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Nuzzolese 07-23-2009 12:37 PM

I work with a Vulkan
Do you think it's possible for a person to have no feelings, no empathy, no emotions? I work with a new doctor here who does research and teaching primarily, rather than seeing patients, and I think he might either be a robot or an alien. I'm not sure.

He is the strangest person I've ever met. He never reacts to anything with more than a calm, complacent response. He doesn't seem to have any sense of humor at all. And I wish I could explain just how odd his entire manner is. He is always stiff and controlled, formal. I mean the part in his hair alone, is like an entire metaphor for severity.

I've heard of people with no empathy and no understanding of human interactions, but I thought they were either sociopaths or had some form of autism. And he can't be either one becuase he's obviously really smart and accomplished and sociopaths are supposed to be good at fooling people by being really charismatic.

It is illogical, but fascinating. I don't think he's human.

Miho 07-23-2009 12:40 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Or maybe he's just a disciplined person who separates work and pleasure.

Nuzzolese 07-23-2009 12:42 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I want to get inside his life and figure him out. His office is spotless. It has no indication of any kind of personal life. I tried, once to engage him in a conversation about something non-work related but I was so nervous, and he had this cold dead look in his eyes so I scrapped that plan. I think I'm going to follow him home one night.

Helvete 07-23-2009 12:50 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
He probably hasn't always been like this. Maybe certain events in his life made him this way. It could just be easier for him.

And it's Vulcan, no K.

TAL 07-23-2009 12:57 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Yeah, "vulkan" is Swedish.

paul jones 07-23-2009 01:13 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
He probably listens to Huey Lewis and the news

Nuzzolese 07-23-2009 01:27 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Sorry about this misspelling.

Adam 07-23-2009 01:28 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Autistic people can be really smart.

But its more likely that its the start of the robot uprising

avignon 07-23-2009 01:30 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I think your most logical course of action is to seduce him.

Bob 07-23-2009 01:44 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
he's a cylon, throw him out the airlock. hospitals have airlocks, right?

mickill 07-23-2009 01:47 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Maybe he's an Ewok.

jennyb 07-23-2009 01:53 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Originally Posted by paul jones (Post 1683712)
He probably listens to Huey Lewis and the news

PFFFFHAHAHAH thx I needed that.

but yeah, I think I too, must work with a vulcan (for many years now). It's all super creepy and unnerving. :( ...and you are forced to deal with this person on a daily basis. Sux yo. When dealing with this person I just try to tell myself that this behavior is nothing to be taken personally when I try to open up to them but still deep down I can't help but feel like wtf dammit. :mad: Act like a fucking human being already! I think you can be professional yet human. There's no excuse for being simply a creepy robotic worker drone.

Adam 07-23-2009 02:49 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
like avignon said - you should get with him - you don't have to fuck him but if you get in his dwelling then you can check if there is any heads in the freezers.

Audio. 07-23-2009 03:06 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Originally Posted by Adam (Post 1683723)
Autistic people can be really smart.

But its more likely that its the start of the robot uprising

Hmm so this doctor fellow has the same persona as Robocop?

Nuzzolese 07-23-2009 03:14 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I'm sure he is beyond the reach of seduction, in the traditional sense anyway. Perhaps a racy x-ray of my chest cavity sent to his cell phone, though. (!)

Why is it that whenever I'm around someone who behaves in one extreme, it always drives my behavior so much further in the opposite direction than my natural inclinations would ever take me? He's so serious and controlled that I get silly around him. Likewise I have a very silly and giddy coworker around whom I have trouble even cracking a smile. It's like I need that kind of balance or something.

Myu-to 07-23-2009 03:41 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Sociopaths fool people by acting like they have emotions, what you have is a sociopath that doesn't care enough to try to act normal. I suggest that you don't put on any lotion in his presence.

Or maybe he is a robot.

