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Old 10-19-2007, 12:31 AM
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Default Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by RaZoRbLaDe KiSs View Post
You gotta give some of us kids respect. I understand that theres a buncha brainless tards out there these days that say "like zomg! i like, totally love brittney spears and hollister, and like omg do you want some starbucks!? tee hee! soulja boy! yeah!"
but im NOT one of them. Im not THAT young... okay maybe a bit. Im 18! I've been around for a WHILE! lol not to mention I was brought up as a 80's rock kid into 70's punk/disco/easy listening, 60's hippy shit, 50's rat pack... I am diverse. Tis a good way to live.

And I say you rock the shit outta those earmuffs
Don't you think it's a tiny bit ignorant to label anyone who enjoys Ms Spear's music as a"braindead tard"?

You expouse your love of music at great length, and say you're a tolerant and open minded person, yet believe that people who enjoy aspects of popular culture aren't as worthy as you because you know where Iggy bloody Pop is from?

THIS is why 'kids' don't deserve a higher level of respect. You'll crack the shits when someone barely hints your supposed lack of musical knowledge and defend they way you dress and your musical taste vehmenently - which is all very amusing - but this also shows you up as everything you claim not to be.

Carry on.
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