Thread: I have a crush.
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Old 01-07-2007, 10:34 PM
HEIRESS's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2003
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Originally Posted by HEIRESS

excessive hanging out with all of the above yesterday

worked with the first one all day and did basically nothing but hang out and be silly and not do our respective tasks, and then he took me out for fast food dinner and then ice cream!

second one called me last night and invited me to costa rica with him in may "because youd be a fun friend to take with me"

third one invited me up to his house to hang out with his basejumping/skydiving friends and was wearing a pink shirt and had lots of furry facial scruff so I told him he looked like a giant walking vagina
so all night he made me "diddle his skiddle" aka lick the button on his pink polo shirt because thats his clit

no making out with any of them though
maybe I am just a "good buddy"
ah well, it was good therapy after a week in hell with the ex fucking with my head

Next stop, home ownership! I’m just kidding, the middle class is dying. You’ll be renting forever.

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