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MsPacMan 05-03-2012 06:37 AM

Any messages of support for Yauch? ALL CONTRIBUTIONS WELCOME! Don’t miss out!
"........I want to offer my love and respect to the end..........."



I’d thought I’d offer people the opportunity to include a message for him.

Look; if you don’t want to do the whole PWR2MCA photo-and-positive-action; that’s your call. You all know about it by now and if it’s not your thing; that’s fine! Really. All respect to you.

So far about 40 of us HAVE; and we’ve loved doing it. It has meant a LOT to us to be able to make an impact like this; and we hope it’ll mean something to Yauch.

(I’d be stoked if HEAPS MORE of you got involved in PWR2MCA! Come on TEAM! How many more can we get?!)

BUT if you’re not into the idea; it’s OK.

I just don’t want you to feel as though you can’t be part of this somehow.

The whole point is that EVERYONE gets involved (it just has to be in whatever way they feel comfortable).

I don't want to exclude anyone. Beastie fans should stand together.


We are not a bunch of celebrity-obsessed weirdos. We admire a truly wonderful trio of human beings. And it simply couldn’t hurt to tell Yauch we feel this way.

(As long as we do it respectfully………ie; without seeking a response from him; without pressuring him for an update; without invading his privacy; with genuine goodwill and heartfelt gratitude.)

Maybe write him a message?

This is an opportunity to tell him exactly how you feel.

How much time do we spend on this messageboard, talking about how awesome we think he is?

Well; let’s stop telling each other. Let’s take the time to TELL HIM!

THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! This is the ULTIMATE fan project. We really want to “flip his wig back”.

EVERYTHING sent to me WILL be printed and sent to Yauch.

* there’s no word-limit
* they will not be edited in any way
* they will not be published anywhere else (no Twitter; no Facebook; nowhere!)
* I will not discuss who has and who has not contributed
* I will not discuss what has been expressed
* you can decide if you want to use your real or online name
* group messages are fine
* anonymous messages are fine
* if you don’t speak English and want to contribute; we will work out a way for you to do this. You won’t be left out! Contact me!

I take the responsibility of this VERY seriously. You guys know that.

There’s plenty of time left. We’ve got almost two weeks. Last day to contribute is the 14th of May (one month after the Hall of Fame).

…………and far be it from ME to trample on your creativity. Written messages might not be your style. If you’d like to send photos, sketches, artwork, mp3s, videos, WHATEVER…………knock yourself out!

I will send him EVERYTHING you send me. I won’t let you down. I’ll figure it out somehow. Anything for Adam.


Let’s make this as EPIC as we can. PWR to our man MCA!

How to contact me:
via email
PWR2MCA Facebook page
message me on tumblr
message me on YouTube
private message me on this board

……or send for my carrier pigeon……...

Love and respect from,


PS. I will continue to post my PWR2MCA updates on the OTHER thread. I just started a new one for this topic to draw attention to myself. I’m aware that’s poor messageboard etiquette. Fear not, good citizens. In two weeks I will go back to being a lurker and you won’t have to tolerate me any more! Promise!

cj hood 05-03-2012 07:27 AM

Re: Any messages of support for Yauch? ALL CONTRIBUTIONS WELCOME! Don’t miss out; mai
why is this the first time i'm hearing about this project?

MCAadROCKMiKEd7 05-03-2012 06:44 PM

Re: Any messages of support for Yauch? ALL CONTRIBUTIONS WELCOME! Don’t miss out; mai
I sent an email last time we talked with the message id like to use, is that one still okay?

MsPacMan 05-03-2012 07:37 PM

Re: Any messages of support for Yauch? ALL CONTRIBUTIONS WELCOME! Don’t miss out; mai

Originally Posted by MCAadROCKMiKEd7 (Post 1783851)
I sent an email last time we talked with the message id like to use, is that one still okay?

Yep; no worries.

If you've already sent one; they're already included!

But thanks for double checking!


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