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Old 12-03-2007, 04:25 AM
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Default Re: 2008 Resolutions Thread!

Originally Posted by hitmonlee View Post
what load of shit, people can't bear to quit smoking or whatever it is they want to do so they promise that they will do it on new years and they never do and then they "resolve" to do it again the next year.

if you have resolved something in your head you should start now, not on new years, you might have changed your mind by then.
I don't agree. Life gets a bit hectic around the holidays - there are social events, family obligations, things at work get all screwy because people are taking holiday time and there's less work time anyway because of the end-of-December time off so for many there's a greater sense of urgency about reaching deadlines, or for students, there are exams... I feel like, it's totally fine to let that whole swirling mass spin itself out like a storm, and approach your goals fresh from the start of the New Year, because January and February are long, cold, dark months where not much happens - it's the perfect time to focus inwards and assess your own priorities.

And if you change your mind on 5 Jan about something you had set as a resolution, then so what? It's your life, you're allowed to say "actually maybe this isn't as important to me as I first thought."

Personally I don't set a laundry list of resolutions, I just try to identify maybe one or two things that I think would improve the quality of my life and see how I can go about making that happen. If it's something that's practical to start straight away then I will (as I have done this year, a few weeks ago), but if I just go "aaaaaargh, can't be doing with that just right now" then it can wait.
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