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vcurtains 07-29-2004 06:45 PM

Why I dislike the new album
Well I was listening to music on my ipod in my car and one of the new beastie's tracks came on, I changed the track immediately and realized why I dislike the new album. I like "check it out" and one other track that was released before the album, I forget it's name, but as for the rest of the album I can't stand it.

The boys have insane rhyming skills, but what I can't stand is them trying to be touchier and preachy. It just doesn't fit, the boys are close to 40, all gray haired, and looking like chemo victims. This tough guy attitude might work for younger, new audiences but I can't stand it.

The Wedge 07-29-2004 06:47 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
"If you don't like the news then press eject "

Brother McDuff 07-29-2004 07:14 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
I'd rather hear them preach about politics than hear you preach about your lame opinion.

But that's just me.

vcurtains 07-29-2004 07:18 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by Brother McDuff
I'd rather hear them preach about politics than hear you preach about your lame opinion.

But that's just me.

wow build a bridge and get over it

It is my opinion and I'm sure others share it too.

sea_dragon 07-29-2004 07:19 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
How many threads is this now, from someone bitching about the boys being 'preachy' or for having political lyrics? And again, from someone who signed up specifically to bitch about it...

jamerkley 07-29-2004 07:56 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by sea_dragon
How many threads is this now, from someone bitching about the boys being 'preachy' or for having political lyrics? And again, from someone who signed up specifically to bitch about it...

Nicely Put!

Daisy 07-29-2004 07:56 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
That's why this is a perfect thread to move to the Frequent Post Archive!



vcurtains 07-29-2004 08:03 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by sea_dragon
How many threads is this now, from someone bitching about the boys being 'preachy' or for having political lyrics? And again, from someone who signed up specifically to bitch about it...

I'm sorry sea dragon that you don't like my point of view, why don't not complain about me complaing and actually understand what I wrote

MaestroDenis 07-29-2004 08:12 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
Admittedly, after the very first listen I felt a little let down for some reason. However, it has since grown on me big time as I realize the importance of their message and also their Inexhaustible tallent for innovation and humour.

Musically, they have minimalized the sound to the bare essence of early 80s hip hop drum machine driven beats, amalgamating snippets of their previous albums as well. Lyrically, they have matured just enough I thought, some songs can appear to be border-line preachy however, never cross that line, seemingly just enought to bite the ignorant and brainwashed on their arses.

Two thumbs up from me as I await their next release, which I think will not take as long this time round.


vcurtains 07-29-2004 08:55 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by MaestroDenis
Admittedly, after the very first listen I felt a little let down for some reason. However, it has since grown on me big time as I realize the importance of their message and also their Inexhaustible tallent for innovation and humour.

Musically, they have minimalized the sound to the bare essence of early 80s hip hop drum machine driven beats, amalgamating snippets of their previous albums as well. Lyrically, they have matured just enough I thought, some songs can appear to be border-line preachy however, never cross that line, seemingly just enought to bite the ignorant and brainwashed on their arses.

Two thumbs up from me as I await their next release, which I think will not take as long this time round.


The problem is that they are not innovative enough, their music and skills aren't growing with them, intergalactic was an incredibly innovative album, it's just like the beasties to give us something we don't expect.

GreenEarthAl 07-30-2004 03:10 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by vcurtains
intergalactic was an incredibly innovative album

You can say that again. Everybody always votes for Intergalactic every time we have one of those Favorite BBs' album threads.

DJ_Skrilla 07-30-2004 04:11 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
And if you dont like it then hey FUCK YOU.

can we say R-E-D-U-N-D-A-N-T

Jujulilie 07-30-2004 04:23 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
Hi everyone,
Come on, why so much trouble about AN ALBUM?? Don't you get anything else to do?? If you don't like it, the only solution is DON T LISTEN TO IT!! It's not difficult I'm sure you can do it!!
It's too political? Go buy a Steven Seagal CD (I swear I saw this!! Wouaahaha!!!) if it's too clever for you...
You know what? I have a better solution, a radical one:
Peace all over the world

P.S: go to the movie to see the new Michael Moore movie Farenheit 9/11 ...
P.P.S: maybe not those who don't like TT5B, it might be too political for them... and everybody knows that politic is stupid and not useful and that we don't have to care about it ;) ... but politicians rule the world for us don't forget that...

carostine 07-30-2004 07:04 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
well,they`ve got a new fan in me!
bought my first bb cd last month,and i love it!!now i have to buy the other ones s well!

mrsgiachetti 07-30-2004 07:32 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by vcurtains
The boys have insane rhyming skills, but what I can't stand is them trying to be touchier and preachy. It just doesn't fit, the boys are close to 40, all gray haired, and looking like chemo victims. mean, "chemo patients." These people are generally "cancer victims" I have seen many, not many who look like them.

Average_Joe 07-30-2004 08:52 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
I'll be honest...i'm a HUGE fan and they could probably produce shit, and I'd still buy it and enjoy it.

Me and a couple friends are still waiting for them to have a show within about a 5-hour radius of us.

.................................................. ........................................

This is a forum, so people are going to bitch about stuff you don't agree with.

Although then again, if you don't LIKE the Beastie Boys, then maybe you should find a different forum.

one33one 07-30-2004 11:33 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by GreenEarthAl
You can say that again. Everybody always votes for Intergalactic every time we have one of those Favorite BBs' album threads.