Myu-to 07-23-2009 03:43 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Originally Posted by Nuzzolese (Post 1683775)
Why is it that whenever I'm around someone who behaves in one extreme, it always drives my behavior so much further in the opposite direction than my natural inclinations would ever take me? He's so serious and controlled that I get silly around him. Likewise I have a very silly and giddy coworker around whom I have trouble even cracking a smile. It's like I need that kind of balance or something.

Maybe you just need to except people for who they are, and stop trying to bend them to your will.

Nuzzolese 07-23-2009 03:53 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Originally Posted by Myu-to (Post 1683786)
Maybe you just need to except people for who they are, and stop trying to bend them to your will.

You! You miss the whole point I not only accept people for who they are, I become fascinated by who they are. I follow them around and snoop in their faculty files. I try to infiltrate them and gain intelligence of their operations without disrupting anything. I sneak into their cars and leave no fingerprints. I don't try to change them, I change myself to make the general atmosphere more balanced. When I don't like someone, I stay away from them.

Myu-to 07-23-2009 09:48 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I guess I am more of the opposite. I have goofy friends and serious friends. I'm more serious when I am with serious people, and I am more goofy when I am with the goofy people. That being said, if a person is too serious then I will be extra goofy just to fuck with them.

Which annoys you more, someone that is way too serious, or someone that is way too goofy?

Nuzzolese 07-28-2009 03:44 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
He had a bandage on his right hand this morning. I asked him about it and he seemed to have forgotten it but he covered it up. That was courteous, right?

He said he sliced it open while working at home and sewed it up himself, gave himself 11 stitches. Gave himself stitches!

At the end of my lunch break I saw him pull into the parking lot. He drives a navy jeep cherokee and he had a dog in the back of it. It was like a german shephard I think. It was shaggy. Before he got out, he leaned into the back and I swear it looked like he was looking into the dog's eyes and telling it something important. It licked his chin and laid down in the back. It was kind of cute and sweet. He must have some feelings if he likes dogs.

After he went inside, I went up to the jeep to try to say hi to his dog, but when it saw me at the window it started snarling and growling at me. I was pretty scared. I ran.

What is with this guy?! He's so weird!!

Freebasser 07-28-2009 03:44 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
It must've been reading this thread.

Adam 07-28-2009 04:22 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Nuzz's world sounds amazing. I'm pretty oblivious to what is going on around me.

mickill 07-28-2009 04:50 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
He probably cuts himself, to see if he still feels.

cookiepuss 07-28-2009 04:51 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
if you wanna get to the bottom of this guy I suggest you check out the work of Dr. Paul Ekman. he is the foremost authority on facial expressions in relation to emotion:

there are 7 universal facial expressions, and thousands of learned cultural expressions. According to Ekman even people who have learned to control thier emotions, still "leak" clues to what they are feeling through subtle expressions known as micro expressions. I guarantee this guy is exhibiting mirco expressions, you just need to learn to read them.

but keep in mind that you might learn to recognize a subtle emotion on his face, but there is still no way to read what that emotion pertains to or who it might be directed at. for that you need to be able to ask the right questions and get him to open up.

Nuzzolese 07-28-2009 05:31 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

He did time in juvie when he was 14, for vandalism. It was in his faculty file.

Echewta 07-28-2009 06:14 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
On page four of this thread, you are going to be writing about how you had to shoot the dog. Because it knew.

Helvete 07-28-2009 06:25 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
Now this interesting! It's like a movie, where Nuzz starts prying into this guys life, merely as a curiosity, and then things she never imagined start to unfold.

Bob 07-28-2009 06:29 PM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Originally Posted by Echewta (Post 1685291)
On page four of this thread, you are going to be writing about how you had to shoot the dog. Because it knew.


skra75 07-29-2009 01:26 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan
I think all British People are vulcans. Sorry British People :(

Dorothy Wood 07-29-2009 01:55 AM

Re: I work with a Vulkan

Originally Posted by Nuzzolese (Post 1685259)
He said he sliced it open while working at home and sewed it up himself, gave himself 11 stitches. Gave himself stitches!


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