02:07 PM

Re: people who deny climate change
anybody else on the east coast get snowed in? how does boston look, bob?

TurdBerglar 02-17-2014 10:35 AM

Re: people who deny climate change

Yeti 02-17-2014 11:33 AM

Re: people who deny climate change
Turdberglar is thirsty for knowledge. Water will be gone one day so he might become dehydrated.

TurdBerglar 02-17-2014 11:08 PM

Re: people who deny climate change
I wonder how long you can drink your own piss till there's no more piss to drink

Michelle*s_Farm 02-23-2014 08:43 AM

Re: people who deny climate change

Originally Posted by ms.peachy (Post 1812332)
I would like to see a Venn diagram featuring the climate change deniers and the evolution deniers. I'm willing to bet it's just a hair short of a perfect circle.

Wise words indeed. Sad but true.

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