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Old 10-18-2007, 03:32 PM
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RaZoRbLaDe KiSs RaZoRbLaDe KiSs is offline
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Default Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood View Post
because it's stupid to pay that much for a t-shirt, especially a stooges one. and if you don't know why, then you can't be helped.

and it's ragSTOCK, razor. also the Alley and Ragstock are not downtown. they're right down the street from me at this very moment. I'm know I'm kind of being a bitch, but I'm just trying to help you. the Alley is pretty much a joke, everyone here knows that tourists and suburbanites...and I suppose goths and industrial dorks are the only ones who go there. (unless you're looking for halloween stuffs).

you just seem like a creative person and I've seen your different styles over the years and it's really just an obvious progression. I understand you can like those bands and be really into them...but diving so deep so fast into dressing "punk" basically makes you a poser...especially since like a year ago you were totally into ted nugent. I just think you should make your own way instead of buying stupid crap at hot topic.

ahhh, sorry, I'm just really touchy about this subject. punk is fascinating, it really is, when I was a kid in the 80's, my older step-sister was punk, she had pink hair and chucks, yadda yadda. I loved it. but you know, even after all the hot topics were built, it was still kinda fun...but now fucking burberry has studded belts and leather jackets, it's time to stop now.

you should just go ahead and start getting into hardcore. that's what comes next.
"Downtown" to me does not necessarily mean the drive or the magnificent mile - Im talking about the whole Chicago area. I know where both the Alley and ragSTOCK are.(I looked it up online and it said whatever I put down on google maps. I wasnt even sure what the name of the store was and had a hard time finding it because no one remembered where it was but I know it was near the Alley/Wrigleyville.)

I've been to the Alley once and didnt buy anything. They've got too much metal/goth rock shit for my taste but I did see a Run DMC tshirt I wanted there, hence the reason for me wanting to go back.

I have had a really big array of styles over the years, but Im not "jumping" into the sex pistols.. I've been into them for a long time. My cousin got me listening to Punk when I was 11 years old but I started off with Anti-Flag, Misfits, Pennywise, etc, and just got into the sex pistols, ramones, iggy, buzzcocks, etc.. a few years ago. I have Nevermind the Bullocks and God save the queen on CD, and I've had them for years, so I dont see how im "jumping into" them, or the punk scene, since punk is pretty much one of the first types of music I remember listening to besides oldies, and 70's/80's rock.

Dont judge me on my age. Im a stupid kid, but im a lot more educated, especially music wise, then most of the little mouth breeders running around today.

I dont catergorize myself as "punk". I hate people who fucking catergorize. One day I dress in all black, the next day I dress like a prep, and the next day I'll rock a hoodie with a ghetto blaster on it, and a Easy E shirt. I just like a TON of music in general and im not a close minded idiot who limits thier self to being one "style" or "catergory". Catergories are for eleventeen year olds. They've never been my thing.

So are you trying to say that I cant POSSIBLY like Ted Nugent, the Sex Pistols, The Beastie Boys/the trillion other bands I like at the moment - all at the same time??? Right.. like I siad. It doesnt work like that for me. Music is my thing. I like everything. Just because I say "Oh man I really really love this band!" at the moment - doesnt mean I dont like other bands too. Me liking Ted Nugent a year ago has nothing to do with me liking punk. Thats just stupid. Wtf does Nugent have to do with this anyways?

Just because people are like "Oh he sucks" doesnt mean im going to stop liking him, or any other band they say that about for that matter. If you think im that big of an idiot please.. you can get yo big..

I dont shop at Hot Topic. I havent shopped at Hot Topic in years. I got a gift card for that store two Christmas's ago, and I JUST used it now on my Misfits shirt. But I guess I cant like them right now, seeing as how Im obsessed with the sex pistols.. I guess I should turn off Alanis Morisette right now too.

Do you know me at all? I really dont think so. I love how you assume that im just jumping right into this. Like I just thought "hey im gonna like the sex pistols and punk today! yeah!" Not really.. I've been into the scene for a long time. Were you not around when I was posting pictures of myself with purple hair and studs and all that shit?? If anything I've mellowed myself out.

Im not going to start ripping up my clothes and liberty spiking my hair because of sex pistols or the punk scene. I like a couple of bands. Im not a fucking zombie idiot - for the love of christ!

Originally Posted by hpdrifter View Post
Who cares where she wants to shop or how she wants to dress.

I think its great that she's exploring. How's she supposed to know what her style is without trying different things?

When I was her age I didn't have that self-awareness or adventurousness. I just wanted to look like everyone else. Sad but true.
Hallejuler!! <3

Originally Posted by MIKEtotheD View Post
Haha that would be sick.
Awesome; I Fuckin' Skipped That Exam And Now I'm A Hobo.

Last edited by RaZoRbLaDe KiSs : 10-18-2007 at 04:19 PM.
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