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adam_f 06-27-2006 08:09 AM

Superman Returns
Looks retarded. Please tell me you're not going to see this, North America/South America/Europe/Asia/Africa/Australia. Please.

CrankItUp! 06-27-2006 08:29 AM

Re: Superman Returns
Ghost Rider (2007) is gonna be fuckin cool....well hopefully ! (y)

alexandra 06-27-2006 08:56 AM

Re: Superman Returns
it that Titanic 2 shit for real?

abcdefz 06-27-2006 09:01 AM

Re: Superman Returns
Chances of seeing it are at about 40%. I have some interest, mainly in the shuttle rescue scene.

Chances of paying to see another movie and slipping in to watch a couple of minutes and decide on whether or not to fork over cash: 65%.

beastieangel01 06-27-2006 10:04 AM

Re: Superman Returns
it has really positive reviews. Not that that means everything, but still, I was surprised.

g-mile7 06-27-2006 10:07 AM

Re: Superman Returns

Originally Posted by abcdefz
Chances of seeing it are at about 40%. I have some interest, mainly in the shuttle rescue scene.

Chances of paying to see another movie and slipping in to watch a couple of minutes and decide on whether or not to fork over cash: 65%

Thats what I did with Minority Report(y)

mickill 06-27-2006 10:15 AM

Re: Superman Returns

Originally Posted by beastieangel01
it has really positive reviews. Not that that means everything, but still, I was surprised.

Spider-Man was critically blowjobbed to death, and that movie is a big bag of human stool.

hpdrifter 06-27-2006 10:20 AM

Re: Superman Returns
Spiderman 1 or 2? I maintain that this is an important distinction.

I like Bryan Singer. I think he did a bitchin' job with the X-men movies. I really missed him when Wolverine yelled "Noooooooooooo" for the third time in the last movie.

g-mile7 06-27-2006 10:22 AM

The 2nd one I liked....but the first one had the illest fight scenes.

mickill 06-27-2006 10:23 AM

Re: Superman Returns

Originally Posted by hpdrifter
Spiderman 1 or 2? I maintain that this is an important distinction.

I like Bryan Singer. I think he did a bitchin' job with the X-men movies. I really missed him when Wolverine yelled "Noooooooooooo" for the third time in the last movie.

I only saw the first Spider-Man and just assumed that the second one would suck dead scrotum sack as much as the first one.

DIGI 06-27-2006 10:24 AM

Re: Superman Returns
I'm feelin kinda good about it.

Yes, Spiderman=crap

Batman 2 Begins to Return Forever=loved it

Let's hope Superman follows the trend. It looks a little darker, so I'm optimistic.

abcdefz 06-27-2006 10:24 AM

Re: Superman Returns

Originally Posted by g-mile7
Thats what I did with Minority Report(y)

Great looking movie -- absolutely idiotic plot/plot holes.

Among other things: I couldn't believe what a wind-up there was about keeping his banadgaes over his eyes for 24 hours or whatever, and that was the whole suspense of the scene with the spiders, struggling to keep them from tearing off his bandages/discovering him, etc. Then when that was over, he just took off the bandages; no big deal. Yeah, it's been a few hours.


Superman Returns already sounds like this -- too many wtf's out of character for him, etc.

mickill 06-27-2006 10:28 AM

Re: Superman Returns
Yeah, Minority Report was ca-ca.

If Superman Returns is half as good as the first 7/8 of Batman Begins was, I'm in.

abcdefz 06-27-2006 10:29 AM

Re: Superman Returns

Originally Posted by hpdrifter
Spiderman 1 or 2? I maintain that this is an important distinction.

2, by quite a long shot.

What 1 really got right was stuff like the learning-to-use-his-powers arc that ended with that final sweep through the city, American flag and all. Sweet.

Otherwise, really only Willem in the mirror was pretty great.

Spiderman 2, I was down with much of it.

Batman Begins is awfully stilted, but I still like it in spite of itself. It's pretty formless, and some stuff (Alfred appearing with a jet out of nowhere; Batman taking what'shername who's freaking out on drugs through the most nightmareish ride of her life) is kinda stupid. But there's an awful lot to like.

CrankItUp! 06-27-2006 10:30 AM

Re: Superman Returns
I think Mighty Mouse can beat up Superman - what do you think ??? (lb)

beastieangel01 06-27-2006 10:30 AM

Re: Superman Returns

Originally Posted by mickill
Spider-Man was critically blowjobbed to death, and that movie is a big bag of human stool.


