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ericg 11-27-2020 10:52 AM

i was stuffed like taxidermy.. strikin poses and ish! lol
i'm determined to drive until i see snow this season!
all the very best to yous guys!!!
what does everybody want for christmas?

ericg 11-29-2020 10:14 AM

waht does errbody wanna give?
i just want everyone lookin like :D
stay cool peeps!
peace out posse!

ericg 11-29-2020 01:04 PM

merry christmas
feliz natal!
buon natale!
god jul!
boas festes!
..and around the world santa will go once again for all you kiddies...!
our tree is up with lights we have sooo many ornaments.. i miss a real tree but we have the pine air fresheners throughout the house doin their thing as if..
i'm missing soo many ppl this christmas. kind of sad. i need to befriend more ppl. my faith in humanity has diminished. but there's still hope so.. sooooo there it is.

marsdaddy 12-06-2020 01:00 PM

Did you decorate your house?

ericg 12-10-2020 09:59 AM

we put a few bows up along the fence and the house. tree looks nice in the front window.


marsdaddy 12-10-2020 04:47 PM

Nope. No holiday decorations this year.

ericg 12-11-2020 08:51 AM

well it's a good excuse to get.. ill..uminated.
stupid.. was that stupid?
anyway, ate all the candy canes that i hung.
woopty fucking dooooooooooooo this is a boring convo. it's me, not you lol.

ericg 12-11-2020 01:15 PM

love this joint

ericg 12-30-2020 09:56 AM

sorry i've been a little anti social the last .. well... too long.. hope everyone got what they wanted..! or needed!! i'm blessed with great parents and an easy life.. mmm now that i think about it it's not been that easy but let's just say it could be a lot harder.. i'll be devastated when they go.. guess everyone deals with that and the afterlife.. instant rebirth and enlightenment...

what else.. yo mars hope you have a good new years and better time than last years! it's all relative and oddly enough seems to even out in time...

"so whatchagonnnnnndo when the beat go drop..."

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