Thread: What's for TEA?
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Old 02-13-2007, 05:38 PM
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Default ew yucky STEW!

so i made some casserole tonight. it's not too exciting i'm afraid. but i had to use up the stewing beef and i got hella bored waiting for that shit to go tender, man. it'll be better tomorrow night, i'm sure.

ingredients. on a magazine. not my magazine. but, sssh, SECRET! the man on the cover of it is GAY, don't tell anyone. he's a lead singer of a rock band! crazy!

wow, this looks really watery because it was before i added gravy granules mustard etc etc:

finished product still a tad bit whatever but eh. that's why i served it with rice. there were potatoes in the casserole so it's like HELLO CARBS! but i couldn't think of anything else. normally i would eat it with a baked potato if there weren't, um, some potat-age in the product already.

serve with flatmate and wine. can you tell why i paid £5 more for a bottle of wine then i normally do, hah? not including the fact it's 15%! 15%! how do australians stay upright? oh, scottie 2 hottie has a cigarette burn on his hand or leprosy!

Last edited by na§tee : 02-13-2007 at 05:46 PM. Reason: more leprosy plz.
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