Not that that means everything
+/or anything

g-mile7 06-27-2006 10:31 AM

Re: Superman Returns

Originally Posted by CrankItUp!
I think Mighty Mouse can beat up Superman - what do you think ??? (lb)

Wonder Dawg shits on both...

mickill 06-27-2006 10:48 AM

Re: Superman Returns

Originally Posted by beastieangel01
+/or anything

I know. I was agreeing with you and just adding my own two cents. I don't trust movie critics at all. I used to trust Peter Travers until he became a giant phallus. And you can't read a Roger Ebert review without him telling you the entire plot and giving away the ending. And Leonard Maltin is just all over the place these days. And Rotten Tomatoes lets pretty much just anyone contribute to the tomato scale. So I'm kinda on my own here.

abcdefz 06-27-2006 10:49 AM

Re: Superman Returns

Originally Posted by mickill
I know. I was agreeing with you and just adding my own two cents. I don't trust movie critics at all. I used to trust Peter Travers until he became a giant phallus. And you can't read a Roger Ebert review without him telling you the entire plot and giving away the ending. And Leonard Maltin is just all over the place these days. And Rotten Tomatoes lets pretty much just anyone contribute to the tomato scale. So I'm kinda on my own here.

Only your inner critic is spot-on, but someone I really like is Anthony Lane at the New Yorker.

mickill 06-27-2006 10:51 AM

Re: Superman Returns
But do you trust him?

abcdefz 06-27-2006 10:56 AM

Re: Superman Returns
Would I let him date my daughter? Probably.

Do I trust him review-wise? We seem to agree about 90% of the time. That's pretty good, to me.

abcdefz 06-27-2006 11:00 AM

Re: Superman Returns
Here's Anthony Lane (in part) on Superman Returns:

Every time another Marvel or DC product is dusted off, lavished with computer programs, and pumped up into a motion-picture event, we hear the same inflated claims: this superhero is different; we will uncover this man’s art and that man’s scope; we will show you what makes them tick, or levitate, or spin. Even Ang Lee fell prey, rummaging around for the soul of the Incredible Hulk, until it became clear that the poor old minty monster didn’t have one. The fact is that the only first-rate work to have fed off comic books was done by Roy Lichtenstein forty years ago, and the only comic-book movies to show any lasting swagger, like “Spider-Man” and its sequel, have hewed to the Lichtenstein line and mimicked the briskness and fluorescence of the painted surface. I have listened to Batman moan about how he will never fit in, and to countless mutants voice the same complaint, and, frankly, I don’t give a damn. The ethical duties of Superman leave me cold; I just want to watch him catch a falling car.

The latest actor to don the cape is Brandon Routh, who—whether on his own initiative or not—offers not so much his personal interpretation of Superman as his best impersonation of Christopher Reeve playing Superman. This feels constrained, to say the least, allowing us limited access to Routh’s potential charm, and it thickens our suspicion that we have seen the same tale told more cheaply before, although what, exactly, was so perfect about the 1978 project that it should warrant emulation? The new Lois Lane, Kate Bosworth, is not a patch on Margot Kidder, or, for that matter, on Teri Hatcher, in the TV series; much of Singer’s casting errs toward the drippy and the dull, and your heart tends to sink, between the rampant set pieces, as the movie pauses listlessly for thought. “You wrote that the world doesn’t need a savior,” our hero says, “but every day I hear people crying out for one.” His principal solution is to thwart individual robberies, which is unlikely to put either the police or the international aid agencies out of business.

mickill 06-27-2006 11:01 AM

Re: Superman Returns
Ok, so you agree with him about 90% of the time, and I agree with you around 70% of the I'm looking at a probable 80% correspondence ratio with the guy, which isn't bad, really.

abcdefz 06-27-2006 11:03 AM

Re: Superman Returns

Originally Posted by mickill
Ok, so you agree with him about 90% of the time, and I agree with you around 70% of the I'm looking at a probable 80% correspondence ratio with the guy, which isn't bad, really.

Check the excerpt above and see if it rings true to you. I like his wit and observations, too.

DIGI 06-27-2006 11:04 AM

Re: Superman Returns

Good critic as well. Pulls no punches and shit.

abcdefz 06-27-2006 11:09 AM

Re: Superman Returns
The folks over at The Onion's AV Club seem to have it going on, too.

mickill 06-27-2006 11:11 AM

Re: Superman Returns

Originally Posted by abcdefz
Check the excerpt above and see if it rings true to you. I like his wit and observations, too.

Yeah, he sounds like he knows what he's talking about, I guess. And I do like the writing in The New Yorker. Sometimes. Well, the cartoons that is.

abcdefz 06-27-2006 11:13 AM

Re: Superman Returns

Originally Posted by mickill
And I do like the writing in The New Yorker. Sometimes. Well, the cartoons that is.

I've got a book I could loan you. :D

DIGI 06-27-2006 11:17 AM

Re: Superman Returns

Here's a good one. The first one I posted wasn't his best work.

mickill 06-27-2006 11:18 AM

Re: Superman Returns

Originally Posted by abcdefz
I've got a book I could loan you. :D

The Complete Cartoons? I've wanted that for a while. I can't promise that I'll return it with all the pages fully intact, but sure. We could use a good book for the bathroom downstairs.

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