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DroppinScience 02-08-2006 02:07 AM

Beastie Boys Suck
This guy is just asking for it! :eek:

vickista 02-08-2006 02:17 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
i did not like that article one bit, it was very bad *shakes head and tuts* very bad indeed.

DandyFop 02-08-2006 02:20 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
This was my response:

Actually, they all play instruments. There was two great instrumental sets on their last tour, and many of their albums feature their talents (The In Sound From Way Out is a collection of their instrumentals, if you are interested).

Who do you think is playing the guitar on Sabotage?

TAL 02-08-2006 02:21 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck

Also the guy who sang “You’re unbelievable! Oh!”
It's EMF, you stupid man.

discopants 02-08-2006 03:39 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
Yeesh... its amazing they let these toss bags out into the community. This fucker makes Vanilla Ice look like Stephen Hawking.

Shadrock 02-08-2006 03:42 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
Is this a joke? This guy needs to get his facts straight. He's way off on many things, and I'm not just talking about his opinion.
The way his article came across it reminded me of the way Lewis Black would rant.
So anyway; LL is white, I never knew...

mikizee 02-08-2006 05:32 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
heres an email i shot off to adamo the great:


Im referring to the article ‘beastie boys suck’. Do u even know what your talking about? They actually started out as a hardcore punk band, u dipshit, and have released 2 records to that fact. (pollywog stew, aglio e olio). Their hardcore songs feature on most of their albums. They DO play all their own instruments, have released an album on funk and groove instrumentals, etc etc. the beastie boys were and still are one of the most influential hip hop acts of all time. And LL Cool J is white? i must be colorblind. Try checking the facts before you expose yourself as a total dickcheese.


Someone educated

chrisd 02-08-2006 06:10 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
frat boys are back... and you know they can never be wack... frat boys are back... come on 'n' join the frat boyiiizzz

ragdoll_92 02-08-2006 06:12 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
It's funny, I've seen the sabotage video quite a few times and still cant figure out how he thinks they were pretending to be another band!

What a jackass. I'm all for expressing opinion's but come on! Please get your info correct first. Rule number 1 of journalism.

MagicCowboy 02-08-2006 06:55 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
And Fight For Your Right was one of the first rap songs ever? Huh?

Mr. Smacktackle 02-08-2006 09:05 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
Yo, that ass is makin up shitloads of bullshit, but this really made me mad!!!

They pretend to be from New York – yeah maybe the Village. Fat Joe should invite them to Brooklyn and show them the real deal.

talita 02-08-2006 09:05 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
Well, I like 50 cent and I like Beastie Boys, what's the matter?
This guy is just a jerk.

Ponce De Leon 02-08-2006 09:13 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
Before everyone gets all riled up, I would do a google search of Adamo el Guapo . If you do that you will see that basically this guy is known for factually innacurate reviews and rants posted on the internet. On they have deduced the fact that he is around 14-15. He states in a batman begins article, that he didn't like samuel jackson in the movie (who is not in the movie). Adamo el Guapo maybe a pseudonym for a more educated writer that just likes to get a rise out of people by posting his generallly innacurate and negative views on many topics. Anyways.. google it kids.

talita 02-08-2006 09:21 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
yeah, he is ICONOCLAST just for fun (if it is a reason for it).

Ponce De Leon 02-08-2006 09:34 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
Ok.. don't you love the internet?

Adamo El Quapo's real name is Adam Liebling. He is the editor of two "zines" and . You can find a picture of the sad person we are dealing with by clicking this link 1

Adam Liebling is a big Jordan night fan, you can read his interview with the former New Kids on The Block singer here.

You can read his webzine and his journal at this link

Adam Liebling thinks he is "a brooklyn gangster" but really lives in Long Island City. Fee free to use to get his phone number and give him a call and let him know what you think.

First Concert : Kiss
Favorite Band : Iron Maiden

blahblah4898 02-08-2006 09:49 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
"like morons and think their into rap"

the douchebag can't even write

DapperDiverge 02-08-2006 01:22 PM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck

The Beastie Boys were soon overshadowed by other flavors of the week, like fellow white rappers Vanilla Ice, LL Cool J, and Snow (remember him??).
remember him?? if you have to ask "remember him??" then doesn't that tell you that he's no longer popular... apparently the Beastie Boys are doing something right if we can see them on tv and here them on the radio on a regular basis, right?


Finally after 20 years, they have a big hit called “Intergalactic,” so named because you wish you could shoot the Beastie Boys into space.
intergalactic didn't come out until 1998... the beastie boys (even pre-horovitz) started around 1982... let's see 1998 - 1982 = 16... can't add, wizard???
they've had a lot of hits before Intergalactic... "Sabotage", "Sure Shot", "So Watcha Want ?" and countless others... Ill Communication was one of their best selling albums and was even nominated for awards

as for shooting them into space... no need cuz any fan would tell you they're already outta this world baby!! woooooooooooo! :cool:

the_last_b_boy 02-08-2006 01:55 PM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
he's probably a republican

if somebody doesnt like the beasties
they are to dumb to understand it
or to sucked into society to...understand it

i wont even read articales like that

balohna 02-08-2006 02:14 PM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
That site seems to be run by two idiots who have a lot of opinion but no education. Read some other articles, the same guy said that all the Ramones are dead because the ones that are still alive suck and don't count.

DandyFop 02-08-2006 02:15 PM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
Just some trolls trying to get people riles up I spose.

Chicka B 02-08-2006 02:41 PM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
Well I didn't even get mad at this one for some reason. I guess because the idiot don't know SHIT about ANYTHING! :p

BroomHead 02-08-2006 02:55 PM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
LL Cool J is not white. And he says the B-Boys aren't true New Yorkers, that they didn't grow up in the ghetto. But it's not like they're trying to act hard anyway, and they don't claim the ghetto. This guy is a moron.

CrankItUp! 02-08-2006 03:10 PM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
This fucker is an idiot who probably thinks that Milli Vanilli are still touring and his favorite song goes - "girl you know its, girl you know its , girl you know its"..*slaps tape machine* :p

Adrock_Oct31 02-08-2006 03:51 PM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
i bet even a fuking 4 year old can get this information right

what a (n) FAG (n)

kleptomaniac 02-08-2006 03:55 PM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
BBMBers come together and we'll lynch this guy! (!)

geez that article was so full of stupidity and ignorance i could barely read it :rolleyes:

jackrock 02-08-2006 04:02 PM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck

Originally Posted by CrankItUp!
This fucker is an idiot who probably thinks that Milli Vanilli are still touring and his favorite song goes - "girl you know its, girl you know its , girl you know its"..*slaps tape machine* :p


Jmoney77 02-08-2006 07:21 PM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
I feel a beat down coming :mad:

Jmoney77 02-08-2006 07:23 PM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
Im glad this guy doesnt like them, i know we dont want a piece of shit like that a bboy fan

Lex Diamonds 02-08-2006 07:24 PM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
What the hell are you morons babbling about? This thread reveals how incredibly stupid some of you people are. Read it again, carefully this time. It is quite obviously a joke article.

Better luck next time, detectives.

discopants 02-10-2006 05:03 AM

Re: Beastie Boys Suck
Where just over protective- like the dad who beats up a referee for sending off his ten year old son for smacking the other sides goalie.

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