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Dorothy Wood 06-06-2008 02:15 AM

I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep
it was one of those creepy crawly furry-looking centipedes that shimmy across the wall. yuck! I sprayed him with febreze! then I scooped him up and threw him away.

that was like an hour ago and I can't fall asleep. :(

turns out they're called house centipedes. I think the research I did to find that out made everything worse.

gross gross gross!

and now my neighbors are apparently jumping on pogo sticks above my bedroom. I want to murder them. IT'S 2 A.M. ASSHOLES!

baroque chamber music isn't even helping. somebody suggest a type of soothing music for me to fall asleep to pls.

mikizee 06-06-2008 02:17 AM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep
Rub one out

Works for me

Dorothy Wood 06-06-2008 02:21 AM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep
yeah, not really in the mood. my tendonitis is acting up.

I was serious about the music thing though, what's like a really relaxing style of music besides smooth jazz?

camo 06-06-2008 05:57 AM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep
I used to love to listen to the ps2 menu screen's calming sound effects. It was really good for soothing hangovers in the morning.

mate_spawn_die 06-06-2008 06:46 AM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep

mate_spawn_die 06-06-2008 06:50 AM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep
i'm sure sure you've gone to sleep by now... but next time you get this problem listen to the song always returning

NoFenders 06-06-2008 12:02 PM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep
I always listen to talk radio to fall asleep.


abcdefz 06-06-2008 12:23 PM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep
I can empathize, Dorothy.

When I was in Costa Rica I went for a walk in this village one night and saw a bunch of people huddled around this HUGE fucking rattlesnake
some kid just killed. He had a stick, holding the mouth open so we could see the big old fangs.

Right. So. Get back to my room and start to go to sleep and this fucking lizard scitters across my leg. I jump, turn on the light -- it's
chilling out there, hanging on the wall.

Now, I know lizards are harmless unless you're Spider-Man, but it was just too much reptile for one night. I left the light on and it took
me pretty much the rest of the night and early morning to fall asleep.

The end.

hpdrifter 06-06-2008 12:32 PM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep
Yeah, I have a bug thing too. *shudder*

When I went to Thailand I slept with my fingers in my ears curled up into a ball with the blanket over my nose and mouth the first couple of nights. Not comfortable since it was INCREDIBLY HOT.

I tried to shoo a large winged bug out of my room one night and it was likestuck to the ceiling. I don't know what kind of viscous goo it produced to keep it on the ceiling despite my pushing its back end with a shoe but it was enough to keep me awake until about 4am.

trailerprincess 06-06-2008 05:52 PM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep
I thought I had dropped a sliver of mushroom on the floor so went to pick it up. Only then did I realise it was a centipide. Eeewww.

I should watch more Blue Planet etc. :o

paul jones 06-07-2008 01:43 AM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep
Sigur Ros is good falling asleep music.

...not that I find it boring,I love Sigur Ros,just good for going to sleep too.

bugs....why don't they just bug-off!, It's because the window was open or they have secret bug tunnels in the house.You should get some of them bug catching boxes that pest controllers put down in workplaces.

Who invented bugs anyway? they're fucking useless.I think when the aliens fly over Texas they drop they're pets by mistake.

Dorothy Wood 06-07-2008 02:00 AM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep
I actually listened to some rhythmic instrumental folk music because the internet said a steady repeating beat makes you fall asleep. at first I was like, "nah, this isn't working" and then I was like, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

thanks for sigur ros though paul. I like them, but never listen to 'em. I am listening to it now. for sleeping tonight.

paul jones 06-07-2008 04:33 PM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1590261)
I actually listened to some rhythmic instrumental folk music because the internet said a steady repeating beat makes you fall asleep. at first I was like, "nah, this isn't working" and then I was like, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

thanks for sigur ros though paul. I like them, but never listen to 'em. I am listening to it now. for sleeping tonight.


Randetica 04-30-2013 02:35 AM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep
the thread title made me laugh

Dorothy Wood 04-30-2013 04:11 PM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep
Haha, I still listen to sigur ros to fall asleep when I can't.

Also live on the top floor now so I sleep a lot better.

Myu-to 04-30-2013 04:31 PM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep

Documad 04-30-2013 06:09 PM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1805510)
Haha, I still listen to sigur ros to fall asleep when I can't.

Also live on the top floor now so I sleep a lot better.

Ha! For years now, if I'm sharing a room with someone and I can't get to sleep I listen to Sigur Ros on headphones. I don't think I ever saw this thread.

And a couple of days ago, I had been outside for hours. I was in the grocery and found a giant black bug inside my shirt in the chest area and practically stripped to get the bug dislodged from my shirt. :/

TurdBerglar 04-30-2013 08:18 PM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep
I use to have bouts of insomnia. now it doesn't happen so much. my brain would just go a hundred miles an hour all night with completely random thoughts. my brain was like a little kid refusing to go to sleep because it still wanted to play(think).

kaiser soze 05-01-2013 08:27 AM

Re: I saw a yucky bug and now I can't fall asleep
you coulda cuddled with it

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