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Old 08-14-2007, 06:45 PM
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ms.peachy ms.peachy is offline
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Default Re: Do women masturbate to Playgirl?

Well I've not looked at a Playgirl recently, as in, not for probably well over a decade, but I did buy it on occasion when I was a single gal in my early 20's. This being back in the olden days before the internet brought naked people straight into your home without you having to go to the newstand or the back room at the video rental place, you see. I don't know that I would say I masturbated "to" it, in the sense that, it's not like I sat there flipping my happy switch whilst looking at the pics; more like, I used it as raw material for fantasy fodder. For example, let's say, there's a spread of some shots of a fit young fellow named, oh, let's call him Fernando. So I peruse my magazine, admire Fernando's considerable assets, la dee da. Then later on, or the next day, or whatever, I might find myself thinking, "Hmmm, I could do with a bit of Fernando about now", and follow that train of thought wherever it may lead.

Like that.
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