Intergalactic?????????? HELLO NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

madizm 07-30-2004 12:03 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

He was making fun of the nutcup that called it Intergalactic.

I can't believe I'm even posting on one of these threads .. it goes against my moral fibers!!

You should be ashamed too GEA!!

vcurtains 07-30-2004 04:46 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
well I don't mind a message in music if it's done right. Like hello nasty had, but this is so much in your face, it's like they want their way and don't want me to think about other points of view.

The reason I'm pissed is because I've waited so long for some new beastie's and this is what I get....

Egg Man 07-30-2004 06:54 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
Write a freaking poem, emo.

vcurtains 07-30-2004 07:02 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
wow you guys are wannabe hard touch guys, losers.

Space 07-30-2004 07:08 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
If you are not feeling the beastieboys new cd "to the five burroughs" believe me when i say, i am!

Gabriely 07-30-2004 07:58 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
I loved TT5B and i´m happy cuz they donn act like 40, they make me laugh with the lyrics and the father is 40...and he is a good father...but he is not funny, not like the beasties, I cant realize he sayin something like:hey son you better listen stuck in your ass is a electrician... :D

grand_wizard8 08-03-2004 12:08 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
I like the album, but not as much as I like their other albums yet. It generally takes me a while to fully realize he genius behind albums. It took me fours years before I was able to appreciate Pink FLoyd, 5 for Sublime, 2 years for Hello Nasty. I think I just have to wait for a point at which I understand Music on some deeper level.
The reason that I am not yet impressed with the album, is also what impresses me about it.
I love the fact that they are taking a pure hip hop approach to this album, it is great to hear them delving head first into hip hop, it gives me a whole new feel for the Beasties. However I miss their instrumentals that not only showed me a new side of the beasties, but also a new side of music, that I hadn't really been exposed to.

Plus the instrumentals were wayyy cooler to listen to while lifted.

The egg man 08-07-2004 04:45 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
At first listen of tt5b, I was disappointed, Check it out is a killer track.
I've now listened to the album a good few times and there are only two tracks that I don't like, that's the advantage of a skip button on your deck...

I don't think that this album will ever be my fave B Boy album, but it still has the stuff that makes me want to listen.

Sharp lyrics, Humour and dope beats

I don't care if the guys are 40 or 60 as long as they still rhyme the rhyme well.

Man I'm 31 and I never Thought I 'd use 'Dope' in a sentence

BlimpieBluffin 08-07-2004 01:31 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
what track was released before the album came out?

B_Mackin' 08-13-2004 01:49 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album
If you don't like it don't post anything on a Beastie Boy fan website. NO ONE CARES!!! (!)

-=Tezza-D=- 08-14-2004 09:09 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by tiny_salmon
word. it's always awesome when they switch off like that. hence why "paul's boutique" is my favorite. it makes the music that much more fun and attention-catching. the whole formula thing they've got going on is a little weak. however, that's the only thing that bothers me about the album, and it doesn't even bother me that much. i think "to the 5 boroughs" is awesome. i love the political lyrics and the beats...everything is great. except the predictability.

Do you think they don't know what they are doing? like they have done it all befor and they have picked their formula for a reason. You say it's too predictable? comon a song is supposed to build an atmosphere and their delivery has no weak holes init. What they are doing with this formula is makeing songs to the point and dense and no point in the song where there is a lull , it's constant flux within a framework. The only problem I have is with some of the brilliant songs like the bruhaha and crawlsapce and tripple trouble is that I just don't want the song to end. They could of made some 4-5-6 verse songs :P... Next album we will see the full range of their skills and this album will make a whole lot more sense to alot of ppl.

Alex C 08-16-2004 05:25 AM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by Gabriely
I loved TT5B and i´m happy cuz they donn act like 40, they make me laugh with the lyrics and the father is 40...and he is a good father...but he is not funny, not like the beasties, I cant realize he sayin something like:hey son you better listen stuck in your ass is a electrician... :D

Really, thats weird, my Dad has been saying that to me for years and he's 52, LOL. :D

tiny_salmon 08-17-2004 12:25 PM

Re: Why I dislike the new album

Originally Posted by -=Tezza-D=-
Do you think they don't know what they are doing? like they have done it all befor and they have picked their formula for a reason. You say it's too predictable? comon a song is supposed to build an atmosphere and their delivery has no weak holes init. What they are doing with this formula is makeing songs to the point and dense and no point in the song where there is a lull , it's constant flux within a framework. The only problem I have is with some of the brilliant songs like the bruhaha and crawlsapce and tripple trouble is that I just don't want the song to end. They could of made some 4-5-6 verse songs :P... Next album we will see the full range of their skills and this album will make a whole lot more sense to alot of ppl.

what the fuck? this came from another thread i posted in.

anyways, chill pal. if it wasn't for "to the five boroughs" i wouldn't be posting 'cause i didn't know the first thing about the beastie boys before it. since purchasing it, i have purchased all the other albums and know them backwards and forwards. in my opinion, "paul's boutique" is their best cd, and part of why i like it so much is the switch offs they do. after listening to that it took away from "to the five boroughs" a little, 'cause they don't do it very much on that album. but i still love it. i'm not saying it blows or anything.

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