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Old 05-23-2006, 10:05 PM
HEIRESS's Avatar
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Posts: 10,117
Default Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by mickill
I think I saw that ice bar on the Amazing Race. Cool.

I have a parka like that one, only shorter and shinier.

My dad used to work 10 minutes away from there. We used to go there and pick blackberries and drink water from the creek and other hokey shit like that.

I still prefer it to The Capilano suspension bridge, which seems safe and sturdy enough to drive a Civic over, and is therefor missing that element of danger that the Lynn Canyon suspension bridge still kinda retains. But it's still nothing like the old days when people were dying in that canyon every other month.
awww yer so cute and canadian !!

the hazard board was more commanding when every warning was followed by a "death by 9w8auasjaskjfkjs 1991" of some sort

Next stop, home ownership! I’m just kidding, the middle class is dying. You’ll be renting forever.

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